He reads atheist """literature"""

>he reads atheist """literature"""

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Hitchens is unironically a, forgive the pun, god-tier essayist. Also, it makes no sense to compare him to fiction writers.

i really wished people would be willing to dischss the effect of ideology on art rather than shitpost or act edgy about it. this is a deep aesthetic concern.

unironically pic related

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what did his parents do to enusure how fucking good both him and his brother are at writing and speaking

Shouldn't the entry under "Protestantism" be Paradise Lost? That's what immediately comes to mind when I think of Protestant literature.

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1-Be jewish
2-Send the kids into good classically oriented english schools

if you unironically think “ideology” is bound to Kapital you’re a fucking retard. also guranteed you havent read pic related edgelord.

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Let them be raped by pedophilic upper class British naval officers for the formative years

I think they were just genetically blessed. God knows (pun intended, as I don't believe in such a figure) I could never speak so eloquently, not for a sentence in my life. I marvel simply listening to Hitchens compilations online.

Also, this image is extremely dishonest: the first three are fictional accounts, Hitchen's work is a non-fictional dismantling of the literal interpretations found in the earlier three. I doubt you nor another could actually disprove Hitchen's positions systematically, so you recourse to pretending great fictional works are somehow a substitute for this act, and render it unnecessary. I've seen enough apologetics on Youtube to realize now that Theists genuinely don't have even a single strong argument in favor of their worldview - but they'll argue for it regardless, because they already believe in it literally and believe that spreading it will help them secure Heaven.

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Protestantism has Faust and Paradise Lost and Orthodoxy has.... The Brothers Karamazov? Lmfao

Watching the trailer for God's Not Dead recently, having never heard of it before, I found myself totally bewildered: was this a parody of atheists, theists, or both? The entire production seemed farcical to me. After consulting other resources, I learnt that it was a Christian production, attacking the atheistic enterprise of today. I find this so absolutely cute, that Christians could be so simple-minded in their outlook. No, I'm not condescending. I'm being sincere. There's something endearing about the simplicity of it all. And I feel sympathy for them, and their faith, despite not being Theistic myself. I only wish that somehow these well-meaning people could not suffer while in the modern world, while simultaneously not imposing suffering onto the world through their beliefs. If only there were some way to satisfy everyone in our world, leaving none unfulfilled...

Lmao. Saying Dante was Catholic is like saying Joyce was Catholic. Perhaps at one time or other, but the only people who say this haven't read them and just want them to be on their team.

Based clinical retard

>those terrible choice of films
>wilfully ignoring Dreyer

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Where does Life of Brian fit into all this?

> "I am not anti-Christian, nor un-Christian, but most decidedly non-Christian,"
>"I like boys a lot, but the girls are even nicer. If I tire of her as a girl, she'll play the boy for me as well"

Goethe is a very questionable choice for a protestant author.

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I fucking hate this a argument so much. Productivity rises as technology advances so just because you're producing more it doesn't mean your working more.

Faust is not protestant literature kek

There is actually a huge industry of Protestant movies because nobody markets to that crowd other than the lazy shysters who rake in the money for churning out shit.

I feel that religion is OK and actually good for society as a whole, of course this does not work when countries clash and fight when they have different views.

But what I mean is that religion is the greatest escapism.

>catholics trying to flex episode

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All "Protestants" are closeted homosexuals. It's a meme variant of Christianity.

That is what I thought too, I like Goethe better than Milton, but it makes no sense to choose Faust over PL for Prots

Especially since Milton spends precious time and energy in Paradise Lost shitting on the Catholic Church, which is essential to any literature that captures the fundamental spirit of Protestantism.