Why is modern literature so terrible?

Why is modern literature so terrible?

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Modern readers are shit

You have to understand that the overwhelming majority of literature is complete dogshit. Ulysses was written in a time when most literature was shit just like nowadays. There’s no difference

establishing historical causality is difficult, but I feel pretty certain in saying that it's

You're conflating commercial literature with literary literature

Experience is being streamlined, the sublime is encountered even less often than it used to be and even more so to someone that can hold it long enough to express it

>Why is modern literature so terrible?
nearly everything that is modern is shit

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democratization of knowledge

was also shit.


>Ulysses was written in a time when most literature was shit just like nowadays. There’s no difference
Terrible take, there’s no comparison between now and then. Name me the literary equivalents of James Patterson and Dan Brown from Joyce’s time. The number of grifters today is unprecedented.

based and kaptialpilled

is there anything good left today?

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did some eceleb use this word recently, fucking everywhere suddenly


No, stop feeling superior en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baader–Meinhof_effect

Right now books are just another commercial product. They've become a mass media, and people like to read books as it makes them appear better. So more room for people like social media influencers to write some garbage, people will buy them to be 'inspired' or whatever the fuck

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I am unequivocally superior to you and I imagine you are all copying each other after someone used the word on twitter


t. need to read more

literature has always been terrible, that's the entire point of don quixote

The wrong people are in control of the world. Especially in the west, where they hate our past, they hate our people, they are destroying it.

Pleb view. Of course there was popular literature but literature of the past was generally more elitist and targeted at an audience which was highly educated. Education standards have dropped dramatically. Just open an old book, you'll notice that it is assumed that the reader knows at least Latin and French, sometimes Greek and German. Certainly the bible, ancient myths, Roman history and national poetry. We're also in a dysgenic era, meaning IQ levels are falling fast. Mix that with institutional subversion and corruption which is connected to the aforementioned phenomena and you get shit art from low to high..

I know you do.

if IQ matters why didn't flynn effect give us better literature

this but unironically.
we need national socialism.

I’ve heard the word grifter before
There was that john Cusack movie and Gabriel Byrne kept calling the Jews grifters
Pew die pie or Kanye Kardashian or some eceleb must have used it and now everyone is using it

if you look at the archive it was used about 15 times since the Zizek debate, and then before that about 5 times in 5 months

Whoops Millers Crossing was the movie where Gabriel Byrne kept calling the Jews grifters

Retarded materialist. The reason is spiritual, from a multitude of factors, none of which is economic. Indeed left wing socialism is itself a sign of decadence. The West has entered terminal cultural decline since the early 2000s. Art has become meaningless, repetitive, and commercial; thus great music, film, or literature is no longer possible. Popular music has become repetitive hedonistic trash, film is nothing but repetitive Superhero movies and remakes, and "literature" (it pains me to even use that word to describe the state of modern writing) has become nothing but meaningless novels and propaganda pieces. High art may yet still exist on the fringes of society but it will never reach the forefront of mainstream consciousness again, before fading out entirely. No more great art is possible: the urge to create is still there, but the modern "artist" is like a miner standing in front of an exhausted quarry.

>Popular music has become repetitive hedonistic trash

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do you think classical music is hedonistic trash

>Retarded materialist
>Art has become meaningless, repetitive, and commercial
Commercial you say? No shit? This is what you say to refute it being a matter of capitalism?
You’re a blow hard dude, say less and read more.

do you think classical music is popular music?

Why is the board so shit lately? Seriously this same thread is up everyday you dont think we fucking know? We live day to day in this shitty world just as you do. I go here to escape and be among kin and I get threads like this reminding every day of the shitty world of modernity we live in. Go fuck yourself buddy.

Most have become rightfully forgotten. Heck, you had entire magazines of shit writers called pulp magazines, where only a few handful were worth reading.

Well we can't really measure the quality of literature very well but the Flynn effect is measuring a broader availability of education and more early childhood stimuli or whatever, not an increase in actual cognitive ability largely transitory and more relevant for low IQ households. Raw cognitive ability as can be ascertained for example through reaction time tests has been dropping for almost a hundred years, which is exactly what we should expect when the poor have children and the rich do not.

+of course IQ plays a role. It's relevant for reading comprehension for example. It's relevant for practically everything involving your brain.

There is an argument to be made against modern music as I explained here >>Yea Forums12999249, but the dominant theme of hedonism in popular music has only appeared in the last few decades.
That would not change if the economic system was capitalism or socialism. When I use the word "commercial" I mean it in the sense that art is today made for the sake of making art, not as a means of expressing ones philosophy.

Being paid for their art didn't stop any of the great artists in history you pleb


>That would not change if the economic system was capitalism or socialism. When I use the word "commercial" I mean it in the sense that art is today made for the sake of making art, not as a means of expressing ones philosophy.
Then not only are you using the word improperly (it necessarily implies a financial element), you’re incorrect even in the sense you meant. Without the monetary incentive there would be no James Patterson or his ilk. He writes for the purpose a new yacht.
There’s a difference between making a living and making a fortune. This is common sense. Your IQ is not high enough for this debate.

> >>Yea Forums12999249
well done retard
>it would be the same in socialism
>therefore it's not because of capitalism
>I knew that if I didn't rob your house someone else would
>therefore it's not because of me your house got robbed
non sequitur

>There’s a difference between making a living and making a fortune
Fucking lol at this attempt to avoid the fact that many great artists created their art so that they would have money to live, just as in capitalism

That’s your second totally retarded response in a row, never respond to me again.

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Because modern people lack interior,-- are empty, useless, chaff.

If there's one thing I've learned from arguing on the Internet, it's that there is no arguing with socialists. They have a totally warped view of the world.

You know the guy in your pic, esteemed man of letters Sam Johnson? Guess what he said:
No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money

Lack of priviliged layer of society that has the time, means and influence to publish/write literature

Lack of hardship which breeds creativity

Abundance of modern-day distractions; tv, phones, everything gives distraction which a) kills attention spans needed to write and b) makes people too numb for reading pieces of text longer than a couple of short messages.

People still read, but they read fast, short and digitally.

In order to be succesful these days, a writer must not create 'good' literature, but something that appeals to the masses and popular demographics (teenage women).

Writers that write good literature are dependent on an ever dwindling base of readers, which makes it economically less interesting for both publisher and writer

>IQ being relevant to literature

he specifically differentiated between writing for a living and writing for a fortune and your ingenious refutation was that... people write for a living

it used to be


>gud litrachure must be long and convuluted!!

