is hegel really the most difficult author to understand?
Is hegel really the most difficult author to understand?
Other urls found in this thread:
not really
imagine seeing hegel at a goodwill getting really excited and then opening it up to find every single word in the entire book highlighted like a rainbow
women should have never been made literate
>Yes, you should absolutely read Hegel, it might look hard, but with enough work, it's rewarding
>Forget about Kant. Kant is insane, and it'll make you go insane too
That's what they said in the first year of HS
I understood more of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake than Hegel.
I use these just in case I want to get rid of books. Erases w heat/friction. Reappears w cold.
A colouring book read by most women looks like that, they simply dont do reading all that well
>highlighting and taking notes is bad!
this, fuckin plebs. pic in the op is overboard tho. but highlighting and notes are based
So every time the book gets cold the highlight comes out again?
>Emotional labor
Anyone who uses that term should be put to death desu
Heh, only us white men can understand this stuff
Is there anything on the psychology that goes into social media posts like this? I always see things like this where people basically just admit that they're bad at what they do but they do it in a way where they must think they're impressing people
it's called a humble brag
Most people who aren't completely autistic like sharing their social activities with each other
>Implying I'm white
That's why you're not an intellectual
Nah just men in general
how is reading a fucking philosophy book a "social activity"
Ive read this shit and she is just circling arbitrary lines. She literally has no idea what she is doing lmfao
>reading a translation that closely
The point of that tweet is not to share what she's doing, it's to try to impress people with how much effort she puts into reading a book
Like I said you can't be autistic to be able to understand why people like being social
People who highlight as they read always do this. Without exception.
The ink is there at room temp but disappears if you leave it in a hot car..
To make it reappear put it in a Ziploc and leave it in the freezer a bit...
IIRC Schopenhauer took a shit on hegel for being obscurantist
Many people did
It's ok, we can't expect an autist like you to pick up on obvious psychological indicators.
>social media is about 'sharing social activities'
it is 90% narcissism and self marketing, that everybody feels compelled to do to keep up an image
Not to mention that judging by the incoherent way this chick is underlining the text, her actual engagement with philosophy itself is nothing but image
being social = normal
social media = pathology
We truly live in a society, huh.
>all these people upset someone is actually reading Hegel and making notes of important things
Crab mentality
Yea Forums is social media too
She is making a not of everything. You may as well be making a note of nothing.
>making notes of important things
maybe if you're fucking stupid
Everyone has their own note taking methods but this bich is highlighting numbers and switching colors every sentence. Ridiculous and nonsensical..
It's anonymous. It doesn't have the same pathology. There is a dopamine addiction involved tho, gotta get those (you)'s
If you're a guy, it's the exact opposite.
>Orange is "what the fuck is going on"
what happens when you figure it out? you can't unhighlight it dumbass
Not unless you are a tripfag
oh no no no
buy a second copy of the book?
Highlighting has been proved to be almost useless as a method of learning. Notes can be more useful, but are limited in capacity without sufficient repetition
Why is everyone losing their shit in this thread? Looks like she was being meticulous and thorough in her reading of Hegel. I also don't see what's wrong with colour coding when you're highlighting; I personally don't do it but it seems like a good way to compartmentalise your notes.
Are you faggots really mad because a woman has devoted more time to a meticulous study of Hegel than you ever have?
The way I take notes is rewriting the text using my own words. It's very slow, but I usually never have to re-read a text.
>Apr 22
how much you wanna bet this broad never heard of hegel before the meme debate
you're deluded
Shes a woman, she will never figure it out
I highlight very strategically and precisely tho. Mainly key terms and phrases so I can flip through the book later and find it quickly. Which I mainly use to bring up quotes for pointless internet arguments.
>orange is "what the fuck is going on"
This reminds me of a volume of Plotinus I bought at a used bookstore. The previous owner had drawn a bunch of questions marks in the margin or above the text of passages that he or she apparently found confusing. What's great is that these are usually the best passages to me.
lmao good one
>buying multiple copies until there's nothing more that needs to be highlighted in orange
>treating a book like a Sudoku puzzle that needs to be solved
Highlighting as a tool for quick reference is a good use, I imagine. Not what I was really talking about though.
