why do normies like it so much?
just finished and i unironically can't get the appeal, there's nothing too special in it
Why do normies like it so much?
agreed, Cat's Cradle is way better
>everything you need is already within you
yeah? what about food and oxygen n shit
i've read his Deadeye dick first, liked it much better.
i think the reddit's reason to like it is partly WOW ALIENS, but aside from that there's nothing notable
it's probably just the first or only Vonnegut book that they read.
> those tattoos
Anyone who geta tattoo is a retard in my eyes, any tattoo whatsoever
2bh i've only seen a handful of fitting, pleasantly looking tattoos, and thousands upon thousands of trashy ones.
i think "fandom"-themed tats are the most retarded thing (after names) thuough
what do you consider good tattoos in that case?
I finished Sirens of Jupiter and thought it was worth it.
the warlord and bokonon were beautiful together
Don't need
That SH5 tattoo is really gay, I’m currently reading it at the moment, it’s not a horrible book it’s just overrated
it's individual.
i like geometrical patterns, pictures with no text or
It's halfway between Loony Tunes and reality, which is memorable enough as a state of mind, if it does make for weirdly forgettable archetypes if in print. (Wile E. Coyote has more peculiarity packed in him than everyone in that book combined.) Maybe it's a normie cope for PTSD? Mine is to luxuriate in wantonly prolonged solitude, with no fucks given to those I ruthlessly ghost. Perhaps that's not so nice, certainly it's not the normal way.
You're full of shit already, user. Everyone on Yea Forums is.
I just started reading Cyrillic, that pic is killing me
i like the appeal of how time is described in it. when i look at it from that perspective, every one i know who's gone now is still okay and happy in some way.
picked it up in high school and it was part of my first intro to postmodernism. ive grown as a reader so i dont care as much about it now but it did kinda have an effect on me.
> [when] you try "the key" - lips, tongue and finger, you'll never want a boy
it's a lesbian prison tattoo (and the text does sound equally weird in the original)
No way cats cradle was trash, it's a book you immediately forget about afther reading.
My exposure to Vonnegut
>Cat's Cradle
Garbage, but ebic ending
Mildly entertaining
I don't know, but Vonnegut is a trash writer for trash people
Good entry-level lit,
Humanistic, interesting blend of magical-realism and science fiction, memorable concepts and quotations, holds the readers hand, fuck Britain!
I've seen him being heralded by the Westerners as one of the greats, so I figured I should read him. His books are absolutely nothing special, forgettable trash. They're not bad to read, but you don't really feel like you've taken away something from them after you read them. It's like an equivalent of fast food that's not even good.
i agree with you then. it feels like a less trashy mass-market prose that's sold in train station kiosks.
They get them because they are masturbation addict scum.
I completed it and only rarely enjoyed it. My 3 friends who were reading it in parallel did not make it past a quarter in.
If you don't consider me a "normie" by virtue of my posting here, then at the very least they are. It is not a very enjoyable novel.
It’s garbage
I agree with this opinion.
I unironically hate Vonnegut and his fans. He is just so... smug and condescending? I can not even explin why I hate him.
If he were a jew that would explain EVERYTHING.
Pynchon is more akin to Looney Tunes ngl
> smug and condescending? I can not even explin why I hate him.
i feel this exact away about King.
i'm a jew btw.
I don't feel that about King, he is diligent and skillful but lacks divine spark and knows that, there is nothing about his works that makes you say whoa.
What is your opinion on Vonnegut?
i've read Deadeye dick and s5, he's okay but not exceptional at all. i'm not planning of reading any more of his works.