Is art dying? It seems that the amount of great literature, fillms, music, anime, etc being released is decreasing...

Is art dying? It seems that the amount of great literature, fillms, music, anime, etc being released is decreasing. it seems that critical thinking is dying too the public intellectual died around the 90s now we are left with retards who have no knowledge on the history of philosophy like harris, peterson, etc. what gives? why does everything suck? is it because of late stage crapitalism and scientific imperialism? everything is fucking boring no one is doing anything radical and there is no novelty in aesthetics.

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I blame videogames, smartphones and social media.

Yes. Topic solved. You can return to Yea Forums.

Two hundred years ago Spencer opined hopefully and a little wistfully that some day Science was to reign supreme and was no longer to be the household drudge 'kept in the background so that her haughty sisters (Literature and the Arts) might flaunt their fripperies in the eyes of the world.'

Far from being the household drudge today, Science dominates the domicile. Far from flaunting fripperies today, Literature and the Arts cringe in the background, wearing their tattered togas shamefacedly, while Science, proudly arrayed in a dentist's jacket and peering into a microscope, poses supreme on Mount Olympus. A world bows in worship before this god, and our educators, leaping to their feet in revival meeting and shouting "Amen Hallelujah!" hit the sawdust trail to conversion.

if you really want to bait people you should make the post a little shorter

Science is a stunted child. A child stunted by (((them))) who want humanity to stay on one planet.

It is VERY hard to ignore the absolute unit triggering of your pic, but I'll try as best as I can.

Supposedly, a lot of people who thought about this concluded that it has to do with technology and our development into a society engulfed by techniques (e.g Ellul brilliantly put this in his 'The Technological Society'), and others like Adorno hold similar views with concepts like the Culture Industry.

I think the underlying theme of most proposals to our perceived notion of cultural decline is extreme atomization. For what it's worth, the current cultural climate of the West is basically Schizo, there is no cohesion of thought, image or form, and everything can be blended into everything else seamlessly as if we're inside a boiling soup of goo. A practical example would be the "world music" fad that's come and gone in the early 2000's. After drying up "our" own history, many producers sought faraway lands in the East from which they could "bring" (i.e dissect and atomize into something amenable to Western audiences) Eastern music, Indian music, etc. to the West and give it a globalizing face. The end result is precisely the lack of novelty and cold hard precision that you describe, of course. Not only we can not truly bear the Other of Eastern cultures, we also refuse to put anything new there once we suck out its soul. World music is pure Technique removed of its spontaneity, carefully tailored to the ears of Schizo individuals with no reliable references to avoid the total standardization of their own tastes.

So basically, in all areas, such as painting, literature, music, cinema, and even sciences (I'm a physicist and let me tell you, it's becoming more and more a technician haven), we're facing a shortage of people who can reference to anything other than short spurs of meaning, short moments in time that obviously have much less value because of that. Everyone is atomized enough to consume from any source but then so atomized that they can't properly progress much towards particular directions. Using the analogy of science, we have fell from the shoulders of giants and now have to scramble the ground for short-lived and short-term "discoveries" that read more like technical studies of techniques in themselves. Popular music has become standardized to its core and actual creation is now confined to obscure corners of soundcloud and youtube, even then requiring more than one listen because our ears are trained to the familiar more than they should. Literature and film goes down the same road with ultrashort narratives bringing just enough identification so that you can leave it all behind after the experience is gone (you need, after all, to be able to potentially buy and consume opposite ideas later on).

Not every place in the world is diving into this trend as much as the West, mind you, and the examples are really not that nice (such as Israel and China).

there's multiple great anime series every year. makes sense given the sheer volume is more than tenfold compared to what we got in say the 90s. misconception made by people that don't watch very much anime. hell, there's a few things airing right now that rock.

cringe, kill yourself

You wouldn't understand because your fundamental views on society are wrong. There's no art without meaning and since the death of God we're in a crisis of meaning. People like Peterson and even Harris address this vacuum. Yearning for novelty and radicalism is nonsensical in a world without generally agreed upon boundaries. Look at sexuality, where are the taboos to break? Where to go from pornhub and twerking harlots on daytime TV? Non-conformism has become conformism. All our institutions have become subverted by meaninglessness and fallen prey to base economic dynamics. Our entire civilization is breaking apart. The radical now is the anti-radica - the moral, the establishment or recognition of boundaries. The reverence of the transcendent. Our society yearns for Reaktion.

>le schizo xDDDD
This retarded jewish cocksucker is the problem OP

Sure you wanted to mean (((problem)))?

I don’t get it, aren’t men and women fundamentally different? :3

I mean that’s what makes shared interests and romance so much fun: the idea you can share these things with someone who is different than you are by creation.

reminder that there's literally a law of thermodynamics that's definition contradicts the scientific definition of a law.

Fuck you, go write, bitch.

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He's right you know. Your emotions are irrelevant.

Kill all footfags :3

even more cringe, kill yourself

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Good job, now go write butterdyke a fable.

