Stack Thread

Picked all these up for only $7.00.

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Save for the Toilets book it's a nice selection.


Anagram of ts eliot, user is being funny

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1$ each
Bought them this morning at my library's monthly book sale. It's a shame they were sold individually rather then as a whole set.

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That Greek tragedians book. I want it. Nice selections m8.

Thanks, I've been meaning to do a deep dive into the Greek tragedies

What condition are they in? I saw some at a thrift store for around that much but the pages weree pretty tanned.

A bit dusty. Besides that, no tanning and in great condition.

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Ironically good
Sincerely not good

Lucky! My library rarely has anything better than trash paperbacks and only runs the sale from 8-11AM, which is a bitch with my work schedule.

what the fuck man, how lucky can you be

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"The History of Hungarian Literature"
Got it for free, though the last two volumes are missing.

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How is that translation of Devils?


how new are you

cringe and fashpilled

pretty good except for haberpseud
jurgen "dialectical immigrant rape gangs" habermas



everything ITT is literal dogshit

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everyone has seen that image posted like 20 times before, who are you trying to fool with this shit bait


no u

>meme self-help

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unfortunately, even if he is a pseud, he's an important and influential writer in politics and sociology so one has to read him.

Not him but I have the same edition and found the translation enjoyable. Katz is probably my favorite Dosto translator after Magarshack

Other than The Prince this is some of the most obvious bait imaginable

Surprisingly this is a really good stack, especially for $7. Great job, OP!

How did you get those all for so cheap? The cheapest books I can find are from Thriftbooks and those are at least 4$ a book and I thought that was a good deal. You got seven books at less than a dollar each? How do you all do it?

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not him but ive gotten more for less at thirftstores in california. go to the right one and you can find the entire western canon for about $3.50

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from previous thread, I'm nice Mitchell
nice Demian, but doesn't make up for
>P&V Dostoevsky
>Why Nations Fail
>Culture of Critique
literal dogshit
nice Demosthenes, but the fact that someone named their book "Factfullness" really raises some flags

i actually cringed jesus christ
>post-truth era
>subtle art of not giving a FRICK
>death of europe
>bell curve
its the perfect storm of retardation

>not bringing up Ayn Rand
you didn't understand why the pic is cringe

This is the full set

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if i see someone reading ayn rand im not going to cringe because its fair to actually read the book before criticizing it, like plenty of great thinkers have read ayn rand

however no great thinker has read "Weaponized *LIES*: How to Think Critically in the *Post-Truth* Era". if someone is reading that or milo they 100% have already fallen straight into the rabbit hole

fair point, but the fact that the comment says that everything else is bad implies that the poster thinks everything in the pic, including Rand, is good

you fell for that retard's bait. Good job, user.

i saw someone imply it was reposted, but unless someone actually bought all those books just to troll then one man's bait is another man's retardation

rate me you liberal brainlets

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One generation behind.

all that halo is the cringiest part. halo sucks ass unless you are literally 12 years old in like 2006 with a friend

I know this is a repost, but it still confuses the everloving shit out of me
>anti-Trump books AND books by Trump
>Barbarians AND SJW's Always Lie AND Embracing Masculinity AND several Vox Day books
>all that Halo shit
>what appears to be every WWE game
it's like a neolib bugman who wandered onto /fit/ and /pol/ and is no longer sure what to do with his life

Dude I gotta say; as much as one can doubt the validity of Solznietsyn's narrative surrounding the soviets generally - speaking more directly to the Archipelago- his fiction is suburb. Really glad I was aware enough to treat myself to the first circle when I did. A great gift. You'll enjoy it I suspect.

What are you trying to say with this stack user?

What is it trying to say to me? What am I trying to say through it?

Am I memey enough

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I've already read One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Cancer Ward, so I'm quite looking forward to both Archipelago and In the First Circle.

Blood Meridian is good.

native advertisement for Plus-Sized Elf Vol 2 which releases on the 30th of April (just 8 days away!)

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How is Roadside Picnic? I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive.

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You're either very rich or very poor

people change but the objects they have from their past can stay in their possession and they can use this for funny pictures that imply they were all from the same time

Wish I had enough scheckels to buy physical manga.
Man, if I were born rich, I'd be a completely different person alltogether.

Eucalyptus is one of the greatest works of the 20th century. Kleenex is an unrealized genius.

I wonder where the fucking Goodwill shill is that says why we ought to be paying $5 a fucking used book.
He isn't happy about this thread. That's for damned sure.

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I haven't read anything of Eucalyptus, what would you recommend?

this guy

Nice collection if that's yours. I'm trying to buy the whole collection incrementally as they turn up at my library's book sales.

>Eucalyptus was a prominent Greek pre-socratic philosopher. In his philosophy, described in Kleenex, there are three principles: the Inhale, the Sneeze, and the Blow.[1] His teacher was Irritatus Sinus, who was of the Eleatic tradition.

nigga thats a plant

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Hah, someone said "nice Demosthenes" even though that's a terrible translation.

The entire set sells on amazon for 1.7k be thankful

Jesus Christ. Damn. Lucky you, man.

My local library has a little corner where they have things for sale all the time (and usually one major sale a year). I picked these up for ~$9.00 not long ago.

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Halo 2 is one of the best experiences you can have in entertainment.


I bought the whole set in college for $300. It was kind of an impulse buy and a bit stupid, but all of the books were in their original plastic except Plato and I didn't need a textbook for the rest of college because I was a philosophy major.

added a couple thrift finds this week, want to find out if Marx supports suicide

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Something Wicked This Way Comes is one of my favourites

This is my stack for an essay I'm MA. What do we think boys?

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Doesn't matter if you read Hegel or not, you won't learn Hegel

You in Art History? What's your specialization?

This wasn't the last time those two had run-ins.

Very true. The simplification of every paragraph found at the end of this version of Phenomenology is a life saver. The two other Hegel books are actually in Romanian (which I can't read). Doesn't make it any less understandable though.

Contemporary Art Theory is the official name of my MA. I'm specializing in Geopoetics and Spatial Biopolitics. Although I am also taking some courses in curating and a course called 'Sex, Gender, Species'.

David Mitchell doesn't get enough love around here. His books are cozy.

Thanks anons. It's about the only lucky thing that's happened to me lately.
Which books were the most important to your philosophy education? Are there any important ones I'm missing (besides Plato, I already bought that one at a previous sale). I've been trying to learn philosophy on my own lately

Why not just use the campus library?

Can't notate, plus I like letting friends borrow books etc

What would you recommend?

Absalom, Absalom! is the best american book of the twentieth century.

sounds like you want to start a library