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Books #129
Is this the most underrated work in modern history? It has fundamentally changed how I view the world...
Itt we summarize books poorly
Are Ted Kaczynski's works worth reading? I've been seeing the name Kaczynski pop up more recently
ITT: Literature you'd like to see made into a film or a Netflix original series
Nihilism no longer wears the dark, Wagnerian, Spenglerian, fuliginous colors of the end
How did one fucking video game manage to successfully adapt Lovecraft
The absolute state of this board reflects the state of modernity...
Take the blackpill
Lefty lit
Let's make a new Dark/Disturbing chart, part 3!
Why is modern literature so terrible?
How can the books on the nobel prize can be so shitty?
What do you read to stop wanting to be the one on the right and instead want to be the one on the left?
How do I cope with knowing that mere decades from now self-learning AIs will write novels far greater than anything...
Why equality?
Hatred of music
Why women read mostly shit tier books?
Is he serious, Yea Forums ?
What was going through his mind, Yea Forums?
Buy my shirt, bucko
Explain to me why having a library of printed books isn't useless?
What kind of things you guys like to do, besides read books?
I have have no personality and no passions. I've read so many boring pseudy books for the pseud cred...
Post your old testament and your new testament
Is this true, Yea Forums?
"You'll want kids when you're older"
How come socialists are always dumpy losers who act like the most morally superior dipshits...
What are some books that seriously tackle nihlism?
What are some instances where the self-insert isn't perceived as originally intended by the author?
What books would bring and/or discuss at your first date?
What do we think of Steven King, more specifically his recent foray into literary criticism?
Is hegel really the most difficult author to understand?
Thoughts on this?
Why do people in bookstores feel this is acceptable?
Underworld or Libra?
Is this worth my precious time?
Animorphs Thread
I start my psychiatry residency in July. What books would you recommend I read before then?
Ok so I started on this piece of shit and it reads like a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings of a fedora tipper...
/write/ general
Was he wrong about anything or was he right about everything?
If you read books on a screen you do not deserve to call yourself a reader...
Read Marx
Peter is blackpilled as fuck
Is it just me or is it likely that this hack lied about his Intelligence Quotient being over 150 (SD 15 I assume)?...
Anyone read this?
You travel to the 1500's, and you can bring only FIVE books. which ones do you choose?
I'm 22 and I'm just embarking on my first serious relationship(I used to date girls before but I was too depressed to...
Where do I start with this guy?
Someone (not my mom) left a nice review on my book! I'm so happy
Why is the myth of oedipus so important? it makes no sense to me...
Ancient Greek or Latin?
Book with more than 400 pages
What's Yea Forums's diet? What diet to make you smart read and write 20 hours a day?
Who are the best German novelists and poets?
What is the greatest, most influential work of science fiction within the last ten years?
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Brute forcing a belief in god
Black people can't write literatu-
What am I in for Yea Forums...?
Just finished this and hated it. What would you recommend that I read next?
What can one do with a degree in foreign language and literature? Other than teaching?
When did you grow up and realize fiction is for babies?
My favorite book of all time is Amino: A Tale of Self-revenge by Luke Feistamel
How long will it take to learn French to the level that I am able to read In Search of Lost Time?
Why exactly does metaphysical duality occur? I get that it exists...
Anticipates Nietzsche's idea of justice by more than 2000 years
What's some good Kentucky / Appalachian literature?
What is the comfiest work of literature you have ever read?
Tfw you realise that Guenon and the Traditionalists are all just gnostics
Evola on the state of literature
Is there an objective way to evaluate literature/art? Like why can we say Hamlet, The Recognotions...
Is reading a waste of time?
Shits all over christianity and makes a huge boogeyman out of everything minimally related to their values
What am I in for?
How do you not kys after reading this?
Are these any good?
Your experiences of the sublime
Are there any sadder copes than atheists mental gymnastics to pretend that their lives have any meaning...
How to get into Schopenhauer? What to read beforehand?
What's your favorite work of jung?
Why did so many mediocre writers support the atrocities of the leftist republicans in Spain?
Small brain entry into literature
How does this make you feel? Even /sci/ can't come up with a good excuse for this
Aristotle or Plato
Yea Forums I have a close friend who is both an incel and a Platonist...
Obsessed with him right now. Anyone else think his failures are more fascinating than his best?
