Western civilization is nearly over

Western civilization is nearly over.
The great flood is coming, only this time the "flood" will wipe the genetic slate clean and DNA like yours and ours will be swiriling around the toilet for one final flush just as it should.

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we need a new beat generation. any writers in their footsteps?

God,i hope so

me :)

HONK HONK watch out faggots 2019 is the year of the clown!

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you're gonna forget this meme in a week from now

It's been around since 2018 you normalfaggot

this doesnt change the validity of what i said at all you stupid poo poo head.


>poo poo head

psyop meme

Gettin there. I'm still catching up on my orgone accumulation and constructing a Dream Machine. Also, no dope for me, thanks. And, I don't travel much.

It's Nine Angles shit


unironically based. Notre dame is the relic of a bygone europe we need new buildings for a new age.

Yeah, like more mosques!

>Western civilization
"western civilization" was never a thing you silly larper

Why do you give a shit about your DNA? You'll be dead

Was it arson?

...yes? I mean 1/10th of France population are immigrants and a large majority of them are muslims from sub saharan africa. We need to accommodate the new race of French to reaffirm our commitment to inclusion. It's the least we could do after like 200 years of colonization and theft.

I wanna fuck this guy

As a jewish man I couldn't agree more. In fact we should ethnically cleanse the old french to make room for the new french, after all it's a drop in the bucket compared to what us whites have done.

for leftists the ideal 'muslim' is an obese blue-bearded genderqueer hijabi 'sex worker' who takes 23840842 every night. the problem is not leftists, wanting 'diversity', but leftists wanting to reduce all humanity into an homogenous mass of consumers devoid of all identity. Leftists celebrate the burning of notre dame because they are unable to comprehend anything except through the lens of pop culture and identity politics. They are deconstructionists when its convenient but hardcore naive essentialists when it comes to the identities of their 'marginalised' pets and leftist dogmas. I like bringing up 'cultural marxism' because it pisses all the right people off.

what else there is to give a shit about? no religion, no culture, no sense of continuity, only enforced consumeristic hedonism, a managed decline, a slow march to oblivion led by brain dead deracinated managerial elites who tolerate no deviation from the party line and think reading anything but 'diverse' YA and comic books its in itself suspect and probably white supremacist. I'm not going to take muh nihilism, smoke weed, watch porn and stream rick and morty until you die, for an answer, so don't you even try Mr. Redditor.See, I can sympathise with the soviet union, the rather promethean idea of the worker as creator of its own reality, see also Guy Debord and the situationist international, they wanted to burn down notredame and replace it with a psychedelic pleasure palace for ubermenschen, its telling leftists have given up this idea, replaced the worker with the victim. Victims don't want to take down the system, they just want to speak to the manager, they want to be told they are good people, they want pills that make the bad feelings go away, they just, you know, want to be a kid again, enjoy their pop culture sludge, talk about 'punching nazis'. Sorry but all the creative energy has shifted over to the right, more precisely, the far right.

OH I remember this faggot. this was the guy that did a whole bunch of drugs and VLOGed it like a faggot and then LARPed as satanist? cringe. and then went back on it when he decided he wanted to be a trump supporter or something.

This is the extent of the alt right intelligentsia

clown forced meme is forced

it still beats the leftist intelligentsia, which by this point is just copypasted walls of 2012 tumblr jargon, managerial buzzwords and ad copy for multinational capital. Is there any original leftist thinker writing today? zizek, doesn't count, he's old enough to be your grandpa.

nick land

>nick land
To what extent? Is leftism anti-humanism?
Unless this was a meme response, open up why his ideas have a leftist leaning.

great post

pretty based post


Everyone knows he is secretly a communist who thinks the accelerationism will lead to it

you must be 18+ to post

Source? Didn't think so. Get lost

kys faggot. the beats are trash, and so is your needy, intellectually lazy ass.

No. The strong will survive. Anything non white, including slightly tanned, will be exterminated in designated Aryan territories

>Nick Land: Okay, that’s great. That’s really… This has been great fun, Justin. Best of luck. I would even go as far as “best of luck” with your communist blockchain, as long as you’re not looking for an investment.

shut up frogtwitter loser. the beats were the last legitimate american literary movement.

In the 1940s Burroughs liked to use the term “factualist” to describe his political leanings, and his views on the wider world. He dismissed the mysticism and superstition of others while essentially claiming that he was only interested in “facts” – ie he only trusted his own experiences. He viewed factualism as a means of breaking the stranglehold he perceived language to hold over people, and also in freeing himself and others from what he perceived to be the tyranny of liberal politics

>Have you noticed all these fucking Liberals will show their yellow fangs when they think they can get by with it. All Liberals are weaklings, and all weaklings are vindictive, mean and petty.

>The word liberal has come to stand for the most damnable tyranny, a sniveling, mealy-mouthed tyranny of bureaucrats, social workers, psychiatrists and Union officials.

it was willfull neglect by the satanic novus ordo. google sedevacantism.

hh, brother

*honk* *honk*?