Yes I used to do something similar, I agree.
no wonder people in the past were so backwards and unprogressive
they didn't have an arsenal of highlighter pens to make sense out of things
>how much you wanna bet this broad never heard of hegel before the meme debate
twitter sophists are only interested in the aesthetics of posting about philosophy
Get on my level bitch
I understand the colours she has a key for, and it's a better system than mine; how do you have colours in your system you don't know the purpose of? Is this some new age Hegelian mysticism?
Is there a more retarded activity in the world than highlighting the words in a book so you can understand them? Making notes should unironically be done in a notebook. If you do something like this, you're just making it a thousand times more annoying to read for someone else. You can argue that if it's your own book that there is a reason to do it since no one will use it but I have yet to meet a person that buys all the books that they read and isn't a retard. Especially people with their own 'personal library'. If you're going to read a book once, buy it. Otherwise borrow it like a normal person. The most fucked up part about all this is that there are retards that do it when they're borrowing library books. These fuckers can burn in hell
oh no oh no no no
>imagine needing notes when i can just use my implanted lens to translate the amphetamine god's capitalist a.i. language
fuckin plebs
this shit is honestly so gay, glad i never took the Landpill it's 100% cringe
Most of it is not like that at all. The first few essays of FN are interesting and his later NRx stuff is ok
the page there and the other stuff like it is probably the product of literal psychosis
As postmodern culture crosses to hypermania and ### # # ## # # # ## ##
fanged noumena
this but unironically
>she doesn't write a resume of each chapter in a notebook
Keep to your colouring books ya brainlet
>probably the product of literal psychosis
i find that very hard to believe. it's tryhard "Joycean" word salad only instead of coming out esoteric or flowy it's a bunch of paper thin non-sentences and phrases like "Mutation rat rat rat rat rates jump." wow! very profound! this man is twisted!
Can we all agree that
Kant > Hegel
though ?
I say that because Land had a mental breakdown in the 90s around the time he was writing that stuff. he went from being coherent if abstruse and experimental to the gibberish in those pages.
sounds like self mythologizing
Why would you mythologize a mental breakdown? It's embarrassing and makes people treat your work less seriously
Because then you can publish gibberish and retards like you will pay for it and marvel at the tortured soul that made it
petty endless cynicism gets boring after a while, bud. take my word on it.
you might be the cringey one buddy
I just said that the mentally ill part was worthless...I said he had a handful of good essays at the beginning which have nothing to do with being insane.
I think you are projecting some kind of fascination with a tortured soul archetype
I liked this comment. Can I follow you so I can see more of your insights?
don't play naive. romanticization of mental illness is everywhere in art and culture, mental "breakdown" and substance abuse are especially fitting the kind of esoteric prophet image Nick Land is pushing - the man who knew too much, who saw too clearly! the van gogh, the tormented genius isolated by his own intellect!
people like to talk about Philip K. Dick's supposed mental illness. it excites his fans and seems to elevate his science fiction to the paranoid genuine article. look at the cult of Nietzsche and the way his mental breakdown is treated. or Joyce's writing of Finnegans Wake and the way people like tocall its linguistic complexity a symptom of syphilitic madness.
madness is the abyss for artists, and that's where the truth lies. only "Mutation rat rat rat rat rates jump" is a very poor excuse for any kind of madness or truth. it more looks like someone typing indiscriminately to meet a certain wordcount, sure that nobody's gonna try to parse or read the passage anyway.
Land's psychosis was because of drug abuse and probably some mental disorder, it was not some kind of romantic prophecy
Do you think the homeless guy talking to himself on the street is romantic or admired? That's what mental breakdowns look like
What reason is there to publish this that isn't just trying to build up the perception of "whoa this guy is crazy!". I'm not even upset about it being done, I respect the art of it and I think it's effective, I just don't like trying to pass it off as something with intellectual merit when it's just for aesthetic value
Which part do you find hard?
Genuine damage is still genuine, the most prized commodity to the atomized half-souls of the modem world.
the guy on the corner talking to himself does not talk like a fucking Nick Land text
many do
go outside
that schizobabbling prose is very common online.
yes, obviously
What's the point of taking notes if you do not know the outcome of a book? You assign value to concepts you are not familiar with. Absolutely counter-productive. You will end up missing the entire point since you are pushing everything through your preconceived notion of what is philosophically worthy. read the book first if you're really bent on taking notes.
And he was right to do so, Hegel is a fucking terrible writer.
