>dont confirm to society's morals or ethics
>put their own selfintrests first, if they want something they take it
>high iq can manipulate weaker emotional minded people with ease
>overpower and kill their enemies, have a high kill toll
Are serial killers ubermensch?
Other urls found in this thread:
no because they're usually weak willed faggots who got pushed around in their youth
>imprisoned, killed, or vilified
Randfags kys
no, because they are incapable of controlling their own desires. they have no will.
you're thinking of mass shooters, most serial killers killed anyone who fucked with them
what about the ones who got away?
they want something they take it. they dont believe theres anything wrong with their desires
Depends. Bundy- maybe, though most of them certainly harbour ressentiment.
Why Bundy? Why is superhuman being ruled by a ancestral impulse? Do he create his own laws?
Not all of them.
Read the fifth nail blog archive, it was written by a serial killer rotting in jail while his defense team of lawyers tried to appeal his death sentence.
>they dont believe theres anything wrong with their desires
yes they do
a lot of them turn to shit in jail, like a wild animal locked up
and you would know this? its not like an alcoholic who cant stop drinking but wants to, they enjoy killing and think its awesome
They impose their own rules and bend reality to their will. As you said, they don't confirm the society's system of values because they're naturally superior to the flock. And as a lion preys the gazelle, the serial killer preys the weaker. Violence and violation are qualities of our will to power. There's something wrong? No, they just decide to do what they like independently from society's moral perspective.
>and you would know this? its not like an alcoholic who cant stop drinking but wants to, they enjoy killing and think its awesome
you have no idea what you're talking about. almost all serial killers feel some sort of guilt.
Funny how that works, isn't it? Without the sheep to feed on the wolf starves. The nobility and grandeur of a parasite vanishes when cut off from its host.
this is why I recced fifth nail. there's more nuance to it than "they love killing" versus "they know killing is 'evil' "
they feel guilty they got caught, they dont give a shit about who they killed anymore than you care about the chicken you ate
you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
>it's another thread where OP can't read but assumes cartoons explained power to him adequately
Yes, America, very good you used words
I know some clinically diagnosed psychopaths, because I'm a curious fucker and I poke my nose into things, and I think you're really oversimplifying things.
>they dont believe theres anything wrong with their desires
Didn’t Edmund Kemper ask to be tortured to death?
Lion does not have to hide from the gazelles and pretend that he's a gazelle. Lion doesn't get caught by the gazelles or get put on a gazelle trial, with gazelle prosecutors deciding his fate. Lion doesn't have to go only after weak female gazelle and spend weeks seducing them to be alone with the lion so the lion can attack.
Yeah whatever my nigga now get the fuck out of here and dont come back
no you dont, if you actually think Bundy felt guilty for killing 100 thots you're retarded
He's pretty much the idea of master morality.
Cool opinions. Read through this chronologically:
and maybe I'll listen to your suggestions.
Explain it.
well sure they can feel sorry for people if they need to, but when they want to kill someone for their pleasure and carry it out they dont see these people as important, they see themselves as the only thing they should care about first, if its not in their intrest to feel sorry for them they wont. they're also so desensitized its not much more than a shopthief robbing a mars bar to them
no, though he is an odd exception being he turned himself in, I guess after killing his mother didnt like the idea of looking after himself and knew he would be arrested so thought it would be cozy in jail
Ah, no, Muhammed is. Bundi had NO morality
> Are serial killers übermensch?
only some of them. Bandy definitely was, but most killers are low iq retards.
as Raskolnikov said (and i unironically agree), only exceptional and original people should be allowed to commit crimes.
dont want to read that blog, Ian Brady also wrote a book basically saying serial killers are the nietzsche ubermensch
Bundy didn't create his own values
>most serial killers killed anyone who fucked with them
Lol I have Brady's book.
... Again, it's more complicated than that.
The "born" psychopath is incredibly rare, but his existence should not be doubted. What nurture can inflinct on a developing mind - ASPD as a result of extreme childhood abuse - nature should likewise be able to produce, in her infinite variety. The psychopath you're imagining is the one 'born that way' - a Marquis de Sade. In practice, individuals with ASPD tend to be the trauma-induced type, including serial killers, because, again, the Marquises of history are rare.
