Books to understand the psyche of the homosexual?

Books to understand the psyche of the homosexual?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_or_The_Reverse_of_the_Medal

Beyond good and evil

Discours sur les sciences et les arts

Confessions of a mask

Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

My diary desu.

ur autobiography

Ever asked yourself?

My book of love letters to my straight crush that I never sent.


Yes. It is beyond me, though.

A little life. Or A single man.

googled it
> that entire last sentence
i'm sure this 1956 novel is not in any way some queershit. why are wiki mods so retarded?
this tumblr speak makes a supposedly good piece of actual literature seem like progressive fanfiction on arthoe blog

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Any psychiatric textbook,

just go to a gay gangbang

It's probably good to ignore modern criticism of any book.

i know, i usually just look up some book recs if i consider downloading or buying it.
it also can give me a good chuckle if i choose to skim through the reviews, as there are normies rating some books 1* for having disgusting details "they don't want to read about"

homosexuality = autosexuality

I'm not into cars, thanks.

not really, but there are features of autosexuality amongst gay bottoms
which is similair to androphillic female sexuality

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Think of a man, and take away desperation and toxic masculinity.

And add dual incomes, no kids, and fewer expenses.

To be fair, you'd have to add a lot of STDs and possibly AIDS. And rectum problems at 20.


Good point. I guess is about even compared to sticking it to some slobbery vagina.

>tfw the last fisting session was too rough and you have to get a colostomy bag

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>no kids seen as a positive
it's true, fags are fucked in the head i guess

>study medicine
>Every disease is increased in homosexuals

Hmm what did they mean by this

Woah buddy, stop spreading those hate facts. Not cool.

Battyboys are not people

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Chuck Palahniuk(Invisible monsters, specifically, but also Fight Club), Hubert Selby (Last exit to Brooklyn) both delve into the psyche of homosexuals and transexuals. Deleuze also, he's really got great insights on the faggot mentality.

Naked Lunch seemed like a pretty good look into the id of a gay man, that said he was very very high while writing it

The Gay Science by Frederick Nietzsche.

Anything from Yukio Mishima.

unironically start with the greeks


Based, therefore they shouldn’t read

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are 35 year old boomers allowed on Yea Forums?

True. Homosexual men do not have sex, they masturbate into each others mouths and rectums. Same for homosexual women, just a form of mutual masturbation. Actual sex requires both genders to be involved. Not saying homosexuals don't have orgasms, but that is not the same as sex. Otherwise most of you wouldn't be virgins, you would be married to your right hands desu.

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David Leavitt, Family Dancing in particular is great.

Almost right. It's a form of narcissism, therefore "autosexuality by proxy".

Genesis and Romans 1

They are an abomination. That is all you need to know.

Absolutely unironically pic related.

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Brainlet as fuck.
Actually read some studies on homosexual arousal instead of pulling theories out of your asses.

Research has shown that homosexuality arises from deep antisocial attitudes that develop early in childhood. A what is usually a childhood trauma begets anger in the child, which is then turned against the society and moral values at large since it's the easiest and the most apparent target that the child can direct his anger towards. The anger sprouts action in the form of a lot of aggressive, perverted, angry, low-iq sodomy.

All sexuality is an expression of narcissism.

I'm sure this applies to the widespread prevalence of homosexual tendencies in the entire animal kingdom as well. Deep antisocial attitudes, developed early in childhood.

Animals are really stupid so it's understandable they sometimes wouldn't distinguish between the 2 holes. Humans, however, are completely different, they have reason and you can't equate animals and humans in such way. Just because animals murder each other doesn't make it O.K. for humans to do so.

>Humans, however, are completely different, they have reason and you can't equate animals and humans in such way.

What are you trying to say, old man?

I think you can infer

I think dementia is slowly descending upon you. I will pray for you.