Writing for money applies to fortune or living

besides which you only care that some rich guy makes bad art because you,re seething with envy. How the fuck does his presence prevent you from making your own art? It doesnt, it has no effect whatsover

Popular music, the compound, which is what one assumes someone is referring to without evidence that they mean the adjective phrase, is by definition not classical music. Kill yourself.

>Writing for money applies to fortune or living
...... no one has or would say otherwise. your third nonsequitur now.

There is absolutely nothing preventing anyone from making art right now under capitalism except their own mediocrity

You cannot name one feature of capitalism that prevented great art from being made in the past

correct, but commercialism allows the works that appeal to the lowest common denominator to predominate, which creates a vicious cycle where the lowest common denominator never graduates above fast food

Not my point, good sir. But I think that we can agree on the fact that the pieces of literature that we here on Yea Forums regard as 'good' is only considered so in small circles, relatively speaking.

No idea who the girl in OP's picture is, but undoubtely she is an example of a popular writer that doesn't write what OP/lit/ considers to be 'good' literature.

Sadly there will alwas (mostly) be a difference between highbrow (less) and lowbrow (more)

why the initial blank line?

Actually no it didn't, it was pretty much only consumed by the 1%
Popular music back in the day was shanties and folk songs, the majority of which were indeed pretty shit

Your logic is fucked. Commercialism allows him to make money off of the lowest common denominator. He tailors his art to the masses, and the masses want shit.

The masses will always want shit because they are shit. Whether the guy making the art is being paid commercially or not, the masses will still choose the shit art

>He tailors his art to the mass, and the masses want shit.
yes, they do now, but they didn’t always. it’s an unprecedented crisis that is unique to late stage capitalism.

>But I think that we can agree on the fact that the pieces of literature that we here on Yea Forums regard as 'good' is only considered so in small circles, relatively speaking.
Yea Forums is lovingly and uncritically under the thumb of the white male canon, i.e. the most popular and highly regarded books of all time, only slightly diverging with its rather embarrassing level of slobbering fanboyism for thomas pynchon. don't kid yourself

literally "justin bieber killed music" tier

But still that 'canon' is reserved for a relatively small circle/small part of the world population


trying too hard

trying what

you could say the same thing about everything of that era lol

>They do now but theu didn't always

I'm sorry friend but you're just completely wrong. To the extent that popular literature was better, it was because being literate was significantly more culturally restricted to the elite class. While elites have their own issues and are imperfect, there has been a direct correlation between the expansion of literature and education into the domain of a "public right" rather than a privilege of the elite few, and the devolvement of the arts into the most debased forms possible.

It is more pleasant to my eyes

t. Spengler

Education standards have dropped dramatically because more people are going to school, mass communication and a larger market of casual reading is what causes grifters, the elitism has not changed if you want a good book write it yourself

pluck them out, and cast them from thee

no u

Wrong. Athiesm in general has lead to the death of modern art.

Again, IQ levels are dropping. Even though we had somewhat of a population boom it is likely that the peak has gone down. There will be some countermovement from integrating India and China but their IQ scores are more associated with mathematical thinking and of course translation is a problem. Also IQ goes down with age, meaning our aging societies will produce less anyway. It's not really looking good. This notion that art is as good now as ever is wishful thinking. As a society we are physically unable to produce quality as in the past. All these cultural explanations people offer for the state of the arts are one thing but we have to look at biology first to see if a cultural explanation is even necessary - a collapse in quality is the expected outcome.

Don't be silly. You can't even read properly with an IQ under 100.

learn chinese you bum

Correlation does not equal causation

Sure but the majority of people won't do that, meaning our culture will not experience this flourishing. +the Chinese have the same dysgenic issue but they're working hard on genetic modification so there's a good chance that we'll get 400 IQ art soon which will be nice to look at while we're being melted by robots or whatever.

>wow this book would be really good if only people around me were reading it too

Ebic grade school epigram

Happy to help

>Popular music has become repetitive hedonistic trash

You could’ve responded with it to any of the other reasons in the thread genius, be a less obvious republican


Well, why do you read books? Is it purely for entertainment, do you not think that literature educates you about something? That there's no difference between Dan Brown and Goethe? What good would it be if only 1 in a billion people would receive that education? We could just as well dig a hole for all of our higher cultural production and bury it. And isn't culture built on what was consumed before?Yours is a particularly stupid point to make about something constructed out of language, which is a collective effort and without people participating will collapse.

>That there's no difference between Dan Brown and Goethe
yeah that's clearly what I said

It is rhetorical step in the argument and not to be taken out of context.

How do I answer a question without taking it out of it's context then O wise homosexual?

It is a rhetorical question with the intent to establish common ground on the value of literature and equating thereby your intial criticism with the questionable sentiment of being indifferent to living in a polis among an ignorant or unfeeling citizenry.

>Do you rape your mother (insinuating that you've written imply that you do)? Don't reply and say that you don't!!!!

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I feel like you don't understand basic rhetoric. Here's the first google result:

>A rhetorical question is a question someone asks without expecting an answer. The question might not have an answer, or it might have an obvious answer. So, why would you ask a question and not expect an answer? Don't the two go hand in hand?

>Well, sometimes these questions are asked to punch up a point. If the answer is glaringly obvious, it will make that answer stand out. Sometimes it's used to persuade someone. Other times, it's used for literary effect.

>I feel
Not an argument.
>muh google
None of that even says that answering a rhetorical question is always wrong. Observe the words

Because you don’t like it.

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Well, I tried.


More exposure to more works through the internet and social media means there are more books being show to a wider range of audience. It's both good and bad because mediocre books can be popularized easier. It's the same with every other medium, not just literature.


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People don't read and write while growing up as much as they used to, or even as adults. The result is that the works they produce tend to be of lower quality when they finally do produce them.

Read Coetzee.

I hate women

MFA programs are an homogenizing force that encourage a certain type of mediocrity.

It is a popular word to use on left twitter and /r/chaptraphouse, it basically means if a white man appears earnest about right wing ideas he must just be being consciously disingenuous to make money

It's global literacy that's the problem, even sub-80 IQ clowns are literate, and I'm sure some are writing books, some of which people enjoy. Writing just became another form of media and anyone can express themselves through it and anyone can read it, compare that to the olden days when illiteracy was the norm and anyone writing was fairly exceptional really for a variety of reasons.


This somewhat, although I think this is more of a "garbage in, garbage out" phenomenon. MFA programs can and have produced good writers (O'Connor for instance), but unfortunately they also allow mediocre or flat-out bad writers to workshop their shit and turn it into something publishable. I recommend everybody in this thread read the Program Era for an analysis of the institutional nature of creative writing in the U.S; it's good shit albeit overwritten.