Can't tell if tranny or just ugly female.
and your "schizobabble" is a poor simulation of speaking in tongues, a charlatan's trick to feigning some kind of intuitive intelligence, to make the reader feel like they just cannot keep up.
it's bullshit, it's certainly not reflective of diagnosed schizophrenia. it's a crude aestheticization of a mental illness which is absolutely not a joke.
but what the fuck do i care? i guess i'm the real faggot here because i've let you waste almost an hour of my time.
hypervirus is no longer than 20 pages if IIRC which is only incomprehensible part out of a 500+ page book. there are other parts in binary but they can be translated. And yes I do agree with you its purely aesthetic, its living/implementing the philosophy he is trying to explain rather than directly explaining it. It is purely aesthetic and has no more intellectual merit than him explaining it in direct essay form
Shoulders and hands are usually the best indicators in internet pictures.
>it's a crude aestheticization of a mental illness
your projection and nothing else
and joyces was too irish. the fact you apply criteria to 'schizobabbling' is strange in itself, as if there is some hierachy at play. land is tryhard and not lucid at all
7/10 would draw a picture of
as someone who wrote his thesis on hegel, his works are very dense and his writing is subject to much obfuscation, although if appropriate time is taken and the reader is relatively well-versed in prior idealism then it's not all that bad
it's become a sort of meme to refer to hegel and his writings as the final 'boss' of philosophy
ohhh so thats why all the second hand books in my freezer have marks all over them
Jewish men can understand it, some South Americans and Asians too. Even kodwo eshun who is black,
Stop acting like a Twitter fag.
Seems excessive but what do I know, I have not read Hegel.
I'm so triggered by her notes.
I'm havin flashbaks of that time I lended a book to this gir from school and evey page was highlighted in pink.
Goddamn it
You can reflect back on how you didn't get it but do now. And you know you get it because you do.
reading hard books is not a personality
Yes, there are numerous passages in his writing that even Hegel specialists don't understand.
Have sex.
Why so much reading just to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles?
Have sex.
based as fuck
Who is they?
Yes, this is how actual learning works in every discipline. Assimilate knowledge, perform experiment (exegesis), summarize and critique experiment.
1) it helps trace the line of his thought quite well, it would have been irresponsible to skip his speed era
2) cooking lobsters is one of his absolute masterworks
>send tweet
Shit like this that makes
sound legit
Statistically true
I want to toss her off that bridge.
Why do people highlight books? That looks even more difficult to read, with the multicolor seemingly random notes
Females think everything is emotional labor.
Down the highway, tranny, not across thr street.
Colors aside, is this a bad translation job, or something? I refuse to believe this is what Hegel wrote.
based retard never even tried to read the Phenomenology
You mean they're ALL written like that... The German version is also just as dense? Is there anything communicated in this schizo gibberish that cannot be improved upon, or relayed in a better way?
Philosophy is a scam...
eat gyros
This is nice, user - you should send it to her.
what does that have to do with Hegel?
Once communism takes over, everyone will die of starvation, but eventually the rate of death will drop down to zero.
Stalin, Pot, Mao have killed over 100 million
this reply is great because theres no response to it that doesnt make you seem mad
the meme even says that, please don't derail the thread, Hegel is not Marx or Smith
holy shit top fuckin kek
boomer meme cringe
oh btw the people who wrote the Black Book have openly admitted to inflating the numbers :)))))))))))))))))))
Irrelevant. Americans eat whatever the fuck they wanna eat and that doesn't always imply nutritious. Millions have died of starvation in the soviet union due to Stalin's inept economic policies. Basically what you're saying is that: everyone who DIDN'T die of starvation, got to eat the same amount of food as americans.
Ukraine, the formerly breadbasket of Europe, never knew starvation except under communist rule. China, throughout its 6000 years of existence, never knew starvation except under Mao.
Literally not even Huns and mongols could do that. Only leftist morons...
Ukraine had a reoccurring famine every 14 years up until the holodomor, after which the famine stopped. Kulaks slaughtered of half Ukraine's livestock and burned half their grain in protest of the SU attempting to help prevent the famine by collectivizing the farms.
The recurring famine thing also applies to the regions of china that were affected by the Great Leap Forward, and almost all modern leftists are at least critical of both Mao and Stalin if not heavily so. The Praxis/Theory cycle is really important to leftist thought, as it turns out.
