Explain übermensch to a brainlet pls

Retard here with a question. How I understand it(probably incorrectly), an Übermensch is a person who rejects nihilism and creates his own values that affirm life and are not otherworldly and imposes his will of power on things and people. Yet is it said this ideal is impossible for humans to reach. How come?

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Socialization leaves an unconscious imprint on the human psyche (the superego, in psichoanalytical terms) which engrains mechanisms that prevent said ideal from actualizing itself. We are aggresively social beings and the humans around us are everything but übermensch. We should strive toward said ideal and educate future generations in order to achieve it. The same reasons would be applied to the stoic ideal, in which case the root provlem would be the Id, an ever-pressing source of external desire, hence the famous statement "I've never met a stoic".

Maybe a dialectical approach (an understanding of life as a developing process of constant change towards higher stages that requires an effort, struggle even, for the subject) would be optimal for said ideals.

The death of God is recent and will show effects for a long time. Buddha's shadow in a cave etc. etc. Completely accepting that God did never exist is not possible for the next hundreds of years because we are products of our culture and the culture does not yet accept it.

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Oh, makes sense. Though what if due to rare circumstances or a mental illness a person was antisocial and he also tried to reach such an ideal. Wouldn't it be possible then for him/her?

I'm still skeptical. There is still a chance of someone being born who for some reason avoids the influence of culture. Also

Yes, if he is brought up by wolves. But that individual would be below human, not beyond. Don't underestimate cultures, they are the vessels into which our minds are poured.

The Übermensch would not be this or that person, it is a metaphor for a figure yet to come; one that is beyond the human, coinciding with the washing away of man

because society will always bring them down if they attempt to reach it

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>who for some reason avoids the influence of culture.
Wh- Are you talking about a fucking primate? Culture is literally just aesthetic expression on a group scale. God damn even spelling it out for you is just gonna make your brain soggy

Why do you find the idea about avoiding said aesthetic expression so weird?


Psychotic luddites aren’t the Übermensch

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> thinking you get a vote in who is or isn't an ubermensch
I scooby dooby

I’m the one closest to Übermensch-hood around here.
So go poopy scoop you scooby doody

Gay tranny communist retards think they have a opinion lul.

I bet you have cried yourself to sleep at least once in the past 12 months.

Naw. I last shed some tears of mellon collie for saying goodbye to some friend I’ll probably never see again, but we all move on.
As for the sexual frustrations; I’d prefer to wake up with someone beside me, but I don’t lose any sleep over it. This detachment probably comes with age. I haven’t cried over sinc I was in my early 20s. Far more than twelve years even

>avoiding said aesthetic expression
Because I like living, you dolt. At every moment you're in aesthetic expression, and sharing that with others is super fucking fun. Do you like jokes? Or stories? Or anything at all the requires people to, yknow, interact? Even a fucking a pleasantry is culture, you sophmore. You absolute philistine.

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That's all? Nvm. Thought something was wrong about my understanding seeing how you reacted to it. 'You sophmore' lel

See? So you’re in your 30s. :3

>I’m the one closest to Übermensch-hood around here.
The literal bug woman lol.

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>an Übermensch is a person who rejects nihilism
Hes a person who embraces nihilism.
Hes not in conflict with the world

It is simply a Darwinian observation. Man cannot survive in his current state, since he needs morals and truths to guide him, but has discovered by his cleverness that they are hollow. So to escape this nihilistic dead-end, to not be 'the ebb of this great flood', a new species of man has to arise, who can create his own, worldy truths and values - there is no over-world, of course, and therefore we need the over-man. Another outcome posed by Nietzsche is the genesis of the Last-Man, who does not need any truths and values, and who is akin to hollow himself, contempt with petty happiness during his long and problem-free life. These two bifurcations are the only ones who can exist, given our discovery of the conflict between science and religion.