>your MBTI
>your fav book

Beyond Good and Evil

Attached: mbti2.png (404x601, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tie between House of Leaves, Demian, and Dorian Gray

>The Ego and Its Own

Attached: Stirner.jpg (753x800, 170K)

>Its a tie between Hunger and Neuromancer

Attached: Capture.PNG2.png (380x788, 32K)

>C-catch 22
pick one you wishy washy faggot


the trial

Sometimes I feel like an INFJ, sometimes I feel more like an INTJ. Personally, I put more stock in astrology than mbti (unironically).

Favorite book? Too hard to narrow it down to one. The Trial (Kafka), Parzival (Eschenbach), Demons (Dostoevsky), The Odyssesy (T.E. Lawrence trans.), the Green Face (Meyrink), Gospel of Luke, etc. I could keep going.


>only having one favorite book

The Magus


I've only read one book

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>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

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Sirens of Titan

les miserables

Why are INTPs so smart bros.........


my homies

Lol same here

Pride and Prejudice

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The Leopard

ah, another fellow infp with good taste in women.
cheers lad

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The Trial

Attached: k.jpg (1000x679, 153K)

idk but it makes me feel like the retard that I am ENTP

>pic related

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The Trial

>trying to correlate IQ and a Buzzfeed-tier pseudoscientific personality quiz
these threads are fun, but holy shit you're taking it too seriously

The Idiot

The more I think about MBTI the more it seems like bullshit. Even if the Jungian functions are real none of these tests give you questions that would actually identify whether you possess Ni over Ne or whatever, they all seem to work on some algorithm that decides "oh so you're a sensitive introvert but not a pussy, you must be an INFJ!" or something along those lines.

Also why the fuck would the eight functions have to be in one of these sixteen orders, or in any order at all? Like if someone has Se as their eighth function, for example, they should be a complete space cadet who pays no attention to their surroundings and never lives in the moment, but that's retarded because everyone does that to some extent, however small

If anyone knows something about Jung or Myers-Briggs that I don't about this and would like to address these points I am curious

>*that I don't and would like to...



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the answer is that you're right, it doesn't really mean anything.

it was made up by a mom and daughter who didn't know anything about psychology, based on Jung's work which was based of Freud's, which everyone agrees to be bullshit in the first place.

it sure is fun though

Remains of the Day

post your astrological chart


Attached: SmartSelect_20190422-234307_Gallery.jpg (391x547, 48K)

What is this, reddit? We go by the one drop rule around here

this may very well be autism. the only thing that could make that clearer is if you included every political/philosophical test as well. also, turn off caps lock, thanks

Unironically calling you a faggot is unironically the only form of unironic posting that I tolerate

Why do you change your trip so often?

>What is this Reddit?

>Ender's Game


Gravity’s Rainbow, All Quiet on the Western Front, 100 Years of Solitude, Suttree

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Les Miserables

Remember that these tests are not made to perfectly fit reality, but rather to create a simple and easy model that can be used to explain some things. Don't be autistic, the big five are almost the same as this and still, they are the standard on most social sciences. There are clear correlations between MBTI types and income, carrer choice, IQ, and so on. Same thing with the big five. Obviously in 20 years MBTI will be completely wrong and a better model will have taken over, but for now, it is useful to understand some things, and it is stupid to completely discard it.

Don't listen to , I enjoy your posts and love what you do. I am the user that told you you gave a "schizo" vibe. You should also post partially in latin, if you know how. It would really fit with your aesthetics.

Dorian gray, portrait of the artist

Attached: unknown-2.png (714x1250, 679K)

Moby Dick

>be me, INFP libtard that has never touched an illicit drug in his life
funny, but wrong

ISTP is the opposite of libtard


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The fact that any discussion about MBTI on the internet invariably leads to everyone announcing that they're INTP leads me to believe it's a load of bullshit. Just look at this thread. I am INTP as well.

there's actually a lot of INFP's here too. the same situation can be found at Yea Forums. 4channel seems to attract INXP types the most

>The fact that any discussion about MBTI on the internet invariably leads to everyone announcing that they're INTP leads me to believe it's a load of bullshit.
Quite weird, huh. And when we think that they should be around only 3% of the population...
It must be one of these cases which the only people who announce their position are the "top" ones.
PS: I'm an INTP-T, btw. :)



i def missed a few..whatever

>proletariat are all middle manager functions
makes you think desu


Beans and rice... Beans and rice...

Crime and Punishment

100 years of solitude

I get a different MBTI result every time I've taken that test. Let's just go with Chaotic Neutral.

Demian by Hermann Hesse

based Demian poster, wasn't sure if another would come

Tartar Steppe


INTP, Tractatus

The Dying Earth

>>> Anonymous
>04/23/19(Tue)01:47:32 No.12988584
i was the other demian poster!!!

fanged noumena

>Beyond Good and Evil
literally just kaufmann's "basic writings of nietzsche" without the best works (birth of tragedy, genealogy of morals, case of wagner, ecce homo, etc)

>House of Leaves
literally just "pale fire: shit edition"

"hunger" by whom???