Even if you were completely correct, it doesn't refute
Also, ancoms and syndicalists exist.
Thanks for being utterly ahistorical, though! :))))))))))))))))))))
Have sex
>if we had infinite money we could save every life
The difference is that people died in Socialism that didn't die in Capitalism. The reverse is almost never true. Listing deaths in Capitalism without a system that could have feasibly prevented them are unavoidable deaths
This is what communists actually believe
>Even if you were completely correct, it doesn't refute
Dude what the fuck is there to refute? No 'access to clean water'? War, disease, fucking malaria... this has to be a bad troll, but going by Poe's law I'm going to have to flesh it out for you: scarcity is not a problem due to capitalism.
But even then, millions upon millions are being lifted out of poverty every year according to the U.N. so these problems will be resolved soon without revolution.
But look!
>New vaccine for Malaria given for FREE to Malawi. A philanthropic endeavor developed in capitalist countries.
>Bill Gate's efforts to genetically engineer mosquitos to prevent them spreading malaria
>Bill Gate's foundation eliminates polio
>Lifestraw (water filters) given to African children for free
Hundreds of examples to rebut your stupid ass
That number is literally from a book that has been discredited by some of its own authors.
Happens every time one buys a textbook and a previous owner was a woman or a basedtoy
>non-autistic people busy themselves constantly upping their social capital
Makes me proud to be autistic
Discarded. Stop doing this to books. There is no reason to write inside the book, just take notes on a separate sheet like a normal conscientious person. I tend to think you're not really absorbing the book if you do this. And it's usually dumb shit that they write in the margins.
Like today I had a book about tax lien certificates. It wants you to believe they're the key to outsized returns. Anyways they sounded pretty illiquid and junky. On every page, at least 3 sentences underlined. Then at the end of the book it says "oh yeah they're super illiquid btw"
This guy writes "SO WHAT?" in the margin. So you might never get your money out boss. Last page, he writes a 1-800 number for his IT company. And he folded the entire page over instead of using bookmarks. Not a little notch, not an ear, the whole page.
Please stop treating books like trash, the whole point is to spread knowledge right? Instead people selfishly treat them like disposable knowledge injections.
have sex
>Doesn't underline funny/quotable parts for significance
>Has no friends and will never raise children to whom your books will be passed unto
>His children will never love him enough to cry when they see their dad's chicken scratch across a nice cream-laid hardcore
>Probably doesn't need to burn old books to save on storage
>Doesn't read that much anyways so his attic will never run out of space
>Not gonna make it
>Doesn't underline funny/quotable parts for significance
>Has no friends and will never raise children to whom his books will be passed unto
>His children will never love him enough to cry when they see their dad's chicken scratch across a nice cream-laid hardcover
>Probably doesn't need to burn old books to save on storage
>Doesn't read that much anyways so his attic will never run out of space
>Not gonna make it
you are hillarious here, and they are fuckin posers. but whatever man you are my kinda faggot..
nigga what
>"Starvation only counts towards an ideology's death toll if that ideology isn't capitalism"
>Not knowing that they've just been lowering the poverty line and that when using the more accurate measure of $5/day the number of people in poverty is increasing both in terms of total population and percentage of global population
>"Individual acts of charity completely invalidate systemic issues"
Slurp slurp I sure love my boots :)))
How on earth are those attributable to capitalism?
ah yes, the old "there's no flood because some people live on hills" argument, jesus christ capitalists are so fucking stupid, imagine thinking that if you suck your boss's dick long enough he'll make you a millionaire
>Death occurs under communist government
>Death occurs under capitalist government
Hey sometimes shit happens acts of god can't save everyone it's not capitalism's fault stop asking questions
no, hegel can actually be quite simple depending on how ample for philosophy you are, however hegel is very systematic and should be read in order. hes also reacting to kant and its best to read kant before him, so many people jump in without prior education and get fucked
I think you misunderstand your meme
Why do you guys type in this hysterical parody fashion all the time
I fail to see how people dying of malaria in Africa is the fault of capitalist America or communist USSR.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I have to confess i only use pen and do a waved line and a "?" when i dont understand the redactation and later on put a note there, or when i see a factual mistake.