Body without organs
Any books you really want but getting a copy of them at all costs a ton of money?
The last novel to be considered a “great American novel” was in 1997
How do i write for young girls even though i'm a dude?
All is absolute, nothing is relative
Whats Yea Forums thought on Bakunin and anarchism?
Big success don't let it die
Am I a brainlet for viewing the likes of Butler, Deleuze etc. as just excessively wordy, bourgeoisie garbage?
Why aren't you on Will Self's level?
Was he autistic?
Lets admit it. there's only one question that really matters: Did Jesus Christ actually resurrect from the dead?
What modern writers should be added to the canon™?
I'm gonna read russian writers because i have absolutely no personal taste and heard these guys wrote good things...
Holy allah I need more...
How Yea Forumserary is your city?
Bookshelf thread
Have you all already seen Pewdiepies book review of Platos "The Republic"?
Kant's critique of pure reason is 800 pages long??, What takes 800 pages to elaborate on?...
This place is full of women
Can we get a graphics thread?
What should I read to understand beauty?
Post your favorite movie and get book recs, I'll start
Race realism in academia
Adapting video games into books
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What books will help me understand economics? Also, are these charts good?
What is the main reason that the far left has a much stronger philosophical history/academic presence than the far...
Is it pathetic for grown up man enjoy these books? I've unironically tried to read stuff like Kafka, Camus...
Awful covers thread
Who translated him best?
Starting with him was my biggest mistake. How can I enjoy philosophy now after he demolished everything?
What's the literary equivalent of pic related?
A question to the multilinguals of Yea Forums
The “Dash” in Writing?
So — Peterson may be open to marxism now?
>tfw untranslated french in my dosto
Do you like Stefan Zweig, user? He's a great writer, right? There surely isn't a more comfy place than pre-WW1 Austria...
What's a passage that made you say "based" out loud?
Moby Dick
Are there any insanely long book series that are truly worth reading in their entirety?
Do you own any novelty bookmarks?
What books have had an actually, considerable impact on your waking life?
My novel is currently 1,180 pages
Reminder: The incels are creating a literary renaissance at this very moment
I'm tired of being hateful. I don't want to be a racist misogynist transphobe anymore...
Why do normies like it so much?
These are the wisest people who have ever lived. Discuss
Post Post modernism
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
What do you think of Nietzsche?
What is courage?
Little girls Chart
What's the third pill?
Explain cultural marxism
Please recommend me books
*destroys the western civilization*
Are the gospels objectively good books?
Want to write a book
Novels that would have worked better as short stories
Do you think Harry Potter owes a lot of its appeal to being a Christian allegory / its Christian themes?
How do people read so much? I can read about one book in two weeks
Critique thread?
Tfw used to be a degenerate noughties hipster
Post your favorite hidden gem / underrated book
Why does this man inspire such disgust in me? I haven’t read any of his work...
Who here /wageslave/? ever dream about going to graduate school for your real passions literature and philosophy?
ITT: Post anything other than a book, get a book rec
Reads Nietzsche once
THE BRAIN IS NOT A PROJECTOR, BUT A FUNNEL: brains are void filters, immanence factories...
Are you an intellectual?
That's why Cupid has arrows
Slavoj Zizek vs Jordan Peterson debate gets extreme mainstream attention
Newfag to philosophy here, only been reading fiction. No, I do not want to start with le greeks
Best novelist
What's the literary equivalent of Xavier:RA?
What the fuck does anglo mean in the context of this board am I just expected to know
What exactly is post-modernism?
Mom's bookshelf
I'm going to jump start straight into the Greeks and Romans
Any books about being in love with a fictional character?
ITT: Take something from a book, translate it into Traditional Chinese, then Zulu, then Thai...
Books about how to structure a novel, how to plot...
Is there really no way out of the spectacle? is that why debord uninstalled?
What would you recommend to someone in a mental rut developing a nihilistic world view?
It's time to demand better female representation in books! Who will join me?
Nick Land
How do I find this damn book to download for free? Not on #bookz, not on lib-gen, not on google, not on warosu
Look at him go
Did the Stoics and the Buddhists come to the same conclusions?
Hi lit
I still don't understand how so many scientists can be completely ignorant of philosophy. Stating that it's worthless...
*reads Nieztsche once*
Finally finished this. It was a slog. All the sements about the conflict of Karenin/Anna/Wronski were really great...
