
Anyone here have a Goodreads account? I have one but it's just to keep track of all the books I read and get book recommendations. Most of the 'reviews' people post are trash and/or written by people with massive inflated egos. I trust you guys a lot more than I trust other Goodreads users.

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i use it but sparingly because it keeps recommending me infinite jest

it's a great resource for organizing the hundreds of books you might want to read, and then finding more. I started with like 50 and I'm up to 1000 in my to read list after about 6 months. I don't know if I'm the only one, but finding books to put in my to read has become a fucking addiction, though I'm a bit burned out at this point

What is it with this "keep track" meme that always pops up when you guys talk about goodreads? Are you going to forget that you've read certain books if you don't press the "Read" button? Just admit that it's autism. I use goodreads for the same reason.

then read it, dumbass, it's worth reading at least once. unless, of course, you already have, in which case why haven't you marked it as read on your account yet?

I use it only to see reviews and snoop on people's reading. Once in a while I see someone interesting and nose around their bookshelves. The reviews are often dumb, but I honestly think that there's even dumber reviews on Amazon.


I've been using it to quickly look at reviews of books that look interesting when I'm out thrift shopping. Other than it's just a list of stuff I've read and want to read.


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shit negro, i went to 200+ books marked to-read before I stopped adding every little thing. Now I only add obscure books that I wouldn't be able to find by looking at the top 100 most popular in whatever genre.

amazing. not only is every single book in that list utter garbage, but two of them are among the worst nonfiction in history (in case you're retarded, Peterson and Shapiro)

I'm less likely to forget what I've read if I keep a list.

> caring what plebs are reading this week
why tho

atul gawande back at it again with the artsy titles but he's a surgeon and I've enjoyed reading his earlier work

> be me a couple days ago
> see "2019 reading challenge"
> "create an account to take part" ok sure "now choose your favorite genres"
> choose "contemporary" among others, thinking it's books written after 2000
> mfw it's all dipshit YA love stories
looks like i've been bamboozled

post your goodreads accounts anons

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Y-you first

here you go

>I trust you guys a lot more
Why the fuck would you trust us.
>More than I trust other goodreads users
Oh okay that makes sense


People who buy in the whole "Danes are happy" meme are tools.


No because it pushes luddite genre bullshit, there’s no easier way to see that contemporary literature is dead than to log on to Goodreads and see the most popular books.

I only use goodreads to bookmark novels I plan to read and read roasties seethe about classic books.

based and very true

>Most of the 'reviews' people post are trash and/or written by people with massive inflated egos
>I trust you guys a lot more
user I...

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I find obscure lit, find reviews I agree with and follow them. Pretty much every book review that pops up on my feed is unknown foreign or old lit. Get better taste if you want good reviews. Adding someone cus you liked their Hemmingway review or whatever mundane shit you look up is always gonna make your feed look like trash

currently living in Copenhagen.
can confirm.

>Most of the 'reviews' people post are trash and/or written by people with massive inflated egos. I trust you guys a lot more than I trust other Goodreads users.
lmao ok

>and read roasties seethe about classic books
post screenshots

I had an account with a bunch of friends but I ended up deleting it and making a new one. I don't really care what other people are reading and I don't understand why they would be interested in what I'm reading, especially since nobody actually discusses books on that website. The groups and discussion section is with filled with some of the most inane shit from women and men who act like them.

The only reason I bother with it is the recommendation engine even though that's been getting on my nerves lately. It's either recommending me different versions of things that I've already read or it gets stuck on recent trends. I've been reading the Russians the past year or so and now it's all I get recommended.

Try literally any book written before 1950s and filter 1-star reviews. I can guarantee the hordes of smelly vaginas venting out on how it was boring and somebody in the book was a sexist misogynist. It's freaking great.

now post it

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You're right

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i mean this is what normies read every single week, not just this week, it changes very slowly. but yeah there's no problem with it most of these books probably do give value to their readers

do you live in the front section of Barnes and Noble?

do you read like 50 books at a time and leave them places?

Discovered Goodreads by googling my crush and finding her account.

Not him but I have read more then a book a week some years and most of them are e books not physical ones I can easily see on my shelf. You better believe I have to keep a list to remember hundreds of different books. What kind of autist would memorize all those titles to regurgitate off the top of their head.

If you use curator sites you're gay. Bottom line.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Factfulness.

I remember finding a 1-star review of some Krasznahorkai book that was a borderline-incoherent meltdown about how the phrase “dark-skinned hooligan” has given her a panic attack.
Made me wonder what some soccer mom was doing reading Kraz in the first place.

>tfw only 270 on my "read" list
>spend days reading and reading and only get to add one point

Why do you need to remember them?

You can add infinite books to your to-read and it will be displayed with your "total books".

I only count my "read" not "all". Stop being disingenuous, user.

Yeah, I hate things people like too

It's not me, it's the website.

t. 398 read, 3000 books.

People on here should learn a bit about IQ to understand that most people aren't even able to comprehend the written word. You can't expect the average book consumer to be enthralled by Heidegger or whatever. There is a cognitive hierarchy and when ranking by popular you're looking at the middle of the bellcurve.

>most people aren't even able to comprehend the written word
135 IQ. I can't even imagine how that feels. It's fascinating, really. shame they're too dumb to write anything on their experiences. Post that chart. iirc under like 120 they're essentially monkeys and you can barely speak to them.

I have one but I think about deleting it. There is so much wrong with it.
>only 5 rating options
>recommendations are always shit
>discovering new books is very difficult
>99% of the members are idiots who make the site unusable with their shit taste
How come weebs managed to make good social cataloging applications for their anime and manga over a decade ago but nothing good exists for books? Goodreads is your dream come true if you like books like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, 50 Shades of Grey and so on, basically if you are very low IQ. Good for you. However, if you have unusual preferences you are fucked and won't find shit.

It's nice as far "imdb for books" goes. Registering an account is pointless for you personally, or even foolish - feeding data to Amazon amazon for free, yet they make profit from it later on.

But folks do it anyway. So far Amazon gives you access to the PCA result (recommendations, think-alike circlejerks etc) for free even if you don't register. I wonder what will people say once data silos start to charge for the data they've harvested.

I have an account

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It’s true that GR should be a lot better than it is, but I really think anyone with more sophisticated taste is always going to follow authors, presses, or translators.

>anyone with more sophisticated taste is always going to follow authors, presses, or translators.
except when you cant find anyone who shares your tastes
for your perusal

I've gotten some good reqs from their algorithm before.

I wonder what it would be like if RYM added a section for books. It would at least be much better than GR.

Then you don’t know how to look.

RYM is also overrun by feminists and transgender people so that won't work

pretty stupid of you to make your name public on fuckchan

That’s not me.


Any tips?

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