>On November 1, Kemper took the stand. He testified that he killed the victims because he wanted them "for myself, like possessions,"[58] and attempted to convince the jury that he was insane based on the reasoning that his actions could only have been committed by someone with an aberrant mind. He said two beings inhabited his body and that when the killer personality took over it was "kind of like blacking out."[56]
>On November 8, 1973, the six-man, six-woman jury convened for five hours before declaring Kemper sane and guilty on all counts.[20][56] He asked for the death penalty, requesting "death by torture."[59]
most of the famous serial killers had above average iq or even genius. Alcala had an iq around 170
he also appeared on a dating show and won youtube.com
Yep. From what I've seen the data suggests that they can manage their appetites for violence in proportion with their intelligence. It allows them to delay the need for immediate gratification and camoflauge themselves, and they can enjoy other forms of conquest, to a degree.
He valued power and strength over weakness?
Literally any retard can be a killer, most murder cases go unsolved, you don't need to be Dexter-tier hypergenius to evade the police. Why not prove your alloeged superiority through science, art, game of politics, entrepreneurship? Oh yeah cause that shit actually requires intellect and talent, it's that much easier to whinge against muh society, grab a knife and stab a bunch of people. Overman as fuck.
most of
> famous
killers. they're famous for a reason. a huge majority of them didn't gain any fame, and those are mostly retards.
>through science, art, game of politics, entrperneurship
in their eyes that would just be slaving for society or some corporation, they rather and take domination as an individual
But what do you "dominate" as a murderer? You still live a normie life, you still work for Schlomo, your life is indistinguishable from the millions wallowing in the same grey mass, only difference being the fact that every once in a while you stab a person. Big fucking whoop. I really hate it when people try to infuse the act of killing with some romanticized, mystical quality. You can see it in TV shows like True Detective, or novels like Crime and Punishment, murder is in a way justified by abstracting it to the metaphysical plane, turning the dull act of taking someone's life for no good reason into a form of cosmic power struggle. Fuck that gay shit.
It's more like they're incapable of enjoying anything but the murder. The primary emotional state of a sociopath is boredom to the point of pain, and pleasure is fleeting - lasting minutes, perhaps, maybe a day or so, before the return to boredom. Rage seems to be the only "emotion" they feel fully, across the board. No other possible feelings exist. High functioning sociopaths are capable of having mutually beneficial relationships with non-sociopaths, but not without difficulty.
>It's more like they're incapable of enjoying anything but the murder. The primary emotional state of a sociopath is boredom to the point of pain, and pleasure is fleeting - lasting minutes, perhaps, maybe a day or so, before the return to boredom. Rage seems to be the only "emotion" they feel fully, across the board.
Sounds less like an ubermensch, and more like a high-functioning autist.
Basically, only Hannibal Lecter fits this mold. Bundy is perhaps the next closest thing in reality. ... That we know about.
>i dont want to read th-
The difference is that the autist is capable of emotion and unable to express it; the sociopath is characteristically glib, charming, and easily wins people over. Autists get a bad rap because they can easily be mistaken for "heartless monsters" by normies. The actual "heartless monsters" have no problem making friends, but they do it to amuse themselves or to hide, not because they enjoy having friends.
well killing takes up a pick big of their life, but still some managed to have successful carriers, Gacy was a big businessman and in with political elites, Alcala was the top of his class in college, hh holmes was a successful con artist, Dean Cary owned a successful business, Rader was model figure in the community, Unterweger become a praised writer and journalist,
its not like these guys were living in their mum's basement or something
this isnt true at all
well i dont believe they're born a serial killer in the way someone isnt born a writer, but at the point of being a serial killer they've passed all boarders of guilt for people have decided they dont care about
٩( ᐛ )و
They always go to it because of childhood trauma or failure in adult life, so it’s really more of a cope. Narcissism seems to run deep and they can’t handle the fact they aren’t dictator emperor of the earth. I imagine even the seemingly normal ones like BTK hated their unremarkable lives (besides the serial killing of course) and resented their lack of success
nietzche was a brainlet still believing in good and evil concepts
most serial killers are fucking losers who were bullied, abused, or neglected as children.
That isn't Neetchi, read a fucking book. Read a single fucking book that's all I'm asking why is this so hard for you faggot reAD A FUCKING BOOK
what book is it then, why you shouting im not the fag who started this gaythread
You can damn well type a keyword string into a search engine and find out for yourself, you lazy sonofabitch. Solzhenitsyn.
okay then hes the brainlet
*hits bong*
morality is yes, oof in the jungle isnt thinking of morality when he wacks goof over the head with his club and takes his fruit and woman
>he's never going to read the book and I knew it and I told him anyway because I believe human beings are capable of changing themselves for the better
if there is a hell, you won't be able to cry out on your descent into it that I refused to help you, I have done what I think is right.