Translation is better than original
Books for when you feel in love but you aren't actually in love with anybody?
Are there any philosophical books on social media and how it affects younger generations?
Why do people follow Peterson?
Zizek's most accesible work ?
Books written by/about low IQ people
Explain übermensch to a brainlet pls
Jules Verne
The official clown world lit
Makes absolutely solid children's sci-fi
This is utter shite
Little girls
Literary Theory General
Nigger Thread
What English words rhymes with the Spanish pronunciation of "frijoles?"
Why does the mere existence of Roger Scruton upset the Marxists on this board to the point of acting like a crying Jon...
What can I read that will convince me Christianity isn't a weak religion espousing slave morality and is thus...
*teleports behind gender norms*
Do Philosophers actually read the whole philosophy canon I just finished Aristotle's Collected Works v...
But yet you brainlets complain
We are a god damn laughing stock to all other boards
Lone wanderers traversing hellscapes
Has anyone here read then whole Master and Commander series? How does it hold up?
What are some Yea Forums approved podcasts?
What's the meaning of life?
What do you mean you DONT like Shapespeare?!
Who are the 5 greatest poets of all time?
What does Yea Forums think of Will Self?
What are your thoughts on this book? I really enjoyed the folk politics part
The audience makes this shit completely unwatchable
There is currently a literary renaissance going on
Incel Literature
Is the fact communism is full of trannies depressing any of you guys? starting to think I picked the wrong ideology
Comics can be literature
Umberto Eco
Who was right?
What a boring piece of shit. Why did this guy receive a Nobel prize again?
Eliade actually was great. people who say he's a lightweight guenon or a jung-rehash are retarded
Give me cool rare philosophers that are good and offer decent perspectives of society(so pretty much any of them)...
Are there any realistic depictions of the lives of ugly, low status males?
Which poems do you have memorised? I'm a pleb and even I have Ozymandias...
Why does Yea Forums hate him?
I don't know if it's caused by my stupidity mixed with my shit education, but reading Borges is moderately hard...
Zizek called out again, we need a "real marxist" not this relic who opposes immigration
Do u do ?
Read book
What are you currently reading?
I really want to read guenon but I don't know exactly what he contributed to philosophy and how its applicable now...
Have you ever met a literary girl? What was she like?
What the FUCK is the subjunctive
Sweet reminder that there are no successful arguments against antinatalism
Perfect literature
Wow. What books capture this feeling
Is there any literature that sheds light on the phenomena of transgenderism?
Does anyone else see the irony in Petersonfags refusing to read anything but the one work Marx wrote that was...
How do you cope with the modern world being garbage...
Schopenhauer on nationalism
Write a book one post at a time
Why are textbooks so highly marked up?
6 more months of "ironic" peedurposting
I didn't get it
Russell Brand talking about Foucault and Deleuze on Joe Rogan
Currently sitting in my car, feeling uninspired about life...
Anyone got a book just as good as this one?
Peterson v Zizek debate has reignited Marxism in this board
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn
How can I learn Marxism? So far I've read the Communist Manifesto
Shit tier:
Last 2 digits are how many pages you have to read today
So, in the last year I first became stoic, then nihilist, then I read Nietzsche and became a Übermensch...
Thoughts on Svetlana Alexievich?
I've been playing a lot of Europa Universalis recently and the feeling of history unfolding before your eyes is very...
Gracum est, non legitur
Post The Best Philosophy & Genre Combos
This is a dangerously depressing book. Every copy of it should be burned and it should never published again...
I'm trying to get my 14yo nephew into reading (he just plays vidya and uses social media all day)
Communism but with slaves
*Shoves you into locker*
T-trust me guys, capitalism will crash and burn... any day now
Recommend me please some good books on dealing with anxiety, improving self-esteem and leaving with harmony with itself
You should be moral
Autodidact literature
Was anyone else duped by people like JP that Marxism and Communism implies an "equality of outcome"...
Why are there no books that reflect the incel experience, besides Whatever? Asking for a friend
How come there have been no great philosophical works in the last 40-50 years...
He says degeneracy and the loss of traditional values stem from capitalism. Any books that verse on this topic?
"What God creates, Man can destroy"
How am I supposed to write dialogue if i'm socially retarded...
I want to have the most contrarian fringe opinions possible, what books should I read?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Many people don't like being proven wrong. It's almost painful, and this is why so many people get upset...
