How come socialists are always dumpy losers who act like the most morally superior dipshits...

How come socialists are always dumpy losers who act like the most morally superior dipshits? I've met so many socialists who are the sort of people you wish you could punch square in the nose, they're so fucking braindead and stupid but think they're smart because they read Karl Marx.

I hate capitalism and I'd consider myself post-capitalist, I really liked Bertrand Russell's Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, Syndicalism. I'd consider myself a social democrat who believes in democracy in the workplace, like Richard Wolff advocates.

But socialists hate me. I never gave a fuck about reading "the real and true" orthodox socialist theory because nothing orthodox socialists ever demonstrated to me is anything other than; hatred towards opposing classes; actual devaluing of human life going all the way to killing the people they deem shitty people, as if each person is not their own culminations of experience and tendencies which dictates who they are, and to be against that would basically be against nature, which is silly.

Not only that, but fucking Lenin is a horrible writer, and every Leninist is a horrible person. Period.

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Other urls found in this thread: more feminine&source=bl&ots=zK0VJ2F2W8&sig=ACfU3U1aM5I_3sMEPHSJQHYWgmPqdhmWFA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv36jM_NvgAhWQ2BQKHR1AAOw4ChDoATAGegQICBAB#v=onepage&q=liberals more feminine&f=false

If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

I'm talking about Karl Marx and Bertrand Russell, you retard. How about you go to poll. These writers wrote books, not went on a talk show to rant about how much jelly donuts they eat.

Shut the fuck up you astroturfing niggerloving newfaggot. You're exactly the type of vacuous self-aggrandizing cocksucker OP is describing and you know it. Go back to retarddit.

>How come socialists are always dumpy losers who act like the most morally superior dipshits?
not a question about literature

Lol btfod cringe tranny

>basically be against nature, which is silly
I'm sure your life is all about doing what is perfectly natural

>I'd consider myself a social democrat who believes in democracy in the workplace
you are a closet liberal, nothing wrong with that, but you are not a socialist. that's okay, socialism is cancer. either call yourself a communist and read so much Marx you can btfo any socialist/leninist you meet or join the "social democrats" who are just liberals who want capitalism with a human face

you sound lovely and not like dumpy loser

social democracy and liberalism have completely different aesthetics

and yet ironically have the same goal: fix/tweak capitalism so we can keep it around forever. look, fuck socialism, but it's even more utopian to think we can fix capitalism through workplace democracy; the change needs to be aimed at the mode of production

capitalism is means for social democracy not a goal

the socialists say the same thing, but at least they can imagine a future without capitalism. social democracy is capitalist realism is action

Every time i see Contra i have to throw up in my mouth a little

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socialist here
i dont believe in morality

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>you are a closet liberal, nothing wrong with that
wrong. being a liberal is about the worst thing you can be

>the socialists
which ones?
at what fidelity?
>social democracy is capitalist realism is[sic] action
cr confirmed comfy and aesthetical

she mogs her friends though.


'She' shouldermogs most linebackers as well

Is that a rhetorical question ?
They are because that's their ideology.
Marx is a moralizer and what's worse he was deluded

lol what book?

Just laugh at their autism and realize these people are fucking pathetic irl. CHAD SUCCDEMS of the world unite

I'm not going to defend socialists, I already told you they were retarded, just less idealistic.
>cr confirmed comfy and aesthetical
duh, have you not read Fisher? it's all about feeding you comfy nostalgia and petting you on the head

>I'm not going to defend socialists
I wasn't asking you to, I was asking
>which ones?
>at what fidelity?

>duh, have you not read Fisher?
lol, of course not

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I fucking hate that tranny piece of shit. I'm not a socialist or a communist or whatever the fuck but I have Marxist leanings because I study economics and holy fuck that creature is doing a huge disservice to the "movement". All he does is make all-show-no-substance videos (he has a few decent ones before he went on the pill and completely lost his fucking mind) and attracts idiots by playing up the "aesthetic" (he has shit taste btw). His voice became grating too because of the hormones. But you know what the actual problem with all of that is? It's such a superficial take on anything leftist the folks, zoomers most likely, that "convert" to leftism because of that tranny faggot will just as easily leave once they are disillusioned because of some hip new reactionary or conservative on the block or they just become old enough. Appealing to the lowest denominator does nothing but stall. On the other hand, I'm somewhat glad he isn't telling his followers to read Marx, there is already a surplus of the kind of people you said and any that would engage with him superficially would probably be in the end "enlightened" by a conservative epic style.

I hope that faggot kills himself.

>they're so fucking braindead and stupid but think they're smart because they read Karl Marx.
100% agree. The ones found online are hostile, usually semi-literate, but rarely helpful and just enjoy feeling smarter. The ones found IRL are cringe (facebook group photos with their fists in the air and fetishistic communist/soviet paraphernalia) and illiterate. Twitter is the combination of both.

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unironically Kaczynski for the dumbed down explanation. or Nietzsche

Yea *sucks teeth, the Big Black Lips surrounding thee outerlayer* you niggas in this thread gona need some Sex

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God the ones on twitter are such fags. Incels are basically their jews

Most of those 'incels' aren't even incels. The word incel has lost all meaning

Read Paul Ccokshott

How do I get shoulders like that? What weights should I be lifting?

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>I'm not asking you to defend socialists, now give me names and theories, NOW
by definition socialism aims towards replacing capitalism, that's literally all you need to know to understand the point I'm making.
>of course not
Do you read anything, user?

>>I'm not asking you to defend socialists, now give me names and theories, NOW
>Do you read anything, user?


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What is this strange video? Why would Contra do this to herself, for what purpose?

These types of people are the same reason marijuana is still federally illegal in the United States. It is impossible to look at marijuana or socialism for what it is when all “ representatives”of either cause are such dirty, repulsive degenerates.

>socialists are dumpy losers who I would punch
Engels, Marx, Lenin, Castro, etc were all bearded brawny men who would rape you in your tight virgin neoliberal boipussy. I know you have in your mind a caricature of leftists as blue-haired screaming fat-acceptance feminists but all that is is a dishonest caricature created and perpetuated by right wing shitlords on the internet who need to set up a strawman in the absence of a good argument. Look up the Romanian miners revolution; the various revolutions in South America, etc. Those are the true socialists.

>I know you have in your mind a caricature of leftists as blue-haired screaming fat-acceptance feminists but all that is is a dishonest caricature created and perpetuated by right wing shitlords on the internet
It's mostly perpetuated by lefties themselves, since there are pretty much no workers left in the left. Youve got a shitload of deranged trannies and the mentally ill, but that's it. Just look at Antifa whenever there's a riot; all scrawny untermenschen.

I don't remember what video this scene is from, but I believe she was pouring onions milk over herself to ironically make fun of people who believe that onions products feminize men.

>there are pretty much no workers left in the left
post source

Why him?

