*teleports behind gender norms*

*destroys western civilization*

heh nothing personal kid

Attached: 220px-JudithButler2013.jpg (220x331, 15K)

>western civilization was so flimsy that it could be destroyed by a single academic writing about gender norms

>some 40 something bulldyke with undescended testicles destroyed western civilization

really makes me think


Are there any good ethical arguments on why violence against Judith Butler shouldn't be encouraged?

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Paglia is the cooler testicle'd fem theorist

Paglia is just an energetic boomer

And Butler is a lethargic boomer, what's your point?

boomers suck

*blocks your block*

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he blocked your own block with a bullet

A mere setback

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>Kill them, Adolf. Kill them all.


What destroyed Western civilization was turning our backs on religion. Without God, the foundational values that society rested on, we have fallen into debauchary and wickedness. Democracy divorced us from the Divine rule of Kings, and foe the top down our institutions fell to modernity. The filth that filled the void is the mere symptom of our ailment, not the prime mover.

this desu

there's no such thing as western civilization

think again

pssht, nothing personell kid

Attached: nothing personeell.jpg (1125x1107, 125K)

This, the western civ meme is just americlaps trying to appropriate a whole bushel of cultures and history wholesale

Unironically this, but I think democracy is fine as long as you keep the voting to the able minded males choosing a King. The fall started when we have women agency.

As for the real issue defining issue: the ecuminical pagan-infused Catholicism or the direct lineage of the Apostles, the Orthodox Church

The idea that religion keeps the 'filth' at bay is revisionist nonsense. People were always engaging in debauchary and wickedness, its just much more openly and publicly explored in the contemporary (digital) age. Institutionalising morality doesn't work towards promoting it if you exert control over the population through ceremony, confession or indulgences, and can absolve them of their wicked deeds simply by being a good christian (though not a good human being). the 'divine right of kings' is part of a history which makes it a precursor to our present state of decay, regardless of how you're making the inductive leap from one to the other, so to absolve it of any responsibility seems incoherent and naive to me.

>pseud academic publishes her nonsense theories at just the right moment, after decades of social ferment and centuries of civilisational decay have made her views profitable, makes a significant impact
