What are you currently reading?

What are you currently reading?

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The Imitation of Christ

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Mr Nice

Plutarch, Hamsun, and various essays

really enjoying it so far

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really enjoying It so far

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wtf me too. liking it so far?

Liber Abaci. Fibonnaci.

Not bad. Pretty interesting. He’s on major and minor currency right now. I find it more historically informative than mathematically challenging.

I bought his Book of Squares on Amazon yesterday so I should be getting that in the mail soon. :3

The sisters karamazov

Logavina street and sputnik sweetheart

any pdf available?

The adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, by Edgar Allan Poe

Wow. Lits a toofer!

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin


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This! Simply amazing.

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What is Jez reading in the OP pic?

im reading principle skinner's book Last and First Men

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Bulfinch's Myths of Greece and Rome, The Book Of Disquiet and Hunger.
I also have Crime and Punishment and Snow Country from the library

lol i used the wrong prinicipal on Yea Forums am i going to jail now?

Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein, again.

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Brothers Karamazov - Garnett translation (don't know if that's the best, it was just easiest to find an epub of)

Nietzsche and Philosophy - Deleuze

Loneliness: human nature and the need for social connection
It is so boring bros. How can anybody read nonfiction like this unironically

He was trying to read Wuthering Heights

The rebel by camus

Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton. A man who was truly Chaste and Breadpilled.

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Karamzin - Natalya, Boyar's Daughter

A Passion for Books edited by Harold Rabinowitz and Rob Kaplan

Basically a collection of essays, stories and such on collecting and enjoying books.

The count of Monte Cristo and Kafka on the shore

Lolita, 1984, Beloved, Bible, and Iliad

Les Miserables. 50 pages in. Still no songs.

I don’t understand the cover

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homage to catalonia

this exact copy

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It doesn't sound like another Howard Marks book...

Peep show is Yea Forums

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Oh come on! Wuthering Heights is not a love story, it's a fucking fuck story!

Also Blood Meridian. Kill me.

>pic related

It's really good

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I read this when I was young and a bit more idealistic. Brain dumped everything from him except the whole idea of negative interest in Sacred Economics.

What's his theology in a nutshell? He seems similar to the wack-job De Chardin. Am I wrong?

Reading "Inventing Human Rights" by Lynn Hunt. The hour-long lecture on YouTube is all you need; this book is *very* basic.

really enjoying It so far

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Les Miserables and Boccaccio's Life of Dante

Very comfy

I saw those two perform the play in DC. They were great.

>What's his theology in a nutshell?
not the guy who posted that, but from what I've read of Merton he's an ecumenical universalist 'Catholic'

The Charterhouse of Parma

Based, one of my favourite lines

A Canticle for Leibowitz

too many to count :( should i really just pick one book and hunker down on it lads will that help with finishing them? what if im not particularly interested in that one at the moment?

i am a cat
pretty funny, but as usually is the case with translated japanese the prose feels weird and clunky

Halfway through Plato's Complete Works. Never expected it to be so comfy.

Greetings from Outer Space by Shinichi Hoshi.

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unironically about to start slaughterhouse 5
i bought it used several months ago for about 1.3$ because i've briefly heard it's a cool surrealist work, didn't know it's a lit meme back then

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Fiction - The House of the Dead
Non-fiction - The Bible

P&V demons idgf get at me

About to finish no longer human, nearly cried when they put him in the hospital and that this nigger is only 27 and that much of a wreck.Gonna finish the epilouge at lunch today. Thanks for memeing me into this book Yea Forums


read half of it, pretty good 2bh. i wouldn't call it normie shit.
the alien & time theme reminds me a lot of Arrival (movie)

I hate seth rogen

The Crossing by McCarthy, 50 pages in and enjoying it.

I just finished reading Decision at Doona. Wasn’t that great. I need a new book now

I'm digesting the Landpill as we speak; reading Fanged Noumena, and then suffered an eye injury, so I'm taking a break until my vision stabilizes. I'm about 200 pages in, and realizing I have a lot of follow reading to do after this. I'm no philosophy major, but I find the style of rhetoric; basically diatribes spliced with schizo free-writing, very inspiring. I'm looking for material written in this style, but maybe not so academically driven. I'm not quite there, yet.

that japanese book about having a retard son you want to kill so you can go to africa


"Teuz ann abati", published in "Feiz ha Breiz".