Imagine being this entrenched in your ideology. Do you honestly believe that lefties are weak scrawny transgirls valuing emotion over reason? How convenient for you! Such an easy political opponent.

The blue-haired sjw's you're referring to would probably call Marx and Lenin anti-semitic misogynistic transphobic imperialists or some shit.

> Do you honestly believe that lefties are weak scrawny transgirls valuing emotion over reason?
Yeah? Have you ever seen the selfies over at leftist sites/subreddits? They're all weak and pathetic.

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That's actually really funny, then. I don't follow her but I appreciate the very self-aware and witty humor found on leftist/socialist Youtube/Twitter.

Lmao, contra would wish that were the case.

you have a seething hatred for 'leftists', thats your own bias

Your unwillingness to be with your fellow humans shows that your teenagehood isn't over yet.

I suppose me finding a jacked leftist would disprove your point; and finding an even prime number proves all primes are even.

I'm also "atuck" between both political positions and I get mad at both flavors of stupid ideologues. It's a shame that we are literally DESTROYING THE PLANET, and yet we cant seem to find another way to life, this shit is fucking unbelievable.
Maybe the human race isn't meant to survive anyays and this is just another type of natural selection

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>seething hatred
Hatred is deserved for enemies that form a threat. I cant say that people like the guy i posted really form a threat. Same with Contra: I get annoyed when i see his face, but it doesnt ruin my day.

>hangs out on reddit
>finds onions
wow no one could ever do that for the right

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all the people on the right are strong and brave

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Not really, people have researched it:

tl;dr any leftie is far more likely to be weak than a rightist, with the exception of the actual poor.

matt christman has some kind of spinal condition. look at his wrists, he would be competing in strongman if his back wasn't medically fucked

never seen a right winger that wasn't the epitome of masculine values

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I got that pic from /fit/ famalam. How would you know it's originally from reddit?

fine genetic stock to carry on the master race

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you're the one who brought up subreddits

His condition is called being a fat piece of shit and letting it fuck up your joints and vertebra.

you brought up reddit in your post you mongoloid
>Have you ever seen the selfies over at leftist sites/subreddits?


以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland.
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people.
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated.
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work.
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻
Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.

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Based Dickpunch poster

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Do you not see how your perception is immensely skewed by the fact that your primary encounters of leftists are funnelled through rightwing sites like Yea Forums who's userbase naturally want to prop up the "numale leftist" strawman? This is exactly what leftist ideologues do when they present rightwingers as being incest-practicing fat wife beaters with country accents. If youre fighting a strawman it's not hard to kick its ass.

he was literally playing high school football when it happened

>being this triggered from one bait-tier post
>almost all are reddit filenames
Yup, it's reddit alright

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>post picture of leftist as an example of them being onion
>someone else responds with rightist being onion

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>Do you not see how your perception is immensely skewed by the fact that your primary encounters of leftists are funnelled through rightwing sites like Yea Forums who's userbase naturally want to prop up the "numale leftist" strawman?

No, my perception is skewed by shit like this:

This isnt a strawman. This is the deplorable state of the modern left.

hey user there's this think called google images, you're going to love it, you can find photos of whatever you want without having to hang out on reddit! try it out sometime you massive faggot


You are misinformed, pleb.

Yeah, and Yea Forums has trap threads every fucking day, while remaining a far right board.

>One dude posts a pic of a leftie looking like a toddler
>buttmad sperg starts dumping his folder of fat nazis that he has on standby for exactly such occasions
yeah, stay mad famalam

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everyone fucking hates r/chapo, including the hosts of chapo. it fucking sucks. i'm a leftist.

Edgy humor and racism doesnt make you far right. Yea Forums has been like that for over a fucking decade, nigger.


>This isnt a strawman
except by dictionary definition

>everybody hates chapo
>even though it's the largest far left site and podcast
Nah bro, this is you. This is the state of the modern left. You better deal with it before the rot seeps in everywhere.

Ehm ehm.

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>with the exception of the actual poor.
Nice, it's as if arbitrarily removing an import portion of your sample will let you come to the conclusions you want. Do you even know how people are chosen for data? They are chosen so that all factions of society are equally represented in the sample so that you can realistically extrapolate it onto society. You don't just randomly snip off inconvenient parts you don't like.

That makes sense almost all blacks are extremely racist

you can't expect anyone on the right to actually read past the headlines of their gotcha

You change your argument? Admit that you are wrong, ugly pleb.

>this damage control from leftist trannies

what's the onion filter?

Why are transsexuals hated again? I never found anyone give a good reason beside the whole "kultural marksism", which isn't a good reason.

it's not "the left," just like this site isn't "the right." If you're judging either side by its most disgusting online NEET representatives, /pol/ nazis are every bit as physically and ideologically repulsive, even though I will give them props for being too ashamed to post pictures of themselves most of the time

rhymes with boy and you make tofu from it

because they're being used as asledgehammer to normalize what will become the pro-pedophilia movement. Also because they're more annoying and histrionic than fags who are already pretty bad with the dick jokes and the meth.

onions gives high testosterone

>everyone fucking hates r/chapo, including the hosts of chapo
>>everybody hates chapo

LOL what? I don't go on Yea Forums much but it is pretty clear from the ethos that they are far right. I remember visiting after the Christchurch shooting so I could get a link to the video and the majority of them were sympathetic and even supportive of the shooter's views. You can claim irony all you want but if you keep espousing the same 'ironic' views that never change one might start to wonder if you're really being ironic at all.

It's not arbitrary, because it means there are two important 'populations' in the modern left. You have the older working class, who generally vote left because they claim to improve their station, or out of habit because that's what they used to.

Then you have the leftist who are usually from richer backgrounds and more well-educated, and vocal on the internet and in real life organizations. Most far left groups consist of these types of leftists, not the working class ones. They're usually college kids or people around that age and background. Not workers.

you're mentally ill

You too are misinformed, see:

Giant list of mental illnesses associated with them, usually extremely narcissistic, attention-whoring, requires everyone to tip toe around their issues and accomodate them, try to insist that they're girls by doing really 'girly' things which is fucking disgusting when it comes from a dude who looks like He-man.

And of course the most important reason; they look unnatural and disturbing.

Leave Yea Forums retard you clearly don't even want to be here.
>omg Yea Forums is far right
What are you even doing dude. Fuck off

Did I trigger you :(

I just gave an argument that not everybody hates Chapo. And besides that, do you really think other left-wing spaces would denounce that thread or the people in it, or would they appease the trannies there?

post a selfie ?

that's literally a result of reddit funneling in faggot boomer right wingers since 2016

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What a weak non-sequitor. I haven't browsed Yea Forums since fucking 2009. You obviously don't like being here and just want to bitch about it. Why? What is wrong with you?

Ehm ehm something you want to tell us /pol/?