Reminder: Will Self made Slavoj Žižek look like a fool
Two rivals team up to combat greater evil
Books that explain sociologically what an American is?
It can't be long now before his anti political correctness stance gets him labelled a closet alt-right sympathizer...
Thoughts on Russell?
How far can Buddhism help to release me from earthly desires?
Are song lyrics literature?
Books are a 4/5
Why is Christian theology so based/redpilled?
Okay the debate convinced me to read him...
What are books I'll regret not reading?
Give me the quick rundown on accelerationism. Which books do I read?
Could he beat Zizek?
Why is Peterson and others of the Intellectual Dork Web considered a """reactionary""" when he just believes in the...
Pieces of story and memory slowly fit together
ITT: The author's superior novel
Where do I start with Carlyle?
Go on Yea Forums, prove to me you’re not a drone...
When will I grow up out of the Nietzschean phase? Because... it is a phase... right guys?
Is the "a very short introduction" series good for learning philosophy?
Joyce is the greatest novelist
What did James Joyce mean by this?
What I'm in for?
Which book of the Bible is most Yea Forums and why?
Spinoza's ethics
Zizek vs. Peterson Meme Thread
What is the closest equivalent of the word "based" from the common lexicon. I'd say it's TOUGH
This entire debate was just clickbait bullshit...
Was plato gay or was he just memeing? cause he seems pretty gay
Holy shit, my fucking sides
So basically yeah I'm not even a Marxist, just go read reactionary Christians like Hegel and GK Chesterton
Is physiognomy real?
The guardian calls out the zizek-peterson debate...
/write/ general
What is art?
Are there any authors similar to Evola out there...
How the fuck do you read poetry
Evola studied engineering in Rome...
What steps are you taking to flourish your writer/intellectual aesthetic?
How does it feel to be a total phony? Everyone on this board is a useless pseud...
He bends the corners of the pages
Who is he and how many drugs has he taken
The 'ubermensch' is just a nihilist who lies to himself
Economic Yea Forumserature
Anybody else thrown his books away after last night? if you can't even put peterson in his place you are worthless
So what is actually wrong with nihilism...
Stack Thread
Guys, I'm going to debate someone about Marxism...
ITT: times pseuds got exposed
George RR Martin working on a video game
Thoughts on Brave New World?
Reading marx
Why isn't his answer about Marxism enough?
Dialectical materialism
Should I read all four of them? Just Rabbit Run? Just Run and Redux?
Can zizek beat the final boss?
Where do you get this that Marxism strives for an egalitarian utopia...
So. Who won?
Why haven't you written your book/novel, Yea Forums? What possible excuse do you give yourself to not write?
Listen to the Peterson vs Zizek debate after reading endless posts about it slobbing on Zizek's knob
What are some good books for bloomers?
What are the definitive critiques of Marxism from a scientific (economic, mainly) point of view?
Neofuture arrives from China
Why does Peterson not have a single clue of what he is talking about? Not just with regards to philosophy, history...
Post your currently reading stack boys
ITT: Artificial Intelligence Thread
Peterson thinks Marx linked class struggle only to capitalism because of the Manifesto
ITT: Yea Forums approved Youtubers
How is Yea Forums celebrating 4/20?
Women have a right to be strippers
I'm 100 pages in. The prose is so good but the """""story""""" is so bad holy shit...
Rereads communist manifesto
What to read now?
Great things about the Qur'an
Did Zizek even support marxism or did he just come here to btfo out of peterson
Is it wrong to sympathize with a character who is a bad person?
/g/ has several guides on self teaching yourself a CS degree
What books can I read to better understand the "trannification" of the youth?
Literally HOW did he drop the ball so hard? I didn't expect much but wow...
What are some books, essays, thinkers that expound upon the phenomenon observed in pic related. That is...
What is it that makes truly good prose?
Where do I start with Mark Fisher?
ITT: We paste AI made literature
If you could pick one novel to teach to each grade level of high school English, which books would you pick?
Zizek vs Peterson meetup
Zizek Victory Thread
Previous book owner is highlighting things that are useless to the meaning of a passage
Zizek vs Peterson debate
It's over boys, he lost, communism is dead, fuck my life
Do not dare criticize my slavoj if you haven’t read it
Name ONE (1):
What’s on your mind
Nezahualcoyotl (Hungry Coyote)
Is this the Chomsky vs Foucault of the 21st century?
