Well, do you agree with DFW here?

Well, do you agree with DFW here?

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Fuck off OP

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I know it's by John Green, but comparing sexual relations with cereals is so disgusting

Do you feel compassion or love for every cereal you eat, John "I watch my wife get fucked" Green? No? Well now you know what a whore feels towards her play things as she's chugging on some cock.

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He had a real point though, being with someone who has had multiple sexual partners is EXACTLY like eating cereals.

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in this point, KHV* are diabetes with celiac disease?
>Kiss-less,Hand-hold-less Virgin, major alternative term for involuntary celibacy(InCel) after the media undermined it.

Is that a toastie roastie I spy?

or doing daily routine every day is problomatic?

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jaded as i am, i can't help but flip at the rich chocolatey taste of reese's puffs cereal

Here's the counter-argument, and it makes more sense.
A lot more:

DFW was just a TV script-writer with too much pride & pretension to be a TV script-writer.

Read the thread, dummy

>Lauren "BLACKED" Southern
Yikes my man

why should Cheerios feel special
It's really one of the least special cereals you can think of

I agree but its hilarious when aspergery dudes like him try so hard to appear "chill"

they should tweak on meth instead

seriously. just drink some espresso and write down every bigoted, depraved thought that comes to mind.

It is not the amount of dicks per se - that's just a symptom of underlying issue. A lot of modern women develop attachment complex after inevitable "i fucked a chad when i was 16yo, and now all i know is that men can't be trusted". From then on, she'll fuck a chad for the fuck sake ("carousel") and drastically disassociate sex from emotional intimacy over time.

This detunes the genders from each other - most average (ie "beta") men expect sex to be linked to intimacy and commitment, while most average (ie "college whore") women expect the exact opposite due to being sexually exploited from very early on. There's no shame for having 10 boyfriends over the span of 15 years - fairly natural progression of love ("honeymoon period"). There's a shame, however, in what women do in a typical "modern" relationship - keep some sex starved schmuck for "emotional support", but cheat on him all the time with chad.

Why the fuck do you people still care what women do? Just accept that the game is rigged and do other shit that makes you happy. Your dick will long for some pussy-loving but you need to embrace the horned pain and channel it into other, more fulfilling things.

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>There's no shame for having 10 boyfriends over the span of 15 years
What le fuq

I think you confuse love and infatuation, going through 15 boyfriends sounds very much not like love and very much like being a consumerist of relations.

>I think you confuse love and infatuation, going through 15 boyfriends sounds very much not like love and very much like being a consumerist of relations.
I think most people confuse love with codependence.

Alright. That one was pretty cute.

It is funny watching how easy it is to rile up the V squad, but also stop shitting up the board.

>Why the fuck do you people still care what women do?
Because woman are my property and are being vandalized.

No. Fag

You all would be surprised how much a fit body does for you. Most fit people get bumped up a couple attractiveness points.

A disgusting anti-Christian point of view.

No one who thinks like this will ever create great art.

>Feminist propaganda
>Comparing people to Cheerios


Respect the trips of truth. These sparse words come from a man that has achieved real understanding.

>He had a real point though
No he doesnt. Men and women are not viewed the same in this regard and will never be as long as even words like "whore" and "bitch" are still viewed as an insult or have any meaning.
It has to do with insecurity and ego and any man will get a bit insecure or repulsed when the woman has a very high partner count compared to him (which changes from person to person). V fags take it too seriously and some others pretent it doesnt bother them (like Green). But they would never be willing to marry a ex-stripper, a prostitute or someone as promiscuous as those jobs.
Honestly why the fuck would i trust a girl that used to get fucked with strangers everytime she went to the bar to not cuck me at some point?

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oh and you will.

I think you should mate with people that have had relatively the same amount of partners you've had. That way you have the same level of experience.

You have a warped view. From my experience women are much more likely to tie sex to intimacy than men are- this is why it's typically a bigger deal when the girl cheats. If a loser chump finds himself in a sexless relationship when that's not what he wants, he only has himself to blame. Don't date chicks that don't want to bang you, it's that easy to not be taken advantage of.

Now as for the sex starved AND not in a relationship types out there, it's a different problem. That problem is that on the whole men have become less attractive to women as greater workplace equity has led ever close to pay parity between the sexes. Why go out looking for guys when 1.) You make as much or more than many of them 2.) A serious relationship may derail your career. Unrelated changes in culture and technology have also contributed to the rise in celebacy.