This thread shows what a bunch of "born in the wrong generation" faggots Yea Forums are. I can only assume you read absolute trash if you're such a brainlet that you unironically post shit like "boo hoo these modern times are so bad I'm so special but everyone else is stupid!"

how common were "born in the wrong generation" faggots in the past?

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I'm assuming each generation has these oblivious retards. They fail to see the pattern of every previous generation having these insufferable idiots and fall to the same trap of idolizing the past as if everything was so much better. I guess I expected better from Yea Forums, a supposedly well-read board that should know better than to be such brainlets.

>it's not cool to care about anything
>you must be detached, sardonic, and have a wicked sense of humor
>sincerity and emotions are "cringe"
>our education is diseducation
>popular culture is "keeping up with the rich whores who do nothing but have more wealth than 50 working families put together" and fortnite
>adhd generation
>american capitalism has infected entire world, NO ONE has a culture anymore, same cheap plastic shit, car -philia, lust for more and more money, skanky clothes, smartphone idealization, and vapid pursuits as every other country

just to defend myself, I'm not some reactionary traditionalist evola worshipper. technology is great, we've only misused it. My ideal would be a more human approach--everyone's needs provided for, 30 hour standard work week and reducing, safer planet for everyone, cleaner, emotions more understood and valued rather than people being beaten for being upset about something upsetting. call that gay if you like. instead we got this post-capitalist hellscape that is left after the money has condensed in the hands of the few and they've given the middle finger to everyone else.

why am I filled with fury and oblivion every waking moment?

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Henry David Thoreau complains about the same thing in "Walden", and his book was published in 1854.

>t. read the bell curve

>It's global literacy that's the problem, even sub-80 IQ clowns are literate, and I'm sure some are writing books, some of which people enjoy.

Basically this. Once you open the floodgates and let anyone take a shot at something that standard of quality will drop sharply. Have you had the misfortune of reading Japanese Light Novels? Most fan fiction online is better than published shit you can find on genuine store shelves.

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Late game democracy. It killed the Greeks.

Widespread colour TV killed the artistic instinct in the already small population of suitable people

Looks like degeneracy has been going on for a while now.

Haha I'm so ironic consider yourself owned, seriousness haver

>The West has entered terminal cultural decline since the early 2000s.
I think you know very little about history to think that the 2000s was the gate the "cultural decline".

good for you

Women being performatively disgusting is truly highbrow

so there you have it. people were shit a long time ago as well.

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>morbidly obese Fatass walking into a bakery
Guh HUGGH, is there, HUGH, is there anything SCRUMPTIOUS left in the whoole wooorld? HURKGLGUH, IS THERE ANY PURITYYYTY, GURGLE

>nearly everything that is modern is shit
Shit because it imposes your desires and now you feel nothing but resentment against it? Hee hee hee, you claim modernity is shit but yet you participate in that shit. You yourself believe you are shit, which means I can discredit your shit view. Hee hee

*Imposes itself against your desires

Mostly because classical education has fallen out of favor, I would think. In any case, the best way to improve the situation is to lead by example, posting on Yea Forums isn't going to change anything.

And with Communism the only people who would get published are friends. and family of the Culture Commisar.

>didn't always
Valley of the Dolls
Harlequin Romances

cringe capitalization

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>pick up something random
>written by egotistic narcissist
>pick up something else
>woman writes like a total bitch, like being verbally assaulted from the first sentence
>pick up something else
>written by a bugman and full of redditor humor
>look at submissions guidelines
>we're looking for a STRONG VOICE
>seeking POC and oppressed groups
>unafraid and bold, [edgy], etc etc that all boils down to that unreadable bitchy narration where the woman clearly thinks she's hot shit and an operator despite being a pampered suburb kid

Please make it stop. Open a book and feel like I'm being attacked and lectured by some cunt with a starbucks latte from the first word, the kind who will go histrionic at the drop of a hat because they so desperately want any kind of attention.
Or even better, written by an obese goth in her late 30s with black lipstick on her melting globe of a piggy face.

National socialist is capitalism.
This is like claiming social democracy isn’t capitalism

Why is it shit? no one can figure it out. a mystery. Oh, and that fact that an alien tribe with no history of being competent writers and without a single "great" writer in their entire tribe's history runs all 7 big publishing houses has NOTHING to do with it. Nothing, and don't you dare say differently.
Funny enough, I was watching "My brilliant Friend" on HBO, based on the books. Wanted to see the sets and what an old Italian had to say about Naples in the 50s. But by the 3rd or 4th episode, something was wrong. This person couldn't be italian, she didn't know Italians, she was fetishizing a stereotype of Italians who literally throw their 6 war old daughters out a window.
also, her understanding of the mob was like she got it from watching "The Godfather" and "casino." something wrong. so I began researching. Who is the "real writer" who uses a fake Italian last name? Why, none other than a RUSSIAN JEWESS and her equally Jewish husband. amazing. Like something right out of "The PRotcols of the Elders of Zion" this leering, rampant greed, nepotism, and desire to control EVERY fucking host culture and portray it as trash.
Now let's imagine I took the name "Hershel Greenberg" and wrote a book about some lecherous rabbi throwing his daughter through a window? and another rabbi molesting a 14 year old girl while she cried? How long would I and my "anonymity" last? moreover, do you really believe any of the 7 major publishing houses--all run by jews-- would print it?
and in a few months, thank to this very same tribe, Europeans won't be abe to post images on these boards, then eventually won't be able to post at all, as the Uk and Austria lead the way--at the behest of their (((donors)))-- in forcing people to use they real name everywhere not he net.
you don't need to believe me. Search it, it's all out in the open. the ADL of B'nai B'rith--literally "the circumcized brotherhood--" are very proud of their role as the official censors of YT, twitter, and just about every other social media platform. You know, i REALLY just van't imagine why those awful German would want them out of their society in and in camps Makes no sense, given what patriotic citizens they are....

>This person couldn't be italian, she didn't know Italians, she was fetishizing a stereotype of Italians
This is cultural appropriation and I am offended.

You’re not wrong that hack Jews dominate the industry through nepotism, but you’re a pleb if you don’t realize that Ferrante is arguably the greatest living writer.
Also she’s a bona fide Italian. Her lineage is Russian Jewish. She was raised in Italy.

I can't take this anymore....

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Swap "fascist" to "bootlicking" and that's me on left.

Fuck this gay earth.

It’s funny because just the other day I was talking with myself in the mirror about how poetry hasn’t been compromised by grifters like prose has. Then I became aware of Rupi Kaur. And now this. Looks like it’s happening. Nothing is sacred. We’ll see a ghostwritten epic poem by Kim Kardashian called the Tragedy of Nipsey Hussle by 2022.

