Good Catholic Reading

Since the janitors are intolerant of ideas that they're opposed to, and they're afraid that more and more people will see that we are sede vacante, here's the deal:

Real Catholicism is the same as it ever was. It's underground. The apostates have taken over Rome.

The Orthodox, while you do have a valid clergy, are far from Christian truth:

If you are against sedevacantists and you can't even talk to them, you're pathetic. You're just afraid, and you were never taught rhetoric or logic, and you can't see past your blinders.

A heretic can't be a pope, and that's all there is to it. Should someone gain power and change the sacraments (like they did), those new phony "sacraments" are invalid. Including Holy Orders. You have nothing but a gross cookie and some weak wine.

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>most holy trailer park monastery
The true seat of Peter is in a double-wide in upstate NY.

And Christ was born in a barn. How shamefully condescending you are.

i don't actually give a shit about religion, but i do want to kiss (brotherly.) a cute seminarist or an older clergyman, and no one, not even God, can change that.

any books for this feel?

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Based christposter

Repent, sede

>A heretic can't be a pope, and that's all there is to it. Should someone gain power and change the sacraments (like they did), those new phony "sacraments" are invalid. Including Holy Orders. You have nothing but a gross cookie and some weak wine.
Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
If a heretic were pope and a billion Catholics were basically heretics too, while only a TINY group of sedes was the true Christians, the gates of hell would've prevailed. Have faith and repent.

Catholicism is Atheism, exclusively so. "Atheism", from Epicurean rhetoric, to Voltarian comedy, to Hitchensian tragedy, never actually makes the case, or even A case, against God. The arguments therein are only appealing due to them being narrow, and only valid in their narrowness, and are furthermore integral to and resolved in Philosophy in general. Whereas Catholicism is uniquely perverse in its circular non sequitur that locks itself from the inside, away from God. It IS Atheism.

Repent of what? Recognizing evil and heresy?

Also, do you realize you just called me a chair? A seat? And you do know what the Holy See has said, many times, about name-calling of other Christians, even schismatics like the Orthodox? Or do you not care about that?

>If a heretic were pope and a billion Catholics were basically heretics too, while only a TINY group of sedes was the true Christians, the gates of hell would've prevailed. Have faith and repent.
This is Novus Ordo logic. The Roman Catholic Church has taught, has ALWAYS taught, that there will come a great Apostasy and only a remnant will remain. This is in every catechism. You are a victim of these robbers - you are ignorant of the true Faith, and in the darkness you think good is evil and evil is good. Read what the Church Fathers have to say, and contemplate that.

Catholics to Orthodox
>We need a Pope to be final authority on doctrinal matters so there can be no confusion. Well, final, authority next to ME anyway. After all the Pope is only infallible if he isn't wrong

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>The Orthodox, while you do have a valid clergy, are far from Christian truth
Imagine actually thinking this. I've even heard atheists say that, from a secular historical point, the idea of the See of Peter and the Vicar of Christ have nothing to do with what the Church believed or practiced in its first like 8 centuries.

Worshiping ornate cadavers - THE CHRISTIAN TRUTH!

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>The apostates have taken over Rome.
Isn't it a big point of Catholicism that this cannot happen because "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"? This is the main theological argument I see against the Protestant Reformation.

Once you're done excavating the true historiographical context of christianity, power dynamics is all that exists and you realize there is nothing left for religion to stand on.
How do christians reconcile the fact that Jesus was the most anti-institutional being that has ever lived? Ellul and Weil are the only modern christians who seem to care about such a problematic.

>How do christians reconcile the fact that Jesus was the most anti-institutional being that has ever lived?
How so?

The Orthodox are a lot closer to the truth than an institution that actively facilitated kid diddling. I love my Catholic brothers, but damn, how can you not see the annihilation of Papism in front of you

Is there anything more scizophrenic than Sedes? It is like a woman whose husband left her for a younger woman so she goes crazy and says that is an imposter posing for her man while he is on a dangerous mission

I am currently in Spain and witnessing the Easter processions. What is the literary equivalent?

great analogy. it is quite sad. I can't imagine not turning to the ancient faith

What about the Popes from before the Protestant Reformation? There were a lot of heretics between them, but none of them are considered invalid.

And if a new Pope were to be elected, who would elect It? Since all the clergy is heretic. What would be the criteria?

You are as heretic as Luther, wanting to found another Church (that's what happened in pratical terms).

"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's."

To say that Jesus opposes the very concept of an institution is foolishness. If the very foundation of the religion of peace and love is merely power what hope have we?

Fuck off christcuck