>in Western Lit 101, we're on the Gospels
>professor has to explain some of the finer points of Christianity for all the Asian students because this is a STEM university
>going over the Last Supper, brings up communion
>"As a side note, the primary distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism is that Catholics believe the wafer and wine transubstantiate into Christ's body and blood, while Protestants see it as metaphor."
how did this dumbass get hired?
In Western Lit 101, we're on the Gospels
Its simplistic, but it sounds like a survey for non Christians and concepts like attainment of grace are way higher tier. Id give him a break.
>asian students
>in a western lit class
at least try and make your stories convincing.
>what is a GE
but they do believe that
>Hey! Na-ah that's not what we believe, there's so much more, and there's so much more nuance to it then that! You don't even understand my faith! This is a sham! How did your dumbass get hired?! Let me explain to you, the true faith..
>Asians look at each other uncomfortably, smiling nervously
>Professor chuckles while blank faced in horror
>primary distinction
I hardly think that the theology of the Eucharist can be considered the most obvious difference but ok
nobody corrected the professor, since nobody really seemed to care and I was (A) too socially anxious to voice a complaint and (B) not too interested in vocally defending a faith I haven't actively followed for about six years
he probably misspoke. it's one of the primary distinctions. stop being so weird about everything.
sure, it actually is one of the primary distinctions, but to tell people it is the dominant one over stuff like the veneration of saints or the entire idea of a pope. as for it having been a mistake, yeah, I'm probably being autistic about this
It literally is the most important thing that Christ left us, far more so than any theological points. Without the Eucharist, we would not have the real presence of Christ in our world. “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you shall not have life within you.” Learn the true faith or shut up.
yeah its actually a bigger and more important distinction than the pope and saints
t. Catholic
Didn't Jesus also say the world would end within the lifetime of some of his original followers?
That’s a modernist interpretation, not in line with Sacred Tradition and the teaching authority of Holy Mother Church.
>Didn't Jesus also say the world would end within the lifetime of some of his original followers?
it did. judgment day has already passed. the second coming was completed. we are living in the days after the end.
It's not really an interpretation if it's literally what he explicitly stated
He was referring to the destruction of the Temple in AD 70.
Why did he call that "The Son of Man coming in his kingdom"?
He was a drama queen. This was established when he got pissed over figs
>He was a drama queen
wow, it didn’t take long at all for someone to commit heresy
>arguing over irrelevant details of imaginary friends
Most Protestants believe in the real presence, they just don't accept the Catholic explanation of transubstantiation.
When you've degraded Semiosis into prescribing cannibalism but people don't care because it's still benign compared to your other doctrines.
But the real primary distinction is just that catholics follow the pope and protestants don't, that's not hard to explain.
Imagine being as autistic as you, the guy might simply hold how one experiences their religion to a higher regard than the source of said belief.
In that way he is right. You're simply thinking like someone who just left high school, the reason why you were taught something specific as the primary difference is because you were taught these things in the context of European history, not in a theological context.