Have a good night, simple brother.
Psychopathy. Abnormal neural circuitry and diminished reactivity in the amygdala. Freaks of nature, all must be exterminated.
The reason SKs back then went on a murder spree without getting caught wasn't because they were some high IQ geniuses but rather the forensic science wasn't developed enough to identify someone by their DNA. This is the reason why SKs(by definition more than 3 kills) don't exist anymore because they get caught before they can do much harm
Well relatovely recemtly (a decade ago) there were those Ukrainian serial killers with the hammers.
or maybe serial killers are aware of all the forensic science and cover their tracks better
I don't think ubermensch is the right term killers generally don't seem to have control over themselves they are just following their nature
They are the archetypal conqueror a more primal archetype which society has done away with in favor of more "safe" methods of growth
I don't think Nietzsche really intended the ubermensch to be a person who doesn't fit into society but rather a person who directs and defines it
>most serial killers are high iq
>cites YouTube
Larping little underage faggot, come back to Yea Forums when you're 18 and rid of your emo outlook
>the Moosbrugger character in The Man Without Qualities
Nah theyre usually pathetic faggots, bundies a chad though no fucking doubt about that
serial killers embody ressentiment
>They are the archetypal conqueror a more primal archetype
No, not really.
Why I s he a chad? Any faggot can rape and kil women; evading police before DNA testing was invented wasn't such a hard task. You could literally shoot somebody in broad daylight and get away with it if you really tried.
If they got away with it maybe
>don't conform to society's ethics
Wow such chads
>put selfinterest first
Everyone does
>high iq
citation needed
>can manipulate
So can car salesmen and tv preachers; doesn't take genius to be a demagogue
>overpower enemies
It follows that the state is the true ubermensch since it overpowered them
Rappers are ubermensch.
Doesn't take high IQ to do any of those things. Serial killers have contributed nil to social discourse, philosophy, science, etc. Manipulation skills are not an indicator of high IQ.
you can shoot someone dead in broad daylight and get away with it right now
No there are cameras everywhere, cell phones, Police will test clothes for any DNA you left on them, footprints, bullet casings, tire marks, etc. Makes it very easy to catch criminals. In Bundys era police had to rely on lie detector tests and eyewitness testimony. Of course they could still test tire marks and shit like that but not with the degree of precision we have these days.
The overhuman is not that cool. After studying Nietzsche and contemporary nietzscheans for 5 years, I've reached the conclusion that this ubermensch of his is not a cool non-dude at all, ze's more like a floating non-language being, that does not have authority nor custom because it does not have lines (binary opositions, law, etc) anymore. A retard is probably closer to become an overhuman than serial killers.
>Kill anyone who fucks with them
This is how you get noticed, idiot. The successful ones with long killstreaks love killing; revenge is lower on the list than romcoms.
>Dont conform to society
They wear the sheeple NPC mask to stay hidden. They are maximum conformists. Buthewassuchanoisyungman.jpg
Alwayssopolite.mpeg. They max out on hypocrisy as a primary skill; turning grayman also. That's conforming.
>They put their own interest's first
No they do not. They put their DESIRE first. It is in their survival interest to be a middleclass cis normietypical, live to 75, pass on genes; their DESIRE says, dying at 40 is fine if i get to skullfuck hitchikers till then.
>Higher iq helps manipulating emotional people
They are hijacking evolutionary heuristics; evolved mechanisms that help the individual organism live longer. Exploiting loopholes does not make them superior; i can bend someones wrist backwards for a wristlock, doesnt mean i am actually stronger.
Also, they have their own loopholes, which are far bigger and more irrisistable. Crf, john w gacey had a briefcase full of journals and pics leading to arrest, and also confided to fellow deathrow inmate about locations. Crf ed gein kept a house full of necro klepto artycrafts. These are material weaknesses far more compromising than just having a soft heart.
>Overpower and kill their enemies
Clueless women and children vs fullgrown man with weapons and a van. These are not enemies; these are prey. They NEVER go after a prepper gunnut in his own house.
Mostly only when they are safe in cages, you realise. Some people like to touch tigers; doesnt mean they want to be in the same space.