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women rights in sparta were unparrelel in antiquity. do you understand what im saying fool?

i'm , i love the podcast. They're funny guys and I like their brand of goofing around, and it's sad that they're kind of hamstrung by being high-profile representatives of contemporary left wing politics. They're at their best when they're talking shit about PMC media liberals though

Like any online subculture theyre fucking annoying. Havent really had any problems in the very few irl encounters

>having this much of an agenda

>if left-wing sites don't vocally denounce a thread full of trannies they love chapo
user do you ever wonder why the shit you say sounds like the mumbling a schizophrenic does under his breath?

How convenient that you're not mentioning any of your interactions with said socialists, almost like that would expose the reason why these people dislike you?

I don't know what you're responding to

I'm not bitching about anything you degenerate. Someone linked a reddit thread about traps to support the hypothesis that the left is full of scrawny transgirls and I countered by mirroring his weak reasoning and claiming that the far right is full of transgirls because Yea Forums has daily trap threads

>Better writer than Lenin
Whew, no wonder people don't like you user.

Look at the soi just dripping from this impotent sarcasm lmao. Pure pottery

There are left-wing subs/sites that have banned all traces of anti-trannydom because they might offend someone. They even banned slurs like 'dumb' because it's supposedly ableist. A selfie-thread for trannies would be somewhat mild compared to the bullshit around there.

Dont accuse me of schizophrenia; this is the state of the modern left. This is your mess, we're just laughing at it.

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Yea Forums is mentally ill and underage you tunnel vision partisan retard holy fuck you fucking redditors why

Hontra spends a lot of time in intricate drag queen looks but I've never seen him looking like an actual woman.

Socialists will dislike you for saying a word incorrectly, it's not exactly difficult.
i got expelled from a communist organization for being an 'uncle tom' because i thought Islam was garbage when i'm an Arab myself

I have literally never seen a Marxist not let minorities or faggots or trannies walk all over them

Millenials are just fags in general not to sound like a boomer. Id crack open a beer with the leftists of yesteryears

How is this related to Yea Forums ?

go back

>random and disjointed speech
kys pleb

You have to go back

I'm sorry you couldn't follow along sweetie.... I obviously do not believe that my argument was a good argument. It's a rhetorical device I employed by mirroring the user's reasoning to support a hypothesis that he would reject, thus exposing to him the flaw in his reasoning.

Yeah I'm an ancom tending towards primitivism but I'd still rather talk to a fucking fascist than a liberal most of the time
Anyone who can look around the contemporary west and say "yeah this is almost perfect we just need more/less minorities and gays" is so fucked in the head that I can't properly communicate with them

I don't hang out on reddit so I wouldn't know, but I feel like it's starting to poison your brain user. why is it that you spend so much time on reddit and websites for the identitarian left? Do you think these are the type of leftist who would actually support anything Marx had to say?

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>entire thread is about reddit
>Finally pull the 'go back' card when you encounter a comment you can't argue against otherwise
Sounds like you're a redditor yourself, fagboy

Can someone please tell me if socialists really desire to m*rder their ideological opposition once they come into power, or in order to reach that stage? It makes me extremely sad, because I personally am looking to educate myself on politics soon and economic systems and all of that, and I believe strongly in equality and do not appreciate the philosophy of capitalism, yet I don't want to support ideologies and figures which advocate for such monstrous actions like violence, and hope that it's not really true for them. Whenever I've been on Contrapoints channel, or the related channels of Youtube, the comment section was always full of friendly Tumblr folk, making hilarious and self-aware jokes about themselves and their political opponents, and overall it made me feel that socialists were kind and good-hearted people. But here, people are saying that they're actually just as mean as the capitalists, and both of them essentially wish to end eachother, through means of physical conflict. This makes me sad, and makes me think that maybe politics is not for me, or at least I need to find a faction that isn't psychopathic, and preaches messages of kindness towards other...

>>entire thread is about reddit
we're on Yea Forums; it's obviously about literature

that's radlib culture war shit and people who actually care about class politics are reluctantly tolerant at best of those idpol-obsessed narcissists and witch hunters

t. salty socdem

you're as bad as the Leninists

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/leftypol/ hates idpol.

stay out of politics based mommyanon, there is nothing kind about it

I'm getting a ban.

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"Walk all over them" is a loaded term, but yes, the left is generally supportive of transgender rights and minority rights. You can debate on whether this is good or not but the fact remains that the left is not full of these bumptious and scrawny student activists the right portrays them to be. Most leftists are regular people, largely social democrats, supporting causes like gun control, abortion, redistribution of wealth, nationalised healthcare, etc.

>I believe strongly in equality
What does that mean? Are you religious? Do you deny the measurable inequality between people?

Stop sucking your own dick retard. I don't even care about your pathetic attempt to "prove" that young modern lefties aren't generally androgynous weaklings, which is pathetic btw. I'm telling you that Yea Forums has been a chaos candidate board of serial killers, pedophiles, and a bunch of edgy kids, for 15 years, and that you're being a retarded newfag.

How is gun control a socialist topic? How does dearming the population have fucking anything to do with socialism

Marx is dead, pal. Nobody reads Marx anymore. The only Left there is today is the idpol left, and they're close to the caricatures you'll find on right wing sites.
Youve got the occasional Bordigist leftcom who actually reads him, but they're a tiny, tiny minority, and they will never achieve anything in the giant septic tank that is modern leftism.

>if you're movement is too impotent to ever come to power it can never be blamed for what it does when it comes to power
big brain

>you aren't real
wow good argument user, I am now a reverse-solipsist

>He doesn't know about Hoxha's autism

And those "regular people" you just described are by-and-large effete scrawny faggots regardless of whether they like girls. I have been a rock and roll hippie who lives in a college town in NY and travels the north east for the last decade my dude. You are fooling no one.

Not problem with /pol/, I just don't see where is the literature here.

>user posts 2 sentence but me only read 1 before posting

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Actually the main reason why I know Yea Forums is pretty much back in 2014, where there's a Youtuber called BG Kumbi. BG Kumbi is pretty much a troll Youtuber and make videos to troll people. He made a video called "I declare war on Yea Forums" and talking about to take down this site but he was messing around though, he wasn't serious.
I started to visit Yea Forums in august 2016, I was just curious what this site is like. First I started to visit /mlp/ and I started to lurk this board after that. I started to visit /mlp/ because I secretly had a huge crush on RD since the late 2013 so I started to browse this board. Yea Forums was my second board to lurk and post. I constantly browse /mlp/ and Yea Forums lot at this time. And also I started to browse /trash/.
In 2017 I started to browse Yea Forums because I love music and music is my passion. I realise there's a lot of Kanye fans because I was a Kanye fan back then, I discovered a lot of interesting music on Yea Forums such as Death Grips, Viper, etc. I also browsed /int/, /r9k/ and sometimes /pol/.
In 2018 I started to browse /pol/ more often and for a while this board actually taught me the truth such that holocaust never happen, the jews are actually controlling the world and destroying the humanity and they're trying to destroy western culture and the white race with mass-immigration and cultural marxism and liberalism. I left /pol/ because this board is filled with shills.
Now just want to leave this site, but I can't, it's addictive. But I learned a lot about this site, this site made me questioning the world and realize more of the dark reality of this society and this world in general. This site was my home, there's a lot of people who are almost related as me and there's a lot of great and unique sub-culture, good quality funny memes, interesting and funny posts and a lot of good disscussion. I feel like this site is getting worse every year.

my are what?