Stop watching anime but I'm rolling.

the world is more interesting than ever, you’re just a depressed autistic incel

She’s making an exception for me. Not a fable, pay closer attention

name one (1) great and revolutionary piece of art created within the last 30 years

i don't agree with him but kanye's oeuvre

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really? that is the first thing that comes to your mind? guess op is right


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guess it’s just a little TOO revolutionary for ya, heh

Homestly, what does it matter? Even if the amount of good art per year is decreasing (which I'm not sure about) the amount of good art that is available to consume will only increase, you'll never consume all of it, and thanks to the internet you can get all of it for free or, if you want to be moral about it, very cheap. There's no excuse for ever being bored with art.

I think that's checkmate. Modernity wins.

well he might be right that the blame lies at the door of the nonthinking public.

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>12943940 (no You for you)
What in the fuck is this?

not him but that girl turned her bed (that she didn't leave for a year because she was too depressed) into a work of art

This, bucko

Doubtful. Name them.

He mixes Behaviorism and Evolutionary Psychology. Behaviorism thinks that mice and men are basically the same and that men and women are too, while ev psy thinks neither

That's like if I used the same pair of shoes to jog 4 times a week every week for two years and got my shit accepted as art, that's how stupid that looks. Something that took imagination and willpower could've been occupying that area, instead it went to some femcel. Let us know what museum that's in so we can avoid it.

i don't know what museum it's in. and actually it's not like that at all, maybe it's not art (but who can say what art is, and does it even matter, jean renoir couldn't bear the word) but it makes a good story. one day she looked at her bed at saw an escape rope (or something like that). art is a lie that makes us realise the truth.

Seasonal anime is fucking trash.
Last show that came out worth being called "art" was Ping Pong and that was years ago.
But Ikuhara is finally putting something out again soon so we'll see.

>referring to art as a consumible

there’s ur problem right there

It's the Tate but really it's all of them.

of course you consume art, it's aesthetic food for your soul (man does not live by bread alone)

Old media is on its deathbed.

Video games, YouTube, and livestreaming are about to enter a golden age.

haven't they all just ended their golden ages

I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately and...what have you been reading from the last 2 years? I understand there’s an inevitable slow down in terms of great stuff most years (contrary to contrarian belief, that’s usually how things are), but have you actually been scouring around 3 am magazine, music and literature, or any of the other online resources? Do you read stuff in translation? If so, there have consistently been large projects released over the last 3 years in English, many of which for the first time. Dod you read Fitzcarraldo’s Animalia or Brick and Mortar yet? There are always off years and GREAT books don’t consistently appear, but at least show some initiative.

are you even above the age of 25?

a bit outside of the scope of arts but esports' golden age died a long time ago.
my faith in the video game industry has been utterly exhausted for a decade already.
do you really think major studios will put out something like Brood War ever again?

/pol/ told me it was so
I don't care about your contemporary magazines or books you libtard, 1 million boomers can't be wrong.

Sword Art Online

You're not going to accept any answers since 30 years is too new for academia to canonize something.

Is there literally anything there when you peel away all the irony or is it just recursive pithy irreverence out to infinity

I know, I know. Lets not read and just complain about the destruction of everything on our mongoloid comics forum.

Go away.

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I really think OP is more interested in a conversation about truly great work or “revolutionary” stuff, but if you need some contemporary stuff worth picking up, I liked this response to Vulture’s terrible 21st century lit list:

I'm currently listening to an hour long loop of Sylph from Himouto saying desu wa

This was wrong decades ago, and it is even more wrong now: art is more popular at this moment than it ever has been in the entirety of human history, and that is the problem--it's watered down.

I think video games are this century's primary art with interesting things happening. I ignore all contemporary literature and just play video games. Meanwhile I'm happy with the huge amount of literature already created. Contemporary philosophy still has many interesting developments, but overall video games can be both more entertaining and equally as profound as other CONTEMPORARY LIT so I'm fine.

Any videogame in particular that stands out?

Photography of Jeff Wall.

Attached: Jeff Wall After ‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue 1999-2000.jpg (1280x898, 489K)

video games aren't art

everyday. i come home. its the same question. how was your day? eh nothing new or ya know the usual. Which is echoed back when i repeat the chorus. Then we both go on with the rest of our day. Maybe not paying heed to the absolute evil these banal statements imply, the absolute horror these platitudes and truisms signify. Or maybe subconsiously we remind ourselves that nothing new is happening to motivate us to carry out the rest of the day.
Either in the comfort of the familiar, or the absolute conviction and hope that yes today may be different and that it is within your power to do so. and then i turn on the tv to see notre dame burning and gene wolfe dead. then i find familiar explanations for something i've never seen before, and wonder who the last futurist who died was, and when the last time notre dame caught fire. this is all forgotten by the time im finished with breakfast. Then i proceed to go on Yea Forums and scroll through the same old threads. Shitposting eternally.

dead culture doesn't believe in anything beyond shallow pleasure

how can art be 'watered down' something either is or isn't art. science is more popular. everyone favours gadgets over art. technology over poetry.

except humanities departments are literally telling scientists what they are allowed or aren't allowed to think? humanities is the HR department of the sciences

The problem is not the decline of the west but that it refuses to die at all. The West is a zombie kept alive through it's own cancer, the parts of itself that metastasized into globalisation to insure that everywhere in the world has become a pale simulacra of the west while simultaneously shucking off anything that could form an localised, geographically specific, identity.

