Why aren't you on Will Self's level?
Why aren't you on Will Self's level?
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Being a nonchalant prick doesn't work when you're not cool
He looks like a giant penis.
Same skin color. Same vascular features.
I hate his face. I hate how red his skin is. He's no damned good. I refuse to read or listen to this literal dickhead
>do you know who I am?
That line has only ever been uttered by complete dickheads.
"I read 50 book at one time and finish none"
Are Will Self's books actually any good? He's been a meme on here several times, but I've never read any of his work.
wow he's literally me
How do you stop this? Right now I have like eight books that I need to finish reading.
Who was in the right here?
You might think it's a meme but it's true. Reading a shitton of books at a time is classic pseud behavior. They start reading all these books because they don't intend to finish any of them. Why read a book when you can just read the first ten or so pages, skim the wikipedia article on it and say that you "read" it, or that you are "currently reading" it? Meanwhile, someone who reads for the sake of reading would eventually settle upon the most efficient and comfortable way to read- i.e. one book at a fucking time, two max, three is pushing it.
So, no, OP. I am not on this hack's "level" and I sincerely hope I never stoop that low.
Lil Eno at the end of this clip---pilkenstein is always in the right
why the sudden WillSelt-posting? is it because he debated zizek years ago?
I don't really get it, what's the point of reading 50 books at once? What benefits does it offer as compared to reading 50 books sequentially?
See . Self becomes a meme here every year or two. It's cyclical at this point.
Fuck Will Self. The epitome of smug sanctimonious narcissism. The Guardian in human form.
I was once like you and here's what I did. Prioritise the books you have to finish- the order that you started them in (if you even know this) should only be one factor in this. Some perhaps could even be discarded. Do not fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy if a book is genuinely shit. Then to manage this behaviour in the future you can create parallel reading lists, ideally two, the first one being a main list of books that you have a serious interest in reading. Attention should be paid to the order you read these ones in, from a thematic perspective. Then in list B you can have 'lighter' reading, less relevant stuff (more fiction based, assuming list A is primarily non-fiction) which you could read in any order, but as a supplement to your main learning project (list A). Now you can be reading multiple books but in an organised fashion. This is just my advice, best of luck, try to be strict with yourself.
I'm at 25 now and it isn't a good feel.
never gonna make it
Sh-shut up, okay?
>I pick up random bullshit from people around me about 50 books at once
Thats what he's actually saying. He's such a fraud he even lies about being a pseud
Hate him. Conceited blowhard with a pen more turgid than Harold Bloom's distended abdomen. And why was he so mean to Karl?