Any books to help me from ending it all?

Any books to help me from ending it all?
>no social life
>any previous social life is rejected, small country
>escapism is only in my dreams exclusively
>working a terrible job

I want something that will inspire life in me again, maybe rekindle the old me

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You could go try to be a pirate in somalia

I don't think I have that kind of drive in me to do such a thing, though i will consider it. Not exactly a fuilfilling existence even if you do succeed in being a pirate.

Try Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus".

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Death is meaningless, and comes on all too soon.
Improve your diet and go for walks or jogging, if I may presume.

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has worked for me

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Kant stop thinking about you butter baby

I KantNietzsche stop thinking about you too

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This is good shit, my man.

Fucking get a Gym membership, lift weights, do cardio, change your diet, cut out onions and refined sugar, read "good" literature and philosophy, fucking break through that stagnation you’re spiraling down into, fucking love you OP, happy sailing

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Why don't you try to move to another country?
Start over, see new things, meet new people in a different environment, try new activities until you find some you like, etc.

nice need to cop that epicurus have you read Lucretius ,Montaigne?

>have you read Lucretius

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im gonna order these books in a couple days, thanks for the recommendations, gonna trust you guys on your legitimate choices

i really should start lifting weights or doing some kind of exercise, my body doesnt feel as healthy or happy as it used to. is alcohol much to cut?. thanks for the honest reply.

one of my biggest life objectives is to quite literally depart from where i live and never come back. it is still in a skeletal level of thought though, have been to china and enjoyed the experience, but I would rather go somewhere that I know i could call home or keep being nomadic. im too sparse in thought
is max stirner an actual meme?

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not to get too self loathing, but do you guys ever just get the thought of pure derealization? just finished watching Samsara in bed, and just kept thinking about life's endless possibilities, how much better i have it than everyone else and how I am just sitting here rotting away. or am i just a product of my own demise at this point? will these feelings ever go away or am i just doomed to persevere and keep trying until i cant anymore

Max is an absolute titan.
Finisher of Philosophy

Yes, cut alcohol

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Take risks user, if you have nothing to lose change your life completely

i dont know how im supposed to go out on nights out in the future without drinking a lot honestly, friend. maybe it says a lot for my idea of fun but i dont know. only drink on weekends

Nothing is wrong with a drink, one, but in your case you want to abstain. You might end up drinking yourself into pure sorrow, you’re fixated on changing your life, you’ll have to sacrifice a lot things that involve lusting in order to attain, discipline has to take control and then with that you can do what you want, you’ll have control in that, but no one has full control but they also do have full control

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On a similar note, books on being a virtuous, good man and rising beyond pain and struggle to become better?

even if it's just 10 pushups a day do them

This, yes indeed, everyone starts somewhere

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this but also the chuang tzu and the dhammapada

Based inspiring but also kind poster

You probs won’t even read them desu, your self pity and defeatist attitude are too ingrained.

Religion, its the best escapism. GL.

This is going to sound like some bullshit, but you probably have intestinal problems. Taking probiotics will increase your serotonin level and make you able to bear everything better

Those feelings will only go away if you decide to make the change. I don't know about your life but from what you've said I can assume you don't feel fulfilled so I would encourage you to occupy your time with things that are beneficial to your health (mental/physical/spiritual). If you are already balls deep in Yea Forums tier shit like reading a lot and various hobbies try doing some physical work like gardening or chopping wood. Or commit yourself to helping others when you are feeling down. It will exhaust your body and mind and give you a sense of fulfillment that you lack.

Not op, but some times I do consider it. Black Lagooning my life away seems like a romantic idea, even if I know irl the Somails would just laugh at me and then rob/rape/kill me.

This really helps, although my "invincible summer" is more like a light drizzle.

All of this helps, also sleep well.

You should go to a therapist

Madame Bovary