Hey Yea Forums are we having a meetup at this thing?
What did Mishima mean by saying ethics and aesthetics are the same thing?
He reads atheist """literature"""
Unshakeable feeling that I've seen it all
What are some books on the history of propaganda?
What's the consensus on this? Does it blow Tolkien the fuck out?
What do you have to say to this Yea Forums?
What is a novel that would describe me women's thought process?
How many pages have you read this week
Is Žižek vs Peterson going to be better than Foucault vs Chomsky?
Why do retards believe inaction is action?
ITT celebrities who post on Yea Forums
Recent purchases
Any books to help me from ending it all?
As one of his reasons for writing in french (rather than english) beckett said that he liked not having to write with...
When is the end? I hate to relapse on this particular but when is the revolutionary or the big change coming...
Why can the Bible (the literal word of God) be translated to modern English but not Shakespeare...
1 perma ban please!
The Frankfurt School
ITT : We write the Peterson Zizek debate line by line
What is the best morning routine for a fresh Yea Forums mindset?
Census 2019
Morality is relative
Śaṅkarācārya is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers of the world and a realised saint...
Thoughts on Baudrillard?
/our crank/ Rene Girard was namedropped in a pro-Trump op-ed today in the NYT
/Peterson vs. Zizek/ OFFICIAL
Is being a good person an act of hedonism?
Look at him
Read Waiting For Godot on acid
Write a 3000 word essay on Shinji and Asuka
Whats Yea Forums thought on literature about getting laid?
Liking a 1...
Redpill me on David vs Goliath
What do you think he's doing right now? For some reason I'm really curious about that ever since he left his startup
Post your profile, friend me and each other, rate, hate, debate, etc
Anyone read this?
Why is it
The most influential debate of the decade will be happening today, who's going to win?
Tonight is Peterson vs Zizek, Jung vs. Lacan, Kant vs. Hegel
Do you have an ulterior motive behind your reading habit?
What youtubers do you watch lit ?
Books on the negrification of American and in turn western culture?
What study BFTO reductionism and scientism best?
>Beginner fantasy writter
A site were intelligent perfectionists debate each other until it turns into pure autism and insults
I have a french gf what are some phrases in french that will get her wet or at least impress her
Well, do you agree with DFW here?
Critique this?
Which of these intellectual titans would win in a debate?
Write a poem that is only one line
Wonderful Everyday: Diskontinuierliches Dasein
Where is the cheapest place in the world to focus on writing
Good poetry
Is postmodernism a fraud?
I cant stand veneration of Greek-Roman culture in this day and age because its usually backed up by loaded nonsense by...
Currently Reading Thread. What are you working through?
Write a passage of this mans odyssey
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
1984 vs brave new world
How can I compensate for never having been to a British public school?
Greetings from the void
How are you holding up Yea Forums
Manga Thread
Hey Yea Forums I started a thread late the other night and didn't get many replies, so lets try again
Just got this. What stories do you recommend?
Gene Wolfe Book of New Sun Book Club
Is the mind physical? Is it like a computer? Can it be modeled and computed...
In Western Lit 101, we're on the Gospels
Hauntology and Retrofuturism
What am I in for?
Is this an accurate depiction of the literature of the various churches?
Deuwhat? Deuleuze
Be told "show don't tell" all my life
Poetry thread
How to pynch
He reads aloud in his head
Got bullied by STEM Chads for reading philosophy in public again
Great things about the Qur'an
Tfw right wing but find myself completely agreeing with Marxist critiques of capitalism and modernity
What's the name for the writing artifact where you put the "thing" before the other thing?
What will happen to the world when AI takes over and most people are left jobless? Will we have real communism...
What's the oldest novel you've read?
Have a date tomorrow with my friend who is incredibly patrician, she loves Melville, Chaucer, Hawthorne...
Theres no inherent reason to value a kid life over the life of grow adult
Why is the Bible so godawfully written? Had they even tried? I can't read this shit, it's the purest torture!
The Upanishads
Barcelona school removes 200 sexist children's books
Meanwhile on r/philosophy
I want to write stories
[Game Thread] Peterson VS Zizek
C.G Jung's observations concerning Americans:
Why are her books criticized for being nothing more than political soapbox rants...
