Zizek vs Peterson debate
Zizek vs Peterson debate
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not gay btw
Peterson should've read Zizek. How can one man be so disingenuous in everything he says and does?
Peterson is the beta bipolar
Zizek is the chad schizo
It's over
this shit is like a satire
fucking Kermit the esoteric boomer and the rambling crypto fascist Slav commie
does this mean that joe cuck rogan will bring zizek on jre
guys what if they stop fighting and stop making out?
Stop saying "why are they talking about communism/capitalism it's about happiness", no the debate is happiness: Communism and Capitalism, retarded but that's what it is.
Why does Peterson always sound like he is about to cry?
Would watch
zizek is built like the michelin man
i wish a socially conservative/economically liberal person would address how their brand of individual morality can be re-enforced/spread, especially when the economic liberalism they support trends people in the opposite direction
>starving to death reminds you how happy you were to have food
woah, he's mopping the floor with jbp
>traditional values
>a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
This is what comes up when you google communism. In what world is this practical?
cause if he gets called out or rekt on a debate he can just make up some story about being ill for a month because he drank a glass of cider or something
zizek is literally going to cede the debate to peterson by default because he isnt even interested in arguing his own point
>the true horror for me was that four years later, ex-communists came back to power
>in a debate about capitalism vs marxism in regards to happiness, Zizek starts arguing against happiness itself
worth the wait
Well, this isn't getting any better, I expected a debate and instead got recycled lectures.
Peterson is clearly some sort of pseudo bipolar case. He's not an actual madman but he's emotionally unstable and gets wrapped up into delusional grandiose thinking
oh god zizek is fucking murdering jordan
I can't believe Peterson is having an actual debate.
>capitalism needs dictatorship
>marx didn't have a good theory of how social power exists
I thought this guy was a commie....?
There's so much more overlap between these guys than I think they realized, but I think it's hitting them now.
who said judeo christian? it better not have been zizek
>peterson: *on the verge of tears*
>zizek: shshshshshshshshsh SNIFFFF uhhh
this is so strangely unpleasant to listen to
in the words of zizek,
>the first rule of psychoanalysis is that noone really wants to be happy
Why is the commie making "ugh" noises constantly?
someone post that peterson face now
>for him, comunism is not egalitarianism
Fucking THANK YOU, zizek. I was waitong for someone to tell Peterson communism isn't just when "every1 is equal."
no zizek literally said that his approach with this ""debate"" was to focus on where they agree rather than disagree
this is very likely just a cheap excuse but still
>the only thing that happened at the end of apartheid is the old ruling class was joined by a new black ruling class
Capitalist nations are considered the "dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" in Marx's theories.
because yeh uh sniff uh egalitaranism sniff uhhh uh a uh SNIFF uh ah SNIFFFFF marx UH sniff
the only thing that happened when i banged your mom was that her old pussy was joined by my black cock
wtf the crowd im scared for slavoj bros
He has nervous ticks
>oh god zizek is fucking murdering jordan
how do people believe he makes any good points
>irrelevant story
>weird analogy
>im not arguing for marxism, im arguing against happiness
everybody pushed these two together in a staged debate and inadvertently made them friends with each other. that's what we're watching. Peterson and Zizek's blossoming friendship.
they've literally agreed more than disagreed.
they have 10 minutes each for a rebuttal and they're scrambling for disagreements.
this is every time zizek opens his mouth
zizek is simply a new world orderist dressed up in leninism lite
Earth 57
>There's so much more overlap between these guys than I think they realized, but I think it's hitting them now.
They both just made the same argument, got confused that they were in agreement and started attacking Scandinavian socialism out of confusion..
This is not even wrong. He is going leng tch'e on his ass, giving him morphine while continualy cutting.
I love how this turned into a private lecture for Peterson
Can we all agree that monarchism is the greatest form of government?
>zizek btfoing marx live on stage
that's it, the lobster man won, he's self-destructing
>the obligatory French phrase
Thank you sniffing man
Zizek cites a lot of different authors and books and people think he's smart and therefore feel smart if they like him.
this crowd is a cringefest, purely in there for the enterteinment
In terms of what the debate was supposed to be about: Marxism vs capitalism, as to which creates the most happiness, Zizek hasn't even defended marxism while Peterson has defended capitalism against marxism. Zizek lost the debate.
Zizek is describing the EU...
Works well, plebs done understand it, and a multinational organisation.
Peterson is a fucking idiot lmao
Zizek even called him out that Marx explicitly denounces egalitarianism, thank fuck for that.
Lobsterman BTFO
You're actually retarded friend arent you
He went overtime for the second time even after saying he would keep it under ten minutes.
What a fucking alpha.
How the fuck is Zizek "murdering" Memerson? They're both approaching the same thing with same arguments from different angles
>when I was looking at your work
does this mean memerson actually read some zizek before walking on stage
why is he hitting on him
>hes psychoanalysing zizek because thats all hes formally trained in
oh god I need to sell all my petersoncoin before the market crashes
he literally mentioned like 5 or 6 writers you retard
do you know what board you are on
Yeah, I could do without the constant cheering every other minute.
"I will stop, immediately"
Based Zizek
>peterson calling zixek smart, funny and attractive
I have a dog in this fight and this is the first time I've listened to Zizek but WTF do people take him serious??
What a rambling mess of nothing. If he had a southern accent he'd be laughed out of the building.
Hes like a perfect distillation of the university class. Sounds impressive and authoritative but isn't actually saying or doing anything.
>but I think it's hitting them now.
It's really hitting them now.
Lasted for thousands of years while newcomers are constantly in crisis in the short time they've been popular. There's just no competition.
When he could get to the point by mentioning 0.
Yea Forums has ptsd from years of petersonposting, they froth at the mouth at any opportunity to attack him
This is where he kills peterson
Zizek made ONE decent point that "Cultural Marxists are just the new "Jews" for reactionaries to rail against" which is one of Peterson's main schticking points, but Peterson didn't respond to it and the whole thing got dropped.
simple: he turned peterson into a fucking commie
>last chance for Peterson to ask Zizek literally anything
fucks sake what am i watching
Welcome to the last 30 years of Zizekian thought, we have sniffing memes and trashcan jokes
this. they both end up saying " we need to change things" with no real solution. They even acknowledge the same problems
and you have ptsd from reactionary behavior towards petersonposting ,
"if you read him closely"
"If you actually read him"
Peterson caused more butthurt than anything ive ever seen on this site. pol lost their fucking minds over him
and he is literally just this naive boomer fuck
Imagine being in front of one of the most red contemporary philosophers and ask him why he isn't zizekian
zizek subtly calling peterson a brainlet and telling him to read more to his face in front of his fans
based zizek reducing jordan to tears
4d chess debate mastermind slavoj, penis higiene man GTFO
hegel is retarded
>rap battle for nerds
>read Capital you fucking pseud
>zizek literally giving Peterson a 'start with marx' chart
I wouldn't say that subtle
It wasn't a bad question. Zizek does differ from Marx quite a lot and criticizes him often.
What was the point of this?
an excerpt of zizeks most popular book off google search of his name of a random start of a chapter i scrolled down to
t b h it reads like some any anonymous comment on this board but published into a book.
Do you think Peterson is going to get SNIFF'D when we goes back to his hotel room after this?
best part is how different the discussion on Yea Forums is from ultra lefty places who are REALLY upset at Zizek.
im late bros, whos winning
Peterson seems intellectually spent
You mean leftypol and leftpol, right?
>dropping the Hegel pill
If anything they both just drifted into social democracy, one from capitalism and the other from communism
lol does he have a ghost writer? No way that bumbling slav could write this on his own.
