Do all gays have such violent fantasies?

do all gays have such violent fantasies?

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Most gays are worse

That was pretty tame even for a gay.

Mishima wasn't gay. He just found men attractive in a sexual way

>sexually attracted towards men
>not gay

Gay in Japan isn't/wasn't the same as the way you think of it in the West

Being gay a just acting like a woman. Mishima never did that.

t. gay cope

real homofascism right there

Not all gays have violent fantasies
t. gay incel

You cant be a gay incel. I was a gaycel until 24 when I decided enough is enough and had sex the same day.
You're volcel.
Wish I was still a virgin

>You cant be a gay incel
This is true, provided you're willing to risk an STD from some old fat guy on Grindr.

>you can't be a gay incel
According to whom?

>involuntary celibate
You can get sex easy when you're gay. You're choosing to be celibate unless you live in pakistan or brunei.


>muh universal sexuality-based identities

gay rape is a massive problem in pakistan

Saw a documentary on this that I completely forgot about. Thanks user.

why do they rape?

Homosexuality is a mental illness.

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just look up the documentary talked about, something about women being shield off from the common plebs so they rape kids and then the kids go on raping and stuff like that. just muslim retadation i guess

Both those things are just social constructs

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Saw two of them. One is channel 4s "Pakistans hidden shame" and the other is "How gay is pakistan" by BBC3.
1st one is easy to find.

There'a no such thing as a hetero incel either. Every country has whores/tinder. Every incel is a volcel


Should it be treated?

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nevermind, actually, this would get too /pol/ rather quickly. consider the poor janny.

fags don't make a huge fuss about sex as much as women do

Mishmash wasn't gay. When wh*toid imperialists look at a macho Asian man they instinctively project their own latent(?) homosexuality onto him in order to emasculate the Asian race as a whole which they seek to conquer, especially when he's a public figure. To them a virile well-sexed married man with children like Mishmash visiting a gay bar a couple of times while researching a FICTIONAL NOVEL about a homosexual FICTIONAL CHARACTER is somehow enough to "prove" that Mishmash was himself a raging faggot la la homo man, all in the name of wh*toid imperialism. Ask anyone in Japan if Mishmash was gay and they'll simply give you a puzzled look and politely excuse themselves. That slander has simply never penetrated public consciousness anywhere outside of the Angl*sphere. Please go try to appropriate some other public figure into your rainbow death cult, pigs.

>old men marrying young sexy thangs arn't okay if they're gay

He was so fucking gay that he fantasized about getting penetrated to the point he made a movie about it

Jiro Fukushima.

based defense of homonationalism

god i wish that were me

based nationalist screeching

Stop trying to turn everything into an identity, let Mishima represent himself

I'm pretty vanilla.

Look at those fucking blackheads

>Imagine being born preferring cock.
I'd kill myself.

I know I do

Imagine being born a straight incel and not killing yourself.

Imagine being rude to somebody. How terrible.

>implying being biologically chained to women is a good thing

tfw no Yea Forums bf

We all have our personal chains.

how the fuck are chains real nigga just throw them off ahahaaha

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I'm not gay and I fantasised about that as a teenager, it's just sexuality, stop trying to impose your burger rules on everything. I've never truly wanted to fuck or be fucks by a man but fantasies are exciting just on the basis of being fantasies.
But you're right in that Mishima was gay


no ifs or butts. you are gay, sorry user.

fresh pasta, thx lad

thanks for your input r/asianmasculinity

Ok incel
Come back to me when you've actually had sex

He also seemed to have a fascination with mens armpits, but yeah he totally wasnt a fag.
I'm gay, I've been binging his work and there's absolutely no way this guy wasn't a total homo.

Yes. Why do you think homosexuals are so over represented in Serial killers?

The biggest fucking cope I’ve ever read

>implying masculine gay chads don’t exist

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>n you've actually had sex

how about with you?