Why the fuck would you use a colour for "no designated purpise"fucking idiot.
yes. all the books ive read are like that....
No it's good because people die in capitalism too so see no one is perfect
Rape the bourgeoisie
honestly yes
anyone who thinks he understands hegel is sorely mistaken
he was literelly a schizoposter f the 1800s
>previous owner highlights words useless to the meaning of a passage
>reading abook is a social activity
>sharing social activity (meetin people?) on social media makes sense
maybe you are the autist after all
Hegel is a charlatan. His philosophy is only relevant to PhD students and Marxists. Heidegger's and Satre's phenomenological methods are so much better for understanding the self and it's relations with the world. Existentialism not essentialism, m'kay?
capitalism has n astonishing rate of failure
there are plenty of theoretical problems with communism, look into those instead
>t. not communist
>his philosophy is only relevant to the group of people professionally studying in a given field
well shit
and your shoehorning in your stupidass rendition of existence over essence makes me think you know fuckall about the subject
once again
>t. phenomenology pervert
maybe his philosophy is graspable but his writing style is definitely garbage
theres also a buncha shit in the phenomenology that isnt addressing anything in the cpr, deontology, his politics, or aesthetics very directly, tho i cant speak to practical reason
off top the early examples are
>stuff in the intro about history of philosophy
>stages of conceptual development
>master slave dialectic
James joyce
she's a solid would fuck. quit being such a fucking incel.
>500,000 die from malaria
How am I supposed to take this infographic seriously when it's including n words
>dat ideology
Oh dear.
Political existentialism is a one way trip to nihilism.
>ctrl-f "Schelling"
>0 results
niggas, his late philosophy surpassed Hegel. Why does no one mention him?
What meme debate?
Peterson just got exposed as a dilettante, and a poor one at that.
1) Anyone who has taken a 100 level course on Marx could have given as good or better of a rundown and critique of the Communist Manifesto that Peterson gave.
2) No serious Marxist reads the meme pamphlet Marx wrote for uneducated workers, it's not an academic source, it's a propaganda piece.
3) Peterson, although claiming to have read and understood at least a modicum of Zizek's works, was not able to produce a single meaningful critique of his theory, even going so far as to be impressed with Zizek's take on Christianity
3a) Peterson is in many ways a scholar of religion, in particular Judeo-Christianity; he also critiques Marxism for being an athiest doctrine which rejects these principles. So if Peterson had done so much as read Zizek's wikipedia article, let alone an article on him in an encyclopedia of philosophy, let alone read one of his books on Christianity, he would have known this position and not been impressed by it. It means he didn't even watch Pervert's Guide to Ideology. Incredible lack of research.
4) Peterson did not stick to his position that Marxism was bad, instead retreating to a simple repetition of his individualism (at one point admitting that the heart of the individualism leads to the position that you must do what is best for the community anyways "good enough for you/your family isn't enough" which basically recasts JP's position as individually enlightened Marxism)
5) Peterson hasn't read Critique of the Gotha program which is shorter than the Manifesto and much more important (reminder this intellectual has been arguing against the evils of Marx for decades and hasn't even read him in any meaningful sense since he was 18).
6) By the end, Peterson wasn't even able to formulate an argument against the form of Marxism which Zizek promotes. His only point to the debate which had any relevance was to point out Capitalism's productive force, a fact that he also admits Marx agrees with and discusses at length in the Manifesto.
7) Peterson being pressed on and subsequently not able to name a single postmodern neomarxist needs no explication.
Peterson has been exposed as someone who has no real education (or perhaps intellectual interest) in political theory. I am actually amazed there are people who watched this debate and think Peterson managed even the bare minimum of understanding of both Marxist theory and the historical realities of capitalist dynamics.
Why do people confuse bad writing with deep Thinking? If he is that hard to understand he didnt understand his own ideas well enough to explain them which means they are likely shit.
I GUARANTEE you will learn more about life speed reading several mercedes lackey than stumbling over some obtuse book about the falseness of subject and object
You still haven’t told me what debate you are talking about
it unironically is, impedes understanding. take notes after reading to completion.
>loaded question
>false cause
>read retarded fantasy novels instead of philosophy
>take notes after reading to completion.
>after reading to completion.
This is retarded. You clearly have never had to do the MFA or any hardcore reading program
You mad philosophy cuck? Go work your way through hobbies while you are busy wasting time with bad writers.