>mfw peterson has never read marx
Zizek and Peterson becoming buttbros while their fans pretend they're debating
peterson is not understanding anything at all
Hegelian dialectic to create Zizekiansim-Petersonism
the left have been extremely mad at Zizek for a couple years now ever since he said something about the 85iq goatfucking honor killers maybe not being the same as progressive Europeans
He made important point that capitalism doesnt really need freedom to succeed (China, or Singapore in his other texts)
that's gay
Look at Peterson, intellectually exhausted by lacan and Hegel analysis from zizek
cheap move by zizek lol this is gay
It's hard for him to say anything because Zizek isn't the type of postmodern cultural marxist he rants about
>who is the marxist here?????!!!
Lmaooo Zizek dont do it to him
zizek is the one who mounts the world
Betason got exposed as a buckold and is now showing his belly like a dog that just got dominated.
It's over, he's over.
>you are an idiot and you don't know what you're talking about
>read more
based slavoj
Jesus, Peterson looks like he wants to cry right now
Le cocaine communist does it again
All of a sudden there's a debate. What happened?
brainlet assumption by zizek to pretend that post modern neomarxism isn't a fruit grown from a branch on the tree of marxism
zizek is doing everything
the funny part is that this is what he said he wouldnt do in that interview.
4d chess
finally zizek is ending this pseud's career
lobster cornered hahahaha
Kermit is about to cry
Peterson is so fucking beta, holy shit. He has less energy than a fuckign 70 yo man
Slam Dunk!
im watching the debate via twitch where two guys are playing half life death match while watching, wont pay those 15 euros
LOL Zizek is owning the debate, holy shit
Peterson is practically stuck at
>hey, erm, aren't you going to defend the marxist/communist caricature now so that I can attack you?
holy shit
>Zizek bringing out the Fisherian ideas
thank you
this on some valentines day massacre shit
Goddammit I'm unironically cringing.
holy shit, peterson on suicide watch
holy fucking shitballs he actually said it
>just because they describe themselves as marxists doesn't meant they're REAL marxists
amazing argument
Zizek just completely fucking destroyed Peterson.
Peterson BTFOOO
Oh god that happened right after Peterson was like you're so cool oh my goodness let's be friends
you can't name them because marxism and postmodernism are merely masks that the jew wears as are all other destructive ideologies
juden peterstein is the greatest gatekeeper of the jewish question so he will never be able to answer zizek's question because the only answer is jews
fucking lol theyre both getting mad now
talking over each other
This whole debate was worth it just for this
Zizek rope a doped him holy fuck
Lol wut. He answered that question easily.
zizek just straight up insulted peterson to his face lmao
I feel kind of bad for Peterson. His question was basically "you are so smart so why not create Zizekism?" and Zizek's question was basically "why are you so stupid?"
>name 11 marxists and 6 kinos where this happens
peterson knows he doesn't have to respond to shitposts, right?
>just name one of them
>Zizek: who are you quoting?
>Peterson: uhhh
bros...I thought peterson would win this
it wasn't supusto be like this
>about 25% of profs, here are the stats
>no name dem!
wow really intellectual debate here
>calls everyone neo-marxist
>hasn't read marx since he was 18
>only reads the communist manifesto
Honestly the only things ruining this debate are the audience/litfags acting like this is a football match rather than a conversation.
Peterson is getting so humiliated I needed to mute the stream
Mommy, why did Zizek have to kill the lobsterman?
search "muke," for up to date stream
I'm actually cracking up over here, how the hell a geriatric obese pervert managed to convince a Jungian boomer the benefits of Marxism is pure comedy gold
holy shit thank you
>moral superiority of the proletariat
I've never seen Peterson subdued wtf
Oh my god zizek is going to pull his punches isnt he?
>name ONE book that does this
what did zizek say?
Peterson's 'pomos are smuggling marxism into their supposed rejection of overarching narratives' is 100% true and Im surprised he would even be aware of that because it's reactionary territory
It's so fucking weird, "Zizek is one of us!!!" in-between being upset about Zizek mentioning LGBTQ propaganda.
he asked jordan about penis higiene
I'm not able to watch it right now, what did Zizek do to get this reaction?
no need
>Peterson's 'pomos are smuggling marxism into their supposed rejection of overarching narratives' is 100% true
[citation needed]
Well that’s obviously not true commie piece of shit
what the fuck
This was actually a great point by Peterson and Zizek actually had no response.
Jordan's bout to have a seizure
Did Peterson just pull a "I bet you're fun at parties"? What a fag
honestly he just asked Peterson who exactly he's referring to when he says "postmodern neomarxist" and Peterson said its less an individual so much as an ideology that he's against
everyone's losing their shit because it was literally the only punch thrown in the almost two hour "debate"
attacked the whole postmodern neomarxism thing
slersh slersh slersh
Is David Harvey worth reading? Zizek just name-dropped him.
Eric Clanton, the Bike Lock fugitive
Did Peterson just spaz out literally
Fuck this shit. I can't watch it live cause got an exam in 30minutes
He didnt deal the killing blow that coward
I don't understand why everyone is saying this is an epic win when half my profs are into foucault as well as marx, they get smuggled together even when they shouldn't be and that's the problem. Peterson is too ignorant to look into it, Zizek is a vulgar pleb who can't see that and is trying to epicly win on trivial points after grandstanding about muh this is not a contest
>"Zizek you're so smart and attractive"
>Zizek immediately calls him an idiot and demands he name the Marxists he's attacking
this requires you to at least have read Derrida, Baudrillard, etc. to understand what is meant by signifier
Jete has a computer and Zizek only has notes
this fucking orater fuck off
The only academic in the past 50 years who has actually come out and said 'Academia itself has its own set of oppressive power structures that dictate opinions' is Foucault and he got in shit for it. And he didn't even actually say what they were- (race and gender politics primarily, but other stuff recently as well)
I guess now the cracks in Peterson's education are showing. He hasn't engaged with any sort of academic literature, and Zizek is exasperated because he doesn't want to flex (name drop), but still can't understand what Peterson is getting at.
yeah, that can be taked as a compliment desu
What happened I'm late to the party
he's playing with his prey
I saw Zizek at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now Jordan?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Where are the marxists? WHERE ARE THE MARXISTS? *slurp* *sniff* WHERE ARE THE MARXISTS?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
90% of the people making these succinct little cuck posts about Peterson being this or that or an idiot haven't been to university.
They're just larping as educated men.
its not like you need to google shit while preparing
homoeroticism. i wish i was kidding.
lol I'm making t shirts
Peterson managed to make Zizek look like a chad
>go to Peterson Reddit
>They're saying zizek is hard to understand
Lmfao damage control already
Isn't Peterson into Nietzsche? Zizek should have mentioned that Foucault was influenced by Nietzsche.
>judeo christian
juden peterstein comes forth
Peterson will have a hard time explaining this performance to his wife's son later today
>Three white men on stage
Not watching
>haven't been to university.
literally everybody goes to university now. Retarded 80iq thots go to university
zizek IS a chad and always has been
otherwise explain this for me
People just spam memes and "epic btfo" garbage, as always. Yea Forums is just your average people after all
Two pseuds realize they can't actually debate with each other because they agree in 99% of things.
Tbh zizek has 20 years, life in communist Yugoslavia, 2 PhD on Peterson
>I expected a debate and instead got recycled lectures.
lol that's exactly what you should have expected
This is a small taste what Yea Forums felt like circa 2015-16
He disowns the conservatives explicitly. This is the great unwinding
holy kek
But Peterson can speak English.
because the postmodern philosophers are almost always criticising modernity, not supporting it, and they almost all (Foucault included) are explicitly opposed to this identity politics bullshit.
sounds about right. somehow in modern times, some bizarro eastern euro accent give you authority. truth is, i can barely understand half the shit he is saying - his fucking accent - and i have no big trouble understanding my indian coworkers accents wtf
And yet here we are with half the thread screeching that Peterson is a liar and a moron.
His observations regarding the manner in which Marxism is surviving and thriving, under the radar through postmodernist philosophy, is accurate.
