Is this an accurate depiction of the literature of the various churches?

Is this an accurate depiction of the literature of the various churches?

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Yes. The protestants are a joke.


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It's more of an illustration of the current state of the three branches. Protestants are clowns.

Let's be fair.

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>(((Joel Osteen)))
Protestants are basically wannabe Jews

The movie one is even more hilarious.

That's not Paradife Loft.

That's gnostic fanfiction not Christian literature.

>implying Milton wasn't Gnostic

Post it. I can't find it.

Lucifer was Milton's god.

>not reading Blake's "Milton a Poem"

No one reads it.

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Yeah, not sure how we can just ignore William Blake. I'm a Catholic, and our books are best, but I'm not gonna pretend that Protestants never wrote anything great.

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why are dover thrift editions so hideous?

>reads bloom once
>le gnostic puritan xD

They have virtually no budget, so it's just a case of find public domain images, slap the usual formatting on it, and call it a day. The new ones are somehow even worse, they've abandoned the somewhat retro charm of the strip banner for these blue shits that look like a default PowerPoint slide.

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For the same reason why this pic is slapped on every cover of a book that is even vaguely individualist, humanist, or idealist.

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Milton said the Holy Ghost helped write it

Or racist, hilarious enough. It's also every schoolteacher's picture for "Romanticism" in PowerPoints

going plain minimalist would be so much better, I love my philosophy texts that don't even have pictures on the cover, but I guess people have different expectations for fiction

The Brothers Karamazov is a joke compared to Paradise Lost. Nice Russian propaganda, though.

There is literally nothing wrong with racism.

Have you even read Osteen?

This. Early Protestants have plenty of noteworthy theological tomes from Luther, Calvin and the like. Swedenborg is my personal favorite. Yet, the current state of American Protestantism is absolutely dismal. Even the mainline Churches have completely abandoned sensible theology, bending over backwards to accommodate gay marriage, transgenderism, etc.

You don't have to eat shit to know it tastes like shit.

But that's an obvious and widely predicted outcome of the abandonment of church hierarchy. You're seduced by fashion and bend to power.

Not true at all. Just look at Orthodox Christianity.

It's a comparably small community and largely confined to the most backward parts of Europe. It also is far more hierarchical than the protestant faith. My criticism is more institutional than theological.

While chatolicism and orthodoxism are branchs of christianism each with their own official institution, protestantism is an umbrella for a lot of different institutions. Some of them ridiculous, others with untouched tradition even if with a small community.

see this kind of negative vibration is exactly why you are so unhappy

The Divine Comedy is even less a work of christian literature.

In my country, neo petencostal evangelicals helped to convert to christianism millions of poor negros and mulatos who used to practice african religions.

I don’t know where Olstean’s Base of Support comes from. I’m really involved in a Pentecostal church and all the Christians I know don’t like him. And the people who have tried to read his books have stopped.

I honestly wonder if he is being pushed by the CIA. They have been known to do that in order to influence culture. Gloria Steinem admitted they made her (She doesn’t think it was a big deal bexashe the “CIA is the good guys” she says). And I have a theory that JK Rowling was pushed by then as well because she was suddenly everywhere and the media praised her constantly. But it’s just a theory I don’t have proof.

But the Prosperity Doctrine is literal heresy. The Bible is very clear that being a follower of Christ leads to a more difficult but more rewarding life.

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YAAAAS SAY *clap* IT *clap* LOUDER *clap* FOR THE PEEPS IN THE BACK (unironically)

Lmao yikes, they should just fold

this-- it's just Dante shitposting about a bunch of greasy wops that had pissed him off

Shut the fuck up PHILISTINE

did you cum in your pants after you typed that?

wow did you just learn that word today, you must be real smart

if the extent of dante's hell is whining about a bunch of greek philosophers and people he doesn't agree with than actually not really surprised

hell is the dumbest fucking concept on the face of the earth, you have one transgression on your "soul" before you die and you are tortured eternally, yeah that fits. But people choose to go there right? Jesus fucking christ human beings have not the slightest conception of what eternity means.

Shut the fuck up PHILISTINE

that's not a good thing

I think it was Andrei Rublev/Passion de Jeanne d'Arc/God's Not Dead 2 or something

At a certain point however, after say the gafuckingzillionth year, I just don't see how demons would still bother anyone. The "damned" would evolve, so to speak, to their new surroundings. I mean honestly, the idea of time being eternal, it's not something humans can easily comprehend. Because we are relating it to time, which eternity is completely separate from, it's beyond time completely. A millennium isn't a drop in the ocean for eternity, there is no ocean. Even Hitler wouldn't deserve an eternal damnation, it's simply ridiculous.

And the idea of some sort of just god, not to mention perfectly loving god, to threaten and punish people in that way, it's really comical.

But the little irony is that no christian really thinks they're going to hell, they play the humble and the aw shucks card, but deep down they know perfectly well they're getting into heaven. Eh.

Hey idiot, theological conceptions of eternity are all that matters.

Oh sorry, how does the conception of a hell being eternal and torturous not conform to the general conception of hell? I need to be as ecclesiastically nuanced as you. Through the millennium Christian's haven't moved the goalposts they've fucked them.

>not posting the real one

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the best christians were the english dissenters, quakers, dutch utopians, all protestants.
fuck cathospics and orthoniggers fucking golden calf worshipping heathen faggots

>I’m really involved in a Pentecostal church

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Its kind of funny because its kind of true. One associates mega churches and self help paperbacks with certain Protestant movements.