It's sad that Christian societies were the first ones to formalize the scientific method, and contribute to the world by that regard, but later realized the findings from the endeavour only eroded much of their own theology, and have since taken to the alternative, Christian Science™ that kinds like you have come to espouse. It's unfortunate that I can't even "thank" Christians for originally developing such a empirical discipline, since the same group would later become its greatest abusers. Investigation into the animal kingdom's prevalence of non-heterosexuality for example, has to this day seen its research stifled and ignored due to the prevailing cultural attitudes of Christianity on such a subject.

Imagine being so deluded. Literally, the whole western world (a.k.a. place where science actually happens) is advocating homosexuality now, so no idea what you mean about research being "stifled and ignored". Also, my point was that even if some animals are sodomites, that doesn't make it morally right or natural for humans to do so.

>he doesn't go outside
yeah dude everyone is sucking cock nowadays


fuck off retard

Dude you just got btfo
Go sniff some ass holes and lick your balls, animal.
Btw I don't think what you think Christian Science is correct

If you live in a major city you literally cannot go outside on a certain day without seeing people sucking dicks in the street and being celebrated for it.

- Harry Potter
- Dr. Chuck Tingle's Complete Guide to Romance
- The Color Purple
- Various theater plays... too many to list.

Gays who repress their attraction and marry women and have kids are far less fucked than the average straight man, in fact they are more respectable in sacrificing a part of themselves for the greater good of raising a family. I've met one who even said his wife was the best thing that ever happened to him.

This list still needs C. P Cavafy in the poetry section.

Fucking sixty replies before oscar wilde was mentioned

I want to fuck some boipussi bro, not a transformer LMAOOOOOO

>can't even enjoy a waterpark ride with your bro without being called gay

Animals are entirely capable of distinguishing between the anus and the vagina, you flaming faggot. Holy shit, how dumb are you?

There is no such thing as homosexuality. There are a wide variety of homosexual behaviors situated on cultural modalities and motivated by an array of psychological, sociological, technological and genetic causes.

Clearly not, since if they could, there would be no sodomite animals.

I was pondering the whole day about which of them would take it up the ass?

What is there to understand? Homosexuals value pleasure over anything else. They are all shitty human beings in my book. I would be gay if I wasn't a good person.

>people pretending that they want to understand "the homosexual psyche" when really they want an excuse to call them evil
woah that was unexpected

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>excuse to call them evil
You mean proof.

Sex and Character


topkek. maybe for small % of rich white gays

can someone explain the psyche of heterosexuals? what differentiates sex with a man and a woman?

Greeks and Romans had a natural conception of Eros and love, the modern forms of all sacred moods are debased and perverted by strange outer forces

The foundation for exploration


I'll make this simple for you: You want to be Goku, and fuck Vegeta.

>i'm sure this 1956 novel is not in any way some queershit.
it is though

He literally leaves his gay lover to die and returns to his fiancee

The older one is slightly more fem and the younger one is taller and more masc, so they're most likely vers

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Unironically true.

Shut up retard and read a little on zoology and evolution. Give me me one example of any family of animals in which homosexuality is practiced in a sexually dimorphic species at rates greater than 5%.
No, parthenogenesis doesn't count
No, rare cases of homosexuality(

Researchers literally did not look for homosexuality in wild animals for centuries. Now, they are paying attention and it's being revealed to be far more common than expected.
>They are monogamous breeders, and are unusual in that one-quarter of all pairings are homosexual, mostly between males. Both partners share incubation and cygnet rearing duties.

There is 0% chance that any institution can do an honest unbiased research on homosexuality in current year. fag.

wrong. All sexuality except for consensual sex within the confines of a marriage wherein both are free from sin and blessed by God

Now, prove that Christianity is objectively true without invoking faith.

Roughly 20% of swans are, and 10% of rams. I really don't think you've even looked into the subject...

Sure, and you Christian investigators would suffer no such biases...