Female author writes book
On the benefits of reading:
The Great Debate
Current reads?
Now that the dust has settled what is Yea Forumss opinion on pic related?
Chart Thread
Trust me, this book only makes you unhappy in practical life, not the contrary
BIG eReaders
Which language is the best for poetry?
The real Notes from Underground were the shit-stained pages of this book after I wiped my ass with them and flushed...
That Heidegger can help us with is to understand the way of thinking that has become predominant in the West...
Why does everyone write in the same way now?
How can one man be so based
Post an image, get a book reccomendation
What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
Is it even possible to be a great writer if you've never been to war...
I just believe there is a will in the universe, a will that prefers existance over nothingness. I obey this will...
Why didn't he move to the middle east if he liked islam so much?
Music thread?
Books that will make me hate women?
Has literature ever made you cry?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Is there an objective way to view an art work? Can an art work be objectively better than another art work? For example...
How are these books to read? Does it change from character to character every 1 minute like the tv show...
Why do Fantasy fans review books like this?
Tedfags BTFO
Penguin Covers thread
D.H. Lawrence
How do I remove the smell of cigarettes from books I get from used book stores?
What causes alienation? When I was younger, I felt it persistently. As I got older, it faded...
Will human immortality render philosophy obsolete?
This is the greatest American author to have ever lived. Say something nice about him
What are some Yea Forumserary tattoos? I'm thinking about getting pic related
Anyone here exhausted with philosophy...
Read a book on capitalism
Kafka General
My blog
Incel repellent
How does Yea Forums feel about reading in public/in restaurants/on the train...
ITT: Books you will never read
No one's actually read Don Quixote, right?
Anyone started this/planning on getting it?
What does Yea Forums think of Badiou?
What is some literature pertaining to voluntarily living a life of celibacy?
Can someone explain this to a brainlet
What the fuck do I read to get over nihilism and the whole "nothing matters" shtick?
Books for the honkler?
What do you do after a humiliation? How do you deal with the lump of pain that prevents you from focusing on anything...
Why dont more people read more classics I have never been let down by a classic
The go to book for gothic restoration literary fiction. If not the only one probably
The Greeks
Espionage fiction
/crit/ - Critique thread:
Please help Yea Forums. I have only recently taken to reading as I hated being forced to read growing up...
Future philosophy
Nobody on lit has ever read a book on this
Western civilization is nearly over
/write/ general
95,000 word essay due in 30 minutes
Books about dating
Its a Levin's farm chapter
It's out
Why haven't you taken the mysticpill yet Yea Forums?
The real idiot is the person who bought this shit book, the greater idiot is the one who actualy slugged through it
I read a lot of Evola, Stirner, and Dostoevsky...
Why haven’t you read it, yet?
So Capital = Matrix ?
This is the greatest poet to have ever lived. Say something nice about him
What exactly is wrong with pop-science?
PSA: book-burnings are now WOKE
ITT: Worst books you have ever read
Post a picture get a book rec
Books to stay motivated and find the strength necessary to succeed at NoFap?
Why does this board dislike English Yea Forums so much...
Suggestions for books or essays that either argue for or against late term abortions (third trimester-until birth) as I...
Dreams thread
Is Satan from the bible and Allah from the Quran the same entity?
Fun but easy philosophy book to read?
Go back to >>>/r/eddit
Self-auto-ego-didactical problems
Just finished his manifesto, any recommended secondary literature?
What does Yea Forums think about writing in a language other than your mother tongue
What magazines does Yea Forums read?
I finished Infinite Jest a week ago.Am i ready for it?
Such, however, is the case with many men of learning: they have read themselves stupid...
Based Pynchon
Anime is a superior artistic medium to literature, this is why...
Why do women love Harry Potter so much?
19 And (unto man): O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden and eat from whence ye will...
Are serial killers ubermensch?
Why do cityfags read and walk in public at the same time?
Credible books that argue against evolution, please
This book was good
Does Yea Forums visualize characters in prose?
I'm going to jump start straight into the Greeks and Romans
I bought a Rider deck without knowing shit about tarot. Are there any good books about it for beginners...
*shuffles deck* damn wypipo and their literature
Decide how my favorite character will die
Nietzsche on Islam, from "The Antichrist"
Am I crazy to think the goal of humanity is to use genetic and cybernetic engineering to transcend into a perfect state...