The behavioral stuff might be their fault, the condition itself is not. And as far as I'm concerned, their overly-enacted behaviors, which come off as caricatures of their presenting gender, are the product of their lack of positive treatment during their lifetime, which they're now trying to make up for. Imagine being in their shoes - you've always felt like a girl, yet looked and were treated like a boy. If you now made steps to transition in your adult years, after a lifetime of repression and misgendering, would you not want to soak up as much attention as possible from those who would perceive you as that gender? It would be an ecstacy, decades in the waiting. And so they go overboard with trying to "present themselves" as said gender, to the point of annoyance for others. A real girl derives no satisfaction from others seeing her as such, since none have ever not done so - but a T-girl has never had such an experience, and naturally yearns for it desperately.

Well the thread has devolved (or maybe evolved) from socialism to general leftism. Socialists are also regular people who believe in the social ownership of the means of production. Not screaming leftist blue haired tranny monsters.

Not reading your blogpost. Lurk for 5 moar years newfag.

Being an anarchist is literally one of the most chad things you can do. Are you some kind of authority cuckold, user?


it's a tough position to be in, since the accusation of bigotry is now the conclusion that every single argument tries to get to. In a way, that's the only real genius of the "alt right," of stating from the start that yeah, we're racist, yeah, we're sexist, etc. It's a move that's impossible for the left to emulate


I'm a leftist who reads Marx and isn't a Bordigist, according to your post I'm a fucking unicorn but I meet a lot more people who agree with me than blue haired spergs. you have focused so intently on the vocal minority you missed the forest for the trees. Ironically it's the same slight of hand /r/chapo would play pretending all people on the right are /pol/tards

>Socialists are also regular people who believe in the social ownership of the means of production. Not screaming leftist blue haired tranny monsters.
These days they very much are. They are absolutely not normal people, perhaps with the exception of old workers who still believe that parliamentary socialist parties can help the working class.

Yeah regular people with twig arms covered in shitty tattoo sleaves and catbutt ear from guaging their ears when they were 20. Are you trying to claim that like everyone who votes democrat is a "leftist"? Because the "average person" is a retard who watches TV and doesn't give a fuck about politics. My grandmother has voted for the last sign she saw before the polling place before, but its her muh civic duty.

The (jewish) trick that Bernie Sanders is trying to pull is to run on a wildly popular purely class politics, and the bluehairs absolutely hate him for it

>run on a wildly popular purely class politics, and the bluehairs absolutely hate him for it
is this true? I thought they liked him

>tfw i want to leave this thread but already got 2 arguments in
why do i keep doing this

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the real question is why you don't sage
some do some don't

I never understood the whole "the democrats stabbed bernie in the back" thing. He is a lifelong registered independant and was smugly boasting about beating the game running as a democrat. Well it turns out that the game is the game. Go fuckin' figure.

>anyone who calls me on my shit by doing exactly the same thing I was doing is MAD
The bar is already so low and /pol/acks still manage to disappoint time and time again

the "average person" doesn't give a fuck about politics because politics hasn't had shit to do with ordinary people since the neoliberal era began, and choosing the president has been purely pulling the lever for a mascot. I'm a socialist and I'm proud that America showed enough self-determination to elect Donald Trump as kind of a fuck you to ourselves

>OP hangs out with fat people with boring interests he hates
Still pushing the boundaries of believability with the implication you meet people.

yeah that's why the did it lol

Because Trump actually did beat the game, so why couldnt Bernie?

stabbing him in the back implies subterfuge, there was (and still is) an open conspiracy to kill Bernie's chances among the democratic party
regardless of what establishment shills like Memerson try and convince you, Marx and identity politics is oil and water

That's fine I'm just saying its disingenuous to imply the "average leftist" isn't kind of faggy. Unless we're counting all of the people of who just vote democrat, which is retarded.

People in the Rust Belt certainly did vote for Trump as a fuck you to the establishment. Both Clinton and Obama let them down.

literally a combination super-delegates and a media conspiracy from both wings

It's usually about a 50/50 split in left vs right leaning people in a given nation. I assure you, my friend, that your caricatures of the other side are no truer than their caricatures of your side. It would be so convenient if all of your opposition were such easy targets, but that's not the case.
I'm personally not a fan of the immoral status given to words like 'racist' and 'sexist', generally I believe that all views should be criticised intellectually instead of treated with repulsion. However if people are routinely calling you racist then it might just be the case that you're racist.

The republicans tried to take trump down and no one blamed them at all for it though. They just failed. People still understood. Even when the kekistan bullshit was at its peak there were always the stern few on /pol/ reminding everyone he was a new york democrat friend of the clintons and jeffrey epstein who's entire family is jewish.

How the fuck can any white man vote for that party at this point. They openly hate you

Bernie would not only be the first Jewish president, they will happily support Beto O'Rourke instead. It's postmodern performance, not leftist politics

>It's usually about a 50/50 split in left vs right leaning people in a given nation.
And its supremely dishonest to imply any of those people actually care deeply or understand policy at all. Representive democracy participation does not equal ideological conviction, especially when there are campaigns to sign up and remind every dumbass alive VOTE ITS SUPER IMPORTANT

What? He wasn't smugly boasting about anything. He's not affiliated with the Democrats because doing so would put him under their financial purview and thereby the agenda set by the DNC. If you look at the evidence, the Democrats absolutely did and are still actively undermining him. It's more obvious now than ever, seeing as he's polling way higher than any other candidate in the primary race (and Trump himself, among general voters) and the same media outlets implicated in the leaked 2016 DNC emails are instead choosing to celebrate fucking Pete Buttigieg's retarded mannequin ass

Here we have a splendid specimen of the irrational and hateful left. Your argument has turned out to be un-factual, and yet you behave arrogant. Do you think sarcasm will pull the working classes on your side?

I liked it better in the good old days when we called them memes

>might just be the case that you're racist
And? Do you deny that the different races are unequal? Why is someone a bad person if he recognizes biological realities?

He literally bragged about how he only registered as a democrat to win. It was exactly like pic related except he didn't explicitly call them dumb and he actually said it.

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I don't remember that, could you source it?

In the good old days they were called scientifically generated facts.

There is no difference between the two main parties of america besides a few cultural wedge issues. They both serve the interest of the bourgeois, military industrial complex, and Israel.
The american people have no say in policy, bureaucrats do.
The president is a manager whose purpose is to preserve the neoliberal status quo.
The american people arent idiots. They knew trump would be chaotic. And thats why they voted for him. They wanted the elite to feel pain for once in their sheltered lives.