Is there any difference between Peterson and the most pedestrian type of self help? I'm asking seriously.
based reddit spy
zizek has the worst slur/lisp hybrid i have ever heard
Peterson is basically a socialist-lite, don't know why people think he is some sort of capitalist thinker.
so, now that jordan has become the marxists he claims to hate, when will he join a hippie commune?
You mean like you are ?
so essentially 1930 all over again
Peterson's is based on actual research.
Doesn't mean it's right, but at least it's not just some randumb spouting off.
Peterson has some extra things thrown in there about how Marxism and being trans are bad and Christianity is good
I thought the problem would be that Zizek would be too amicable, instead I have Peterson talking like a wounded dog. This is more sad than cathartic really. Nobody really did win this debate did we?
>They're actually agreeing about Christianity now
Jesus fucking Christ.
then name a postmodern neomarxist lmao
But Marxism is nothing more than a critique of capitalism therefore he HAS defended Marxism by using it to effectively critique capitalism.
he just kind of ran along with it to please his fans and take more money from them
falling in love is a catastrophe!
>t-that's why cupid has arrows..heh..
>*sniffles* what? *sniff* yeah, anyway..
lmao Peterson absolutely reduced to top tier bull prepper
are they drinking heineken?
I wonder how long it will take for "Cultural Marxist" to be considered antisemitic?
i love this interview so much, the guy who never did his job
he's straight up insulting him
>Peterson's is based on actual research.
Peterson's is based on 19th zoology lmaooooooooo
Why is this thread full of cringy leftists?
peterson has always been closer to zizek than ben shapiro, I don't know why he was ever looped into the right in the first place but hopefully this helps to break him away from that
And we should believe you because...
>zizek talks
[rapturous applause]
Peterson draws from a deep and lucid comprehension of the jungian methodological approach to psychoanalysis. Something that is as difficult to teach as it is to understand for oneself.
This gives Peterson a very unique tool set when approaching problems in his areas of speciality.
not really if you are the average jbp fan. he speaks with authority of psychology (not psychoanalysis obviously mind you), but anyone who i have ever met that loves jbp is a deeply depressed person and he helped them out with their lives
i dont find these people pathetic, and this made me sympathize with peteron a bit more
unironically based
Zizek completely controls the conversation, he's like a teacher giving a private lesson to a promising 20 year old student.
you all fuckers only want JBP/ZIZ BTFO compilations. fuck off
I didn't say otherwise, but Peterson noticed something that absolutely exists, and that is academics who are part marx, part postmodern, part identity politics, etc. It's sophism to say otherwise. Look at Nietzsche, if you want an odd analogy. Some of his biggest fans are leftists. It would be dishonest to say "Durr Nietzsche was the opposite of the left, so these people don't exist"
>literally everybody goes to university now
Barely 50% in most Western countries
>"judeo" christian
Pick one and only one. All this christian larping is ridiculous.
back to your safe space, faggo!
Zizek is absolutely disgusting, I cant bare to listen to him for 5 seconds with all that phlegm and nose touching
God is an atheist
I honestly think zizek will be read in 100 years with confusion
Based Zizek likes G. K. Chesterton.
He's written a self-help book. That ought to help you answer your question.
kill yourself
its a scene from bioshock
first 40 minutes
>Peterson says "I couldn't read all (any) of your work" and attacks the communist manifesto at face value
>audience literally laughts and Peterson gets nervous
>btfo himself
Next 40 minutes
>Zizeks bashes lefties he doesn't like and
>gets a bit confusing
>says there's no solution to enviromental Chrises but surely market can't solve it
>is nice to Peterson to not make him look completely stuid
Next 10 minutes
>Peterson pulls a Pinker in defense of capitalism
Next 15 minutes
>Zizek pulls jokes, the audience loves him
Next 5 minutes
>Peterson says Zizek is smart and well read
>Zizek subveredly calls Peterson an idiot
>Zizek asks Peterson who are those Marxists in "Postmostern neo-marxists"
>Peterson seems to have not read anything past his 3 authors.
self-plagiarism from Zizek here
They get BTFO on /pol/ all the time so they come hide here despite Yea Forums being even more right wing
It's over
based justin posting
>we live in a society
he's gone full sniff
Hiearchies emerge based on competency no?
muh socioeconomic factors
zizek doesnt respect peterson at all
>zizek flailing around like a man having spastic fits
He's making my head hurt
Whoa, Zizek just asked the first good question in this debate
>so on and so on
>*rubs nose*
Why are leftists so disgustingly smug and arrogant?
Are you aware of what 50% of the population entails in terms of cognitive abilties? Universities were first created and maintained by the literal elite of society
Zizek won. He set the terms of the debate and questioned the foundations Peterson's criticism.
Basically this
peterson BTFO for all eternity
>can a NK'n put his house in order so easily?
Peterson btfo
Why did they do a debate one guy has a cold and is slobbering everywhere? Could have waited a week so we can actually understand him
>Barely 50% in most Western countries
already is, apparently its a right wing conspiracy theory and has been for several years.
I wish it was zoology, more like alchemy.
filthy, dumb, newfag scum
I don't really understand the question; it's not a self identification, it's a label of identification via assessment. The label is independent of the self assessment of the identified party.
It's like calling someone a retard.
Few people earnestly self identify as retards. But does that mean they aren't retards, or the label doesn't exist?
Think before you post, retard. The big brains are thinking.
He does this with literally everyone
I don't watch debates, but does the audience usually clap and cheer every time they make an argument?
not a leftist desu, im just in it for the memes
Zizek is controlling everything on that stage, Peterson is just there to suffer, the moderator was already dead 2 minutes into Zizek's first overtime.
What the fuck is with the trannies spamming the YT stream chat?
can't really blame him
please just let us have this
petersonposting has plauged this board for like 3 years now. zizek has for longer but his threads are just obscurantism and die immediately
The absolute state of peterstein-fags
you're deluded if you don't think he's having fun with his new bro. in literally two hours they've disagreed maybe three times. in a debate.
zizek is going in for the kill. now the real show starts
Peterson's on his home turf. If anything he should have the upper hand
What was it
Tea or coffee?
Peterson clearly refers to people living in the free and open west, you leftist moron.
he still hasn't named one though
Why would he. This ought to be an academic debate, yet Peterson is a mediocre academic. He deserves no respect.
this picture is dishonest and this person is scum
so, well composed, I guess
who are the fucking retards on the crowd wooing at the arguments, i would die of cringe if i was next to that kind of retard in an auditorium
>nobody here has been to university
>not everyone here believes what I believe
>see? Im right
What are you even doing?
It's endearing. Everyone is equal.
That whole line of questioning was murdering Peterson thoroughly.
>already is
I'm not surprised, they are trying to make "globalist" antisemitic
THERE IT IS. "Thats life" that was it
the killing blow. Ohh nooooo this has no transgressed entertainment into the realm of tragedy.
This. Marx was memed endlessly in academia, along with Freud and Nietzsche. It's not quite a socalist interpretation like Marx intended, but it's still ubiquitous.
No he's obviously specifically referring to North Koreans
>this is where things get complicated *sigh* ahem.......... i wanna use things to address... ahum the things you mentioned....ahum........
see Zizek is an idiot, he claims so himself. He doesn't understand the basic niceties of conversation
>But does that mean they aren't retards, or the label doesn't exist?
yes, they aren't really retards and because there's no way to assign the label to it doesn't really exist
there has to be a valid answer to the question. who are the postmodern neomarxists? if there are none, then it's a literal spook
This is straight up bullying.
What Chesterton book did Zizek cite?
Yes, but he won't address an obvious link, so we can't progress past that point, can we?
Everyone knows postmodernism was directly inspired by Nietzsche, at least in part, and everyone knows both Marxists and postmodernists have a disgust for capitalism.
But Jordan B. "Yourself" Peterson attacks these policies which are anti-white, anti-male, etc. but is unable to give specifics, while still agreeing that Zizek is right when he points out Marxists do not support this.