Bronze Age Mindset

The identity of being gay is a recent thing. In ancient times it was more about same sex sodomy


The scary thing is that I'm convinced that it can be "learned"
I saw this "guy" on tumblr (he was actually a biological girl presenting herself as a boy) and fell for him for reasons "unknown".
I started watching some gay porn (very specific, but still) to ease myself intot he idea of meeting him, and now I have this femboy fetish, even after he told me what he trully was, hence the androgynous look

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true sex is only when there is not only conception, but successful birth and offspring that go on to accumulate wealth ensuring multiple successive generations of independence.
anything else is just elaborate masturbation.

Homosexuality = the alpha sexuality

that's cute user

That's an odd way of putting it. I'm gonna be critical of you here and say that a lot of people put too much effort into trying to put homosexuality into a box (in your case, the autosexual thing).
When, I think, what you should be doing is looking at the core. I'm not so sure regular old sex is any less autosexual by this definition. It's possible to have strictly genital sex and also to have erotic, love-based (even if a distorted idea of love) sex. Anyone of any gender can do this. How they relate to people, and to what extent, depends on their beliefs about status and identity.
Not to say that "identifying" as LGBT is any less annoying than a man who can't admit how gay stuff could happen if you were from a less strict background and an upbringing of expectations.
You know those experiences we all have as kids where we are jerk off with our friends or some other "gay" shit? That's just the same pursuit of intimacy as the one between a man and a woman, but the perception of the woman is bound by attachment and assigning worth rather than the mere experience of friendship. If you're sexual with any human being, you're doing intimacy right, as long as it isn't anything to do with the gender.
I think people draw these lines of sexual rules of conduct and standards and they just get entirely confused and either get into unhealthy, controlling or dependent relationships, or get into weird ass porn. It's supposed to just be intimacy

Post some of them artsy fgt

Muh identity politics
im better and more progressive than you because i get fucked in the ass
muh politically correct victim lifestyle
corporate enforced homosexuality
muh cultural marxism
leftist social engineering
child drag queens
rainbow doritos

anyone else unironically HATE these freaks?

there's no such thing as 'gay sex', its a politically correct display of diversity and progress. Gay men don't 'have sex' they virtue signal

top kek thread

What's it like to dream in memes?

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they like dick

Yup sounds like Shinji

I'm going to savagely make love to all my high school bullies

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She's actually a real woman
Imagine being so feminine people think you're a tryhard male crossdresser

daring to be straight in this dystopia of ZOG cultural marxist rule is actually subversive and revolutionary. I am proud of my 100% heterosexuality and unapologetic about my masculinity, does that 'trigger' you snowflake?

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ah nice, I thought you were seiours for a second
4/10 made me reply

>Long face
>Low brow
>Wide set eyes
Just because you're attracted to something doesn't make it feminine desu

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Shoulders too narrow, hips too wide. She isn't a boy, sorry.

Confessions of a mask is the ideal presentation of the homosexual mind however most homosexuals especially these days are not, including that you would do good to look into psychology and the rest is self explanatory.

>ywn fuck shinji and asuka
dammit all

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Domestic sheep

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Read Rictor Norton, he explains why this is wrong.,_or_The_Reverse_of_the_Medal

Queer Ultraviolence

Or why not create a society where that individual does not need to sacrifice an integral part of who he is and also raise a family with someone he's attracted to whether through adoption or IVF?

Only women should be allowed to be gay and I need more /u/ lit

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Uh oh tranny alert

Now imagine being the child od a homo who fucked a woman just so he could pretend to have contributed to society.

Not the case actually, though I considered it for a while until I became transphobic

True sex is obly when ypur rate of procreation causes your bloodline over time encompass the entirety of humanity.
Nobody has had true sex in the past thousand years.

Sexuality allegedly sanctioned by Christianity, actually by the tepid phlegm of "common sense", is the worst of all since it implies that the Self is not a Monad and can immanently relate to an other Self Mereologically, rather than Dialectically.

>not shinji and kaworu

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Satoshi Kanazawa