>you don’t realize that Ferrante is arguably the greatest living writer.
>Also she’s a bona fide Italian. Her lineage is Russian Jewish. She was raised in Italy.
Well gee, mI was born during a hurricane and my mother popped me out of her box in a garbage. am I a "bona fide car." You'e also calling her "ferrite," not her real name. And "she" doesn't even write the crap , her Jew husband does. You're also dead wrong that she was "Raised" in in italy. The entire fucking fiasco is absurd. If she is a Jewess and her experience is, as you claim, "authentically" her own, why are she and her husband using a fake Italian name? And to call her and the husband "the greatest living writer..." not sure whether to laugh or cry.
I sent part a decent part of my childhood in that area, granted 40 years after "her" novel is set, ad after a few episodes, i knew something was, way, way off. If she were "authentically Italian" as you claim, it wouldn't be.
Was reading an interview with he young actresses, who claim they thought she was "an american college professor of italian" bc so many things were fucking wrong about the area and her italian was so bad. Look u p the interview with the actresses, see if i'm lying.

>in a garbage.
garage, although "Garbage" would be just as fitting, as this horrid little jewess SHOULD have been left in a trash heap at birth for the good of all mankind. And She isn't even the writer, it's her jewish husband who is also a (((novelist))), but I guess they thought using a fake a italian last named admitting that a (((feminist))) book was by a male jew was a bridge too far even for them. My greatest hope is a divorce and to have all thebullshit aired in public.

>w poetry hasn’t been compromised
Poetry died twice-- it was on life support who Yeats went in 1939 and then the plug was pulled when Ezar Pound and Ts Eliot went and in their place we got the perverted, repulsive, homosexual Jew pederast alan Ginsberg.
A3 years ago I would have been banned fo even mentioning these things here, but by now the truth is so undeniable and so blatantly in your face even the mods can't disagree with it anymore.

Can we ban this literally nonsensical schizo?

>Can we ban
nigger where do you think are

Because you haven't published anything, user.

Yes, I notice you can identify the twitter-dwelling retards by their vocabulary.

This is the quintessential midwit response. As a matter of fact, your post is just another symptom of the same mindless materialistic and superficial mindset.

This is the quintessential threequarterswit response. As a matter of fact, your post is just another symptom of the same mindless materialistic and superficial mindset.

This poster is correct but in the completely opposite way. Literature was pretty good until Ulysses.

Why do so many brainlets lately come in here thinking communism is materialist for CRITIQUING the materialism of capitalism? “Midwit” indeed lmao, project less insecure blowhard.

There's a reverse flynn effect going on in the West right now. The general population is getting dumber with each generation, as the lower classes breed far more than the upper ones.

It’s a whore on social media, and a mediocre actress

This, and due to capitalism people no longer write books to spread ideas or out of some desire to spread knowledge but for financial gain, capitalism really has given us technological advances at the cost of literally everything else, though now due to planned obsolescence and the like, pushing out just enough upgrades to be an inch or so ahead of the competition while only improving your product by the bare minimum required instead of creating new technologies or major leaps.

Daisies SUCKS

STOP posting it

>ban this literally nonsensical schizo?
notice, they'll never engage with you and say you're wrong because x y, and z and the 7 big publishers are NOT controlled by Jews and here is who controls them you're wrong..." They can't argue with you, since they know the facts are not on their side. You'll always tell the Jew by the shouts of "SHUT OF HIM DOWN!" People have been saying this since the internet began, and THIs is why they want anonymity banned so badly. They will never debate you on facts since they can't. And this particular Jew just proves everything I've claimed.

>his literally nonsensical schizo?
here, jew:
“There’s so many things that don’t jive, so we think it must be her.” She reaches across the table to high-five Elisa, who grins in agreement. Ludovica and Margherita shake their heads. They prefer the prevailing rumor, introduced by a New York Review of Books blog two years ago, that Ferrante is a Rome-based translator, or possibly a college professor.

"The mysterious best-selling Italian author who writes under the pen name Elena Ferrante has been identified as the daughter of a German-born Holocaust survivor who lost dozens of family members in the Shoah.

Italian investigative journalist Claudio Gatti, in an article published simultaneously on Sunday in the New York Review of Books, the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, and in German and French publications, claimed that Ferrante is really Rome-based Anita Raja, a translator who specializes in translating from German into Italian.

He based his claim on, among other things, financial and real estate records he examined during a months-long investigation. These records, Gatti wrote, showed that Raja received large payments from Edizione e/o, the Italian publisher of Ferrante’s books, including her quartet of wildly popular Neapolitan novels, which trace the friendship of two women.

The payments, according to Gatti, paralleled the commercial success of Ferrante’s books. Raja and her husband, he wrote, had used the funds to purchase expensive apartments and a country house."


(they're also fucking lairs that "her identity is unknown," the NYT tracked down her and the husband and exposed the entire scam years ago).

Most people are too atomized to write something illuminating the human condition. It would have take a truly gifted writer to write something great today.

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t. old man

But capital is spiritual pestilence retard.

That's total horseshit though, the best time for literature was well into capitalism, the issue are new forms of media, TV, Radio, Computers. Those are the things replacing books and changing our standards.

lmfao this conversation is above your head bud, quiet down

>Why is modern stuff terrible let's go back to when everything was great

Do you think 18th century peasants were reading Yea Forums classics? No, they were going to witch burnings lol. The general population has always had shit taste and always will. Stop hating your own generation specifically to distinguish yourself from your peers. At least man up and hate all the generations before during and after your own.

>implying that Stalins dialecticians or hitlers astrologers or other retarded off spring like the “great Soviet encyclopedia” whose entire aim was to suck off their leader’s will of the collective and not be sent to prisons were any better

Neither Stalin or Mao had ever read anything even remotely close to being intellectually rigorous, even bukharin was better read than Lenin

no, that was not implied

Because yall keep shit posting on here instead of working on your books.

