Ok so I started on this piece of shit and it reads like a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings of a fedora tipper. Does it get better though, I'm at page 40 at the moment and this guy doesn't say shit about a man's purpose other than being a narcist without morals, neither does he explain why being that would be beneficial in any way. So I'm wondering if that is going to change or if I should just drop it.
Ok so I started on this piece of shit and it reads like a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings of a fedora tipper...
>being a narcist without morals
It never says anything of the sort
Does this read better later on or should I drop it?
Name one book you think is insightful and well written.
You're presumably starting with Nietzsche by reading Zarathustra, you have only yourself to blame
My problem is that it's written like a bunch of shitty short stories without any order or logical setup. Also this is the guy's most popular book so I thought I should atleast read this one.
Zarathustra is a bad starting point for Nietzsche, especially if you're not familiar with any of his core ideas. Many people fall in love with Nietzsche by reading Zarathustra first because of the style and beauty of his writing, seldomly does someone just drop in at Zarathustra grasping all the philosophical ideas that are intertwined there. There is no clear entry point when it comes to Nietzsche, but I would recommend Human, all too Human or The Genealogy of Morals if you're looking for something shorter and more focused.
For your question if it does get better... If you haven't been gripped by the first 40 pages I'm pretty sure you won't like the rest either. I'll resist the urge to call you a NPC though, I'm trying to be a better man.
Kekked and protagonistpilled
Genealogy of Morals was written essentially to explain Zarathustra to brainlets afaik. So one must read Zarathustra anyway if he wants to read Nietzsche.
>being this passive agressive
>trying to be a better man
Sure thing faggot.
I feel like people read Zarathustra when they sorta felt the same way about the world as he do, and so it be easier to read cause it be like reading yourself you know?
Just make sure you don't read a translation that translates Übermensch as superman
>Does it get better
Well what exactly do you expect?
I expected him to talk about the purpose of existence be it materialist or spiritual.
He says that you have to cross the gap between human and ubermensch but he never gives a reason why, what is the purpose of becoming an ubermensch?
Does he atleast explain that because till now it reads like 'this is the best for you because I say so'. Its not very logical.
I think, the question is, why would you not want to become an ubermensch?
And 'this is the best for you because I say so' is exactly what his writings try to tell you is bullshit! Think for yourself, strive for your own vision of greater good, but question your own beliefs the most.
>but he never gives a reason why
The first fucking thing he talks about after the prologue
>Its not very logical
Apply yourself
>Ok so I started on this piece of shit and it reads like a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings of a fedora tipper.
I've noticed every single person who has ever written something like this either here on Yea Forums or anywhere else is always a fucking retard. you're in no position to determine what is or is not rambling
rather after the first chapter when he descends the mountain, God is dead and all that
Drop it user, you're clearly too low IQ to understand it.
just drop it and be contemptuous of that guy you know who likes Nietzsche
Just drop it and say that he's for edgelords anyway.
u wish nigger
You should join a reading group and ask questions frequently. It would help you immensely.
It isnt really supposed to be fiction. More like an idealized becoming or realizing of an idea or road. A fable. He wasnt trying to change the world of narrative.
>this guy doesn't say shit about a man's purpose other than being a narcist without morals
Did you miss the whole Overman thing somehow? Also the very fucking point is for you to invent your own purpose and not to listen for whoever's opinions on the point.
>fedora tippers ITT getting defensive about their Nietzsche
For N., there’s a crisis of values in modern civilization because, as he puts it, “God is dead,” and scientific materialism seems to be sucking all the meaning and value out of everything, presenting us with a cold, dead, meaningless universe. Or, in other words, nihilism. There’s two basic roads one can go when faced with nihilism and the death of God, according to N.: one can either be life-denying or life-affirming. N. seeks to be life-affirming, to re-affirm the meaning of art, philosophy, literature, passion, even in an apparently meaningless universe. His ideal person creates their own values instead of letting society create values for them.
Amongst other things, he fears a future, for instance, made up of the “Last Men” (this is a segment in Zarathustra), where people are totally utilitarian, practical, dreamless, and conformist. This is a “utopia” where people have decided comfort is the greatest thing, so they all have scientifically decided to create a society where everything goes very easily and there is not much suffering but not much passion and joy either. People who are dead inside, basically.
>he fears a future, for instance, made up of the “Last Men” (this is a segment in Zarathustra), where people are totally utilitarian, practical, dreamless, and conformist. This is a “utopia” where people have decided comfort is the greatest thing, so they all have scientifically decided to create a society where everything goes very easily and there is not much suffering but not much passion and joy either. People who are dead inside, basically.
so like Brave New World right?
Like I said I was 40 pages in when I made the thread now its 60 after reading a few chapters more and dropping it.
Well what he fears seems to be the most logical without God. This logic caused the western world to be superior to the rest and dropping logic because of people's feeling seems bluntly put retarded.
You really do use the word "logic" a whole lot
Logic wasn't dropped. The Enlightenment era drove the search for divine truth to its end conclusions and then caved in on itself under the pressure of scientific experiments. If we stayed at Enlightenment era logic we would not have arrived at relativity and would not have ventured into space.
>I'm at page 40 at the moment and this guy doesn't say shit about a man's purpose other than being a narcist without morals, neither does he explain why being that would be beneficial in any way
I don't remember things like that in TSZ. Or maybe you have really high moral standards and that's why you perceive TSZ as immoral.
stick to JBP buddy
Are you in the Yea Forums Nietzsche reading group discord? If not, and you are actually interested in learning with an open mind, you might think of joining.
>Yea Forums discord
>narcist without morals
Read Geneaology of Morals
just drop it OP, you are too stupid to appreciate it anyway
it's a famous romantic painting
>Amongst other things, he fears a future, for instance, made up of the “Last Men” (this is a segment in Zarathustra), where people are totally utilitarian, practical, dreamless, and conformist. This is a “utopia” where people have decided comfort is the greatest thing, so they all have scientifically decided to create a society where everything goes very easily and there is not much suffering but not much passion and joy either. People who are dead inside, basically.
This is pretty interesting user. I've never read Nietzsche, does he think that art can only come from pain?
How do I join?
I was actually referring to how Amazon just did a text replace on two different books they churned out of their joke of a publishing facility, notice the fonts as well, user
lol so they did
something fitting about amazon using a painting like that so soullessly
Beyond good and evil is a good entry point
Starting with zarathustra is confirming yourself as a brainlet though
He isn't a real philosopher. Your interpretation is correct - it is 'a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings'. Philosophy should be about arguing some sort of position. He doesn't do that.
Lol, he does. Again start with another book and come back to it
so you admit that this particular book is a bunch of shizophrenic ramblings and if you want something different try another book.
>Philosophy should be about arguing some sort of position. He doesn't do that.
Is it really that hard to figure out what he is arguing for?
skip this and move onto the bible
At page 40 you're probably after reading about the last human beings, that's already more than you've described.
>Philosophy should be about arguing some sort of position. He doesn't do that.
>He doesn't do that.
>does he think that art can only come from pain?
through adversity
Nice to see old Neetzsch still filtering pseuds more than a century later.