Democracy is an illusion. You see it on the news. They may have a red tie and blue tie but they dont work for you. There is no republican or democratic party. There is only rich and poor .

And the american people chose to open a door that unleashed a wwe hall of famer upon washington as a fuck you.

The real problem is the elite think they are smart and they have us fooled. The emperor has not realized he has no clothes

>The american people arent idiots.

As is the scientific consensus.

>Why is someone a bad person if he recognizes biological realities?
I don't care if you're a bad person; I'm not even sure I believe in morality. Either way, you're wrong.

since when did lit become a containment board? is it because of the debate?

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moot said Yea Forums is a containment site


>/pol/ and other fascist sites

Did they legit call you an 'uncle tom', or was that just the implication? Funny how white people are perfectly content to reduce you to a racist caricature when you don't agree with their definitions of racism.

Both american political parties are managerial neoliberals who serve the interests of the rich. What is the best way to fuck with them and the status quo?

*the man with the golden hair descends from an escalator

>Democracy is an illusion.
>They wanted the elite to feel pain for once in their

lol, those two dont go together

>pictures some leftist got off reddit are scientifically generated facts
please off yourself at the nearest opportunity

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Yeah, after major political events there seems to be an influx of /pol/ retards making threads about their retarded views. It was especially bad after the Christchurch shooting. They'll crawl back to their containment board soon enough.

Of course it does. The elite would prefer it if trump was polite and kept bourgeois decorum while he bombed brown people in the middle east

Yeah i got called an uncle Tom. Pissed me the fuck off. To this day i cannot understand why commies of all people would have any sympathy for Islam, but they can go fuck themselves.

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Those are obviously trolls if you also screencapped the replies to the thread it would make it pretty clear. Anybody can make a thread on pol

I'm not a guy who ascribes some mystical wisdom to poor, broke morons, but everybody who voted for Trump would agree that he's not "presidential," and probably a lot of them would agree that that was a positive to them

orthogonal issue

god i hope so

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He actually did have a spinal lesion which fucked up his legs permanently
He's also married, not to mention richer and funnier than 99% of this gayass board

Here you go cupcake

You have bad critical thinking skills. The debate about the racial issue is one of definitions. Demographic groups differ at every level. And these differences are due to the genes. IQ is genetic to ~ 80%, personality ~ 50%.

post his best joke


Jesus just look at that absolute unit.

Richer, sure. Funnier? Nah

Do you have dyslexia?

/r/cth sucks, chapo the podcast doesn't
/r/cth2 is a little better but still pretty stupid

You're absolutely correct about the ineffectuality of democracy and American impotence in that regard, but you unfortunately fell for a conman in the process
Electing a senile billionaire as a fuck-you to the elites is hilariously backwards, and he hasn't done shit but embarass everyone

The neoliberals have basically set themselves up for destruction.
The boomers are going to die off, leaving only millennials, who grew up constantly being lied to by the media, in debt, and living with their parents.
So this is a group of people who have no money and will be less white.

If there is a silver lining to the future im going to enjoy watching the democratic party implode as it gets taken over by socialists and rich white liberals take off the mask and start revealing their rat faces

I appreciate your sentiments user. I feel very strongly the same way, I am OP speaking here. I believe in equality but I think politics is about picking moral tribes. It's about values, not facts, which is why discussing getting into it is fraught and difficult.

>because they're being used as asledgehammer to normalize what will become the pro-pedophilia movement.
in other words /pol/ has shrieking, panicking murder fantasies about nonsense they made up in their heads, what else is new

What elite? Can you give me their names?

>Made up in their heads
uhuh sure

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Not at all true. I've been in leftist circles and it's usually a very mixed bag of some genuinely caring people, immature ideologs, nerds, and screeching braindead feminists.

Is that what smugly boasting about beating the game looks like to you

(not that user) What do you think the link you posted says? Races are fluid and socially constructed categories of genetic clusters. They are real as a category and describe real genetic differences and similarities. Your article won't tell you anything different. Just like someone wouldn't say that 'families' aren't real or decriptive of a biological reality. And yes, races have all sorts of group differences. And as an aside; anthropologists are among the worst people to ask. This is a very political field which is publishing all sorts of nonsense these days.

I'm reading Marx now, sweetie, and I'm very highly positioned within the DSA. Things are moving faster than you'd think.

>shrieking, panicking murder fantasies
>the post you replied to
Youre not good at this

You have to go back
This is literal cope. The /pol/ boogyman has been here to stay since at least 2012

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read the thread faggot, the """"""argument""""""" you are trying to prove wrong is a bunch of photos of kekastanis

Whats up Nick

i've been here since 2004, kid, sit down
and the "racial science" shit is the dumbest thing that ever happened to this place. Nothing but shrieking and whining now

argument = reddit photo
is this what it feels like on /pol/ and reddit?

>IQ is genetic to ~ 80%,
Lmao, I'm gonna listen to a based /pol/ retard about something as complicated as the IQ debate which, by the way, is still ongoing among intelligence researchers with no definitive conclusion as of yet. The fact that you would even assert this as a fact proves your dishonesty. It could be the case that IQ is determined by 80% genetics, but nobody knows that for a fact; and further, nobody knows if the IQ disparity among races is due to genetics, which is an even more extreme claim.
>citing an IQ study
I'm well aware of the race IQ disparity. This does not prove race realism, which is the claim that races exist in nature or as useful categorisations of people. The majority of anthropologists, as I've sourced, believe that race is NOT biological and is indeed a social construct.

Honestly, it was necessary. Can you imagine how much worse the political climate would be like under Clinton right now? It was absolutely a blessing in disguise for us to elect a goofy retard in 2016 instead of like, an actual fascist in 2024

>All do respect to mrs. clinton but
>we're thinkin its time
>so I'm democrat now nothin personnel kid
My point is its no surprise the democrats "betrayed" him.

>very highly positioned within the DSA
>goes on Yea Forums
sound like quite the political force!
scholars all agree that bukharin would have been constantly logged in to somethingawful if only he'd been born in the right age

Anthropologists are not the authority on race, geneticists are.

There is massively more evidence for race differences than for the races being the same


>That's fine I'm just saying its disingenuous to imply the "average leftist" isn't kind of faggy
true but still confirmation bias, Donald Trump and Stephen Miller and Ann Coulter are kind of faggy too

it's more like weirdos gravitate to weird politics/interests and don't care as much about social cues

>All do respect

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I didnt fall for a conman. I knew he was a conman. I know there is no hope. Its a howl of nihilism you fool. The world is dying, its funny, you see these neoliberal idiots arguing that we have to fight climate change. Not knowing the reason the world is going to end is because of them. Because multicurltism has led to social cohesion. Because both parties serve the intersts of capital. So the corporations who profit from the destruction of earth will continue to do so. They want to elect an american marcon. I guess the buttgig will tax the american people like him too lmao. Where is my yellow vest

The only thing left to do now is listen to music that was made back when music was good and drink yourself into a coma

But I'm OP and I literally vape weed... that's a pretty bad analog.