Writing With Music
Is it immoral to steal a library book? I want this book and it costs like 70 bucks...
What are books that do the 'multiple different plot threads all coming together at the end' well?
What's your favorite word?
Marriage, celibacy, and degeneracy
Refute him
ITT: Philosophers you skipped
I've just been diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera...
Any other book similar to this?
Papa Hemingway Appreciation Thread
New to books...
Why are the French so fucking based?
Should drugs be legal?
Why are the Austrians so based?
What the fuck
Why has there been no novelty in aesthetics or anything revolutionary in literature or really any art form within the...
The contents of every philosophy book can be explained in a handful of sentences
Is this a good introduction to norse mythology?
Did you guys like this? I really liked the characters...
Which non fiction has the best prose?
Mark fisher
Is there any good philosophical literature on the neoliberal phenomenon?
ITT: Post contemporary African-American literature
What book would you recommend to him?
I just received an email that I won a literary award for a short story I wrote, and I can't contianmy happiness
Could you unironically cite this as a source for an essay?
Is art dying? It seems that the amount of great literature, fillms, music, anime, etc being released is decreasing...
What is the great filter Yea Forums?
What's your ratio of fiction to non-fiction books
Who was wrong here?
Hey Yea Forums, how do I get a friend who only reads history/politics into sci fi and fantasy more
I see a lot of hate online for this one. I just finished it and loved it. What did Yea Forums think?
What are the best books about stoicism
Wrote a short story and put it on Amazon to see if it can make some passive cash...
ITT: Post authors whose ideas have never been refuted
You aren't real, and no matter how hard you try to construct a "self" out of the books you like...
I've seen a lot of shit covers for classics, but what are your favorites? I quite like this one
Learn Japanese
Female attempts to write
TFW when you convert to Buddhism as a white man
ITT: list the next books you're going to buy, others convince you not to
Is he really the best modern poet
”Radagast the Brown!” laughed Saruman, and he no longer concealed his scorn...
Write your most heart wrenching passage based off of this image
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
ITT: Books you couldn’t get through without losing interest
What if we drag a Simpson episode for like 800 pages dude
How many pages did everyone read today?
Ayn rand
ITT: anti freemasonic and jewish-bolshevik literature
Whom of the two, is the correct answer?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Should i just off myself
What's so mindblowing about this guy?
Is it fair for newer, more diverse authors to have to compete on the marketplace with established, dead white men?
Has this become the most heart wrenching book of all time?
Who are the best singers/songwriters who have tried to mix music with poetry
Best non-duality lit?
What does Yea Forums think of Isabelle Stengers, Bruno Latour, and Ilya Prigogine?
It wasn't that good
God isnt rea
Let's make a new Dark/Disturbing chart!
Can we separate the man from his work?
“Decolonizing the Classics”
Writing prompt
Who did it better than Burroughs?
RIP Gene Wolfe
Are writers more mentally ill on average? Such as mood disorders, anxiety, depression, or mild psychopathy...
Why does it feel like this guy was the J. K. Rowling/Dan Brown/Stephen King of his time?
he has ever paid for an ebook
If a stoic were working for a company, would he seek a raise or a transfer to a better company...
Is there any good fantasy literature out there? Please don't mention A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of Time
Just broke up with my gf and all i feel is apathy and emptiness...
What are some books that help explain the appeal of popular contemporary art...
How is your philosophy lecture going ?
Why are the book clubs at all my local bookstores only feminist or socialist meetups?
Tfw born left handed
Where all the female philosophers at?
Does anyone else here not really read any fiction? Or maybe only a bit?
Your top 3 deepest books?
What did he foresee that made him kill himself?
"Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!" Thus spake Zarathustra
Are the traditional themes and structures in poetry just dead?
Determinism? No, I'm not a cuck of the universe
What is the Truth?
What translation should I read, friends?
What version of LOTR should I buy?
Books to understand the psyche of the homosexual?
Authors of Yea Forums, how do you gain popularity?
Horror recommendations
Authors on other authors
How do you pronounce his name, again?
Why isnt anyone doing anything big or radical in philosophy or even literature today...
The Right Side of History
Now, I'm being serious, I don't want some anime shitpost thread...
How are you guys preparing for the greatest debate of all time with the two master intellectuals of the decade?