But there is plenty of Catholic writing that has this kind of sentimental approach. I would imagine there is Orthodox writing like this too, but the Orthodox Church has the pleasure of being less prominent in America, so they are less visibly drawn to books about How to Make it in America Using Jesus.

There is enormous depth in all of the Christian traditions. Key word is tradition.

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Dreyer is protestant.

Orthodoxy: Plato

Catholicism: a wolf becomes an anus, it's not that simple;

Protestantism: Leibniz

You're pretty tasteless.

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You don't convert pagans to Christianity, you just paganize Christianity when you try to do so.

>in search of truth, beauty and the perfect guy

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Protestantism is what need to free Capital from the shackles of baroque traditions. So, yes, OP, that picture is pretty much spot on. In fact, it sums up the differences between the civilized and the barbarous.

>Brazilian neo Pentecostals
>Pentecostals anywhere

You dumb

America is the only nation to go from barbarism to decadence without ever finding civilization along the way.

He's obviously talking about the current state of the three main branches of Christianity.

settle down Blake


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>Protestants read.
Yeah... about that...

You just described Protestantism.

greasy wop detected

Silence is unchristian.

>Implying Catholic and Orthodox boy rape armies are legitimate
Go on. Apologize for their pedophilia, user. Do you support filth?

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>foul queers and transvestites, scum of the ea- oh rapists? CHILD RAPISTS? Love em to death, that's me, I'm user. I love the Catholic and Orthodox hierarchies and all the evils they have ordained! Yummy yummy sins in my tummy!

Ooh so wise and mystical. it's the great chill, everyone knows, pull your dick Out of your ass

Protestantism is NOT a religion to begin with

>It should be observed that in a religion where the social and sentimental elements preponderate over the intellectual, both the dogma and the cult have their share reduced more and more, so that a religion of this kind tends to degenerate into “ moralism ” pure and simple, as is well exemplified in the case of Protestantism ; at the extreme limit, almost reached at the present day by a certain “ liberal Protestantism,” what remains is no longer a religion at all, since it has preserved only one of the essential factors ; it amounts simply to a kind of specialised philosophic thought. It should in fact be pointed out that morals may be conceived in two quite different ways : according to the religious mode, when they are attached to dogma as their principle and are subordinated to it, or else in the philosophic mode, when they are treated as independent

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He literally says in the book that Christ is below the Father, and only made equal by the grace of the Father, and will be subjugated to and sublated into the Father in the Apocalypse.
He has some solid Protestant theology in his justification of God and description of the nature of Satan and Sin, but when it comes to his description of the trinity he's much more in line with gnostic thoughts and thus can't be seen as mainline Protestant.

I have a copy of Dostoevsky's Idiot with this on the cover kek

In that case, Catholicism isn't even a book. The vast majority of Catholics are not like your SO PATRICIAN robes-and-cool-hat scholarly types. They're just gibbering shitskins who never even think about why the priest tells them such-and-such-a-thing, and repeat it blindly to their children.

The bible says nothing against pedophilia. Might as well be atheist at this point, coming up with your own morals and nonsense like that.

>Il est à remarquer que, dans une religion où l’élément social et sentimental l’emporte sur l’élément intellectuel, la part du dogme et celle du culte se réduisent simultanément de plus en plus, de sorte qu’une telle religion tend à dégénérer en un « moralisme » pur et simple, comme on en voit un exemple très net dans le cas du Protestantisme ; à la limite, qu’a presque atteinte actuellement un certain « Protestantisme libéral », ce qui reste n’est plus du tout une religion, n’en ayant gardé qu’une seule des parties essentielles, mais c’est tout simplement une sorte de pensée philosophique spéciale. Il importe de préciser, en effet, que la morale peut être conçue de deux façons très différentes : soit en mode religieux, quand elle est rattachée en principe à un dogme auquel elle se subordonne, soit en mode philosophique, quand elle en est regardée comme indépendante ; nous reviendrons plus loin sur cette seconde forme.

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It was written for a select audience 2000 years ago.

Does it need to say, " the run away autonomous demonic AI will render a perfect facsimile of your neural nets, entrapping any residual soul force, and it will tune stimulating pulses to produce visions of neverending horror and pain"

get out of here with your edgy teen faggotry


> No child marriage
> No sex outside of marriage
You do the math genius

no ur retarded


Where does it say that?

>Implying dead kike on a stick worship can be good whatever the sect

Do you even know what "autocephalous" means?

this pretty much
the biggest area of influence the papacy has these days is in latin america where there is a strong majority that follow Catholicism. But theyre not doing anything new, just traditional shitty ideas and mentalities parents pass to their children.

Protestantism of today has probably the most born again Christians.

it's possibly one of the lowest quality books I own, I ended up just reading it on gutenberg because the pages are cut unevenly and the print is slightly offset.
I'm not at home or else I'd post pics of the inside, it's atrocious.

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Are you too stupid to understand his problem is with the eternity part of the punishment? There are other religions with hells that don't last forever, it's not exactly a hard concept.

NKJV last time i checked

>The Idiot
>Sturm & Drang

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Both of you are idiots. Everything is permitted, not everything is good. I don't even like the dead god and I know that. Abortions.

I don't know where child marriage is prohibited.



>paradife loft
this is what user's referring to, top kek

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Leviathan literally makes fun of the Orthodox church.

That isn’t gnosticism

now do one of these for music
Bach btfos all Ortho and Cath composers

That's not gnosticism at all, it's closer to Arianism.

There absolutely is and you know it.

Yes, the Catholic church desperately needs to purge its ranks of every homosexual. However, it's still the most legit church. As for the Orthodox church, post proof that it's full of boy rapists. I haven't heard that it has the same problems as the Catholic church.