Whats Yea Forums thought on literature about getting laid?
Recomend me some books on how to get girls
Whats Yea Forums thought on literature about getting laid?
Recomend me some books on how to get girls
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The System by Todd V. It literally spoonfeeds you in baby steps about how hitting on women works. It's a video course though.
Nice, thanks.
just walk into a bar and tell some chick "ill give you one hundred dollary doos to blow me" and then when she of course, agrees, you say "lets do this like Brutus"
>lets do this like Brutus
What you mean?
To stab her?
Mark Manson - Models
I'd recommend you get a decent girl who loves you for who you are instead of fucking around. It's relatively easy in the days of online dating. Read what you like and be excieted about exactly that. Some girl with similar tastes will find you. You fucking roastie.
No, he means start a civil war to gain control over the republic which spirals out of control and results in the creation of the Roman Empire. I hate it when that happens on a date
Careful with this - guy is a white knight, though some of his advice is useful.
I don't know about current Manson because I stopped following him but Models has none of that
This is project Hollywood from that book. They were a bunch of weirdos that fucked whatever sub par women would sleep with them, and struck out a majority of the time they went out.
I’ve read a lot of blogs and if you follow them, they’ll have you being a weirdo that awkwardly hits on random women. I’ve met people from forums and despite having a good time, it was a weird experience.
Just put effort into the way you look, do activities in the real world, get pics taken while you’re out, and spam dating sites.
this picture is just so fucking hilarious.
learn to be your best authentic self, not to be someone else. this book is for guys who are just clueless
Guys who use that shit are insanely pathetic and any woman who isn't a complete moron can smell you from a mile away. Just have a conversation with the woman. Just be fucking normal good christ you people are retarded.
>Just have a conversation with the woman
just know that all of these books require you to go outside and talk to a lot of women in order for them to work. fuck all that noise, enjoy the Yea Forums lifestyle, it's the best
Yeah I get it I don't know why I posted that. Rot, I guess. That's the only option you've left yourself so hey fuck it man. If you do ever scurry into the sun though, don't use The Game, for christ sake lol.
>neil strauss
style in the negative, no understanding of power dynamics, anglo jew, probably guilts women into sleeping with him
towers the entire anglosphere from atop his turtlenecks, deep understanding of the intricacies of power dynamics, would literally pick up neil strauss and sodomize the anglo out of him
I'd guess I'd recommend foucault for seduction but you'd end up fucking anything organic at this point
the Goose is a terrible example because he's genuinely weird looking but very charming
That is absolutely not true. You're just insecure because you see social skill as some kind of dark magic.
lmao based post
I've been at bars and parties and seen these guys operate. Do you know how they talk to people? They talk to people like they learned how to talk to people from a book. Do you know why they sound like that? It's because they learned how to talk to people from a fucking book. You can watch the delay happen. Every input they get has to be run through the systems they've memorized from somewhere. They move through conversations like a wounded horse on stilts and get put down twice as fast.
It's literally a numbers game. I have a friend (who I no longer associate with) that tried showing me this shit a while ago. You go in with a copy/paste opener with some aspect of it slightly changed to fit whatever situation you're in. This is supposed to be seen as a joke but usually comes out sounding retarded, gets a chuckle either way. Then you just run through the motions. You repeat that enough times you eventually find someone dumb/desperate enough to fall for it and you fuck. It's pathetic and weird.
You can just talk to someone you actually think is cool and feel the vibe out. Eventually they do some shit with their eyes, you look at their lips, you say somethin like "Let's hang out sometime" or some dumb shit like that. Then one of you says they're going home and then someone says "I live that way anyways lets split a car." You say goodbye to all your friends and escape the bar with your secret. Lets not tell them, they might act weird about it. It's not really a THING anyways, it's just some fun between friends.
My way is easier. You're just a tool.
Neil literally talks about this in the book
I fail to see the problem. As with any skill, the idea is to practice until it becomes second nature. So you saw some people who are not paticularly skillful - so what? I don't denigrate all of programming when I see shitty code.
What "this" does he talk about? I've never read this stuff, just tried to glean an understanding from an acquaintance who explained it to me. So, sorry if I'm actually missing a huge part of it lmao.
There's a difference between "Game" guys and people who are just awkward at conversation. They're relatively charming and fun to talk to, because you know all you have to do is pick up some of the slack in the convo and you can have a functional conversation. When someone is talking to you through what they learned to say from a book, you're not talking to them, you're talking to a book and it becomes off putting and weird.
I don't really get why you're making that distinction.
Because one is depressing and emotionally draining to interact with
>thread is full of plebby halfchubs
Read the poet Ovid on The Art of Love, user. And ignore the steadily gathering pool of offal at your feet, the least of us are out in force here.
And stop relying on books and advice.
If you want bipolar arthoe posy that is
In The Game he talks how all his students went full autism and started to imitate his personality to each detail, to the point they couldn't hold a normal conversation anymore.
Honestly I recommend you to read it, it's a very fun book, not meant to be instructional but as a chronicle of that world.
A true patrician.
Bow to him, fuckin plebs.
Again, as with any skill, the point of the book is to eventually throw it away. Before that happens though, I guess some people are going to have to be depressed and drained, oh the horror.
Hm. I might, that sounds entertaining desu. Consider my position to be altered with regard to this specific book lmao.
I've seen guys stay in the weird stage for years. It was acceptable when we were younger, but I literally had to stop taking him places because he makes people uncomfortable.
