What did he foresee that made him kill himself?

What did he foresee that made him kill himself?

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Ur mom

This board.

Existence without the soothing mental balm of nardil, that's what.

the pale king getting panned

Wasn't it nominated for the pulitzer lmao

Old age, sexual decline, unfulfilling marriage, and literary irrelevance.

Isekai anime dominating the medium.

His pupper died man cannot live without his pupper

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People kill themselves because of depression

that he would be outed for the hack he was

the mentally ill aren't people


lost his bandanna

very sad

The problem with his writing is he was unable to sufficiently extricate himself from his own depressive condition. It poisoned the well of his own creativity. He desperately tried to imagine an alternate perspective but failed and concluded that life was as boring as it felt to him, he was a slave to his own brain chemistry and chose to end it while he could.

Why he didn’t take whatever money he had from IJ and just take psychedelics all the time on a small farm is beyond me. I guess he felt so demoralised he lacked the will to attempt to motivate himself.

If you really are mentally ill, just kill yourself.


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Trannies coorupting the kids. Lil stripper boys dancing in gay club. Like shit! It aint right, man!!

his book becoming the icon of the pseudo-intellectual, the complete opposite of the genuineness he wanted

a biopic where he’s depicted as a jealous loser who constantly stuffs his face with cheeseburgers

>Why he didn’t take whatever money he had from IJ and just take psychedelics all the time on a small farm is beyond me.
What would've that accomplished?

A lot, most likely.

Illuminati couldnt have an "intellectual" not on twitter. same with hunter s thompson.

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Everything. If I were him, I would have killed myself too.

And lacking empathy is mental illness, just kys m9-1.

Literally only because he offed himself

Kek have a (You)

12 year olds

>assuming that being trapped in this phenomenological prison isn't everyone's primary concern
>assuming that when someone kills themselves it's more about the world at large than their own mental anguish

Whatever we say about the world at large is more just an extension of our own cycle of thoughts more than anything else.

>abloo bloo people drive SUVs
what a bitch

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having too much empathy is just as bad

A life without a gf

He was married you fucking idiot

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What do you think her feet are like?

The “human” is no more. We very much live in a post-apocalyptic world; no biblical apocalypse nor a nuclear one but the disappearance of man himself. There are no people only machines that in turn do their part to maintain this unconscious, decaying machine: Capitalism.

He was told he was pontificating.

Made me jej desu

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They are people literally by definition.


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Why even debate idiotic jargon
>I say they aren’t people so therefore they aren’t people

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11 year old

Is that Notre Dame?

Looks like it. That burning zone in the ceiling, holy fuck. Straight-up gaping mouth of Hell. A writer like Bloy or Bernanos would have had a field day with something like this.

He, or the persona he is projecting, is confusing the desire for more life with the lack of leisure for reflection on it. It really doesn't work that way, though it is to be expected that those who set their lives at a pin's fee, whatever the cause of that, can get it wrong as he did, from which further blunders ensue.

Are there no survivors?

meme culture

Living, breathing entities: Yes.
Fully human: No.
Not under the postmodern condition cast upon us by, you guessed it, Capitalism.

living breathing entities are machines and vice versa

Truly an epic meme. I hope that you never experience depression

There's humans in northern Scandinavia, Finland and remote parts of the US but we don't say much

t. never tried a psychedelic

What would he have said about the Notre Dame? Would he blame our lack of sincerity for letting it happen?

Of course he would own a fucking shitbull. What a virtue signaling hack.

I've tried shrooms before and it made my anxiety worse, I'm still suffering from the effects. You've probably read too many positive stories about psychedelics and ignored the negative ones.

his death

If Wallace got brought back today, he'd kill himself tomorrow.

Ill here, I've yet to reach personhood, I'll report back later

boredom. utter and complete boredom.

too bad he didn't get a change to read Kaczynski. If he had he would have had hope, and then ran off to the wild to life free and without boredom.

boredom is a disease of civilization.

So sad...


he realized that his bandanna was gay and cringe, there was no way to undo the damage he did by wearing it

not before getting a bj from a qt trap

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Psyche-virgin detected

You sound like a bitch. Try again you utter pussy. And don't eat a fucking quarter dipshit, just take a gram and watch a cool movie or listen to music. Man up.

ur cool

Wallace actually is supposed to have tripped on psilocybin a shitton in college. It probably contributed to his mental health issues instead of helping with them.


1. Learn to reverse image search you inbred
2. C9 Sneaky

>2. C9 Sneaky

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its not my fault

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God I fucking hate Camus, what a hack. Reading The Myth Of Sisyphus in college pushed me closer to suicide than any other piece of media/art I was consuming at the time.

What is this image supposed to convey?

his own fanbase

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What is this image supposed to convey?

ol billy freckles and his wife Shrek