How weird.
Zizek is a professional shitstirer, thats how he comes up with arguments in the first place desu
that's not true at all. Zizek thinly-veiled jabs are always covered in a "naive question" or "total agreement", but in reality he's called him an idiot several times already. Honestly, Peterson is taking this quite well and does not seem to take insult
Have either of them named the Jew yet?
>muh psychology
literally pseudoscience.
ahahah look at zizeks face, hes DISGUSTED
Not really but unfortunately Zizek and JP have absolutely awful fanbases. They think it's a brawl when in reality it's merely a conversation.
holy shit lobsters damaging control now focusing on manners
Even worse. You just hate Peterson because he is popular and you have you personality beyond le ebin 4cin contrarianism. Pure cancer.
Most Peterson threads were made by his detractors. I'll admit that I started browsing Yea Forums because Peterson got me into Jung, but I never spammed him on the board and instead tried to broaden my horizons. Just admit that you are some sort of leftist with an ax to grind against this guy and his agenda.
Orthodoxy I think
the other day I saw a video of chomsky defending AOC's green new deal. Are all commies mentally ill?
How long is this shit?
Peterson the psychologist cannot compete with continental psychoanalyst. Zizek has read too fucking much.
>my house is messy because I live in a society
is zizek a retard or merely pretending to wind peterson up?
Y O U C A N H E L P M E I F I S T R A Y.
Peterson has accepted Zizek as daddy.
>life is intrinsically pessimistic
what the fuck is this shit show
How long has been the debate and should I wait until it ends and see it tomorrow?
>Humanity is okay but most people are boring idiots
It's stupid. I blame North Americlaps.
/pol/ here
zizek absolutely dismantling peterstein on his own turf
>you asked three questions instead of one
>that's life
if that's your idea of a BTFO you may as well be WOOing in the audience
quit accusing me of not being a Christian
no, but those two definitely are
>Can you set your house in order if society's rules/setup are stopping you from doing so?
Peterson, to my mind, basically assumes that everyone is a high-agency, self-motivated person. 80% of people just want a dignified place in the social-economic order, and won't be able to if society's setup selects against that. Peterson's view just seems really Whig and hyper-Protestant to me
numerous subtle allusions to Weininger
i just tuned in
they sound like they're about to make out
This is simply
Continental vs North American academics
Skip the first 30 minutes, it will give you brain cancer, not even kidding.
>this is supposed to be about happiness
Yeah, didn't hear it well. Thanks
I'm not a christian either, faggot. But even worse, you're a tripfag. Go sign up to a forum and never return to this place.
It feels like JP is doubting himself
>tfw you have to listen to a canadian retard
Life isn't just suffering Peterson ffs.
"debates" are not about ideas anymore, they're about getting content for "x DESTROYS y with FACTS and LOGIC" and "cringe compilation" videos.
You should entirely skip the opening statements and focus on the rest. I'm serious. Peterson said nothing for 30 minutes, Z rambled his greatest hits for 35 minutes. It was useless.
>starts shilling his book
Nah man, he respects him, that's why he makes fun of him. It's like we curse and love and each other here, dipshit.
Underage detected.
>Peterson, to my mind, basically assumes that everyone is a high-agency, self-motivated person
I don't think he assumes that so much as that he believes that striving to be that is the best option, even for people who aren't.
>this turned out to be about our schadenfreude from Peterson getting raped
So basically referring to intelligent white people and not dumb blacks and women
Jungian Vs Lacanian-Hegelian
For him it is
how can a canadian sound more retarded than a fat sniffing slovenian with a lisp
>mfw Peterson becomes a born again Zizekian
Wtf are you talking about
i've only read Zizek. Sorry you don't know anything about him
it is tho
He's talking about cleaning houses again
Makes sense Chesterton loathed capitalism so much more than socialism.
I don't hate Peterson desu, didnt mean to offend anyone i was just taking the piss
>but is unable to give specifics, w
Well, he said a quarter of profs fit his description to which Zizek simply repeated his sophism. But yes, Peterson should know the concrete facts of the matter. I honestly just hate both of them after seeing this. because Zizek is full of shit for implying otherwise especially as an academic.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Aight peterson is coming back
Zizek says the same thing himself often
that's disrespectul to north american academics
No, it's not like calling someone a retard, because when you call someone a retard you are explicitly naming them in order to call them a retard.
Or, you are calling a group of people retards, or saying there are retards among them. In which case you should be able to name one individual you consider a retard, regardless of their self-identification.
You must be able to give at least one name if they exist.
not really, the crowd making it that way is kind of sad really. but you can see that those two would have an honest organized conversation that would be much better if it would be set up at a studio without retarded crowds
Doesn't matter, many Peterson fans are 5th avenue fanatics, and he'll be making the rounds this week on damage control, saying he was thrown off, zizek was obtuse, or whatever.
based Justin murphy should have been in the debate
I think he's realising his fame was built upon his responses to a strawman. I'm not even kidding, it seems he actually respects what Zizek is saying as feels insecure because he was arguing against his own mind, not against third party ideas.
Stop being such a brainlet.
>let me point out the 3 things you addressed
>addresses none and goes into making similarities with his psychiatry work and how it relates to capitalism making people happy
that just comes from buddhist horsehit tho
i'm not in either of these camps
look at that body language
Zizek is relaxed, slouched, unconcerned with his opponent
peterson is erect, at attention, stuttering, as if he was just dropped into the lion's den and he forgot his gun
Why doesn't the larger academic simply eat the smaller one
The white working class in the midwest US and northern england overdosing on opiods don't need to 'get their house in order' - they've been systematically betrayed by a governing elite that has crafted a socioeconomic system that has failed them.
>talking about women as if they were some second party
This moderator doesn't understand the Stalin jokes
what if society was encouraging people to have messy rooms. What then???
Peterson is going to say it was an interesting conversation, but then will say Zizek isn't a "real Marxist"
>both left and right watch the show
Peterson deliberately lose himeself because else lefts would not watch it. He became a straw man for pay.
>all the brainlets in this thread thinks that it's Zizek vs Peterson
>in reality it's more like Zizek and Peterson have more in common than anyone thinks and that Zizek is a step ahead of Peterson in some areas
>Peterson fails to address how one person can change anything if they're too oppressed
A postmodern neo-marxists is an ideologue of the postmodern philosophy of though, who also holds true to the ideological presuppositions of Marxism .
I'm having a really hard time understand g why you brainlet posters don't understand something so simple.
unironically this
It's a doggy dog world.
He really feels candid in his self-doubt, as well. If it is not just a rhetorical trick, why hasn't he realized it earlier? Surely, someone must have told him? Maybe the high from being famous and a guru made him lose sight of that which he was actually interested in to begin with
No I'm pretty sure they should stop taking opioids like fucking retards
Peterson is trying, Zizek, as usual, just rambles off shallow talking points.
They should do a stream debate from their own homes like this.
I think a reading of Hegel will do good for peterson
It's clear that Zizek is a philosopher and Pidorson is a psychologist who wrote a self-help book.
here come the toilets
Zizek is Peterson translated into the politico-philosophical domain.
Peterson is still stuck in applied psychology.
I d e o l o g y
Unironically IQ to low
Zizek has been doing this same act since the 90s. I love him but he never brings too many new things to the table. I guess not changing your stance isn't a bad thing though
>maps of meaning is a self help book
Okay, retard.
link to the reddit?
>It's clear that Zizek is a philosopher
yeah, a bad one
he's literally talking about toilets.
zizek's clown public persona is different from zizek the academic. he does this on purpose, probably.
Yeah, this sadly. Just like how he says everyone who is moral is actually secretly christian.
Your worth in any system is determined by the optimal outcome of your potential being exercised; the system itself can only hinder, never help, if it does not account for the potential for change and moral emepricism.
What is the ideology of taking a shit?
