What do you have to say to this Yea Forums?

What do you have to say to this Yea Forums?

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"I don't owe you a free lecture"

do people still legitimately care about books?

no one has time to read a bunch of boring shit. Reading is boring and for nerds. Life is about smoking weed, crushing pussy, and looking at pretty pictures on instagram.

No one needs to read anything now that I bring forth my point, but everyone should read and reading is essential

>The average simpleton cares not for books
it's nothing new, continue the scholastic legacy and covet knowledge


nothing, i just get angry and flustered and choke on impotent rage and later on forget it happened

The United States used to be operatable because the average citizen was enlightened enough to maintain informed and interested enough in affairs of state to be a knowledgeable actor, even if honest to god men of letters were less common than in more aristocratic societies. We’re a couple generations away from losing any advantages from that trade off.

First guy fails to express what he finds good or necessary about the book.
Second guy fails to articulate the problem.
Both should read more so they can better express themselves and communicate properly.

If what was expressed would've been reducable to a few senteces it wouldn't have been necessary to write a book.

why would i be interacting with a nigger in the first place?

If something can be explained in a 5 minute conversation then it's not worth reading a book about

It's Borges writing style

Attached: Jorge-Luis-Borges.png (500x327, 240K)

Wait, wait. You're telling me a black person doesn't want to read? I've never heard of such a concept before!


>cute girl w bottle to lip.jpg

Then don't fucking engage with me.
For real, if you want to engage in a discussion then it IS your job to "educate" me.

you are being done the favor being told not you to them for listening


What a sheep.
Come to your own conclusion instead if using mine you freeloader.

The actual End of History.

>engaging in discussion with negroes

why is no one appreciating this genius of a post? thanks user

holy... i want MORE...

reading books is stupid

"a good experience"

I don't know, I never tell people: "You need to read this book".


>you need to read this book
this is the problematic part

Imagine actually believing this. Not saying it isn't worse now but to even insinuate that it was ever good when talking about the man in the street is pure historical revisionism in function of preserving some perverted nostalgia for a non-existent past.

>posting a literal nignog tweet

This is so incredibly naive it's endearing

I just laugh until they walk away

Tell him what's in the book.

so this is the power of chad poetry, I am enlightened


I'm laughing.