Cool basic bitch rationalism, I guess it really do be like that huh

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Great idea, lemme get on that right away

MEdia and internet

lmao nazis were basically free market capitalists


You mean contemporary. The modern era ended in the forties.

based nazis understanding that free market capitalism is the true way of socialism
china understands this too

>Do you think 18th century peasants were reading Yea Forums classics?
The novel inits modern form wasn't invented until Tolstoy, arguably maybe madame bovary. If by "classics" you mean the works of the ancient greeks and Romans, then I assume you know Harvard was founded in 1616, Cambridge and Oxford far earlier than that, and the universities in Paris and the Italian thens were all flourishing. And you COULD NOT GRADUATE unless you had mastered both Greek and Latin.
Moreover, there were no women, no kangz, no spics, chinks, other intl students, jews,ags, etc..., so I'd argue that the avg "fucking white male" who showed any hint of academic promise at that time had a LOT easier time getting into university then when compared with today.
Consider...just in 1973, Yale becomes co-ed, and suddenly half this places disappear. somehow Jews now have the idea that if they aren't getting 35%-40% of places at an Ivy like schoo,, it's "discrimination. I'm not kidding, there was an article in the Princeton Uni Newspaper by a kike complaining that they "only" take 13% Jews. Talk about "chuzpah." you have less than 1% of the population (when Jews are about 2.5 but when you control for age and the Haredim, it's less than 1%)and they want 40% of the places at Harvard!
so, yes, on average, unless it was a time of plague, our ancestors DID have better educational oppournties than we have since out universities were founded by US, run by US, and run For US with our journals, books, and the rest all written by US and not an alien parasitic tribe seeking to subvert.

>muh jooz
>muh nigs
>muh wahmen
Maybe a peasant would have an easier time than you getting into a university.

>sales indicate what the best books are

>I am unequivocally superior to you
t. person who is not unequivocally superior
wew lad

It's just exploitation based capitalism

Because you cannot think outside the box and can only fool yourself into thinking you appreciate literature while in reality you only adapt your impressions based on what others said before, meaning you only like "classics" because others said they were good.

That's literally all. You are a pleb.

You're like people who need to know Joy Division is liked by hip faggots before you can enjoy the music itself; in another context, you would not. You're the literary equivalent of that.

If one gave you a classic text and told you it was a recent novel, you'd consider it shit, mutatis mutandis.

I shit on you.

Now go back to masturbating to Bella but stop shitting on her for writing novels you have never read and will never read.

Ulysses is a shit novel, though.

There are tons, but most are not read today, precisely because it was shite. Are you dumb?


I forget what the school of theory is that seeks to read more popular works from a period, rather than the critically acclaimed stuff that’s part of the canon, but there has always been large scale dog shit. It’s true that there was probably a time in the first half of the 20th century when there were more readers and writers, but the number of serious readers interested in challenging stuff has stayed about the same.

All literature is subjective faggot

>Maybe a peasant would have an easier time than you getting into a university.
LMAo, I did my UG at Williams (The most competitive liberal arts college in the US, lower admission than every "uni"save for harvard, take, and stanford) and did my JD at NYJew, the number 5 law school in the US.
You kikes keep comforting yourselves with "the only people who hate us are the low IQ..they are just jealous!" Indeed. Just like Henry Ford. General Patton, Wagner, Ezra Pound, Cèline, I could go on and on...

>The novel inits modern form wasn't invented until Tolstoy, arguably maybe madame bovary.
That would be the invention of realism, definitely very far from being the invention of the novel. Embarassing post.

>"Everything was always the same as it is now."
Is there a name for this fallacy?

someone should make a film or novel from this, pretty spicy

Retarded tripfag also has to avatarfag. Very clearly only here for attention so the sooner we all ignore this mentally ill tranny the better.

>tfw modernity sucks but we can't go back

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No, it's just so fucking retarded that people should immediately be able to recognize its inherent autism.

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Too many sjws functioning as thought police and controlling publishing. Art withers and dies when it is not allowed a total range of expressive possibilities. That includes the possibility of being deemed offensive.

literature is now widely available to the masses. the masses collectively buy the most books so they dictate what is written in a society that is only interested in sales. the unfortunate reality is that there is no feasible alternative to this. unless of course, the gentlemen on Yea Forums.com's literature board ignite a luddite revolution.

>standard rightard crap
Just kys

>That would be the invention of realism, definitely very far from being the invention of the novel. Embarassing post.
You're the type of person I TRULY hope never to meet, since I would choke you until there was no air left in your lungs and end up doing life in jail: "Of "War and Peace," it may be said that it stands at the crucial point where the modern novel begins.. It's predecessors--and many of its successors-- seem to belong to the prehistoric stage of the novel. If there can be said to be a diving line between the "old" and the "modern" novel in which form we currently understand it, Tolstoy marks it..." (translator's preface to first edition).
Nothing makes me want to kill someone more than blind hubris. After sped all the formative years of my life studying Russian Literature as a Grad Student at Berkley with the last "Big Name" who had to leave the USSR as an exile and after my undergrad years at an Ivy League uni doing the same, I have a sleazy, lowlife little post-modernist think like you telling me that what was accepted as fact by the last True Academics before the generations of 1960s Jews took over the faculties is "embarrassing.
It really would be worth doing the jail time to kill you just to set an example.

>someone should make a film or novel from this, pretty spicy
Yeah, and good luck getting the financial backing. Tell me, when was the last time you saw Jews portrayed as anything other than angelic in any movie or Tv series? That one episode of "The Sopranos?"
I have to say I got a throughly good laugh out of "Lord of War" about the kike gun runner, when in the first few minutes of movie we were told that this man and his WERE NOT REAL JEWS, they were "only pretending" (!!!) to be able to leave the USSR under the Lautenberg amendment. I turned off the film right there and then.

>He gets his opinions from the prefaces written by translators

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Because everyone can read.

>like if you’re a 90s kid

I've come across many schizo posters on Yea Forums, and this one is by far the most coherent and entertaining.

>prefaces written by translators
You are aware that the fucking translator was considered the foremost authority on Russian Literature in the West during his time, correct you miserable hard-on? It's far from an opinion unique to him, it was THE standard opinion of everyone before the post modern Jews wormed their way into academia with "there's no such thing as truth, goyim!" and "no novel is inherently better than any other, it's just cultural relativism, goyim!" I can smell the post-modern stink from you and the other one even from here.

you fuckers are the equivalent of Me walking into an operating theatre and starting to give instructions to the staff on what to do. "But I've spent my whole life studying this with the most accomplished men in the field, what makes you think you fucking know better?"
"I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, goy." That's the equivalent. and, yes, I was accepted into med school, actually right out of high school on the NYJEw scholarship they used to have for those who scored over 1450/1600 on the SAT, where you'd do 3 years of uni and then do straight not med school. I didn't take it primarily because I didn't want to deal with pushy Jews.
In years past, NYU girls used to mostly be cute midwestern types who were excited just to be in NYC and they hadn't yet had their should crushed, and I'd get off the train a few stops early near Christmastime just to look at them, many wearing green or red ribbons on their hair and with big smiles on their faces.
Now? They mostly have pink or blue hair and are over 250lb and wear shirts with things like "My Body, My Choice" or "Kill all White Men" (these are shirts i've really seen on NYU girls in recent years). Thus the Jews destroyed one of my life's more simple pleasures when I get depressed around Christmas and the bottle of Jim Beam, the Valium, and the pistol seem ever more inviting....