The knowledge that we are no longer in ascent precludes anything optimistic or triumphant, or simply a healthy regard ones own culture. Besides liking your culture is kinda racist and cringe.

But ascent isn't everything, we are no longer committed to the idea of transcendent ground of being that is accessible or known through an emissary, so we can not even aestheticize the decline as anything but another product.

what are you talking about

good lord

Male mice and male humans are basically the same but fundamentally different from female mice and female humans

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you think scientists have freedom to talk about whatever they want and take their studies wherever data takes them in biology, sociology or psychology?

lmao kill yourself zoomer

star twinkle precure, sarazanmai, chou kadou girl are all great so far and are currently airing.

>muh ping pong
this is a common thing casuals say. watch more anime.

art says men and women are fundamentally different as well (women are much better), that's basically the main story of art

I especially like 2000 dollar rug version of this

God you're retarded. Humanity Wasa mistakes. Mimetics was a mistake.

and you find the reason for this in evolutionary psychology: disposable sperm vs the rare and valuable egg

or vice versa maybe

>Peterson addresses this

No he doesn't. Anyone who advocates for traditional hierarchies and roles while at the same time defending capitalism is a retard. Capitalism is the driving force behind the loss of meaning and it's increasing technification. God and Father have no place in a world run by Boss.

really ties my filthy room together

Wow that is literally retarded. I don't understand how he does not get laughed at for the insights and rhyming skills of a middle schooler. How did everything become so retarded?

i think they sort of can
it was a mistake christianity made that some other religions didn't: freezing its myths beyond the point where they can be unfrozen.

if the system, refined by the ancient greeks, libyans, palestinians and irish, and perpetuated by present-day africans, of keeping divine myths abreast of the times, had been maintained in the western world for the last two millennia, all the major social and political changes that have meanwhile occurred would be wholesomely incorporated in christian dogma. for the united states, god would now appear as a sage, democratic, always accessible, president; assisted by his son, an industrious vice-president; by arch-angels, acting as his secretaries of state; and by angels, as representatives of various sectional interests.

people have said similar things about what we now know to be art

This guy is right, but didn't include Baudrillard which would've helped his analysis

This guy has a short attention span and an even shorter dick

Pynchon, Wallace, Lynch, Malick, ...

We already hit peak livestreaming

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I'm not that guy, but that is a very "sort of" situation indeed. Wouldn't the flexible mythology be just as pushed into meaninglessness and into being palatable to the highest number, as much as everything else already is (by market forces nonetheless)? The melting point for traditional roles seems to keep getting lower as technique and capital progresses. We are past the boundary where being counter-X is somehow the norm rather than X, and I'm not sure (but not denying either) that any system of belief could maintain a certain coherence of narrative across time under the very capitalist society we have today.

In sum, I can't see the reason (but wish I could) as to how we wouldn't be going schizo anyway, even if Christianity knew how to adapt even better.

It can't be maintained. You can't accommodate new modes of production and cling to old social forms and traditions. Capitalist development tries to measure the world with the ruler of Price: a single, quantitative quoeficient, that can be freely transferred. Populations are given one task: maximize your quoeficient, and businesses are the result of this operation. You can look at any third world country in the world today. Whatever city in said country is the most developed, it's also the one who's forsaken old tradition and fully adhered to the global spirit. Look at São Paulo, Beijing, Mexico City, Saint Petersburg, New Delhi, Buenos Aires. The only non-globalised parts of these cities are their slums or poor quarters, and that's because these poor uneducated people can't be subsumed by the mode of production. As soon as they start to climb to the middle class, they'll abandon the old ways.

Addressing something does not mean solving it and technological progression isn't a function of capitalism. States would be forced to engage in it even in the absence of private competition. Also there has never been a world without a boss which I assume just means a hierarchy and the death of God is a largely natural phenomenon in cognitive progression. It's not the fault of McDonald's.

I *clap* fuggin *clap* love *clap* science!

The point isn't just technological progression, but how we interact with the artifacts created by Capital.

>wahhhh everything bad in life is because of capitalism and hierarchy
You sound like a schizo mental patient right now. You can't have beauty and awe without hierarchy. The reason your life is so meaningless isn't because capitalism is hierarchical, it's ironically because capitalism at it's core is still the anti-hierarhical, egalitarian Enlightenment idea it's always been. You anticapitalists literally just want to accelerate that non-hierarchical system to even worse levels. You need hierarchy because it gives you direction and allows you to think transcendentally about your current life situation; that through suffering and sacrifice you can bargain with the future rising through the hierarchy.

that's my biggest issue with the twitter commies you now peruse Yea Forums, they recognize the symptoms but have no idea of the causes. they just blame capitalism for everything without understanding what they actually dislike about capitalism. we already live in the hyper-egalitarian state you supposedly want and it's left you unhappy and lacking meaning.