Are you happy about all the literary discussion in your thread?

>needing science to confirm race
wew lad. Wanna see a research paper about how a new subspecies of chimp lives 10 miles away across a river and only fucks other chimps sometimes?

I am well aware that categories are social constructs. The majority view of the scientific community is that race is not a useful category to divide people by; and any category is only good insofar at is it useful.

>Lmao, I'm gonna listen to a based /pol/ retard about something as complicated as the IQ debate which, by the way, is still ongoing among intelligence researchers with no definitive conclusion as of yet.
There's pretty solid evidence that IQ is largely genetic, with a correlation factor of about 0.7 (70%).

This isn't an election for class president you goomba, the DNC has deeply entwined interests with massively powerful industries, they would do whatever it takes to sabotage someone with Sanders's policy messaging even if he suckled Hillary's toes for 15 minutes before every debate

Lmao no. This thread had pretty bad replies and I abandoned it for a while. I've been going through all the responses to my first post in particular and it's not interesting in the slightest aside from my addiction to reading responses to posts, which vain endeavor fuels my passion to write somewhat. Facile person that I am. I'm constantly writing my thoughts and then looking to see what people said in response to it; writing and reading responses is definitely fuel for my writing habit.

This would throw things like affirmitive action out the window

what the fuck is this

You can acknowledge the sociological implications of race while rejecting it as a useful biological category.

(not that user again) You're wrong. The genetic influence is firmly established through statistical methods. The other side is propped up by political pressure and jumps at anything that could be at first glance perceived as an indication of ambiguity just to be btfo by reality again. We've now started to find the gene variations responsible for intellgence on a molecular level and they're already looking unevenly distributed. Your whole politically enforced card house will collapse over the next 20 years so you better start to accepting reality.

The majority view of geneticists is that you can group humans into populations by gentic similarity indicating ancestry.

You can then take these populations and measure their IQ, and the majority view of scientists who study IQ show that they differ, that IQ predicts for outcomes in life, and that IQ is mostly heritable.

anybody who accepts the above propositions, has views that track with 'racism'

Geneticist here, race is used as a category when doing large-scale genomic research, and ethnic background is always taken into account when doing so. You'll always find it in the supplementary data of genetic papers, especially when describing new diseases or any large data-sets, because it is a useful category.

Capitalists of both parties openly hate my class in general. Identity politics are about media headlines and donations, not about values that matter to me. Getting mad at the "white male" thing is retarded when the party and the media and the corporations pushing this shit are still run by white males who benefit from how mad you are about those headlines.

I'll take the slightly rich weirdo who capitalists and party leaders hate over the fat, child-molesting rich weirdo who's best friends with the worst people on earth any fucking day

>Your whole politically enforced card house

cringe man

Yeah, because he was an interloper. You are arguing my exact same point to me and attempting to condescend me about it why? Fuck yourself retard.

keep up the posting it's almost dead

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You actually have dyslexia.
assertion (from OP):
>left-winger are effeminate and ugly
counterargument (from ugly left-wing pleb):
>look at these photos of ugly right-wing redditors
counterargument (from me):
>Look at the scientific articles that confirm that leftist are ugly and unmanly

I said names, you charlatan

if you're a socialist you are de facto morally superior to people who aren't

>multicurltism has led to social cohesion
So this is the power of /pol/... I've seen the light

The majority of scientist would lose their jobs if they would say otherwise. Of course in reality they use categories of race all the time, for example in testing for specific genetic diseases.

my brother's a commie but he's taller than me what gives

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/pol/ is the containment board for all post-2016 newfags
it was fairly self-contained before then but has devolved into absolute site-killing cancer since

>counterargument (from ugly left-wing pleb):
>look at these photos of ugly right-wing redditors
oh, I see, you aren't dyslexic, you are illiterate

Definition of argument
1a : the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing : argumentation
b : a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view a defense attorney's closing argument
c : an angry quarrel or disagreement having an argument over/about money trying to settle an argument

The part of this photo indicating they want to normalize pedophilia is made up in your head. Because you're a shrieking retard.

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So you still accept race on the social level?

Cringe is not accepting a scientific reality. Literally millions of people have been tested. IQ is the most reliable and important variable in the social sciences. There are adoption and twin studies. Everything fits. We know this, it is reality. Playing semantic games over the concept of race is ridiculous. All categories are socially constructed this doesn't mean that these do not describe real things. It's completely retarded and you need to stop.

Memes are an experiment conducted by the parapsychological division of the CIA.

They're looking to see if they can charge the intent of millions into enacting changes in the world.

Baneposters made a plane crash but it took years of baneposting. The amount of loosh needed was tremendous. What the CIA doesn't know yet is that not every person is created equal in terms of the intent they can channel. Their 'mental muscle' is not strong enough if you will. Instead of trying to use millions of shitty 'batteries' they need to purify a bunch of operatives -make them into powerful wizards essentially- who can then enact tremendous changes with only a small amount of people or even all on their own.

This shit is so boring

What an utterly retarded premise. What monstrous stupidity to believe that anything of any value could result. It's too self-important to be bad even in a funny way. Everyone in the thread, OP especially, should literally commit suicide. I am not kidding. If I could press a button and make everyone in this thread die, I would do it without hesitation, even if as many innocent people had to die. Even engaging with this thread (except in a spirit of perfect contempt) proves you are unworthy of human life, almost animalistically stupid, parasitically feeding on the festering corpse of Western culture. You are less than ants next to even a mediocre Romance novelist. Some of you call yourselves nihilists. So please be consistent and kill yourself, please, I implore you with as much sincerity as I can muster. Please, please, kill yourself.

t. flustered dumpy loser

boo hoo faggot

I'm a woman.

Let's deal with the fact that I stated it together. Maybe you don't see why we have to deal with this together. Maybe you think this is just my problem and that I should deal with it by myself. But it's not just my problem, it's our problem.

It's our problem if you feel I'm making an unnecessary fuss about my gender identity, if you don't see why I have to announce it this way. Well if you think my letting people know I'm not a male is making an unnecessary fuss, you must feel that the right and proper course of action for me to take is to pass as male.

Now this kind of thinking presupposes a belief that it is inherently better to be identified as male. It bespeaks an inability to understand or recognize the intrinsic value of being female. Perhaps you even think that my rejection of a male identity is a sign that I am hostile to males. If you think any of these things, then I would say, you have a problem.

But if you then respond to me accordingly, as though I've somehow insulted you by refusing to join your gendered club, then you make it our problem. It's our problem because your hostile reaction to me identifying myself as a woman virtually destroys our chances for a relationship of mutual trust and good will.

