How do people read so much? I can read about one book in two weeks
How do people read so much? I can read about one book in two weeks
Take a hammer to your iphone and it might help you fucking adhd zoomer shitstain.
>one book in two weeks
that's not too shabby. i read a lot because i work as a security guard, so i generally read one book every couple days.
Youre already doing better than most
It doesn't matter. It just depends if you retain what you read, or that you enjoyed reading it.
Learn how to optimize your time. You can do a lot if you use a planner or Emacs org-mode to plan out your day in advance. Figure out how long it takes you to do the things you need to do (shower, brush teeth, eat breakfast, work, study, whatever) and then figure out how to allocate the remaining time for whatever you please. You can get extra autistic about it and try to figure out how to cut the time for even better optimization if that's what you're into.
I found that when I put the effort into making a schedule for everything, I spent less of my free time on useless things.
they don't have jobs
I read novels fast but I'm trying to get into philosophy and I have to re-read most things to make sure I read it correctly. I'm more than likely a brainlet tho.
Philosophy is literally the single most difficult incarnation of literature, don't feel like a brainlet.
OP, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: you don't have to power through books. You don't have to drive forward and complete one book as fast as you can, only to immediately start the next one.
Rather, if you need to take time to read a book, take time. Understand and appreciate what you read. Procrastination is always a problem, one I struggle with myself. But I think there's a difference between procrastination and reading slowly.
I'm currently rereading The Lord of the Rings. I'm almost done, but I've been reading it literally for months. Some of this is due to procrastination, which I admit I'm bothered by. But a lot of that is because it's a 1000 page book and I'm in no great hurry to finish it. I like to read a chapter a day, and meditate a bit on each chapter; ruminate on it, roll it over in my mind, consider it, dwell on it. I think it's a bad idea to read TOO fast, because how much do you absorb when you do?
Also, fuck backlogs. Don't have a backlog. Read what you want, finish it, then read what you want to read next. You should have books that you ought to read, but you shouldn't have anxiety about how much you still HAVE to read. Read to be instructed and delighted.
rereading is a waste of time unless you're doing it on purpose, just slow down.
This dude probably hasn’t read a book in years
I've never read a single book. I just read separate quotes and texts from the most famous philosophers. Haters gonna hate.
We're all brainlets but reading is the cure. Take your time.
That's good, fren. Most of this board doesn't read anything.
>How do people read so much?
It’s a two part answer
1) Fiction
2) Very, very poorly
I’m :3 still waiting for my phone call from butterfly
I don't have anything better to do
This, I read exclusively spark notes and schmoop
I tried to make a habit of reading on my hour break at work. But there is only one lounge area and inevitably somebody will have the tv on. I considered sitting on a bench in the locker room, but people will think I'm antisocial.
No. Certain poetry remain the single most difficult art form. No philosophy is as difficult as the cantos
it's better to have a solid understanding of some selected books rather than have nothing but passing images of all the crap you've read and already forgotten
No, upon rereading you’ll almost always pick up on new details or perspectives that you hadn’t really noticed before because you were busy being carried through the words while they happened. I find it’s best to reread just because, when you already know generally what happens, you can look at it through a more critical or analytical lense. You don’t vacuum a carpet if you only run over each spot once, right?
pewdiepie probably finishes like 10 in a week
Dumb. It's much more fruitful to read ebooks on your phone.
still better than no books at all. that's about 24 books a month, pretty solid
Masturbation is a tradeoff too. After too fatigued to read.
>pewdiepie probably finishes like 10 in a week
pewdiepie """listens""" to lots of audiobooks and i reckon they're better used when doing things like going to work or cooking
This. People who claim to read fast are overwhelmingly full of shit. They're either lying and don't read shit, or they read so fast they don't think about what they read, or they just zone out most of the time and don't absorb anything. Very few can legitimately read fast and retain information and also understand it.
But that's a different issue than OP's. Just make more time to read, stop playing with your phone and vidyas.
Bullshit. Just like Tai Lopez is full of shit too. Very few can read and or listen to books at a fast pace and actually understand, retain, and internalize the information.
>Needing an app to plan your reading time
Just read whenever you want
i can't find the video and don't want to sift through hours of memes to find it but he said lots of the books he "reads" are actually audiobooks in addition to the physical books he reads
you don't even have to read fast to read 70 books a year though - you just have to read a lot and when you take out pointless stuff you do in your day like browsing Yea Forums excessively, it seems much more believable to read that many books in a year
he also apparently looks up the book online after he finishes reading it and learns more about it that way so maybe that might fill in some gaps that he missed IF he did read quickly
but honestly i don't read that quickly or that much, i do maybe 1 or 2 books a month and i find all of this possible but then again i only retain about 50-60% of the information i read in books because im a dum dum
I read maybe 10 pages a day
forgot pic
Wait are we talking about pewds or Tai. Either way 70 is doable even for a busy person. This is about 1.3 books a week. If it includes audiobooks and those lower quality books, it's easy to do. I'm not disputing that. I'm talking about turds who claim they can read a book a day or some bullshit approaching that number. Through experience, I've learned that skipping forwords is generally a good practice. They're usually trash. You can also skim through the types of books that repeat themselves. You can also skip through sections of books that don't bring anything original. Other books you can't skip anything. It just depends on what you're reading. Some books can be read in short bursts while taking a dump. Others require you to finish a whole chapter at a time.
Both are brainlets. Why does it matter
Depends on how yo optimize the process. For example since 2014 I've not read a single book. I get the ideas by inference of the cover, the title, and the first three sentences of each chapter or every 20 pages.
>Very few can legitimately read fast and retain information and also understand it.
This board would riot if you told them the actual numbers
I find audio books a fantastic way to read coupled with normal reading when I'm on my phone.