Little girls Chart

Sup Yea Forums I just finish this chart with literature that contains little girls as the main protagonists.

What do you think about it?, should I add more titles?, I make this mainly with yours recommendations from another thread

Attached: LittleGirlChart.jpg (1514x1536, 748K)

Other urls found in this thread:!zSQG1g3S3wDp/katyne-kohout-pavel-mobi

Can we make the title a bit less pedoish?

What do you mean?
Any suggestions?

Dunno, something without the words "Little girls"

What did Maisie know?

that op is a pedo


why do i feel uncomfortable

Because you're a closeted pedo

No Lolita what is this heresy

i know that but i think there might be some other reason as well

>no Lolita
You had ONE job.

shut the fuck up faggots the chart is fine. stop reading so much into everything

What are your thoughts on this webm?

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I don't put Lolita because she's not the protagonist, but since the plot is mainly about her I think I will make a subcategory of books about little girls, so I can add Lolita, The Enchanter and Lamb

Its a bit sad that Yea Forums is incapable of read about something they don't want to fuck

Great, now my penis is erect.

This means you're a pedophile.

I think I might be a hebephile though. But probably not.
Is there a full version of that webm?

>should I add more titles?

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Does Les Miserables count?

I believe Tyrion said it best

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Here you go pervert

>uncontroversial and unremarked on in 1980
Not only would this style of music be completely impossible today, can you imagine the utter hysteria this song would cause now?

Looks good, thanks broh

I don't think so, since the book is mainly about Jean and Marius

What about the His Dark Materials series? The protagonist is a little girl

Great film too

Oh right, I forgot to put that one.

It's worth to read it?
The plot looks kinda boring to me but since it is about a little girl...

So the new additions will be:

>The Enchanter
>His Dark Materials
>Zazie in the Metro

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This, Yea Forums's guide to cunny

can someone explain this shift in culture? in 70's and 80's there were so many pro-pedophilia movements in france, germany, england. now pedophilia is something unthinabkle. it looks like anti-pedophilic hysteria came with the advent of neo-liberalism. any thoughts?

Young girls are the most marketable thing ever, but first you have to make sure there are moral principles (individual freedom, art etc.) that make you unquestionable. The anti-pedophilic hysteria is a defense mechanism. The result is that you can both make profit off your underage daughter by having her modeling for bikinis, and still remain perfectly moral since you strongly condemn pedophilia.

makes me think about how i couldn't protect her

Add the Oz books.

what are the chances that OP is on a government list

The same as yours

Netochka Nezvanova.

>Pretending in bad faith to not recognize the implications of this shit or how it makes you look.
Do you also drive a van around playgrounds and then get uber defensive when parents tell you to fuck off?

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It's probably go largely unnoticed you drama queen

Alright, thanks for you contribution

I wouldn't considered it since it was never completed, have you read it? Do you think it's worth it?

>Great film too
My nigga

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I read Momo when I was younger and thought it was cute, if a bit too childish. I remember there being a turtle of time called Cassiopeia and some time thieves who were represented as business men in suits. Corporates. There was also some destroyed amphitheatre where Momo would hang out.

Yeah Momo is great, it was an obligatory read back then in my elementary school.

Ah, books about little girls are all wonderful aren't they?

>posting on Yea Forums
>not wanting to be a little girl
Shameful display! As for the topic:

Tess of the Durbervilles! Really poignant tragedy about a 13 year old girl who gets raped and abused.

Looks good but, there's a way to get it in English? I can't find the book anywhere
Sweet! I'll read it but I want to know beforehand if she stay at that age the entire book or she will become an adult

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The paperback is english translation. It's fairly obscure, so no scans exist :/

Czech original is!zSQG1g3S3wDp/katyne-kohout-pavel-mobi but useful only to czech/slovakbros.

Too bad I can't include it in the chart, it looks like a lovable book

Are Les Petites Filles modèles, Les Malheurs de Sophie and Les Vacances translated into English? I have these books in Russian and I absolutely friggin' love them. They're about little girls
little girls
little girls
little girls
And they make me feel so good.

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I don't find any english translation, but god they look so adorable!

>Little girls Chart
go back to tv

Thank you OP, you are doing a great thing here.

Lolita is definitely relevant here. Didn´t Nabokov also write some other lesser known books about little girls?

>he thinks he read the little girl canon
>but he hasn't even cracked the Vivian sisters of Darger

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Damm it, In the realms of the unreal looks fantastic, thanks for the mention, although it isn't really a book

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penis xD

anne was unironically a female shinji

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What about trans girls?

>Not adding Heidi
Shit tier list OP

So the new additions will be:

>The Enchanter
>His Dark Materials
>Zazie in the Metro
>Tess of the Durbervilles
> The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

I'll post the new chart later in the day

Thanks for yours recommendations!

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Where is Matilda?

Oh snap, I almost forget it.

>trolling Yea Forums across multiple threads and with sfw OC
you're a maniac, OP, we don't deserve you. please go.