What am I in for Yea Forums...?

What am I in for Yea Forums...?

Attached: D7A29C9E-DBF1-4BC7-8595-2EC1C75F4530.jpg (4032x3024, 2.8M)

reworded excerpts from the wikipedia page of thomas paine

just another revisionist wh*tie doing his best to pretend that islam wasn't the main driving force for science, arts and technology in the "middle ages"

Wow that sound really interesting. Thanks user!

It's clear religion changes its effects over time

It’s reddit

It's a treatment of commonplace delusions and hallucinations, their variations with time and fashion, their evolutionary origins, and remedies. One of the best things about it is its its overriding tone of tranquil disregard to mindless provocation, a quality exquisitely insulting to all that is trollish in today's world, where misinformation is about the only exact science known in political institutes.

I liked reading this aloud, user. Thank you.

>its overriding tone of tranquil disregard to mindless provocation

ohh boy, that kind of thing is just delicious

He's not a very good thinker. He was yesterdays Jordan Peterson.

qualify your assertions

Suck a dick

>how to expose a shill in 3 minutes or less

Woah wait hol up that hand does NOT look like mine.... wtf is going on here

Read him. If you can't see for yourself then you can't be helped. I'm not wasting my time and pulling up examples of his arguments because I don't care about you.

You cared enough to post in this thread. You're just posturing because you can't back up your opinions. It's too bad, really, I was looking forward to your analysis.

Yes, I cared just enough to give an opinion and that's what I did.

Can't really call an assertion an opinion until it is backed up with reasoned arguments. It goes something like: you are a fag because you behave like a fag.

>overriding tone of tranquil disregard to mindless provocation
yup. sagan wrote exactly how he talked

An assertion is literally an opinion regardless of whether it's accompanied by reason. This is precisely why I chose not to waste my time. You're an idiot.

>This is precisely why I chose not to waste my time.
y r u still here
>You're an idiot.
no u

Don't you even have enough shame to stop posting after saying something so stupid?

What’s? What are you getting at?....