What chiefly concerns me are the questions surrounding what we will do when our entertainment surpasses reality in providing not only meaning and amusement but also the more rarified and powerful, evocative, soul-shattering type experiences? What if, for instance, it became trivial to don some highly engineered goggles or sit beneath a domed cinematic screen and instead of the romantic comedy or police drama you began a bank heist, getting to try your hand and overcoming the guards and keeping customers subdued? Or maybe you instead inhabit a reclusive serial killer who dwells in the steppe and feasts on hikers and cannibalizes them, going so far as to ritualistically incinerate their shoes and clothing in the same cooking fires that contain their bones, drawing in the horrid, noxious fumes for an inhalant and oxygen-deprived high. We’ll be simulating the taste of human flesh in no time, really, probably within the same year as the debut of taste and smell simulation technologies. Are we ok with that? Is that the only direction these powerful entertainment technologies can go, increasingly sickening depravities, making us all explorers of our own manifested evils, waiting until were conditioned to the latest horrors so we can decide to maybe boot up the bank heist simulation and devour everyone inside, deftly hobbling the strongest of them and feasting on them publicly, gruesomely, first, to set the tone for the other simulated characters in the personalized cannibalism spree killing simulation of the near future. But as with all our entertainment, the Ouroboric churn of titillation, distraction, elation even reflection type services, they engender in their stimulation an inoculation, that the first experiential run of any and all entertained conditioning will always be the peak. The miasmic, plastic nature of all entertainment genres ultimately reflect the audiences, often us, discovered again and again, cohort of theater goes after cohort, the, capital “C,” Capitalist-hewn process of selection by which only entertainment with a real visceral hook ever takes our notice. Capitalist because it is such a supremely refined tool, American entertainment, honed and optimized and bathing us constantly in experimentation and giving some small set of supremely shrewd business people and creative types startling insights into if not the most important parts of being human, certainly among the most profitable. This process makes planes faster, cars lighter, pens get more ink. Medicine can become scaled to levels of production where it becomes miniscule.

But in the hands of ourselves, as the audience, entertainment’s capitalist experiments portend such gross and wanton brutishness and debasement of ourselves that it seems we are conducted on a path of nature reminding all of humanity why these sorts of lines are not to be crossed, because cross them we will, without much critical thought given at all, largely inured to the idea that its just cotton candy, just innocent fun, something we do to unwind, no matter if its vivisecting a bank teller’s jowls with your incisors. But what about when someone somewhere makes an entertainment where the audience gets to rape? What do we think about ourselves then if that entertainment takes off and becomes popular? What measure of popularity could you stand to hear about before you had to revise what you thought of human beings? If every time you’re waiting in line at a store or at a traffic light, how would you react to the knowledge that around you were avid consumers of serial rapist programming, some choosing Colonial Virginia and others Ancient Egypt, the Ming Dynasty, a “Grey” alien civilization, even, extensibly, pop culture figures, celebrities, political leaders, past, present, even future presidents would be an accessible set of parameters for the mainstream audiences that were now in our thought experiment irresistibly drawn to these sickening, horrifying genres of entertainment because eventually we would all be bored with everything else. Why not rape the bank employees and customers before you eat them? It’s a simulation! Let loose! Decompress! Unwind! And what will keep us from simulating alternative biographies, maybe where we kick down the door to an ex’s apartment and take to her with a pipe wrench and a barbed ursine phallus seamlessly grafted to where our own sapient phallus had been in so many boring simulations of the past? It doesn’t take ultra-violence for simulations to become hellish or at least very disturbing. In Finland, a patent was filed for a sauna that would collect perspiration from women and then pipe it into a specialized sauna for sweat connoisseur customers. Although never constructed to anyone’s public knowledge, you could simulate something like this and probably elicit what remains for shame and embarrassment in these days, say if you were ever found out to be simulating distinct vintages of fermented bottles of young athletic female’s perspired juices.

Maybe you’d distill some into liquor, bottle up specific collegiate women’s sports, a cask of volleyball, 2005 beside a bottle of women’s basketball gameday perspiration, miraculously collected, filtered, titrated and deftly fermented, all in simulation mind you, to create the perfectly balanced female athlete sweat wine. If that sort of beverage simulation became really popular, we’d have to reorganize our non-simulated real life society around the forthcoming capitalist exercises in satisfying those discovered titillatable aspects to us, namely bringing to market actual female sweat wines, vintages defined by sports team location as much as the age of the perspiring athletes. Will that throw us for a loop, if we realized we all just want to lick sheens of freshly emitted saline off the metabolically florid arms and legs of freshly exercised women? That and rape and kill our friends’ families?

By that logic, you're just a piece of cereal, same as all 48 others, and are just gonna be eaten. You're worthless, what's one less cereal worth?

Lolita simulator. We already have animated pedo porn.

>joke goes over head
>shares Lauren Southern video

You have to go back, friend.

how about you no

>do you agree with DFW he-

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what did you mean to say, dearest user?

give into my basest desires? no thanks

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DFW was more interested in how the society around us could become lost in these highly marketed and cultivated desires.

Green is a successful writer, entrepreneur, and respected personality with a wide-reaching audience. His endeavors are global, and his prose remarkably endearing and relevant, long ago having surpassed that of David Foster Wallace. He's got multiple film adaptations of his works and a television show being made. Why the hate?

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