>I've come across many schizo posters on Yea Forums
Here is the thing about shizos-- a true "shizo" will walk into a place and tell everyone.. "I am Napoleon." Everyone laughs and obviously no one agrees with him. no one calls for him to be banned or to "shut down" since he's obviously not connected to reality. If he has a bank account, no one is going to close it down to punish him.
Now, compare and contrast this to people who talk about Jewish control of the media. One of my favorite examples is Rick Sanchez, formerly of CNN. Snachez was sick of John Lieboztiz constantly shitting on him, so he went on some obscure radio show and made the simple point that just about everyone who runs CNN is a Jew. Does anyone seriously debate this? someone bring up that chart, it's absolutely correct.
What was the Jew response? "You're delusional! Jews do NOT control CNN-- and, BTW, you're FIRED with immediate effect." If someone is truly a "shizo" and disconnected from reality, people will not have a sudden attack of "piety" and begin using religious language, the language of the Inquisition. "Do you deny the Holocaust?" It's the same as "Do you deny Transubstantiation and the authority of the one, holy, Catholic church?"
My answer to both would be: "Not necessarily, but I do have a few questions about them. Can we discuss my questions?" And just for that, most nations in Europe will give you 3-5 years in jail. and THAT is how you know that you're getting at something true. Because it worked then just like it works now, there's simply a new boss in town, namely the Jews. At least the Catholic Church, when they made made the charge of Heresy, gave you something of a fair trial and, as we see in retrospect, in the case of Marrano Jews, in the overwhelming majority of cases they were 100% RIGHT! The Jews WERE practicing high Kkkery in secret, and even brag about this in their "encyclopedia judiaca."
In 1492, after it was found that so many Jews had been helping the Moors in all sorts of ways-- as spies, as traders in christian slaves, the list goes on...they were given a simple choice: you can convert of leave, but we won't tolerate the high kikery anymore. And a number of them did leave and went right back to their traditional trade in slaves and grabbed the largest piece in the trade of black flesh to the New World for themselves.
But by 1592, 100 years after Isabella and Ferdinand gave them that choice, they looked around the Spanish court and it was filled to the brim with Marrano Jews spying for the English just as the Spanish were preparing war with them.
I could quite literally write a book on this since I'm the type of autist who won't take anyone else's word for anything; I need to go to the archives and see the files for myself. What do you find there? 1. relatively few Jews were actually burned at the stake or punished in any way, shape, or form. 2. the Jewish conspiracy in the Spanish court was VERY REAL indeed!

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>rick sanchez

Sir, the sheer intellectual power of your argument astounds me. I think I've only heard similar on the NYC subway at 3am when the homeless herd into the tunnels under the Times Square station in hopes of avoiding the cops.
Clearly, you are most learned. I didn't realize Tel-Aviv university was producing such intellectual powerhouses as yourself. Perhaps you'd like to discuss this further? I can tell I have much to learn from you.

How would you fix the problem, if there is one, Yea Forums?

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1 You wouldn’t do shit lmao, you’re probably as weak as you are stupid. But it’s fun to pretend otherwise anonymously.
2 You said the invention of the novel, not the invention of the “modern” novel, which is a subjective question and irrelevant.
3 Stay mad and dumb, schizo.

What are the names of the people that control them, and do you have proof that they are Jewish?

>he doesn’t know that banker jews benefit more from capitalism than anyone
high IQ /pol/tard dropping in, for the love of god would you all stay on your own special ed board


>you said the invention of the novel, not the invention of the “modern” novel, which is a subjective question and irrelevant.
i’m not sure that it even *is* a question, I don’t see enough of a difference between Tolstoy and Sterne to say well here’s the start of something new. other user took a baseless gesture from some translator and ran with it as hard as possible
because he’s a schizo. stop indulging him

>1 You wouldn’t do shit lmao,
Is that so? The 6 stints I've done on Rikers says otherwise. Last time it was due to a spic who asked a random White girl, actually a vert cute one : "Want to sit on my lap?" on the train. So I broke the spic's jaw. I'd still be in there and would have been give a "hate crime" had she not testified for me.
BTW, I'm a few blocks from Tonkins square park. If you are so sure and you'd like to test your theory, I'd be happy to meet you tonight. Preferably close to the Berry Homes so the cops can't break it up.
I will bring one of my buddies from the gym to video it for me, you can bring...a friend from that bar in brooklyn where they let 8 year boys dance in drag on stage. My only prerequisite is that I hold my hands behind my back and YOU throw the first punch, so when one od us ends up in traction in the hospital, I have tape showing it was in self defense. And yes, I'm deadly serious.
Last time I was in riders, I was in the library when 4 spics got their throats cut by a rival gang. One came for me and I broke his arm in 3 places. After that, had to spend the rest of my 6 months in solitary, despite the fact I was asking to go back to gen pop. I trained as a boxer before I became a builder and I have so much tree, test-cyp, primo depot, and anadrol in my body that anyone who has ever tried to come for me physically has ended up regretting it.
Back to the topic, you said "I won't do anything." If you leave a proton mail and would like to set up a time and ground rules, we can test that theory tonight....

>What are the names of the people that control them, and do you have proof that they are Jewish?
Here's the first result I have saved:


I can already hear the screeches of "that's not a 'real' source>" Well, he gives their names, the proof that they are Jews, and how long they've been there. Who is a "real" source these dats? CNN? Who threatened a guy with ruining his life for making a meme exposing that all the top people at CNN, the NYT, and all the other major MSMS outfits are Jews?
(retro;y it will not let me upload anything larger than 4 MB, but here's the site where you can see it up close)


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But what about the '7 big publishers'?

link is right there-- 7 big jewish blushers. And, since you seem, or pretend, not to know, most of the "7 big publishers" are now owned by bigger media conglomerates anyway (obviously controlled by jews) anyway, but that still have direct jewish control... see the website "jewwatch.com" and just search. you don't have to "like" where the info comes from, but if you search even a bit to check his facts, all are 100% correct...

Not sure how deeply you'd like me to go:
"Bennett Cerf was born on May 25, 1898, in Manhattan, New York, to a Jewish family of Alsatian and German origin."

This Jew is now the owner of "Penguin AND random house-- it seems in recent years the "big seven" have been condensed to "The big 5" all still under Jewish ownership... This is what wharDavid Irving and his Jewish agent Max Becker used to tend with all the time-- ALL the big publishing houses were jewish owned, including viking, macmillan, penguin, random house, etc...
Are you really still pretend you can't find this info with a few clicks?

