"Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!" Thus spake Zarathustra

> "Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!" Thus spake Zarathustra.

Really nigga?

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Maybe he was just into femdom and knew that you can't always rely on the mistress having a well-stocked dungeon

What do you expect from an incel who comes from a family with disfuncional female members and unable to understand or interact with other human beings simple because they have no penis between their legs? He was emotionally unstable, weak and needy. Doesn't take an once out of the merit and brilliance of his work. Authors, even geniuses, are somewhat flawed human beings in one way or another after all. We all are.

>it was only after he put his dick in my ass that i realised i was the icky homo

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>The most common "flaws" of genius are misogyny and anti-semitism
Really makes you think huh?

This isn't Nietzsche saying it, an old woman said this to Zarathustra, the whip can be anything that drives women forward like it would drive cattle forward.

>The only thing that differentiates men and females is the presence or absence of a penis
>ywn be the nietzschemeister and have any potential future romantic relations with females ruined after being conditioned to love femdom through relentlessly domination by your sexually aggressive sister
Just fuckin eternally return me now bros

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Is that her? Damn. Women in early photographs never look that attractive.

I'd ask you what's wrong, but I already know the answer. You are a feminized and mind-pozzed modern faggot. You will never understand the world, let alone yourself.

I think she was fine as hell, and her racism and fanatical anti-semitism only make her exponentially hotter tbqh.

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It was obviously an over-simplified statement for the sole purpose of hyperbole. It's commonplace knowledge that gender is a dynamic pattern of behaviour influenced by the social characteriatics of it's time. And I think there's a valid point in misoginy (as well as androginy) as long as you understand that gender is a societal construct that reflects the flawed society in which said genders are developed, and not an inherent metaphysical quality acquired at birth based on your genitalia. Nietzsche could not do it (separate the idea of feminity as it is understood today, from the human beings caged in said abstract cathegory), hence his flaw.

Not really. It really depends on the genius and the flaw itself. If you really believe may from of broad over-generalization being it in the form of sexism or anti-semitism is to be intelectually praised you're doing a poor favor to your critical judgement. There are plenty of reasons to intelectually attack the idea of feminity as it is understood nowadays (the passive-agressive social behavioural patterns, the teaching of a submissive ethos that breeds weak individuals among half of our population, the praise of emotionally based decisions as a way of expressing personality and/or individuality) but there are as many reasons to attack the idea of contemporanean masculinity (the validity of the term "toxic masculinity" of which we see many of it's effects in these imageboards is undeniable) but attacking the individuals themselves for being born into said unfortunate circumstances, or adscribing some form of moral responsability for it is simply put moronic. And anti-semitism is just the same, any rational who stares at and analizes the faux state of Israel will eventually get called an anti-semitist for expressing the reality of said situation (might have happened in the US recently with senator Kamala Harris? I'm not american nor anglo so excuse my dilettante-level of knowledge in american politics and my probable awkward phrasing).

Any form* not "may from"

nigga shut up. All your words put together offer zero meaning and value. Why do idiots do this? And of course the infamous self deprecatory bit at the end acting as a covert criticism shield. You're doing much better than a lot of idiots out there, but I still wish you would stop being a faggot. Maybe for an hour today? Then try another hour couple days from now, increment it as you go and you'll be straight in due time. If not for yourself, then for me, an anonymous poster that hates faggots.

paid shill

>All your words put together offer zero meaning and value
His post was perfectly sensible. I think you might just be a brainlet.

The whip was meant for the man himself, not to give in to his sexual desires but finding a woman to create worthy offspring - he should restrain himself using the whip. The old lady who gives the advice is actually wisdom.

The Gay Science
Human, All Too Human

Propably one of the most misquoted sentence of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Of course, nobody on Yea Forums ever picks up a book so we end up with this shitfest of a thread.

I don't understand. What is societal here and what is metaphysical?

how should you handle feminine little boys trying to live in a man's world?

Exactly. Wasn't hard for me to understand while reading it DESU.

he is saying that there's no metaphysics

Salome didn't help things

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>Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!

God I hade this tryhardshit.

>His post was perfectly sensible
duh, that’s how you can tell it’s meaningless

>muh nature vs nurture
>testosterone totally doesn't increase competetive tendency

>my friends see my reading the gay science
>give me funny looks
>couple weeks later see me reading ecce HOMO
>they think im gay now
i wish i was joking

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The original text if perfectly plain, modern German, I have no idea why someone would translate it that way.

Even thovgh it is good german it is not ancient german thats trve.

I highly svspect anglo larping.

stop doing that

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Spotted the faggot

that 5head screams that she's a smarty

Can't remember what book this is from probably beyond good n evil. Nonetheless, quite based

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Women like to be told what to do. That's all it means.

>nietzsche chose the jews over *this*

he truly was insane

Is he implying here that we all want to dominate and own and control women to some degree?

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>really makes you think
>no it doesn't
>proceeds to rationalize this hard


Women love a rough fug

He didn't, it was an old woman who said that /to/ Zarathustra.

no offense to nietzsche but did a woman ever voluntarily lie in bed with him? why was socrates the only philosopher who managed to be married?


>Thus spake Zarathustra.
Somebody should really do a NO FEAR version of Nietzsche. This dude derives a lot of his mystery from his weird sentences.

>I think there's a valid point in misoginy (as well as androginy
loving every laugh
>gender is a societal construct that reflects the flawed society in which said genders are developed, and not an inherent metaphysical quality acquired at birth based on your genitalia
it's physical, based on the set of chromosomes providing for different genes to be expressed, with male genes for the male and not for the female of the species, first the external and internal genitalia show up then secondary sexual characteristics follow suit
your life is a lie

Sure, prostitutes. 19th century women who weren't whores couldn't fuck around because it would ruin their lives. Getting laid regularly without paying for it or being married wasn't a thing at the time.