Why has there been no novelty in aesthetics or anything revolutionary in literature or really any art form within the...

why has there been no novelty in aesthetics or anything revolutionary in literature or really any art form within the last 20=30 years? literally everything is boring

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But Homestuck started only a decade ago.

watch fisher

Low IQ post

I'm certain there's a lot of works of which some say they are revolutionary but you just happen to reject the opinion about that work.
It's subjective. Also depends on your general ideology.

Fortnite is pretty aesthetic.

maybe if you left your sad, empty apartment once in a while you'd stumble across the fact that the world has been moving forward without you

video games aren't art

where has it been moving exactly? what new aesthetics have been created?

didnt fisher have a family? why did he do it lads?

>what is trap music?

vaporwave? even Yea Forums MS paint shit drawings are an aesthetic. Open your eyes.

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that isnt a new revolutionary aesthetic it is just playing from nostalgia and zombifies the aesthetics of the 70s-90s

that's the essence of postmodern age.
not like Renaissance wasn't inspired heavily by antiquity and rethinking its ideas.

Aesthetics don't appear out of thin air, user. Van Gogh was tracing japanese woodblock prints long before he painted Starry Night.

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Literally every media consumer is boring


Shut up bitch

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Anonymous or not, they would still never listen to me. The message is too much trouble
"Capitalist realism"

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All the talent went into film

I hope this was sarcastic.



What? Mason & Dixon came out in '97...

an untimely death always brings with it timely praise

How many 30-year periods could you name and describe as having revolutionary innovations in literature?

There can only be so many revolutions. We are already living in the final revolution. Are you ready?

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An addition to your list:

>video games aren't art

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Really? I think novelty is in overabundance the last few decades, that it's a bit too much.

for example?

We are living in the age of Hauntology, zero innovation, endless recycling

yeah, there's nothing new if you look at academia and """elite""" literature fields. but, places like 4channel dot org slash lit slash are producing brand new aesthetics with unknown depths of ironic symbolism. you're actually living in *the* revolution, but you refuse to write to market it to the rest of plebeians.

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Dude, there's gimmick shit being done all the time. Maybe not quality stuff, but it's everywhere. You're retarded if you think everyone's doing the same stuff.

so nothing innovative. what's your point?

>I'm not like all the other books ara~~

I'm talking of the novelty in aesthetics part.

Based. Don't let these cucumbers think otherwise for a minute. Are slot machines art? Fortnite is a fancy slot machine with slightly different pacing. At least many of you hardcore gamers are saved from box pox.