ITT: Share your most contrarian literary opinions
Stop having sex altogether
This is the closest we're getting to an Infinite Jest movie, lads
Damn universities
How many pop philosophers talk bullshit and know that they talk bullshit but they also know how they need to play the...
Was the final chapter reasonable?
I just slit my left wrist. i would like some literature that convinces me not to slit my right...
Others like PKD
Anyone here know any entry level music theory or piano books?
Why haven't you adopted a stoic mindset yet?
Will drinking make me a better writer? My mom bought me a bottle of pic related
What translation is considered the best?
What music do you listen to while reading? Pic related
I have seen a phrase thrown around here that 'abstinence drives creativity'
After writing for many years, I've come to accept that I will never succeed. My writing isn't great, I'm uninteresting...
Post an image
Post your short story ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Why am I not as articulate verbally as I am while writing? Its not that I get the luxury of time...
Claims to have understood Nietzsche
Is #nameTheTrait the most profound philosophical argument of our time?
Write whats
Based on her lyrics and aesthetics, what do you think she reads?
Lets have fun!Itt we will right poetry one Line at a time
Is there a reason to learn Afrikaans instead of Dutch? Outside of the former being easier
Short stories > Novels
How many books do you read a year?
How can silly taoist/buddhist faggots even compete?
South Cone Literature?
Stephen King
Space niggers
Redpill me on Alan Watts
What is your most controversial literary opinion?
Is poetry just going to get worse and worse?
Good Catholic Reading
Is chemistry a Yea Forums approved major?
Kill All Normies
Psst user, what book are you checking out?
Do you ever imagine characters of the book you're reading to look like anime characters?
How do you reconcile the teachings of Jesus Christ with the vicious...
I read audiobooks
It's me or Game of Throne is a waste of time ?
Is anyone else too depressed to read regularly?
Isn't any counter-nihilistic approach towards life nothing but just pure cope...
What kind of worldbuilding you guys have, maybe share some ideas/tips
What is the meaning of Catholicism today?
I don't get it
What to read next?
Anyone else read this before? I just finished it yesterday, never seen anyone talk about it here
Was only watching movies and TV shows
Books of maxims
Shy but Cute Boys
Only angloids (monolingual) prefer this fraud. Everyone else knows Dante is superior...
What are some good books that help you cope with the deprivation of female warmth and love?
H-he's wrong right? Why can't I prove him wrong?
Faith is not only superior to reason but it is what holds reason to have any validity...
Stop ignoring the Absolute
Hello friends and brothers. Might we have a thread on Buddhist literature to expand our horizons on this great...
Gentlemen anons, what books do you suggest to get me out of the bluepilled intellectual sphere...
Buddhism Revised Chart
How can one man be so BASED?
Have read schopenhauer
Best Paperbacks
Books about people who realize they've wasted their youth and want to make a change
Do you prefer reading books that affirm your world view, or ones that challenge it?
I'm going to read Kaufmann's Pocket Nietzche, but I'm curious if there's any recommended reading beforehand?
Haruki Murakami
You are only what you do
This any good?
I’m cringing at you retards
What other hobbies do you have besides reading?
Who was the most influential writer of the 20th century?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
He's right, isn't he?
Hey niggers I wanna start reading
I have completely lost interest with all modern politics and everything related to them...
What a time to be alive
A big part of his supposed genius was commonplace back then...
/write/ general
What do you think of her body of work?
Let's settle this for once:
Mfw there's a specialized right wing library in my city and I can buy works by Junger, Barres and Drieu la Rochelle
ITT: People who lived their word
Why this shit is a best seller again?
Lit memes thread
Disproves modernity
ITT: Ugliest covers ever
Is E M P A T H Y the strongest bases and motivation a person can use for moral compass and guideline to become his...
What would you do if you bump into him?
Reading 100 books in a year
Do all gays have such violent fantasies?
What is the link between accelerationism and NRx (neoreactionary movement)?
Lenin had introduced a mixed economy, commonly referred to as the New Economic Policy...
Have been thinking of writing a fantasy book or at least a small story...
Have you read David Foster Wallace's novel Infinite Jest?
Yea Forums reads The Iliad and The Odyssey
Let's show the world that kindness is infectious. We can change the world through kind words. You are a lovely person...
Language is a flawed way of communicating abstractions, creating all these abstract problems...
Tfw just placed an order for $276 worth of books on Amazon despite having a backlog of some 40 or so unread books that...
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @