Does anyone else see the irony in Petersonfags refusing to read anything but the one work Marx wrote that was specifically meant for retards to be able to read?
Does anyone else see the irony in Petersonfags refusing to read anything but the one work Marx wrote that was...
The real question is what motivates people to argue with communists? They are sophists and bullshitters of the highest degree, just look at Zizek's line in the debate
>you need to read the Communist Manifesto
>no, just because it's part of the Manifest doesn't mean it's critical of Communism, you need to read everything by everyone who read the Manifesto and who read that and so on and so forth *sniff*
They live in their own academic la-la-land and simply don't care about facts, so why try to reason with them? They're all obscurantists and political parasites.
>The real question is what motivates people to do exactly what I'm doing right now
Ladies and gentleman this is the Peterson fan
I know a lot Peterson's fans, they only read 12 rules to life, and watch several vids on yt. Most of them didn't read more than 1 meter of books in their entire life.
Everything else is a big time investment. Reading a 800+ pages book just to inform your disagreements is a stupid or obsessive thing to do, specially if you already think it's bunk.
You could spend that energy reading things that you expect will inform you about the real world like two physics textbooks or provide you with fun and beauty like a novel by an author you admire.
I think 800 pages to inform your opinion should be the minimum mandatory amount at least if you're going to spew your uninformed garbage in front of an audience from a place of authority.
Philosophy didn't stop at Marx
You're unironically an atavist, ape, and functionally illiterate, and ought not be on a board where people read, write, and discuss these things.
But he isn't wrong about modern communists being cowards that refuse to argue any positive claims or allow their terms to be defined. Look at the Zizek Self debate, it was an hour of Self roughly asking, "Does the entire body of your work ask anyone that reads it to take any positive action to affect the world you criticize?" and Zizek refusing to say yes or no, falling back on the refrain of "Learn more." Communists are slimy cowards that deserve to have their hopes and dreams consumed and accelerated by the capitalist machine the claim to hate. And Peterson's failings don't really effect that.
>Does the entire body of your work ask anyone that reads it to take any positive action to affect the world you criticize?
>Refusing to say yes or no
What do you mean? He says no, and he admits this in like every speech I've ever seen. He doesn't have answers, and he's the first to admit this. You can call it sophistry, but anyone that falls for it had plenty of prior warning
Also some of you people call him a communist, some of you are saying he isn't, please just decide on whether or not acknowleging the problem of the commons makes you a commie already
There are entire forests’ worth of paper written about how too much Marxist philosophy is inaccessible to dumb people, and it’s a valid criticism
If your philosophy is actually about caring for working people it should be accessible to them. If your philosophy is about pissing off the evil capitalists then continue to write your obscurantist nonsense and getting mad when they haven’t read critical evaluations of Kropotkin or whatever and only read the foundational text of your philosophy
>you need to read the Communist Manifesto
show me one (1) academic Marxist who recommends this as a way to understand Marxist theory, I'll wait.
>be Peterson
>be 18
>read the Communist Manifesto once
Peterson gets paid hundreds of thousands (millions?) from his patreon, in good part to combat the scourge of "postmodern neomarxism". I think he has the financial and intellectual incentive to read at least a few of the important works...
it's like something out of a fucking skit that he would never have read Capital
t. genocidal commie
I mean he did get a degree in political science. Polisci programs are pretty much a neolib indoctrination mill. On top of that he grew up in the cold war.
I think people accredit him with more self-awareness than due.
oh look another Peterson thread.
zizek can go too
That's the same problem I see from critics of the Bible.
reminder Peterson considers himself an expert in Judeo-Christian values (whatever that means) and didn't even take the time to find out Zizek's take on Christianity. what a literal meme.
Yes, you genuinely need to read everything by the writer to understand his philosophy, beliefs and spirit. That's just to have a basic understanding. To understand the entire school of thought you need to read all the other writers he influenced too.