What's some good Kentucky / Appalachian literature?
What's some good Kentucky / Appalachian literature?
Ehle - Land Breakers
mcdonalds menu
Looks good, thanks!
wendell berry
She's from Georgia but Flannery O'Connor writes a lot about Appalachian folk and probably manages to have the vibe you're looking for
Cormac McCarthy’s novels before Blood Meridian
Sneed’s Short Stories
spaghetti-o shits in a toilet
James Dickey's Deliverance
Read the Education of Little Tree. Little dude grows up with his gram and Gramps in the hills. Comfy fucking book dude.
Ron Rash, "Above the Waterfall"
this, Suttree is GOAT appalachiacore
I saw the movie made out of this and it got ruined after I looked it up and read that the author was a klansman and made it all up
Breece d'j pancake
Town Smokes
Kentucky Straight
Southeners are worse than the niggers they enslaved. Never will they write anything of value, ever.
Faulkner was a southerner though