A better list:

Ted Pike comments: The Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Publishing,” lists the following publishing houses, as of 1971, owned or controlled by Jews: Viking, Knopf, Random House, Modern Library, Simon and Schuster, Harcourt, Brace & Co., Greenberg Publishers, Ziff-Davis, Crown Publishers, Dial Press and Dryden Press. Publishing houses either founded by or with a Jew as editor-in-chief include: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, Abelard-Schumann, Basic Books, Grosset & Dunlap, Federal Writers Project, Gaer Associates, Macmillan & Co., Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Citadel Press, Chanticleer Press, Arthur Frommer, Inc., Hart Publishing Co., Lantern Press, Oceanea Publications, Twayne Publishers, Arco Publishing Co., Grossman Publishers, and Stein & Day.

Publishing houses involved in book clubs, reprints, or children’s literature either founded by or controlled by Jews include the Literary Guild, Book of the Month Club, Limited Editions Club, Heritage Club, Junior Heritage Club, Readers Club, Jewish Book Guild, Military Science Book Club, Natural History Book Club, Book Collector’s Society, Art Book Guild, Science Book Club, Beech Hurst Press, A. S. Barnes & Co., Sagamore Press, Thomas Yoseloff Inc., The Modern Library, World Publishing Co., Little Blue Books, Pocket Books Inc., Avon Publications, Popular Library, Schocken Books, Golden Books, and Golden Press.

In its article on New York City, the Judaica adds to the list of publishing houses owned by Jews, Liveright & Boni, and Anchor Books.

Today Random House, Doubleday, and Anchor Books, while Jewish owned and controlled, participate in the world’s largest publishing consortium, Bertelsmann A.G., benefiting from its staggering distribution advantages. End of Ted Pike’s comments.

Bertelsmann’s American operations are headed by Joel Klein, chair and CEO.

David Manaker is executive director for HarperCollins.

Ok, maybe that's true, but SURELY, it's only publishing, right? The Christian population of Israel is !2%, does anyone for one second believe the Jews would tolerate Christian ownership of ALL their entertainment, media, and publishing? Bet your ass they would not. and yet, we MUST or we are "bigots:"
elevision Networks:


Sumner Redstone - chairman of board and CEO of CBS and Viacom, "world's biggest media giant" (Economist, 11-23-02). Viacom owns Viacom Cable, CBS, and MTV all over the world, Blockbuster Video Rentals, and Black Entertainment TV

Mel Karmazin - CBS corporation president and CEO

Leslie Moonves (great-nephew of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion) - president of CBS Television

David Poltrack - executive vice-president, Research and Planning

Jeff Fager - executive director of “60 Minutes II.”


Jeff Zucker - president of NBC Entertainment

Neil Shapiro - president of NBC News

Jeff Gaspin - executive vice-president, programming NBC

Max Mutchnik and David Kohan - co-exec. producers of NBC’s “Good Morning, Miami”

Lloyd Braun - chair of NBC Entertainment.


Michael Eisner - major owner of Walt Disney, Capital Cities, and ABC

David Westin - president of ABC News.


Rupert Murdoch (Jewish mother, hence legally Jewish) - owner of FOX TV, New York Post, London Times, and News of the World

Sandy Grushow - chair, FOX Entertainment

Peter Chernin - second in command at Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., owner of FOX TV

Gail Berman - president of FOX Entertainment.


Wolf Blitzer - host of CNN’s Late Edition.

Hollywood Movie Studios:

Ted Pike's comment: The prestigious Encyclopedia Judaica, in its article “Motion Pictures,” pg. 449, says: “Thus all the large Hollywood companies, with the exception of United Artists...were founded and controlled by Jews.”

Sony Corporation of America: Howard Stringer - chief

-Columbia Pictures: Amy Pascal - chair

Warner Bros.: Barry Meyer - chair; Jordan Levin - pres. of Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Miramax Films: Harvey Weinstein - CEO

Paramount: Sherry Lansing - president of Paramount Communications and chair of Paramount Pictures’ Motion Picture Group.

DreamWorks: Stephen Spielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg (owners)

MTV Entertainment: Brian Graden - president

Turner Entertainment: Brad Siegal - president


Clear Channel Communications: Robert Sillerman - founder

PBS: Ben Wattenberg - moderator, PBS ThinkTank


Samuel Newhouse Jr. and Donald Newhouse own Newhouse Publications, which includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities. The Conde Nast Magazine Group includes the New Yorker, Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplements, American City Business Journal, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America, and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving one million homes.

Wall Street Journal: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

New York Times, Boston Globe, and other publications: published by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.

New York Daily News: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner

Village Voice, New Times and network of alternative weeklies: Owned by David Schneiderman

Washington Post: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, son of Katharine Graham Meyer, former owner of Washington Post

San Francisco Chronicle: Ron Rosenthal, managing editor; Phil Bronstein, exec. editor

AOL-Time Warner Book Group: Laurence Kirshbaum, editor


US News & World Report: Mortimer Zuckerman, owner and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish-American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups

New Republic: Marty Peretz, owner and publisher (NR openly identifies itself as pro-Israel.)

Barron’s: Peter R. Kahn, CEO

National Review: Michael Ledeen, editor

Business Week: Bruce Nussbaum, editorial page editor

Newsweek: Donald Graham, chair and CEO, and Howard Fineman, chief political columnist

Weekly Standard: William Kristol, editor, also executive director, Project for a New American Century, (PNAC)

The New Yorker: David Reznik, editor; Nicholas Lehman, writer; Henrick Hertzberg, “Talk of the Town” editor


Ivan Seidenberg - CEO of Verizon Communications, Comcast-ATT Cable TV, with Ralph and Brian Roberts as owners.

Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute - regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.

Dennis Lebowitz - head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund.

Barry Diller - chair of USA Interactive, former owner of USA Entertainment.

Kenneth Roth - executive director of Human Rights Watch.

Richard Leibner - head of N. S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer, and Bill O’Reilly.

Ari Fleischer - Bush’s former press secretary

Stephen Emerson - every media outlet’s first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism.

Terry Semel - CEO of Yahoo!, former chair, Warner Bros.

Mark Golin - VP and creative director for AOL.

Warren Lieberford - president of Warner Bros. Home Video Division of AOL-Time Warner.

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Mmmm the definition of what is or isn't literature has changed drastically with the advent of the internet. We're in a hyper literate world now and a lot of information is coming and going. It's still too new for there to be summation

Whoa so inspiration. So brave.

