Let's settle this for once:

Let's settle this for once:
What was his endgame?

Attached: Nietzsche.jpg (773x783, 121K)

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Attached: Schopenhauer.jpg (640x320, 49K)

Based and Nonwilled

He has none: he threw the chessboard away and declared victory. Then the referee told him to gtfo and he split all his spaghetti.

people spending all day on the internet calling other people the last man

Anglo autists not welcome

Just read his late stuff. It seems that he was developing a theory of health and decadence or something. I like to imagine that if he had lived long enough he would have discovered tantric texts and go full retard

Whats his best post-GM book in your opinion?


Attached: brainset.jpg (1000x750, 111K)

Ecce Homo is fucking brilliant, with some cringe passages about Zarathustra.

Reminder that a Nietzsche book club is forming. discord.gg/fMJFUwJ


btfo of europe

Is it lit?

Attached: 15280286994837.jpg (721x460, 62K)

yes it is

His mother

What are you guys reading right now?

the server was just made a few hours ago, we are, at this very moment, discussing what to start with

He wanted to unleash the god of delirium and lawlessness. No one can say he did not succeed.

>A declaration of war on the masses by higher men is needed.... A doctrine is needed powerful enough to work as a breeding agent: strengthening the strong, paralyzing and destructive for the world-weary. The annihilation of the humbug called “morality.”... The annihilation of the decaying races.... Dominion over the earth as a means of producing a higher type.

>That higher Party of Life which would take the greatest of all tasks into its hands, the higher breeding of humanity, including the merciless extermination of everything degenerate and parasitical, would make possible again that excess of life on earth from which the Dionysian state will grow again.

Was he a proto-fascist?

He was right-wing. what even is a fascist?

Are you retarded? The fascists mobilised and exalted the masses, a far call from the amoral aristocraticism Nietzsche was calling for

that is a good, much overlooked point about fascism

Not really

Who was the referee?

Basically might is right, but not merely raw force, Power in the most encompassing way. Like Cyrus the Great.

start with the greeks.

bertrand russell

Extremely hard question.

I think Nietzsche had a plethora of ends, but the most prominent and recurring is speaking to individuals with "chaos in their hearts" to make something great of themselves and bend the world to their will or make the world their will.

For example, "Thus spoke Zarathustra" is *literally* Nietzsche trying to speak to troubled minds and troubled hearts using Zarathustra, a type of spiritual guide, as a medium to convey a message of responsibility, self-reliance, master morality, and a very... weird hybrid between cynical nihilism and optimistic nihilism that can be used to look down upon the masses and look up at the potential the individual has to create their own world.

As much as I hate to cite "The Will to Power" due to the conspiracy around the work, this work does the same but is extremely overt about what constitutes "Weak and strong" with a very realistic and pragmatic tone.

"Beyond Good and Evil" (overrated in my honest opinion) is all about wiping the table filled with virtues and morality to the ground in order for individuals to make their *own* morality, which is once again repeated in "Thus spoke Zarathustra"

This may sound like basic existentialism, but I assure you it's not because Nietzsche had a very powerful foundation in realism and emphasizes the importance of living not just passionately; but powerfully because power is one of the few things that actually makes an impact on the world.

tldr; Make your own virtues and values and live accordingly, but make sure you do so with boldness, strength, and passion.

Makes sense his role as referee since he was a cuckold.

>What was his endgame?

To help people find new morals during the death of religion so they didn't turn to Nihilism and be massive fucking faggots listening to radiohead all day talking about how much pain they're in

Western thought peaked with eternal recurrence.

To be a good friend to Will Hunting

To recover Aristotle's rightful place in a world tainted by Cartesian-Kantian-Hegelian filth. Nietzsche was an Aristotelian.

you meant adjudicator. maybe actually learn the game before making dumb chess analogies.