>memerson talks about cleaning your room
>sheesheck makes toilet jokes
this is what i wanted two hours ago
what did the post modern Marxist mean by this?
zizek is socdomming every single opponent in debates by doing this
To be fair Peterson did more than just say professors exist who are some combination of those three things. He has a whole elaborate theory on them.
Zizek surprisingly looks neater than Mr Set your house in order
holy shit this post kek
Why do people thinks peterson is gonna defeat Zizek at his home turf area of expertise?
>oh wow, I'm a psychologist, I'm sure gonna beat a marxist on marxism
they don't call him a great debaiter for nothing
Jordan Peterson is cancelled. No refunds will be issued.
When I call you a postmodernist neomarcist I am doing so in order to communicate your properties to myself and others. Retard.
dude can zizek chill? hes actually making this shit LETHAL... I feel bad
>so... So... How...
>millions of people in similar circumstances just so happen to make an enormously self-destructive choice
Most people are not smart or independent thinkers. Blaming them for making bad choices when they have few avenues to achieve a dignified existence in today's society is inhumane. Read Carlyle (if you haven't already)
Peterson looks so damn tired.
the original joke talks about anglo and french toilets too:
>In a traditional German toilet, the hole into which shit disappears after we flush is right at the front, so that shit is first laid out for us to sniff and inspect for traces of illness. In the typical French toilet, on the contrary, the hole is at the back, i.e. shit is supposed to disappear as quickly as possible. Finally, the American (Anglo-Saxon) toilet presents a synthesis, a mediation between these opposites: the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected. [...] It is clear that none of these versions can be accounted for in purely utilitarian terms: each involves a certain ideological perception of how the subject should relate to excrement. Hegel was among the first to see in the geographical triad of Germany, France and England an expression of three different existential attitudes: reflective thoroughness (German), revolutionary hastiness (French), utilitarian pragmatism (English).
inb4 stirner
why the fuck did happiness come up, shouldn't have been attached now they can just talk shit.
FFS I wanted zizek to tell his full toilet joke
NA academics are subhumans
>when you get btfo by a toilet metaphore
I think peterson's chances of winning just got flushed down the toilet.
it's the topic of the talk
literal fatality
Jordan is getting absolutely cucked by this point
Alexander solzhenitsyn literally brought the Soviet union to its knees from inside a gulag nigga
He couldn't even name a single one of those supposed ~postmodern neo-marxist~ and got blatantly called out for it, just stop retard.
the funny thing is zizek has studied psychoanalysis his whole life, so it's not like peterson has an advantage on the field of psychology (in fact, jungians tend to be perceived as imbeciles by other psychoanalysts)
Yeah I'll take lessons on good life decisions and self ownership from an anime poster
There are like 3 videos of him telling that joke on youtube
how did he destroy the premise?
>zizek approaches the problem of modernity from the social level
>peterson approaches it from the personal level
>each reflects their own background and expertise
>each complement the other
besides peterson's embarrassment in first wading into marxist theory this is actually pretty comfy
I actually think Peterson is saying some decent stuff now. The start and his first reply were a fucking disaster though,
based zizek
He's definitely prepping a lot of bulls
So... so... uh...
Dr. Zizek Is my new best friend
i left after reading 3 comments, that place is forsaken by god
This. As far as rhetoric goes, Zizek is absolutely beating out Peterson, and Peterson absolutely is less in control of the conversation because of it.
>tell a joke
Trying to hint at him to lighten up
People usually clap when they hear points they agree with. They may clap and cheer if they really agree.
Late to the party, anyone got the stream link ?
>go to the users profile
>it's a crossposer from chapo trap house
Why are leftists so dishonest? Smug ignorant pricks.
n word or all meat diet for bingo
>where are the marxists?
so the debate is pretty much a 150 IQ PHD psychology professor versus a real intelectual?
what degrees zizek has?
>Call someone a postmodernist neomarxist because they hold true both pressupositional axioms of the two philosophies as ideologically sound.
>"Uhmm, actually, sweetie, I self identify as not being a marxist, so, you're actually wrong."
>account made 20 minutes ago
because "leftists" as a social group are reactionary
why are you fucking retarded and get baited?
fuck this audience
>reads Demons once
>active in r/Peterson and r/thedonald
>150 IQ
citation please. And no, I am not taking Peterson's word for that.
super comfy. zizek obviously likes peterson and peterson is agreeing with almost everything zizek said. the tribes are keeping score but these two are just enjoying each other's company. i've never seen so many compliments thrown back and forth in a debate
Doctorate in philosophy, doctorate in psychoanalysis
That's dad and me every night at the dinner table.
>like ayn rand
Zizek is no clown at all, he just has thing for jokes and uses them well, but his points are quite clear.
>what degrees zizek has?
Peterson fanboys everyone.
that's what happens when you live on MACHO MAN diet and wont eat your stupid feminist carrots
Yeah go wank to your hentai cartoons little bitch
>still fail to name a single example of a postmodern neomarxist despite being asked twice
Literally every sociology professor I've ever met? Multiple people I've met in my life and in university?
You're basically just asking for a FAMOUS postmodernist neomarxist.
They're retards, why would they do anything noteworthy? Maybe Stalin at a stretch.
peterson is so fucking boring to listen to. how the fuck does this guy have fans.
the crowd is masturbating so hard
>poster smells of false flagging
>check him
>turns out I was right
>call it out
Fuck you.
He is criticizing Rand, you moron.
I'm around 130 and peterson is clearly smarter than me, so he should be at least 140.
nice, how he expected to BTFO a philosopher in a debate?
self-help routine No. #231
Zizek with the classic
>I agree with you
a philosophy phd. the thing is "philosophy" is a natural gateway to freud, which jung is derivative of, and lacan, which is zizek's focus. so zizek is not an actual analyst, but he's a theorist of psychoanalysis (or rather, he takes the theory of psychoanalysis into account when he does his own stuff).
I wish they'd just talk about Marxism rather than happiness desu
Agreed. Peterson is honestly a lot more likeable than normal in this, if only because Zizek is the, in his own way, the better speaker.
anime weebsite, nerd
>Maybe Stalin at a stretch
holy shit lmao
>Ya know who says this greatly?
>Heinrich Himmler of SS
>German officers must do horrible things
To defend Marxism all you need to do is point out the shortcomings of capitalism.
>b-but what wtf slavoj
Fuck off to reddit.
>calling out something obvious
do basically is like a CS PHD faggot trying to outclass a Math PHD on math?
You're a child who refuses to grow up and right now you are defending the joel olsteen of philosophy
>peterson has a different type of water to zizek
Both have always behaved like that, you idiot.
Not watching it, why zizek mentioned the toilet joke?
What book did Himmler keep in his pocket? I couldn't understand
his points are not that clear when he talks. i mean maybe they're clear in the shallow insight porn sense, but they're lacking in rigorous argumentation, which is actually present in his more relevant books. he also tends to digress like hell and end his train of thought with some false "aha" moment instead of developing an exposition.
Compliments? He called lobster man an idiot to his face.
Not real data. Stop glorifying this hack.
Holy shit, Zizek is actually going on about Jews now
>He is criticizing Rand, you moron.
i think thats what he meant dude
but capitalism has changed while tankies are still in an 1800s mindset
You sound a little mad. Why don't you take it easy? Maybe watch some anime to calm you down?
of course
he even trotted out the jealous husband
>being interested in what Zizek is saying while trying to ignor how he pronounces the word "book" the way it looks.
Zizek's point was actually the contrary. That Peterson takes what people say they identify with as true and that they are not marxists precisely because they do not agree or most don't even know what Marx's is about.
Kek, thanks for linking this, this thread is amazing.
in case you didn't know he was a nazi lol
Shut it down
You use the term "philosopher" as if it's something to be proud of.
Peterson would be the CS here.