Aristotle, Plato, Aquinas and Nietzsche are the only philosophers worth reading.
oh shit sorry, heres the link:
Peterson just got exposed as a dilettante, and a poor one at that.
1) Anyone who has taken a 100 level course on Marx could have given as good or better of a rundown and critique of the Communist Manifesto that Peterson gave.
2) No serious Marxist reads the meme pamphlet Marx wrote for uneducated workers, it's not an academic source, it's a propaganda piece.
3) Peterson, although claiming to have read and understood at least a modicum of Zizek's works, was not able to produce a single meaningful critique of his theory, even going so far as to be impressed with Zizek's take on Christianity
3a) Peterson is in many ways a scholar of religion, in particular Judeo-Christianity; he also critiques Marxism for being an athiest doctrine which rejects these principles. So if Peterson had done so much as read Zizek's wikipedia article, let alone an article on him in an encyclopedia of philosophy, let alone read one of his books on Christianity, he would have known this position and not been impressed by it. It means he didn't even watch Pervert's Guide to Ideology. Incredible lack of research.
4) Peterson did not stick to his position that Marxism was bad, instead retreating to a simple repetition of his individualism (at one point admitting that the heart of the individualism leads to the position that you must do what is best for the community anyways "good enough for you/your family isn't enough" which basically recasts JP's position as individually enlightened Marxism)
5) Peterson hasn't read Critique of the Gotha program which is shorter than the Manifesto and much more important (reminder this intellectual has been arguing against the evils of Marx for decades and hasn't even read him in any meaningful sense since he was 18).
6) By the end, Peterson wasn't even able to formulate an argument against the form of Marxism which Zizek promotes. His only point to the debate which had any relevance was to point out Capitalism's productive force, a fact that he also admits Marx agrees with and discusses at length in the Manifesto.
7) Peterson being pressed on and subsequently not able to name a single postmodern neomarxist needs no explication.
Peterson has been exposed as someone who has no real education (or perhaps intellectual interest) in political theory. I am actually amazed there are people who watched this debate and think Peterson managed even the bare minimum of understanding of both Marxist theory and the historical realities of capitalist dynamics.
>retarded fantasy novels
Actually propose real moral dilemmas from the real world and offers different solutions to them. And the love and break ups teach you about life, with barely hidden metaphor. Remember lackey is a not high fantasy, but modern. But keep thinking
>Whatever is reasonable is true, and whatever is true is reasonable.
>Mere goodness can achieve little against the power of nature.
Is acutely teaching you anything either you did not already know or actually useful
It's meant to be read, not painted over.
>Are you faggots really mad because a woman has devoted more time to a meticulous study of Hegel than you ever have?
honestly yeah that's why i'm mad
Maybe she wouldn't struggle so much if she actually read the book instead of just trying to categorise sentences by what colour they should be.
When I was in my early 20s, I had an elderly guitar student who had a PhD in Philosophy from Emory. One day, after we'd been talking about Berkeley and Hume for a while, he said he wanted me to have some of his collection "to encourage me" and proceeded to give me a pile of fairly rare philosophical works. Every singe one was hand-highlighted and annotated to hell and back, and it was super fucking awesome. Some of that stuff would've been practically incomprehensible at that age otherwise.
What the fuck does that even mean
If more people are dying under capitalism both by percentage and by absolute population, how does that prove that socialism kills more?
Socialism actually has a solid history of vastly increasing food production, regardless of what the CIA may tell you.
This if you want to study something highlights do jack shit but writing even a shot summary can be of amazing help.
Does it feel good when girls highlight your pee-pee? Asking for fren
>that pic
It's the fucking first chapter, the easiest of all. How is she going to finish the Phenomenology?
Shhh let them live the fantasy that they are doing it right.
Shit standards.
Retard yes it is retard nigger
Oh how I long for the day we have a complete model of the central nervous system and how it produces consciousness.
Solely for the fact that no-one will listen to philosophers anymore. Thousands of years of twiddling your thumbs and trying to one-up the other guy has lead us nowhere except to war.
You faggots will be dragged into the future kicking and screaming
Well, it was actually just one history teacher who used some of Hegel's materials for class
>China, throughout its 6000 years of existence, never knew starvation except under Mao.
What a fucking brainlet
i dont get this pic
To be fair, he does parse myriad ethical qunadaries.