OP, are you romanticising serial killers in order to excuse your own assholery as being "apex" behaviour?
theres still plenty of serial killers out. fbi reckons 50 at any time in the US
>They wear the sheeple NPC mask to stay hidden. They are maximum conformists. Buthewassuchanoisyungman.They max out on hypocrisy as a primary skill; turning grayman also. That's conforming.
they love their mask, cause they get a kick out of tricking normies sheep
>No they do not. They put their DESIRE first
its not like they are struggling alcoholics they dont see their desrire to kill or rape as bad in fact they see it as fun and healthy
>They are hijacking evolutionary heuristics;
yeah you dont now what you are talking about, a serial killer could chat to you and convince you its a sweet innocent man with ease, they're master manipulators they know exactly what a sheep wants to hear
>>Overpower and kill their enemies
wolves dont hunt other wolves they hunt sheep, besides a lot of serial killers also killed men and people bigger than them though they did have the upper ground in the fight cause they;re not retards
>Mostly only when they are safe in cages, you realise. Some people like to touch tigers; doesnt mean they want to be in the same space
a lot of seral killers were still popular before they got caught even still there is a reason why women flock to them in cells
>are serial killers ubermensch?
some of them could be
serial killers are not necessarily more ubermenscher than other people
most serial killers are not like that by choice, they developed twisted behaviour because of a fucked up childhood.
Which serial killer is your crush user?
>they love their mask
They *have* to wear it or get busted. And the kick isn't primarily about the deception; otherwise they can just be Honest Johns in finance, politics, sales, all without killing. The kick is about killing; in order to kill for a long career, they HAVE to lie. They do not necessarily enjoy lying, although granted some do.
>they don't see their desire as bad
Few addicts or sickos do, at least until they cross a personal line, eg get scat on for crack money, or kill close family members.
Also, them not viewing their behavior as bad does not make it any less bad. Almost no one in high security prison thinks they deserve to be there, but for the most part they clearly do.
>You do not know what you are talking about
You can't know this.
I have actually read the Selfish Gene. I do understand the words I use, even if I do take them from someone else.
>serialkillers can master manipulate
Inaccurate. They can and do manipulate far more often than normies. DSMV lists "superficial charm" as the hallmark of a psycho. Key word "superficial" not "masterful".
>they can tell exactly what a sheep want to hear
No they cannot. They can do enough coldreading and flattery to get the prey vulnerable and unguarded for 3-5 minutes.
Also, just because they know what a sheep wants to hear does not mean the sheep will automatically believe what they say. I do not think you understand sheep very well; go visit a herding community, try imitating the herdsman to get his flock to follow you. It doesn't work, even if you use the same words, wear the same clothes. You underestimate sheep; the serial killers that got busted did as well.
>overpower and kill their enemies
No, read my post again. They kill PREY. Different from enemies. As a human, a cow is not my enemy, a crocodile is. For the serial killers, a woman/child/homo are not enemies, they are PREY. A cop is the enemy. A redneck gundolator is an enemy. A private or federal investigator is the enemy. Serial killers NEVER go after these; they sweat and hide, or run when they see these people poking around.
The people they prey on are women approached for help (dahmer) or children with no life experience (gacey),or outsiders with very limited options (nilsen). These present little challenge. A literal fat clown like gacey could do it.
I am not suggesting SKs are unintelligent; I am saying they do not bravely go forth to kill enemies as you allege. They act only when cornered.
>SKs take down enemies bigger than them
Please point out who does this, regularly or on purpose. I have read a fair bit about SKs and I have not come across one. If you have, provide a link.
>a lot of serial killers were popular
Do you mean manson? He is not popular to society at large before or after capture; he's a bigshot only within his own family, which operates with all the characteristics of a cult.
>women flock to them in cells
Wrong, and you are being misleading. Women WRITE to them.
lose weight
Women write to them knowing that there's a federal prison between them.
Do you know that prison penpals experience the same thing? Women write to a big badass mofo in prison, keep penpalling, but most of them disappear in fear when the inmate actually comes back out again? youtube: afterprisonshow.
Lots of prison penpals get dumped if ever their civvie correspondents find out their real character. prisontalk.com
I expect no different for Sks, except they are not allowed to write back to their penpals, and most of them get executed before long, so no one on the outside get to see what they really are through their letters.
>they want something they take it.
That's the problem, their lack of self-control. They're slaves of their own desire.
so based.