I knew sneed posting was a psyop

the leftists are better read, but leftism gets so tiresome, i find it refreshing to see new view points, but yeah, some of those catholic kids have really stunted lives, they're too uptight to read like sarte in a coffee shop so they have to try to be cool by reading aquinas or something, it's like bro if ur that uptight then posing in coffee shops is not for you, go to jesus camp or something instead...also, i would like it if the rightwing kids at least read marx, marx and marxism has plenty of weak points to attack, but they don't even engage effectively. also, i hate rightwing kids who blame "jews" for everything, especially when they call people who aren't jews but are just successful capitalists jews, like david rockefeller, who was jew wise and slightly anti-semitic, which leads me to believe they are really the same kind of resentful slave moralists as the marxists but have done a s/capitalists/jews/g on all their case lit nigs arent nerdy enough the s/this/that/g is a regular expression for find and replace, but since ya'll fags claim to use latex i'm sure u knew that...

the point is that the DNC has to remain outwardly genial or at least tolerant to Sanders because their entire brand is being the "progressive" party and being outflanked from the left destroys the entire message they have right now, that the prescription for society is for the Forbes billionaires list to have as many WOC as white men. It's a "betrayal" because they obviously have to appear open to a fair democratic race for candidate that ostensibly aligns with their political mission of "progress" while they pull strings backstage

Why are the boomers who leak out of their containment board always so obsessed with trainers?

Egalitarianism and the Elites - Murray N. Rothbard
Read this and you'll get what the left is all about

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Okay newfag nice script

An argument is an argument even if ist is a bad one. I did not make the bad argument, I only refuted it. You are indeed dyslexic.

you are all fucking idiots and Yea Forums needs to be deleted. I hate you all and you are all going to live pathetic mediocre existences, you fraudulent posers. The fact that you have any self-esteem at all makes it clear that you are being pretentious, and yes I am talking to you. Don't even try to come back with another of your "clever, ironic" internet responses because I'm not going to look at this thread. Yea Forums is nothing but a collection of the most insufferable cunts in the entire world and needs to be deleted. You are not smart, you are not talented, and you need to give up on your vain and pretentious dreams

t. Tranny

t. extremely mad and will in fact look back at this post

on Tuesdays i sit at the front
on Thursdays in the back
someone called my prof a bohemian bourgeoisie while she was teaching Baudrillard
i wish it was me
but all i could muster was “ideologue”

what’s it called when you resent someone but suspect it’s related to the behavioural overlap between you and them

who are the people who we want to listen talk about themselves
there definitely are some
but who are they?
am i one?
does every use a point of reference tied exclusively to what happened to them over the weekend
how that reflects
on the subject at hand?
I’m willing to tell everyone everything
except how badly i want to ditch all of my responsibilities and have a child and grow kale
it’s misaligned with my persona

is wanting to be a mother part of my shadow
why are we simultaneously reading Jung
is that divine organization

how many times do i have to speak over everyone’s head until someone calls me the fuck out
how many more times do i have to alienate someone by inserting some allusion to divine providence in casual conversation

how much longer will i involuntarily shift conversation to metaphysics
and leave people with one word on their tongue
is it crazy to want to know the nature of the universe or crazy not to

if i show one more YouTube video about the flat earth psy op or indigo children to people who have higher standards
if I’m only understood on Reddit
I’m alright with that but I’m way too stoned to type something out so please just come over
you need to see this

Why don't newfags lurk?

I love philosophy, I just really enjoy the psychological puzzles it brings up. But I often hugely struggle ever having philosophical chat with men. Not only because the majority of them are dripping in an attitude of 'I'm smarter than you' (look it says so here, on my penis).

But also because it seems they just can't think about something in any depth. I didn't even study philosophy in college, but a couple of times my friends have introduced me to someone, who they have said is a philosophy Major, and that they think I will really enjoy chatting with.

But nope. Fucking basic EVERY TIME. Most of them can't detach their minds from empirical thinking for long enough to even begin proper philosophical thought/chat. I've literally had men just repeat a phrase at me, like a stuck record, ignoring what I have said because their minds were completely physically incapable of being critical or analysing their own thought processes.

And when I eventually give up, (because despite the different things I am saying, and angles I am approaching the topic from they keep parroting the same phrase, and the conversation is a dead end) they tend to get this smug little, 'I won' smirk on their faces.

No Simon, you didn't win. You don't even get a participation trophy.

It's weird because it seems like, for women, the goal of philosophy tends to be to unravel the mysteries of being, and to share in developing knowledge together. Where as for men, the goal seems to be ignorantly clinging on to their basic worldview whilst trying to shove it down other peoples throats.

I mean, I find that this is basically the main difference in how women and men approach almost everything. In my experience, Women tend to approach discussions/arguments/debates/projects ect with an attitude of what can I add, and how can we work together to achieve the goal/make sure everyone is happy/everything gets done, ect. Where as men tend to approach these things from a perspective of 'How far/how much can I get my own way'.

I'm sorry this got so ranty, it's something I have been getting annoyed with and thinking about for a while now.

Again, I'm not just going to read one study and make my mind up about a field so complicated. There have been studies on both sides and the debate is still ongoing.
I am aware of that but I was under the impression that it was used when more particularised information is not available. Perhaps I'm wrong? For example, race may be used when determining propensity to catch sickle cell anaemia -- the gene which carries this propensity is found in a specific region in Africa -- but when more particularised information is available(ie, whether the person is from said region), race is disregarded.

>waaaaaaaaaaaah ur a newwwwfag
nice rebuttal
you've really covered up the fact that you found out about this site after 2016, no one on Yea Forums will ever suspect you of being a crossboarder now

a meme is not an argument no matter how far you shove your head in the sand you absolute fucking retard, and if you can't understand the difference you don't deserve to take part in discussions. go back to r*ddit and debate photos over there

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Imagine putting in the effort to lie to yourself this much lmao. You're pathetic man. The emperor is naked.

more particularized information is just subdivisions of race. It's the exact same concept as race on a finer level

I’m a newfag to this board. /pol/ since 2008, /fit/ since 2012. Of all the boards I’ve been on this one is undeniably the most bitter and vitriolic; It makes /pol/ look civil. People here have that Yea Forums instinct to be nasty to anyone at any chance they can get, however I think it’s amplified here by narcissistic tendencies. The desire for individual authenticity is highest here and that leads to overkill levels of ad hominem any time anybody makes an opinion. Why? Maybe because they posted their opinion on a previous thread and somebody did it to them, and even though it’s anonymous, their ego desires that they reframe themselves as being above the “pseuds”.

Have sex.