Based and redpilled.
>Why does no one mention him?
Because no one on Yea Forums actually reads philosophy.
lmao grow some brain cells femtoid
>he thinks Hegel was doing object/subject division
What is this and who's this criminal? I'm not american.
That's very hegelian desu
He's from this infamous TV interview.
ideology has contamined our way of life so much that any signal action is a competition.
who knew that social media would reignite a boom in consumption. simply becuase american must turn the very act of living into a competition.
truly nothing matters more to an american than glory.
Hegel's mind is proof against solipsism.
Agreed. It is attention-seeking.
Yes, I have sex with my gf
Yes, my gf is a person (female, girl)
Kill yourselves, accusers of incel, you narrow-minded cuntlords
How much post-Hegel philosophy can I read without Hegel? I'm willing to read Kant but Hegel is pushing it
This thread is proof no one on Yea Forums has actually read Hegel.
Why do women do this?
>imagine seeing hegel at a goodwill getting really excited
no user, I really can't do that.
That’s right, tourist.
Highlighting is useless for smart people
The snide coming from these posts tell me who is and isn't intellectually capable
We're a lot comfier than Stalin/Trotzky/Lenin's Russia or Mao's China and I think you need to find God and/or kill your father; if you can write something decent about what you're talking about without appealing to baseless memes I can cite specific examples of what I mean because I feel bad for you
How do you feel about Revolutionary Catalonia? The ELZN? Rojava? The Shinmin autonomous region? Burkina Faso? The Ukranian Free Territories?
Have you considered, perhaps, that multiple governments may have slightly propagandized us against a group whose ideology is a direct threat to those in power?
Did you know that most people in the eastern bloc wish they had the USSR back and that their GDP and life expectancy have only just reached pre-collapse levels (if at all)?
What's capitalism's solution to everyone being automated out of their jobs? What's capitalism's solution to climate change? Why is democracy in the workplace evil but democracy in government good?
Can you provide me with even three of the dozens of leftist tendencies and tell me what's wrong with each (or what's wrong with their shared values)?
He parses myriad ethical quandaries
>What's the point of taking notes if you do not know the outcome of a book?
You're talking about this like the topic is fiction books, people jot down notes and highlight passages they feel are relevant to understanding concepts, you can always go back and highlight more or less. You have a problem with how people (or yourself) highlight and take notes not with the concepts themselves.
>You assign value to concepts you are not familiar with.
So you're reading a non-fiction book ?
But all that aside what do you think is the optimal way to help retain and apply information in books ?
As if Yea Forums hasn’t always been way more communist than any subreddit
All of it seems like incomprehensible jargon to me. Joyce is understandable albeit just very purple prose.
>if you wouldn't fuck this ugly cunt you're an incel
I'm starting to think it's actually women whi say this.
>Enter a thread discussing someone who is fundamental to Marxist thought
"Wahhhhh why are there so many commies"
What mode of production do you support, then?
All the cool kids are calling it "anarcho"-capitalism these days
Why do men post this?
>epic reddit maymay
>epic reddit spacing
>epic reddit comeback waaaaaaaah
Now this is epic and it really makes me think.
Good one
I found a copy of crime and punishment for free and just started to realize that basic sentences have obvious themes written next to them in a way that might make me just buy my own copy
Why does that read like how this sounds like?
Some do, there's a homeless guy here that's fascinating, he reads and writes all day, when he runs out of paper he starts writing on paperboards. Sometimes his pages are strewn all over the street, but usually he hands out his "work" for locals passing by. His writing is absolutely schizoid, going from pre-Columbian societies and art to bookkeeping and accounting terminology.
she seems like a nice enough person but i don't get the leather jacket falling off one shoulder
is that some kind of signalling? like the OK hand sign but for hegelian kaczynskis?
she's biofem but 80% of the people rpelying to her are trans
came to post this. Glad she destroyed that book so no one else could ever be fucked reading it.
This sounds absolutely fecking mint, do you remember who his favourite philosopher was?
>Oh how I long for the day we have a complete model of the central nervous system and how it produces consciousness.
The fact that you're further than ever, conceptually, let alone practically, doesn't give you a hint?
>mfw the anglo finds hegel unassailable on grammatical grounds alone
Shit translations =/= sophisticated author.