The Bhagavad Gita, sacred text of hinduism
Only anime I watch is Jojo because it's about manly men who uplift each other not little underage girls getting raped
Not at all, you shoukd be able to argue why marxism is better. They both agreed on same problems but zizek never offered an alternative
only intended to produce the chad virgin meme
IQ has little to do with it. This is a matter crystallized intelligence, and Zizek just has a lot, lot more to draw from. Doesn't necessarily make him right, but it makes him incredibly difficult to respond to.
good taste
you sure about that "bro"
Holy shit, this entire board is filled with left wing children who listen to chapo.
>be leftist
>make joke post
>rightist gets mad
>rightist invests time into investigating your reddit account
>rightist calls you dishonest
Industrial democracy is the future of the left imo, but it relies accepting the market and free trade so it's dead on arrival.
I would put peterson in the top 5-2 % world rank in terms of intelligence.
he's clearly smarter than me, and I'm way more smarter than people on 110 range.
yeah, pretty much.
You can't simply win a debate with marxist.
The only way to win a debate with marxists is with a fucking bullet in their heads.
>Only anime I watch is Jojo because it's about manly men
lol sure
Oh my god, the moderator has basically said "maybe the real debate was the friends we made along the way??"
comfy last words
that would be not fair and low quality
>people should communicate
>rightist invests time into investigating your reddit account
Literally 4 seconds. What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a child?
the market can't be defeated unless you have 1984 central planning Skynet.
its not even mine kek
>Industrial democracy is the future of the left imo
The future of the Left is actually in mass graves because the only significant leftists are spurring on the race war
Nobody cares how intelligent Peterson or anyone is. All that matters is what you do with that intelligence.
>there's a dogma doing around on college campuses that people has nothing unique to say...
>goes into his trademark canned response
Agreed, but not everyone is as clever as we are and some of those people are leftists who won't let go of their COMPETITION BAD MARKET BAD REGULATION GOOD NATIONALISATION GOOD policies.
well, peterson should focus on writing self help books and making videos so incels stop being incels, that's like his purpose in life, not debating marxist on marxism.
I'm really liking this meme.
Stream died..
That was fun.
wew, he shaked the hand that zizek wipes his nose with
why the fuck did he put his hand on zizek shoulder when he was talking smiling awkwardly did he have a retard moment or something
You should probably branch out a little, it's no fun watching the same type of thing all the time. I recommend "Sewayaki Kitsune No Senko-san", it's very relaxing.
Alternatively you can get the fuck out of 4channel and go back to wherever you came from you spastic. This is an anime website.
This was comfy.
read Cockshott
Moldbug rumored to be in attendance
Peterson's silence , holy shit
"im proud of you, sonny boy.
you gave your papa a real fight this time."
I guess this is what happens when Peterson doesn't select the venue and the audience.
IQ doesn't automatically mean less ignorant.
Ah well, I'm biased because I've listened/read so much of him I don't have to be convinced, he may say "toilets, coca cola, going to grandma" and I understand his argument.
they're pretty much irrelevants.
Capitalism won.
Politicians today literally suck the multinationals dick so they put some shitty factory and give him jobs.
Trump has sucked dick to multinationals so they put some factories to old boomers.
Apple and Samsung literally hold more economic power than most nations.
no one rumored to care
in its core, yes
shit was liquid cringe reminds me when I blank out after preparing to say something
>if you are a leftist, you are not obligated to follow the political correctness
do you agree?
Lmfao this debate was better than I expected
Canadian doesn't understand the ex communist Yugoslav
i felt it
retarded wishfull thinking companies will simply gave up on their economic power if we just think of the power of friendship and vote for socialism.
Wait, it's over? I wasn't paying attention, who won?
yes, the dirtbag left is the only way user
so thats it, peterson is finally dead.
press S to spit
The idea is not to defeat it, but to moderate it.
well, this was a fun friday. Have any plans for the rest of the night?
did the stream just die? wtf
peterson is quite less ignorant than most of the population.
zizek "won" mostly because I spews out a lot of ideas really fast, and people are much less familiar with them than peterson's so they appear fresh and interesting. That's not to say peterson did well in this though.
its 5 in the morning
the streamer
am i a brainlet for not feeling like i got much out of this?
We can all say thanks to Shrek for filming this debate
I genuinely think Peterson was shocked when he started reading zizek
the market is already regulated on most western nations retard.
I wish they hadn't done that 30 minute thing in the beginning. The back and forth was much better.
Watch chess lectures.
He literally asked Peterson to start saying more jokes
So what I've gathered from this thread is that marxism is just critique of capitalism but offers no alternatives or solutions, and doesn't need to either?
Doesn't that make everyone a marxist? I doubt anyone thinks capitalism is perfect
Zizek won because his 'opponent' was too stupid to read any of Marx's works and instead his entire exposure to Marxist thought was a short pamphlet about communism made to radicalize random barely literate workers.
That's interesting. My perception as someone who knows some Zizek but never watched much Peterson was that Zizek did a terrible job of actually dismantling Peterson's garbage (which was obvious garbage), and instead retreated to enumerating his endlessly repetitive talking points he always does on every talk. And then they just started conversing about nothing while pretending they were "bouncing off ideas" or some stupid shit. Ironic that Zizek made a statement about anti-PC when you could easily read most of this debate as both of them adhering to the political correctness expected of debaters in this sort of event.
No but dude like, material bases and class conflict and sheeeit
No. Peterson obviously hasn't seriously engaged with Marx's writing, but Zizek never really responded to his critiques. His only response was to (rightly) say that Marx didn't envision things simply as 'le oppressor vs oppressed'. After that it was just them agreeing that they dislike PC culture
Marx did offer alternatives but most of his work is criticism of bourgeois society and he didn't really go into extreme detail of what communist socoery would entail.
Not even Reddit is this stupid.
pretty on point user
Identity politics and PC culture are cancers that are killing the left
Where have i heard similar rhetoric before about people that easily bash on conservative figures
>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
t. Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question
marxism is not about pointing out capitalism is bad. 'critique' here means something different, and what marx really criticised in this sense was political economy, which was the understanding that bourgeois intellectuals had of their own society, not "capitalism". this critique is what leads to the notions of revolution being needed, that this revolution needs to be carried out on class lines by the proletariat, that capitalism itself provides the necessary requirements for its own downfall, etc.
Petersons ideas on Marxism and Postmodernism are hackery and lies. That's the victory. Who the fuck cares about winning a cash grab debate trophy? People laughed and cheered because it's justice when conmen are exposed. His other work, the Jungian and anthropological spirit rambling lectures, fall along the lines you described.
Can someone tell me what the point of this was? What were they even talking about at the end? Zizek could have gone way more into Peterson's lack of knowledge about marx
Marx was a Jew and Marxism is just secular Talmudism
that would not be nice
I called it before the debate even started, it was obvious that Zizek would be much more interested in an actual discussion rather than simply listing all the bullshit one by one.
dont let /pol/ read auschwitz or the great alibi
If Peterson immediately started with his psychology stuff and 'capitalism good' instead of ranting about the fucking communist manifesto of all things with his high school level knowledge of marxism he would have looked a lot better. His retarded opening statement made him autolose in many peoples' eyes.
so I just threw out my copies of maps of meaning and 12 rules, what are some starting Zizek core I should start reading?
Capital, vol. I-III
It's much closer to secular christianity actually.
Just watch his lectures, all his books are just rambling excerpts of his talks
As a bare minimum you need to read all 3 volumes of Capital, as well as Marx's entire personal correspondence
If he did that Solzhenitsyn would rise from the dead and write an extra section to the gulag archipelago
all the proposed solutions in history by marxists have ended up in holodomor shit.
At least capitalism seem to work even if poorly.
i agree, but what is the solution? are we to let the left evolves into a pathetic and rotten corpse as the right has done?
That would serve no purpose other than ego stroking and I think he is beyond it at his point. They just want to talk about shit in front of a big audience hoping that people may hear some cool ideas here and there and maybe inspire further thinking. They pretty much said that multiple times.