In a recent pamphlet against the “excesses” of May '68 and, more generally, the “sexual liberation” of the 60s, The Independent brought back to memory what the radicals of '68 thought about the child sex. A quarter of a century ago, Daniel Cohn-Bendit wrote about his experience in a kindergarten: “My constant flirt with all the children soon took on erotic characteristics. I could really feel how from the age of five the small girls had already learned to make passes at me. /.../ Several times a few children opened the flies of my trousers and started to stroke me. /.../ When they insisted, I then stroked them.” Shulamith Firestone went even further, expressing her hopes that, in a world “without the incest taboo /.../ relations with children would include as much genital sex as they were capable of — probably considerably more than we now believe." When confronted with these statements, Cohn-Bendit played them down, claiming that “this did not really happen, I only wanted to provoke people. When one reads it today, it is unacceptable.” However, the question still hovers: how, at that time, was it possible to provoke people, presenting them sexual games with pre-school children as something appealing, while today, the same “provocation” would immediately give rise to an outburst of moral disgust? After all, child sexual harassment is one of THE notions of Evil today. One should read this debate as a sign of the change in our mores from the utopian energies of the 60s and early 70s to the contemporary stale Political Correctness, in which every authentic encounter with another human being is denounced as a victimizing experience.

No one hates trannies. Most people recognize that they're mentally ill. What people hate are tranny-enablers

>It makes /pol/ look civil.
There are 20-30 threads on /pol/ at any given moment that are explicitly about how much the OP wants to murder innocent people and/or how delightful the murder of innocent people is.

Lived in NYC for one year. Had a beer with Scarlett Johansson, made friends with a relatively successful author, published four m short stories, had a lot of sex, got in a fight, made fun of Casey afleck at a supermarket, fell in love with a hipster chick, got arrested, became a regular, became addicted to cigarettes, had my first gay experience, tried cocaine, did acid in Central Park, saw a trump protest, got syphilis, made some good friends, woke up in the apartment of an Emmy nominated jouralist/producer, saw an opera, had weed delivered to my apartment, stayed up til 6 am on a Sunday, got fired, got a drink thrown in my face, got syphilis again, had sex with a mom.

Best time of my life.

>subdivisions of race
no, it's based largely on location and, in more particular cases, family

mentioning books you like to talk about something purely political does not make it Yea Forums at all

>a crossboarder
kek okay redditor who only uses Yea Forums and was told to come here and bitch incessantly about how you hate Yea Forums. You've been using just Yea Forums for 9 years and you bitch and whine every time someone says something remotely racist because you're such an oldfag right?

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I'm not gunna lie user, teen sex is the best sex I've ever had and will probably always be. Her pussy was so fuggin tight she would gush and soak my bed sheets. We would fuck on a comfy position holding each other's bodies close. I'd suck on her ears, neck, tits and shed be so horny I could feel her pussy suck me in every time I pulled out. She was blonde, 5'2 and very fit. She had visible abs but kind of a dorky face, like a nerd. She was the nicest girl in the world and would let me do whatever I wanted to her. I fucked her in the ass, came inside her; she even said I could pee on her if I wanted to but I never did.

Now I see women as nothing but lying holes. I used to be in love and it felt good and it's painful knowing I will never experience that again

Race is a larger extended family, that is all it is. It obviously correlates with location of ancestral population

>No one hates trannies.
Lots of people do. Look at /pol/ right now and tell me there's nobody on that board who hates them. There are people on that board who not only hate them, but hate them obsessive-compulsively that they can't get through their day without posting something hateful about them. You're deluding yourself.

Sounds like the plot of a shitty rom-com

Nice rebuttal to a 300 post thread. Why don't you go whine to the jannie you dumb faggot.

I am good looking. I'm highly intelligent. I am charismatic and I have a funny streak. I have tried my hand at spinning plates, and I could absolutely do it again, but it is not in anybody's interest to continue this game, where everyone's just reckless with each other's emotions entirely on the grounds of externalizing their self-worth. I'd be surprised if there was a single major violent conflict ever that wasn't preluded by a large section of people acting the way they do on Tinder.
Look at those posts. If that doesn't strike you as mentally ill, I'm afraid the universe has some challenges that not having enough sex pales in comparison to. You might say I'm stodgy and old-fashioned, I guess, but I fail to see what's so "free" about love treated as a business transaction and regulated by a bunch of creepy pencil-dicks from San Francisco.

why are you spamming blogposts?

No, LOL. You can have a white person who shares fewer genetic variations with, say, a Korean than with another white person.

they like sex so they are promiscuous. thats it


i dont give a fuck if this post has 300,400 or 600 replies if i think something fucking autistic im going to say it, now back to pol you crusty cunt

>You can have a white person who shares fewer genetic variations with, say, a Korean than with another white person.
you absolutely cannot. Not across their entire genomes

Pure gaslighting

>Race is a larger extended family,

lol 'family' is a weird word to use here.

pure phoneposting

I voted for hillary last election and im kinda jacked.

the guy i was replying to said family. If you just keep extending the family outward you reach 'ethnicity' or 'race' it's arbitrary where you put the threshold.

I cant believe people dont get this

You can reason with people like him.

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man i dont give a fuck about my race ive only dated non white girls

lurk moar

but if you don't stop 'extending' you will reach the whole human species.

You are an outlier. See:


>326 posts

I can certainly appreciate a lot of Marx and also see your reasoning and sort of agree with you but it's not like Tw*tter/r*ddit liberals, God forbid libertarians and fascists, aren't gigantic fucking losers and retarded faggots as well. Truth is, most of everything is shit, including people.

He. He's a he. His genome is still xy.

Shoulders too narrow.

Gender isn't sex. Some people internally feel different to their external category.

>what is leftypol
Not only htat, why the fuck would a /pol/fag admit they like IR if they like IR?

Every thread created is just bait.

>if socialists really desire to murder their ideological opposition
Man this is a good shitpost.

And sadly many of those same people actually feel attracted to them, which only exacerbates their hatred. Their love for what they hate, fuels a self-hatred which then extends back onto what they hate. This applies to both their interracial fetish and their transsexual fetish.

How can you feel different or feel like something you cannot experience? How would a transgender person even know what it feels like to be a woman or that it doesn't feel like being a man unless they're deluded?

Not only that, gender's bullshit. There is just physiological sex. The brain is a physiological thing, controlled physiologically.

Isn't he right, though? Don't they?

I guess, assuming one doesn't have innate knowledge of what the other gender is like internally, then it's basically a construct of their imagining, what they "believe" the other gender to be like. That said, if you believe gender is just sex, then why do they experience this longing in the first place? Why is the transsexual phenomena even found?

They 100% do, just saying that it's hilarious anyone who knows anything about socialism doesn't know that already.

It's a mental disorder, that's why. Why is anorexia found? Why is phantom limb found? Because the brain is susceptible to becoming delusional for various reasons, either genetic or environmentally influenced. Hell, depersonalisation is a more extreme version of identity destruction and yet nobody entertains the idea that 'suddenly people can stop becoming people because they think they're no longer people.'

>His genome is still xy.
How do you know? Based on facts, not feelings.

He's born male and you can't change chromosomes with modern technology.