Green Hills of Africa

not a big fan of Hemingway but he has his moments I guess

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Sun and Steel, Yukio Mishima

Wait, the one by Oe? Rise Up or something

Runaway Horses by Mishima. It's been an incredibly sad and mournful book so far and I can't wait to get to Temple and Decay.

Just finished this today. Did not disappoint.

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a personal matter by oe

The Trail

About half way through.
I didn’t like it at first. Too episodic and too big a cast of characters but post revolution the focus narrows to the main characters.

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Percy Jackson

breddy good

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Recently finished the First Law and waiting on the standalones to come in.
In the meantime reading PKD's Martian Time-Slip. My next 12/13 books are planned out beyond that.

>Martian Time-Slip
How is it? I wanted to start getting into some of his more obscure works, although I'm not sure MTS counts as 'obscure'. I've got Dr. Bloodmoney on the way.

Read this in two days while driving 300 miles a day. Tasty, but too much garnish. You are obviously a very introspective man, David, to ask yourself so many rhetorical questions.

About a third in so it's hard to say. Somewhat gloomy with morose characters but it seems like it'll build up similar to his The Penultimate Truth.

>Somewhat gloomy with morose characters
I wouldn't expect anything less. That seems to be a theme is most of his works. Although, Tim Archer ended up becoming one of my all time favorite characters.

confessions of zeno. some sections are a great character study yet most of the plot is pretty unengaging. the story is just a vessel for our character instead of a journey of sorts

its not bad
very cool cover there

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Yellow Back Radio Broke Down by Ishmael Reed

the left hand of darkness

A History of Eternity

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What are you reading by Hamsun? Some of the translations of his greatest works are awful.

brothers karamazov

No Longer Human is one of the many reasons I want to learn nip, I could tell the book was great and I still overall liked it but the Translationese was woefully apparent

overall did you enjoy it?

About to finish The Housekeeper + The Professor, thought it would be way darker and uncomfortable based on other Yoko Ogawa books but turns out it's a nice wholesome book. Probably going to read The Outsider next

The Iliad. Just got to book 14 and loving it. Also reading an overview/introduction to classical literature.

Beautiful and damned. Pretty great, can’t imagine being married to Gloria, gives me a giggle that Fitzgerald based her on his wife. Dude had interesting taste.

Hello Casey

Melmoth the Wanderer
In Search of the Miraculous

That book is great and probably made me feel more intense emotions than any other work of fiction I've read

The ride just gets wilder from there on, have fun

This. Sorry Yea Forums, I am late.

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Treasury of Kahlil Gibran

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don kwiksoat

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The Republic

This post.

On the Road, and Mencius

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that thing is proof that catholicism is fucking wack

It's not bad. Little bit long in the sideburns if you know what I mean

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Epictetus (epic tits lol)

Does it matter which edition of Storm of Steel I read?

Two-thirds in and it's getting weird.
>Gubble, gubble

I'm in the 5th chapter of the second book now.
Pretty good so far

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Above the Clouds by Takie Sugiyama Lebra. Fuckin dry as hell formatting wise, it's essentially a long ass essay filled with citations, but I'm interested in the topic and the writing is good.

How To Read A Book
it's a little exhausting

sum buhsheeit on chanz nigga

The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa

yes, it is

Gravities Memebow, Basic Economics, World in Depression 1929-1939, and Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail in ‘72

beyond good and evil
the myth of sisyphus
just finished no longer human, wasn’t bad. yozo was super chad

the art of living by sharon lebell?

The Hobbit.

Reading pic related and so far I'm enjoying it.

Based, started hitting the gym because of this one.

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The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years by Chinghiz Aitmatov

Some user recommended it in a thread about literature from obscure countries I think and I'm blown away by its beauty.

John Williams - Augustus

it's shaping up to be my favourite of his after Stoner


I wonder why my I am Legend thread was deleted, I just wanted to discuss the book

Crime novels are like my literary comfort food. Something I read in-between more serious works which works as a palate cleanser of sorts.

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