Imagine to actually need books to have sex lmao
Right. And people being uncomfortable is the last thing we want lmao
Rsd tyler and rsd julien
Both gone to shit. Although Julien's self-improvement course is great.
Todd is probably best right now. Maybe Chase Amante when you need something for a specific use case.
I mean, if I bring you around my other friends and you make them not have a good time, yeah, I'm gonna stop bringing you to meet my friends.
Guy in the hat had a bunch of mental breakdowns later in life and realized all his vain attempts at obtaining women were ultimately unfruitful for the soul. Find some meaning in your life and your personality will grow itself. Basic pua is enough information for life
Literal superstition.
Shariah says 100 lashes is the penalty for fornication
Dude I know a guy who's whole life is dedicated to running pigeon coups on his rooftop, breeding pigeons, selling them, loves his birds. that's his meaning.
my man crushes. everyone loves pigeon guy.
Well, first of all attraction and 'liking' someone are not the same thing. Second of all I'm amazed that you make such a global conclusion based on little other than your own opinion. Also I guarantee you that there's something besides him being the pigeon guy - it's how he conveys himself. There's tons of people out there passionate about all sorts of things but they go unnoticed because they lack the social skill.
OP probably won't find it very helpful then
He was having breakdowns when the book was written. He’s not mentally stable
And I really doubt your pigeon friend gets laid. Dedicating your life to birds is the kind of thing you do when you’re truly alone
Just listen to Patrice O'Neils Black Phillip show instead. On YouTube.
Just b urself
The stuff actually is legit, although it's evolved some in theory and approach, and it's all pretty misunderstood.
With Strauss, he was observing that seduction world in its early days with the Mystery Method. I remember seeing stuff about this guy, Mystery, on cable - he had a reality show for a bit - and it looked silly and douchey. His approach was from observing sexually successful men and surmising some of the principles that made their game work, like demonstrating high social value, etc. So he had this approach that was like wearing outlandish outfits to get attention and show how confident and flashy you are, and 'negging', gently kind of rejecting a girl to show value and that you're not needy so she'll be more interested. Mostly it was an outer / practical approach, just performing in certain ways that get results until it becomes habit.
Over time though as this culture grew around that, and these guys got better at it and gained more insight, it evolved into 'natural game' or 'inner game', where you aren't so much pretending to be high value or confident, but actually becoming confident and living in a way that leverages and shares value.
I became a little more familiar with this stuff because I was going back to school at one point, and constantly buried in study, but realized it was really worth it to self-improve on all levels; managing your time and energy, presenting yourself better, etc, just being more high functioning. And I don't have any biases about what's off-limits so I figured I'd look into self-improvement literature a bit and this eventually led to all this game/seduction stuff, which is very related and works on the same principles.
Critics have tried to argue it's manipulative but it's really just about having an understanding of social dynamics in a matter-of-fact way (that there are hierarchies, that people / women are attracted to power, status, etc whether you like it or not) and just navigating that better. With inner game, it's mostly evolved into an actually very positive approach of just being a comfortable, healthy person who brings value to people's lives but also knows how to be attractive and capable. Then there's Todd V, mentioned above, who gets more technical, 'act this way' etc, which if you're a bit out of practice socially helps a lot.
I don't really look at this stuff lately but it's definitely been helpful/insightful in just reminding me not to get too in my head or too soft / lazy.
Just tell her she's Gus, and your dick is the bus. Then say, "get on the bus, Gus."
I think tyler is good for general outlook and inner game, he has a way of describing the larger journey of improving yourself that helps give context. All the patterns you'll go through, the of waves of improvement, building or changing habits, burning out, getting back at it, etc. And describing the patterns in social dynamics in general, the types of interactions and responses people have and why.
Todd is brilliant for technical, outer game stuff.
Max and Julien are good at kind of communicating the sense of swagger or 'it factor' that comes into it.
The Decameron def makes one want to get laid, im at the fifth day and its basically a smut book for the 14th century housewife
Read a book called The Manual
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
>giving a fuck about what girls think
I downloaded this audiobook for the sheer laughs. Can you imagine dedicating your life to chasing women, orienting your whole life around impressing them, and trying to make sense of it in a book, and then publishing that book and feeling proud of being known as the guy who did that with his life?!?!? LOLOLOLOLOL
Tolstoy's Confession
peak reddit
Attaining love is key for your development so don't call it worthless. It might not be the end game of life but you it's an important milestone.
Mystery could only get away with a lot of the shit that he did because he was 6'5
No wonder you're supporting this drivel if you think making people uncomfortable is acceptable when you're trying to create a sociable environment.
Autists don't get invited back. That is as it should be.
A lot of his successful disciples that went on to be really influential in the seduction scene are pretty short actually, like tyler. And they arguably have pulled off even more outragious feets and without the gimmicks.
And this is why you need a book to learn how to interact with people, you sperg.
Jesus, this all seems like so much effort.
Why would I bother with this when I can expend zero effort just doing my own autistic thing and hooking up with girls who're into that?
and homosexual
Its just a handhold for us mentally maladjusted people who never learned to properly socialize as kids. Having some nebulous framework to adhere to while starting out can be useful, but the whole field is rife with grifters.
Shit, I've lost the game.
Fuck you for doing this OP! XD
This but very unironically
fuck you OP
what in the fuck is this shit
The best thing to come out of that scene
this image elicits vomit and tears
Have sex.