What do you think of Nietzsche?

What do you think of Nietzsche?

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Failed student of Schopenhauer. Read mainlander.

He's still around and as if in despite of memes and meming isn't going anywhere. He intuited what the conditions of future hard readerdom would be so wrote in a manner that he believed would appeal to them, and about subjects and situations he figured would seem very real to them as well. An amazing success story... so far as the fate of his writing is concerned.

Isn't slave morality pretty evident these days? Victims carry a high status

why didn't he move to the middle east

It was evident in his day too.

Any examples of victimhood as a virtue back then?

He had some pretty good ideas, specially his famous “death of god” really helps to improve morality based on the simple reasoning that we need something to follow, sometimes it is god sometimes it is money, but it always has to be something occupying god’s place

Also I don’t know I’m drunk and I have just skimmed most of his works, I find him dreary and just outright bleak, too much blackpilled

The meek will inherit the earth, right? To think I once thought that those engaged in business were 'the meek'....
No promise was ever made that the inheritance of the earth by the meek would be a good thing, however

Unoriginal thinker popular among teenagers

Oh yes that is a good example. The beginnings of the inversion of nature (weak = powerful). Or maybe just the original cope. What do you mean by 'those engaged in business'?

I like his mustache :3

Good in theory, bad in practice.

Businessmen. Men with soft hands and bad ideas that nonetheless work in the sense that they 'drive the economy'

It is troubling to me that there are so many fat cats out there who exist to play with numbers. Whenever I'm in a big city and I walk past a lot of well dressed suits I constantly wonder what they actually produce. Why did you ever think that businessmen were the meek?

Unoriginal only with respect to Goethe and by extension Spinoza neither of whom anyone reads.

A relative thing
Next to Caesars, Warriors, Pioneers, Adventurers, etc. Up until really the Industrial Revolution raw (human) physical power ruled by and large--
and I don't mean to suggest that finance wasn't at the very root of archaic enterprise
But the subtly easy way of modern business (and the myriads involved in it) is a radical departure from far less glamorous historic modes.
Another instance concerns musicians, entertainers. Formerly strolling near impoverished vagabonds now among the wealthiest citizens, even (where it applies) made Knights and Dames, etc. ----Speaking of the 'inversion of strength' at any rate

Good in practice, bad in theory.

It does seem to be the case that with power and will one had a chance to rise up. Now you need nepotism, you need charm, and you need to understand how to navigate red tape. All this to get started, to say nothing of success.
And yes, there is something grotesque about metrosexual Bono becoming a knight. It's pretty easy to see the inversion theme all over the place - blurring and distortion of the lines between male and female, borders and territory decried as evil, celebration of abortion, the list goes on

It's subtly crazy, and no end in sight given that it's also the status quo
Living in weird times, user

he recognized that everybody before him had been fucking crazy to think they way they did, and that everybody after him would be fucking crazy also, and somewhere in between those two points he went fucking crazy

so basically he nailed it 10/10 would eternally recur again

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Had he not been invented entirely by Goethe I'd be inclined to agree

My relation with the works of Nietzsche is intensely private. I always somehow feel people are off-the-mark about him. Nietzsche is so idiosyncratic, such an INDIVIDUAL, it’s hard to fit him into any one box. For instance, I’m religious but still love Nietzsche. People view Nietzsche very oddly, in my opinion. They try to view him as totally for or against things he’s not really totally for or against. Anyway, saying what I think of Nietzsche is impossible, and anyway, even if I could, I wouldn’t want to, since you're all peasants.

Hahaha Yea Forums nerds don't deserve /his/

He disagrees with Goethe at times though.

Socrates disagreed with Plato


Go to bed, Noah.

Another Nietzsche thread? Just fucking stop posting.

Eat some meat, chum.

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Too deep for Yea Forums, and especially for /pol/.

Good poet, bad person >:3

Not me

I like reading him, but he's wrong about Christianity.

He was really talking about Lutheranism, which has traces of Manichaeism. Manichaeism was pacifist (impotence of the slaves), and was overtly dualistic (Nietzsche will accuse Christianity of saying good=spirit vs evil=body).

And see
>pic related
Max Scheler basically argued that Christianity in and of itself is not a product of weakness, self-hatred, and ressenitiment, but that Christian virtues are preformed from a state of strength and vitality and none of it is forfeited when interacting with the weak, nor is weakness even affirmed. Christ touched the leper and made him clean, yet He Himself was not made unclean, nor did He affirm weakness, because He brought the leper out of that.

Attached: Ressentiment Scheler.png (1430x260, 29K)