The Roman Catholic Church and its successors (protestantism and liberalism) have always been a force for slave morality, killing everything that was originally good in pagan culture. ''it will work this time, we just need a redpilled pope who somehow isn't a pederast'' btw it won't work. if there is anything good about christianity, it's the idea of the kingdom endgame revolution. The coming of the kingdom is always postponed, indefinitely for ever and ever, thus justifying and perpetuating the power of the clergy/nomenklatura/corporate/managerial elite. its all the same. Medieval Europe and the USSR were merely liberalism in slow motion, an imperfect mechanism of Control perfecting itself. fuck that.

Will his relevance ever fade? Burroughs really was the one to do it like none other.


woah damn that's *reads script* based and redpilled bro

wtf does that even mean? and also you are just straight up ignorant if you think this. there’s bo problem with that ignorabcs, it’s just a clear sign of one’s literary juvenilia to have a fascination with the beats. you’re a fucking kid, dude. try to read more rather than watching Daniel Radcliffe and/or James Franco movies.

god damn i had a stroke

burn more churches

the best bizarro fiction writer of all time

Terrible thread. Bunch of /pol/fag tourists talking to themselves about their braindead ideology with their huge fucking cringefest rhetoric that can be spotted by anybody with half a braincell. I seriously hope these posts are satire and this isn't what people actually warp their minds to believe. Or maybe retards will always confidently jump on these type of bandwagons in an attempt at making sense of dynamic world.
>We GoTTa save WeSTErN civilization Guyzz
>dUh WhITe Race iz all dat matters
>Right guyz? Hahaha stopp being cucked haha BASED haha(so brave)
>No I don't actually participate, contribute, study, or expand anything that could be considered part of 'western civilization' neither am I knowledgeable enough about the history of the 'west' past grade school classes and image board infographics to make any claims about it's essence or inherent superior over other people whos history I also know absolutely zero about but gosh darn I gotta save it
I hope you guys know that you're an archtype. This will be hard to hear for some of you because I know you see yourself as a genius free thinkers but you're an interchangable identify created by a containment board. Everybody knows it, everybody laughs. Don't even make it difficult to spot. Please hang yourselves

based bugman

The Greeks would adapt tragedy as comedy. This clown world thing is hardly new

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i don't really like /pol/ but they're not really wrong in saying that the west (whatever that may mean) is racing toward imminent destruction

But their reasoning behind it is insane. They think you can fix every problem just by deporting people based on race

>they're not really wrong in saying that the west (whatever that may mean) is racing toward imminent destruction

the world is

>what else there is to give a shit about?...
holy shit my guy stop projecting your depression onto the world. set some goals for yourself, attend a church if that fulfils you, move into the country, grow crops, marry, read literature, write, go fishing, learn piano, do anything that gives meaning to your life. caring about your fucking bloodline and pretending you're in a perpetual struggle trying to keep it alive will just leave you miserable and resentful.
>led by brain dead deracinated managerial elites who tolerate no deviation from the party line and think reading anything but 'diverse' YA and comic books its in itself suspect and probably white supremacist
it's a common fallacy to frame your ideological opposition as the status-quo while viewing yourself as the counter culture. the fact is that those people are on the very extreme left. literature by white people is still omnipresent in every literature syllabus from middle-school to university-level. the most common view on this matter entails ditching exclusionary attitudes and involving all great literature into the canon, no matter the colour and gender of the author.

You can't. we will have to recurr by neccessity to extraordinary and superhuman measures, YEAR ZERO. i'm talking casualties in the dozens of millions in the continental united states, AT LEAST, the wholesale liquidation of entire social segments of the population, the traitors in the government, the journalists, the tv personalities, celebrities, redditors, the razing of NYC and San Francisco, to the ground with requisitioned army horwitzers as to make and example of them, deporting the overeducated to the countryside for re-education, establishment of TOTAL political control by a revolutionary party organisation by any means necessary, including but not limited to political TERROR. America could sure use more men like Commander Rockwell, Reverend Jones, Charlie Manson, good ol Tim McVeigh, Ted K, Koresh, and the columbine boys. I like Pol Pot, it's a real shame he wasn't born white.

Nah, we just need a less profit based society so we can focus on living better lives

why is Yea Forums being raided by o9a? what the fuck sort of stars aligned to let this happen?

>everything will be okay once authoritarian control (which incidentally is an amplified personification of my absentee father) is established and all people I dont like killed off :(

These are the people teaching college courses on ivy league universities, writing opeds for the new york times and running all major cultural institutions. Its undeniable, we are witnessing the takeover of a secular theocracy, a church with its own seminars, its dogmas, inquisition and edicts of excommunication. We need to go on the offensive, now its the time to attack by upholding an estrategic essentialism of the right. muh rational centrist liberal humanists have been bullied into submission, muh anti idpol left are irrelevant and deluded autists on leftyreddit and the establishment right is fucking useless. As a young honkie with an attitude i see no other way than revolutionary fascism and all out war against our enemies