Exposed for knowing nothing about Christianity
"He who does not work, neither shall he eat" is literally from the bible.
i need a debate like this every friday to fill the gap i have within
I honestly don't thing there is a solution and it will only keep getting worse until some global humanitarian crisis happens(world war, cataclysmic natural event, meteor of a fucking alien invasion)
>"oh, the debate of the century is happening..."
>"eh, well I guess we can listen to it, but I'm going to play Apex on high volume while we do."
>"ehh, you know what guys, I'm tired from smashing 20 year-pld pussy I'm gonna call it in..."
>"OH, and I'm going to canada for a quickie too btw"
Destiny is such a bastard.
He'll go over it tomorrow probably, the shit was really fucking long too
I used to enjoy Zizek in 2011 or so, before I became a 'right-winger' (neoliberal, but with non-interventionist conservative sympathies, besides overall conservative skepticism), and now I am reminded why. It's good to see there are still left-wingers who don't buy the simplistic worldview which you usually see expressed by people coming from English and 'Studies' departments.
At any rate, I still think he didn't even bother to address the liberal (as in: free market + democracy + freedoms) consensus from any perspective that reminds one of your usual Marxism. But then again, Marxism is now mostly an empty label, and has been so at least since the Frankfurt school (who were mainly cultural critics, and not the best ones at that, but anyway).
Peterson 'won', in the sense that he provided the stats which show - maybe there's not much scientific rigor in those, but at least it's the best information we've got - that capitalism is a better system for human happiness than communism is. You can certainly quibble about the definition of human happiness as much as you want, but in the end of the day a guy drinking at a bar with his friends is still happier than you and there's nothing you can do about it. Facts were on Peterson's side: capitalism is the best economic system we have. In terms of actual argumentation and rhetoric, Zizek did somewhat better, I think - or at least he tended to be more acute and made more memorable interventions than Peterson did, although he was never able to structure his ideas as well as Peterson did at the end of his first answer to the Slovenian's initial statement.
Another problem is that Peterson comes from a psychological-scientific (with some idiotic psychoanalytic and, yeah, self-help) perspective, while Zizek comes from a continental, philosophical one.
It clearly showed. Peterson provided the data for his quite clear, simple and succinct argument; Zizek digressed on a lot of unnecessary topics, but in the end it was good for his image, because he managed to show how Peterson's understanding of the terms he uses (neo-marxist post-modernism) is very lacking in terms of nuance and actual reading of the relevant and very vast bibliography.
Peterson: 6.5 (did his job)
Zizek: 5.5
Dave Rubin: 4.0 (I expected more interventions from that fine-looking, good-natured man)
Crowd: 10 (clapped after Zizek told them to stop clapping)
The bastard better go over it tomorrow.
It takes a talmudic Jew to refer to pickings in a text of a work that is all about spirit. Go read John and Kant&Hegel then come back to me you nasty little shyster
any reading recc's for understanding zizek's view on PC left?
meh just watch yt vids
consumerism is getting irrelevant.
There will be a newer model after this crisis and the newer model will care more about being enviromentally friendly simply because resources aren't infinite so they shouldn't be wasted.
There will be a lot of more clusters and local production using 4D printing and such newer technologies.
Optimization of the use of resources and circular economy will replace our current system.
Also companies will gain more and more political and social power and nations will become and more irrelevant (also politcians will be irrelevant in the future).
But did marx not describe the ideal society as one where workers own the factories and there are no classes or government, i.e communism? I can certainly see marxist elements in how capitalism has and will play out (most likely leading into social democracy), but I take issue with this notion of ideal society Marx had. I suppose Zizek didn't agree with it either
he wrote a couple articles
basically you'd be called alt-right if you repeated them to the rainbow club
By the way, I don't want my statement that Peterson 'won' the debate sound like it probably did sound.
In fact, that was rather more a conversation than a debate. None of the people involved did win.
It's just that capitalism really is better for human happiness than communism, and Peterson merely showed it.
Other than that, they had a very nice conversation, and seemed to agree with each other a lot more than one would otherwise expect, specially perhaps because they focused a lot on what they have in common - namely psychoanalysis, which by the way is a pseudoscience, but that's besides the point that I am making.
Zizek was unironically feeling bad for Peterson
This season, the anti-idpol left returns
>Then, as leftists
You're a Leftist now, thought you're just some faggot on a forum
"my gott, it's pure ideology"
there, that's zizek
Only intelligent post in this thread. Meanwhile all the lefties are doing is smug underage shitposting.
meh. they'll just continue ignoring us and call us strasserites. forget the left
Yeah cool
Hmmm, I doubt it. Western progressivism is an apex political predator, much more so than old fashioned class consciousness. Spandrell's take on 'Bioleninism' vs 'Leninism' is good on this
this post is very poorly written, jesus christ. please tell me you altered your usual writing style or something
>did marx not describe the ideal society
>“Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.”
-Marx, The German Ideology.
This quote has been reposted and used as a crutch so many times that I feel bad for doing it, but it really is the simplest answer to your post.
That bastard is pretty empty...
Marxists fail to predict the amazing self-innovations of capitalism.
They don't get that for every major company there's a bunch of MIT-trained scientists working 10 hours a day on how to make it more friendly from an ethical point of view, thus making people feel less guilty and better about themselves when buying their products.
Capitalism is based on competition, and competition drives innovation. Innovation is done by scientists who happen to be much smarter than Marxist humanities graduates and, therefore, are able to quickly circumvent the faults of capitalism which said Marxists like to criticize. Thus, we will soon have robots and such, and people might even receive a universal basic income that will let them live their lives very happily and without much effort (although the government should avoid the free-rider problem by making some requirements and so on) - all without needing any sort of revolution or revolt against the system. Our system works well, and can renovate itself when needed.
Ideology always appears as most unshakeable right before the beginning of its fall
Sorry. English is not my first language.
Keep in mind that I also wrote that post very fast, and therefore I may perhaps have used some overly Latinate syntax, or maybe other things of the sort.
yeah, capitalism seems to be much more scientific and can self correct than marxism, which seems to me like an utopia too rigid system.
They also don't get that people genuinely don't give a shit about ethics. That in a Godless universe the real consequence is petty sadism and lust for entropy crashes not any sort of solidarity and sympathy
People don't even want to win themselves, they take more glee in the thought of others losing
You're joking, right? His post is the best written post in this thread.
God if the left could just drop its insane demands for identity politics and its fetishisation of immigrants and anti-white culture or whatever so that they could come together with the right on this they would be a real force.
ignore my post, i didnt actually read yours. i just got the impression you had a fragile ego & that criticising your formatting would trigger you
based mind games user
Based and assholepilled
>Ethical Capitalism
Zizek has an entire pieces on this. He actually talks about it all the time.
The point isn't that they actually make the product ethically, the point is that all they have to do is give you the illusion moral superiority and then layer the unconformable stuff under layers and layers of "100% free trade ethically made assembled locally environmentally friendly recyclable label" bullshit
you only need to make an economic argument and make the ethical green solution more profitable than the old alternative.
again, not a real critique.
>capitalism seems to be much more scientific and can self correct
Not a real solution.
this ignore supply and demand.
there's already workers making 350 as programmers on facebook.
get a better job.
yes, because circular economy and urban mining wasn't solutions capitalism made to the pollution issues.
I admit I have never really looked at the data, but as far as I can see, the richer the people get as a result of capitalism, the more they are alarmed by moral issues, and the more they strive to be good. This is actually a point that Peterson made during the debate, albeit very briefly. My impression is that capitalism today is a lot more ethical than it used to be.
Anyway, I am initially skeptical of your view, but I'll have to read more about it.
based as fuck
No problems, mate.
