ITT: Books you will never read

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Stoner doesn't seem super interesting to me

It's the best book Yea Forums has recommended me so far. I cried.

Nitchee seems like an edgelord neckbeard to me
Based on his fans I probly wont read him ever

I've been avoiding 1984 because of libs comparing it to Drumpf.

dude, you are tragedy and farce all mixed together. please stop repeating yourself.

it's pretty easy to relate to any state in history ngl

Infinite Jest
Probably also Ulysses

Ulysses isn't THAT difficult
Just read the Odyssey and a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man first
Then kinda float through it on your first read, taking in what you can, and read it again, maybe with annotations

>t. letzter mensch retard
Nietzsche didn't write for spineless herd moralists so it's probably better you don't read him anyway

lord of the rings
it's like my high school writing but even longer

Pride and Prejudice

fuckin retard, takes 6 hrs to read

>that pic

I probably won't read Eragon, ever. Or Divergent. Or the last few books of ASOIAF.

I'm just going to read Hegel and start dressing up shitposts by internet marxists in Hegelian terminology.

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Please don’t we already have enough of these pseudo-intellectuals

Never going to read Hegel
I planning on reading the meme trilogy but no other works from those authors
Never reading Ayn Rand

Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer,

All of them

I will never read anything written by a Jew or a woman.

Pretty much any of the modern philosophy stuff. I'm never going to read through a book by Kant or Heidegger or Hegel. I know I won't understand any of it and I don't care about what the books are about.

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Low IQ post detected

>comparing it to Drumpf.
Which is funny as hell considering Orwell wrote it in response to/as a fictionalized depiction of communism and global leftist governance lmao.

The funny thing is that the more extreme liberals are doing more to resemble 1984 than trump has. They've turned social media into a form of thought police (see the amount of people who have lost their jobs or careers because of something they said long ago) and have even gone as far as to inform others to 'watch out' for people who read stuff like 1984 or Brave New World because this somehow translates into them being fascists or something. If anything, you'll just see how society is becoming a strange mixture of the two above mentioned works: Policed by big brother and controlled by what we love.

apparently Weininger's 'Sex and Character' is extremely redpilled
Was unironically considering reading Savitri Devi for the meme value

any novel by the french

Most books, because I am mortal

"why is the left so dumb???"

You do realize he was socialist himself and fought in the Spanish Civil War? He depicted what he thought would come out of USSR's Stalinism.

Your diary desu

Cringe and soi pilled

>I'm never going to read through a book by Kant or Heidegger or Hegel. I know I won't understand any of it and I don't care about what the books are about.
Unironically kys

Anything written by a woman for obvious reasons (excluding Savitri Devi

my diary desu

>You do realize...

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An user gifted me The Brothers Karamazov this past Christmas.
My fiancee also gifted me Tolkein's Great Tales of Middle Earth (Children of Hurin, Beren and Luthien, and The Fall of Gondolin).
I was on a roll there for a while, reading a ton of books. But then I stopped because I started playing through the Dark Souls trilogy instead, and then extended that to Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Demon's Souls. Taking a break in between with comfy Atelier games to break up the monotony.

So these days, I only really read low-quality fun best-seller novels. I'll get back into it when this semester ends, though.

1984 is about how language controls the population

>You do realize
It's called being a decent human being

After Ulysses I'll probably never read Finnegan's Wake, but I'll most likely read Ulysses again

also all the famous economic books out there

>do you realize

go back and never look back, faggot.

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Atlas Shrugged

I bought it along with the Fountainhead around February. Read the Fountainhead, and liked it for the most part. I found Toohey and Peter to be interesting characters. The main character was kind of insufferable though. He never grows, he never learns anything, and is just a dick most of the time. His speech at the end of the book really made me roll my eyes.

I heard that Atlas Shrugged was more ramblings like that speech about individualism and less character focused. So i'm really not looking forward to reading it.

I think it was more the surveillance, propaganda and constant threat of torture, brainwashing and death that controlled the population.

lmao Yea Forums is so full of inverted SJW pussies
>look! he said an unapproved phrase! the content of his post doesn't matter!

the only people that spoke Newspeak were the ones who worked for the government. About 85% of the population just continued speaking their language because no one gave a shit about the proles

There's a newspeak glossary at the back. It's at least a little about that.

A lot of philosophy
Classic Literature (at least till I will end the Latin course at Uni)
Probability Lord of the Rings (Almost 7 years ago, then stopped)

I own 6 copies of Infinite Jest (for decorative purposes), but I will never read it.

All kinds of people of compare it to their political enemies. It's a good read imo

I honestly have no idea if I'll ever read all the books on my to-read list

Pics or you’re lying

I actually just finished reading this for the first time. Not that I didn't want to read it, just didn't have it/got around to it yet. I really enjoyed it, kinda wish I hadn't waited so long. I can see where some comparisons can be made, but the same could be said for a lot of other governments or countries. It's definitely at least worth a chance.

Gravity's rainbow

lel. I remember conservatives doing the same during Obama presidency

good call

Oh I'm sorry. Didn't know you're owed a good faith discussion. Fuck off brainlet.

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What do you mean,
>”watch out' for people who read stuff like 1984 or Brave New World because this somehow translates into them being fascists or something
Newer schools are integrating 1984 and Brave New World into the curriculum because students can draw connections from the meaning of those books to current events, you proclaiming it otherwise doesn’t make sense

Anything written by faggot writer. I'm not even a homophobe but the things they write is so fag-in-your-face.

I feel the same way, user. I gave one homo book a chance and it inevitably devolved into being about the author trying to deal with coming out of the closet instead of what the summary on the back said it was supposed to be about, which was talking nipples. I'm sure it was meant to be symbolic, but you can't just throw such a good premise out the window in order to gripe about having gay wet dreams without losing a lot of readers.