(keep in mind, the very big ones, even;t even uploaded the pic since i simply cannot get it below 4 mbs. As already stated, Christians are ~2% of the population in Israel through the Arabs they never quite got around to finding a justification to kick out, AND THE PRIESTS.MONKS WHO ARE REGULARLY SPIT ON BY JEWS OF ALL AGES THAT THE NEWSPAPERS THERE (AT LEAST THE ONCE-LIBERAL HAARETZ)REGULARLT MKE APPEALS FOR HEWS RO STOP SPITTING IN THE FACES OF CHRISTIANS)

Attached: jews-npr-768x1180.jpg (768x1180, 218K)

Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them
A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.

Amiram Barkat SendSend me email alerts

A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.
-----------------------------------Ultra-Orthodox Spitting Attacks on Old City Clergymen Becoming Daily
Clergymen in the Armenian Church in Jerusalem say they are victims of harassment, from senior cardinals to priesthood students; when they do complain, the police don't usually find the perpetrators.

Oz Rosenberg
Nov 04, 2011 7:50 AM

Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks, but sometimes they strike back. Last week the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court quashed the indictment against an Armenian priesthood student who had punched the man who spat at him.
Jerusalem Judge to Jews: Don't Spit On Christians
November 7, 2011 By Renee Ghert-Zand
by the Forward
Wikimedia Commons

Some Christian clergymen in the Old City of Jerusalem have taken matters into their own hands after being spat at by Haredi Jews, and they are finding sympathy among Israeli judges.

Last week the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court threw out an indictment against an Armenian seminarian who punched an ultra-Orthodox man who spit on him. Siding with the spitting victim rather than the punching one, Judge Dov Pollock wrote in his verdict that “putting the defendant on trial for a single blow at a man who spat at his face, after suffering the degradation of being spat on for years while walking around in his church robes is a fundamental contravention of the principles of justice and decency.” The judge also emphasized that the spitting, in the first place, was a criminal offense.

I won't even get into the burning of churches. You fuckers allege you have an interest in reading and aren't just parroting judder peterson's latest bullshit. Here's a book for you:
it's a fairly long book but he gets int ALL OF IT. The spitting, the sterilizing ethiopians, the burning churches, the crazed jew settlers killing arabs, the de facto apartheid, all of it...

Here you go. most on here at least LARP about liking to rad. Well, here is a book that should have won the pulitzer prize, that exposes every aspect of the awful police state that is Israel.
BUT, since Juden Peterson wasn't endorsed it, doubt we'l see many reading it...it very much confirms exactly what Dostoevsky predicted re: how Jews would act if they ever got the upper hand over another people (not like it was hard to do, EVERY SINLE JEW HOLIDAY is the celebration of a mass murder of some foreign group. That's a group pathology that will never change. esophaguses how it is ALWAYS "the other group's fault:
"[Jews] maintain their own close-knit identity. If the Jews are given equal legal rights in Russia, but are allowed to keep their ‘State within a State,’ they would be more privileged than the Russians. The consequences of this situation are already clear in Europe. … What if there were only three million Russians and there were eighty million Jews? How would they treat Russians and how would they lord it over them? What rights would Jews give Russians? Wouldn’t they turn them into slaves? Worse than that, wouldn’t they skin them altogether? Wouldn’t they slaughter them to the last man, to the point of complete extermination? … When only anarchy remains, the Yid will be in command of everything. For while the Jew goes about preaching socialism, he will stick together with his own."
and with that, my jewish enemies on here can celebrate since it's my last post on here for quite a while.

Attached: greater-israel-life-and-loathing.png (2632x1458, 1.13M)

finkelstein is also good, endorsed by chomsky

the quintessential schizo reply

there used to be something called "prestige" novels. these were novels publishers would publish that didn't make money, but might win awards. for years, publishing houses published literary authors to gain prestige. obviously. but then the cultural marxists Jews, who control the universities, got enough people, finally, after years of teaching this worthless garbage, to believe: white man bad, brown people good (and all women are good). and thus, it was very easy for them to stop actually publishing good literature, but instead to just publish anything written by a brown person, because all of their students were now the ones writing grants, judging awards, etc. these new "multicultural" novels replaced the prestige novels. no one actually liked them, but had to pretend they liked them so they weren't ridiculed and kicked out of the club they'd been indoctrinated in through the university and, by that time, the entire (((Jon Stewart))) et al system of cultural police on cable. in our internet, instant gratification culture, no one cared about any of this. per-fabricated insults were minted and issued to all initiates so they could "discredit" anyone who disagreed with the new system. the white men who actually would have read literature, and critiqued it, and cared about it, were completely alienated (except the gays and Jews, etc). and that's where we find ourselves now. with shit. especially after DFW killed himself.
that's why I'll always publish my novels for free, on Yea Forums
Yea Forums is our only chance left at creating a new literary movement

I've taken to the view that nothing is really classic or sacred. A hundred years from now what we called pop trash will be remembered fondly simply by virtue of being popular with an older generation. Who's to say that hasn't been happening since the invention of writing? That's why whenever I read a book I don't give a shit how popular it is with 'normies' or 'pseuds' or 'academics', I read a book and if I enjoyed it I try to give it a more in depth analysis, I might even invest time in learning about the author's life; if I didn't enjoy it I just forget about it. I don't care whether anybody calls me uncultured or accuses me of having bad taste. How am I to know they aren't just following the normie classics sheep mentality, and desperately trying to like things because otjers told them it would be good.

Hey luke.

>”“Your grace has touched on a subject, Señor Canon,” said the priest, “that has awakened my long-standing rancor toward the plays that are popular now, one that is equal to my dislike of novels of chivalry; for drama, according to Marcus Tullius Cicero, should be a mirror of human life, an example of customs, and an image of truth, but those that are produced these days are mirrors of nonsense, examples of foolishness, and images of lewdness.””
>”“The poets who compose them are not responsible for this, because there are some who know very well the errors they are committing, and know extremely well what they ought to do, but since plays have become salable merchandise, they say, and in this they speak the truth, the companies will not buy them if they are not of a certain type, and so the poet attempts to accommodate the requests of the companies that pay him for his work””

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looks like historian's fallacy to me

you're not reading the good stuff.

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This. I've heard even modern chess sucks.

It's not capitalism. Did Hitler say it's actually capitalist? Why do you say so?

Even people today are fatties

Jews. All they touch turns to shit.

whos dat ho?

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Because back in the day only aristocrats (above average people), actually had the luxury of sitting down and writing a book

Nowadays, anybody can, and most people just happen to be retarded.

Also the problem that pop music has, it has to be bland to be accessible to as many people as possible.

relevant quote, untranslated, because it shouldn't be accessible to everyone.

"Das jedermann lesen lernen darf verdirbt , verdirbt auf die Dauer nicht allein das Schreiben, sondern auch das Denken."

Indeed. Your reply reminded me of this one song