>They *have* to wear it or get busted
no they take joy out of it
>Also, them not viewing their behavior as bad does not make it any less bad.
good and bad are social construcsts, if you dont see what you do as bad its not bad
>naccurate. They can and do manipulate far more often than normies
nah serial killers have esialy manupuilted tons, look at unterweger was able to trick noble prize winners and leftist elitists
>No they cannot. They can do enough coldreading and flattery to get the prey vulnerable and unguarded for 3-5 minutes.
no they can do it for years, they know how to talk thenselves out of tricky parts, Dahmer interviews are great example knew eatly what the public wanted to hear and then laughed about it behind bars
>Please point out who does this, regularly or on purpose
yes I said they kill prey just like a wolf kills sheep, only natrual, a lot do kill though, female serial killers kill a bunch of men, Pituskin, Mckay, Dahmer, Earons a few examples that overpowered and killed men
go watch Ramierz or Bundy groupies, fllocking to be with him
>good and bad are social construcsts, if you dont see what you do as bad its not bad
It's ubermensch to be comfortable in civilization, the way amiable players are. It is a question of how regularly, and with how little in the way of dire, tedious, or simply ugly consequences, one has access to ecstasy, and can approach it with a clear head. If you can have cake of that kind, which replenishes itself in the eating, you have mastered reality. That is very thing serial killers are most inept at, and what makes them fit only for survival, but not prosperity, and only in the worst of times & places. You could call them demigods, but only if you define the term from grizzly bears and nature's other not-so-frolicsome campers.
Thank you for your answer. Will investigate your leads.
>if you dont see what you do as bad it is not bad
Not bad for -You-, I think, is more accurate. But i see how you can get here.
>they can do it for years
Remembered something. ok conceded, they "can" keep up a show for years.
>female killers kill a bunch of men
Names please, so I can look at their modus. I am guessing mostly with poison, not physical power, like you seemed to be suggesting with your wolf analogy.
I think you mean Pichuskin. He targeted mostly old homeless men. Again, these are not dangerous by most measure; they are not as dangerous as duty cops or feds. My point stands.
Killed a 60 yo priest, most of the known others are old women. Again, no real enemies, just prey.
Kills drunks, no cops or soldiers CQC, as implied by wolf analogy. Again, targets prey, not enemies. Although he did kill more men than most of the rest; all civvies, some homos, still, not the hypothetical gunnut prepper i putforward as an enemy actually worth boasting about.
Shot an old professor in his home. Mostly attacks women and burgles, but carries a gun for when things go wrong. AGAIN, no enemy, only low-threat targets.
You fail to make your case.
And also, you avoided the very first question I asked: are you romanticizing SKs so you can feel better about your current behaviour?
I realize they take them out like prey, its not exactly smart to fight your enemy in an even fistfight, if you dont have the upper ground you'll lose
many female serial killers killed men, usually though poison though, Belle Guinness for one and probably got away with it all, my point isnt that they're fighting equal opponents just that men can also be their prey
fair enough.
I just take exception, if it was you that posted, that you call their victims "enemies."
That is just false.
No. There is nothing admirable in being anti-social. You are bound by the circumstances you live in, it's impossible to escape this. You still have to think in terms of language, culture, experience, and all of those are contingent on a social scene, a historical period, upbringing, etc. You are not an autonomous, ahistorical, deworlded individual living in a vacuum that uses faculties of reason to come up with things to do independently of sociality. Your subjectivity arises out of the necessities generated by moral discourse. Serial killers are mostly sexual degenerates or schizophrenics. All complex things created by humans necessitate deferral of desire into pro-social pursuits. They are no more respectable than animals.
no they are men of ressentiment
When is Mindhunter season 2 going to be released?
This year (?)
Should be soon, the book is actually pretty decent too.
to kill an innocent human being the weakest thing you can do
Why are roasties so obsessed with serial killers?
Because they are beings without restrictions
You've been watching too much CSI, chief. Forensics are largely useless and most murders go unsolved.
Serial killers are boring an predictable, the only interesting thing about them is their unexpectedness. You don't ever think "Yeah this guy probably rapes and kills girls."
Serial killers are a biological and socially formed abberation of humanity. They, overwhelmingly, were created through abuse as a child.
They're broken and controlled by their urges. They're often emotionally retarded and the allure of the genius manipulator is overwhelmingly bullshit.
Serial killers already feel like a relic of the past, I guess mass shooters have filled that niche
they dont get as much media attention but they'll always be there, school shooters are quite different to sks, typically ugly and cant manipulate anyone
Not all, but Ian was one.
Me man, me want to be lion because lion big and strong. But me just man.
>no serial killers
My neighbourhood has just rid itself of a serial killer that was questioned by police and then released to kill two or three more people. He killed at least eight people.