>capitalism today is a lot more ethical
For who? Where? Do we stop considering China's dealings in Africa as "capitalism"? Or what's happening at the US border? What about all the garbage-can factories with 14 year olds working 12 hour shifts for less-than-subsistence pay?
Just because (some, not all) first-worlders have a harder time coming into direct contact with the social antagonism, doesn't mean it's gone.
the alternative for such workers is to burn trash so they can harvest some gold and copper of it.
fuck off with muh factory job is like hell.
>>the alternative for such workers is to burn trash so they can harvest some gold and copper of it.
lmao what the fuck are you talking about? countless people do have that exact job under capitalism
do you not see the problem? the dilemma you present is between being worked so bad you're basically dying, or simply dying. And that's only in the factory example, it doesn't apply to the other things I mentioned.
chinese had such jobs until capitalism improved their situation where chinese wages are too expensive for those jobs so they send them to africa.
the alternative to those jobs is scraping garbage or primitive farming.
>chinese had such jobs until capitalism improved their situation
it's time to do some reading up on China's history on wikipedia
yeah, like mao starving to death millions of chinks because of retarded marxism?
Yes, and? Nobody is saying China was better off before capitalism. In fact, you could argue that capitalism in China as it exists right now exists only with the previous history of "communism" in china, and all the bloodshed and misery it took to transition out of the feudal system.
But capitalism in China today is STILL garbage. There are riots and strikes almost daily, which devolve into out-and-out fights with the police. People are poor as fuck even though the country is the fastest growing one in the history of growing. The social antagonism is strongest in China, precisely because of how ridiculously pronounced its capitalist development has been in the last 20 years. For Marxism, capitalist development and antagonism go hand-in-hand, and this contradiction at the center of the system is what creates the possibility of going past it.
so china not being a totalitarian shithole with social credit tied to your standarts of living not also designed by a communist party?
So china is not real comunism like Soviet russia, holodomor, Venezuela, Cuba, north korea, pol pot?
why they became capitalism after being commies with mao if capitalism sucks so much?
Is venezuela another fault of capitalism?
Because the revolution in China was, in potentia, capitalist all along, user. Deng and Xi were just making explicit what was already implicit in the essence of Maoist China. It's not that they "decided" to become capitalism, but that they were led into it by social forces that they could not control. The same happened to the USSR.
Venezuela wouldn't BE Venezuela if Chavez was not reacting to what he perceived as failures of capitalism. That is the whole point, the very possibility of "revolution" is implicit in capitalism itself and its functioning. Not that Chavismo or any such "national communisms" are any less reactionary, but they are a product of their context.
>why they became capitalism after being commies with mao if capitalism sucks so much
have you heard of tiananmen square
>physics make free energy imposible
>people still fall for free energy generators today
sounds like marxism, people keep falling for it even after it keeps failing so much.
marxism is literally a cult.
This felt off. On one hand, Zizek was clearly better-prepared and pointed out some shortcomings in Peterson's presentation, but also didn't push it to any meaningful extent. I think he did that on purpose of staying nice, and not without justification.
Surprisingly, Peterson was able to maneuver out of the 'show me the marxists' figure relatively well, considering the constraints.
The main topic was extremely bad and condemned the debate to its meme confinement. Neither participant said anything new and neither seemed willing to push it beyond the expected, surface level. Zizek could have said explicitly that people don't get marxism, while Peterson could ask Zizek to explain why is it they should try to understand marxism better. How does Zizek first praise Marx for his analysis beyond the Manifesto and then somehow get to the toilet jokes without outlining those alleged strengths? How doesn't Peterson push him on that more? Indeed, as far as Peterson is concerned, I think he simply wasn't prepared to cross-examine marxism or even ask Zizek for a sound dismissal of capitalism, which should have been the most basic direction one could take in his place.
The absolute loser though was the moderator who not only burnt himself with that intro that made Zizek cringe, but then also failed to keep the format and culminated this already lukewarm debate with the most anti-climatic question and timing imaginable. The cheering from the public, likewise, was quite distasteful.
Christianity was a cult when it started, now you come to Yea Forums to defend its values against the new "cult".
I'm gnostic, faggot marxist.
I wonder why you're so against cults, then.
because at least capitalism is more scientific than marxism.
How can a system of living be "scientific"? Maybe we could talk about liberalism being "scientific", but capitalism? What does that mean? Getting wages instead of being a land-tied serf is more scientific? On what basis?
at least it tries to self correct when it crashes againts reality.
marxism is just assumed to be better because some faggot humanities professor think is better but end up with venezuela and holodomor and mao mass starvations.
>at least it tries to self correct when it crashes againts reality.
All systems do this. When Russia after revolution saw that they were lacking in provisions and faced pressure from peasants, they implemented market policies and traded with Western powers against their supposed principles. When Feudal lords felt their land was being threatened, they hired private armies or made deals with other lords. When Capitalists face crises of overproduction, or pressure from labor, they adjust the terms of the economy by devaluing capital. These things are all "rational" within the context of the system doing the self-correcting.
>they implemented market policies and traded with Western powers against their supposed principles.
so becoming capitalist is how marxism self correct with reality?
Zizek makes a film reference
> Jamie pull that up
> most red
try his movies
your solution is "there isnt a problem." meanwhile people with college degrees are working on starvation wages.
Where can I watch the debate?
Peterson just got exposed as a dilettante, and a poor one at that.
1) Anyone who has taken a 100 level course on Marx could have given as good or better of a rundown and critique of the Communist Manifesto that Peterson gave.
2) No serious Marxist reads the meme pamphlet Marx wrote for uneducated workers, it's not an academic source, it's a propaganda piece.
3) Peterson, although claiming to have read and understood at least a modicum of Zizek's works, was not able to produce a single meaningful critique of his theory, even going so far as to be impressed with Zizek's take on Christianity
3a) Peterson is in many ways a scholar of religion, in particular Judeo-Christianity; he also critiques Marxism for being an athiest doctrine which rejects these principles. So if Peterson had done so much as read Zizek's wikipedia article, let alone an article on him in an encyclopedia of philosophy, let alone read one of his books on Christianity, he would have known this position and not been impressed by it. It means he didn't even watch Pervert's Guide to Ideology. Incredible lack of research.
4) Peterson did not stick to his position that Marxism was bad, instead retreating to a simple repetition of his individualism (at one point admitting that the heart of the individualism leads to the position that you must do what is best for the community anyways "good enough for you/your family isn't enough" which basically recasts JP's position as individually enlightened Marxism)
5) Peterson hasn't read Critique of the Gotha program which is shorter than the Manifesto and much more important (reminder this intellectual has been arguing against the evils of Marx for decades and hasn't even read him in any meaningful sense since he was 18).
6) By the end, Peterson wasn't even able to formulate an argument against the form of Marxism which Zizek promotes. His only point to the debate which had any relevance was to point out Capitalism's productive force, a fact that he also admits Marx agrees with and discusses at length in the Manifesto.
7) Peterson being pressed on and subsequently not able to name a single postmodern neomarxist needs no explication.
Peterson has been exposed as someone who has no real education (or perhaps intellectual interest) in political theory. I am actually amazed there are people who watched this debate and think Peterson managed even the bare minimum of understanding of both Marxist theory and the historical realities of capitalist dynamics.
I'm not even a marxist or a commie, but zizek wrecked his shit.
On point 4 JP has actually been pretty consistent in arguing that radical individualism is narcissism if it has no purpose in a social context. He mentions in it his university video lectures, and most recently in his video with Stanley McChrystal
see with timestamp
>All these redditors in this thread
>Literally linking to reddit
Get out chapo faggots
If you listen to any of Peterson's critiques of communism it's clear that he's never read any communist authors.
It's even worse when he talks about Derrida.
props to dr. peterson for coming to a debate as a prominent marx critic where he was introduced to some marx ideas by a neurotic old man telling toilet jokes
Finally, now I understand what philosophy is.
Could literally be achieved today. The barriers are ideological not material