[Game Thread] Peterson VS Zizek

get cucked

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I request the jannies to delete these threads from now on

>Looks confident
>Looks prepared
>Dresses well
>Alpha hair and no beard
>Looks like he just watched a nigger fuck his wife in front of him
>Wears a shirt because he doesn't know how to fit into society
>Disheveled beta hair

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>Has his cock in my ass
>Tastes sweet
>Cums hard
>NOT in my ass because he's ICKY
>doesn't groom as well as daddy

Caraco was right, burn it down

Zizek is 70 and rocking it, his wife is model, dresses like he fucking pleases, took part in cinema, taught in some of the finest universities in Europe, has connections with leading figures in the intellectual world, has that fuck you attitude, great sense of humour, teaches Hegel and Lacan, wrote dozens of books...

Peterson debates feminists and transexuals, makes youtube videos, asinine errors on thinkers he didn't read, is Canadian, wrote 2 books, eats only beef, boring , canadian Kermit voice, reads Jung and Nietzsche, sells merchandise on yt, his own daughter is everything he criticizes

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Both retards

>wrote 2 books
he wrote one book on psychoanalysis and one self help manual

>has connections with leading figures in the intellectual world
not anymore though, he got unpersoned

Unironically hyped as fuck
On a side note, has zizek any distinctive ideas, particularly about hegel(I could give less shots about critical theory, social critique’s summit was at Foucault) In his lectures maybe? I haven’t read directly his academic contributions but they seem overwhelmingly unremarkable, like a shittier althusser. If someone could point me in the right direction, I’d be much appreciated

Really, story?

Jokes aside, JP’s daughter is hella fine.

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They made live stream profitable by selling the access.
Capitalism won before the debate even started.


I'd like to go on that all meat diet if you know what I mean.

>I haven’t read directly his academic contributions but they seem overwhelmingly unremarkable
how can you make sweeping statements like that while at the same time admitting you don't know what your talking about

She's a sporty goblin, I doubt that makes her more than a 7

peterson: don't let your kids do anything that you disapprove of
also peterson: see that woman posting photos of her in underwear all the time? that's my daughter. so proud hunnie!

I for the life of me can't find the article Zizek wrote about this a couple years ago, but basically the Left turned on him for being insufficiently Prog, I forget in which way(racism, sexism, etc.) he fucked up

God, the left keeps eating itself. No wonder why Zizek is secretly in love with /pol/

Ive watched probably around 30~ hours of his ‘lectures’ (some of them are more debates and unacademic), I’m not going to spend money on the sublime object of ideology if it’s another banal variant of Althusser or some shit. I just want to know if he actually addresses hegel, or just invoked him like feuerbach or engels who forever bastardized his method

>don't let your kids do anything that you disapprove of


i wonder how her meatty shits smell like

To be clear I have nothing against zizek

i think it may have been his attitude to the refugee crisis, how he dared to bring up that there would be integration issues or something

i could be wrong though

>be Zizek
>be one of the leading Hegel scholars
>write a thousand page book on Hegel
>user watches 30 hours of clips from his facebook Zizek memepage

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number 5 of his 12 Rules
>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

yeah he said Germany shouldn't have to take such a big burden of refugees and that middle eastern countries like SA should step up and help. He also said the millitary should be playing a larger role in directing migrant flows.

Not the same thing user. Posting pics wearing bikinis will not make any parent dislike their kids.

Okay, I’m just asking what exactly he has to say about Hegel? I’ve also read the IEP entry on him, and it just seems like a politically driven, modernized, strongly lacanian picture of society and its apparent pathologies. I have no doubt he has something to say about Hegel, I just want to know where to look

especially if that kid is a 20something independant adult

I will clean her room so hard

whats wrong with a woman in bikini, you filth homosexualfag? lmao
shes like in her 30 and looking amazing i mean she must be proud

one, that's not a bikini
two, she's not at the beach
three, this is all she uploads is pics of her wearing underwear, and JP comments on them and likes them and shit
it's all very Oedipal or Antigonal or something

She's a diet blogger you mong, find one who doesn't show off results. Peterson looking at them is pretty fucking weird though.

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Who cares?

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Other pic since the last one was already posted.

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And this one is punishment for your silly comment.

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>I eat meat
half rung above instagram thot

Daaaamn that pussy is phat

He looks like a slob. I like him too but you’re posting cringe

it smells like being on the edge between order and chaos

read the fucking book dude, jesus christ are you actually retarded?

>golly gee, bucko, just leave the rapidly disintegrating system be and it’ll be like the 50’s again!

>u shee zhee korrint sjeestem congratulatesh itshelf but it must be overturned. Zherefore vee musht persist in bourgeois mansgerialism and und shange nuthing

>*sniff* and so on and so on


Does anybody else have trouble following Zizek's train of thought when he speaks? I can never tell what point he's trying to make. I don't like Peterson at all but at least he presents his arguments in a way that's easy to understand.

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>yeah just let me go read this 1000 page book to decide whether or not this book is something I want to read

>my got

That's because he's very rarely actually trying to make a point, and is instead just rambling because he likes coming up with ideas on the fly

based citationlet

who would complain more about me pirating their stream and giving them no shekels?

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Patreonson without a doubt

How do you listen to him then? I can't figure out what his opinion is on anything. I find Peterson much easier to understand, even though I disagree with him.

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I agree, was joking around thought.

>are you aware that

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Seeing where this photo came from makes it sooooo much better. KEK

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I meant to reply to this post too with pic here

Is it just me or there's something terribly wrong with her tits

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I've posted this before, but I'll post it again. I am eighteen (18) and have two tickets to this debate, yet nobody to go with. If you are a woman over 25 and willing to go with me for FREE please reply to this post.

I think its the bra slipping a bit giving it a strange look, but I can see what you mean

They're more pec than tit


Why does Peterson like Jews so much?

I could swear it looks like someone ps a bra over them.
I must be trippin or I just looked at them for too long lmao...

That too

good googly moogly

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