>The Odyssesy (T.E. Lawrence trans.)
is lawrence's translation actually that good? pope's collaborative translation is god-tier

do you have a list of favorite books?


>Pale Fire
literally just "House of Leaves: Shit Edition"

>is lawrence's translation actually that good?
it's just very comfy, which is appropriate because the odyssey feels like its supposed to be very comfy. pope is brilliant, i love his illiad as well, but that's something different. that's poetry. when i read the odyssey i want to feel comfy and relaxed, and lawrence gives me that. that's why i like his translation. the odyssey shouldn't feel like something epic and monumental. it should feel like the sort of yarns fisherman spin for one another at the tavern when they're away from the sea while there is a fire going in the fire place and they're warming their bellies with beer. the odyssey should be comfortably Mediterranean and lazily mediocre but in a profound sort of way the way a god is lazy because he's fuckin god and he doesn't need to do shit

right, i understand that - would you say that it's significantly better than the other prose translations?

>INTJ among the rarest MBTI
>Somehow like 1/4 of Yea Forums is always INTJ

Anyway, Vol II of Proust

Attached: myersbriggsapr2019.png (1984x1560, 299K)

>The essay I'm about to write on why you're a faggot

Shame on you for falling for new age meme astrology.
Also INFP and Return to the Whorl

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> I put more stock in astrology than mbti (unironically)
infj detected

nah, infj's read newspaper horoscopes n shit. i have actual astrology software that i use and ive studied a bunch of textbooks

hard to pick one. I have six on my Favorites shelf.

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Attached: yikes..gif (274x185, 303K)

cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe

you newbs need to read plotinus or jung or something


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How are you doing fellow INTPs?

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9 years ago I was INTJ
6 years ago I was ENTP
3 years ago I was ENTJ
Now I am INTJ

And around and around we go!

Attached: beep boop.png (889x893, 63K)

Odyssey, The Miner, Blood Meridian, Wind Up Bird, American Psycho

Almost everyone in this thread is mistyped by either a bad online test or wishful thinking. But even if you get it right mbti is mostly worthless. By the way, the intp I know has the weakest mind of anyone I’ve ever known.

'ere ya go, fresh from the fresh pressed french press-pressed presser
thank you smart man, very cool

>Bhagavad Gita

>The Georgics
>Interviews with Francis Bacon (David Sylvester)

Attached: Oilfield truck driver and his son sitting on the porch in Seminole, Oklahoma. (August 1939).png (633x768, 868K)


no on e is ever enfj

Old man and the sea

The temperament of intjs is melancholy and choleric, the iq tends to be higher...who’s surprised they’re over represented her?

because if there are any known qualities of the average 4channer, they are sensitivity and intelligence


Got ENTP 5 times and INTP once

>fav book
Probably Ulysses or The Republic

My Thinking/Feeling and Judging/Perceiving scores are really weak, like 0-2% weak, so depending on the day/time I test I tend to get INFP or INTJ or any combination thereof.

I don't have a favourite book.

The Pale King
Don't @ me.

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hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

more INT(small)P(enis)

>hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Given that IQ as used today IS buzzfeed tier pseudoscience I think that's appropriate

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>Ni overlord (INxJ)
>Odyssey, Consolation of Philosophy, Faust, Hyperion (Hölderlin)

Attached: Cognitive Function Test - IDR Labs.png (3104x4635, 1.34M)

Yes exactly. They are.
Why do You think people behave like We do?
At the hearth of our subculture there's a core of endless suffering. It has no name, it has no rational origin; It was born from our generation's dissatisfation in the shape that society took just under our nose.
We blame This or that. Some blame the jews, some blame whatever the fuck You want; But the truth is: the real causes are so complex as to be unreachable and untouchable.
Murder every jew tomorrow and nothing will fucking change.
And so We despair. And the mirror of our despair We call Yea Forums.
Our pain will grow and grow. It will only grow. It can only grow untill the ultimate dissolution of society as We know it.
The glorious future we'll build: an extermination camp as big as a planet.
I'm rock hard at the thought~

I'm INTP-A and my favourite book atm is the reign of quantity btw. Obviously the Bible is off scale.

Astrology for men

Didn't even know what MBTI was before this.
Pic related says I'm INTP.
Fav book:
Journey to the end of the night

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>Journey to the end of the night
Patrician taste.

INTJ but the mbti test is overrated and people put to much stock in it.

The Count of Monte Cristo

How fucking INTJ of You :^)

Which part?

Being a basic bitch

It was a meta-joke
Like How INTJ of you doubting that You're INTJ
I'm sorry, i hoped it would be funny.


Journey to the end of the night is patrician tier?
Holy fuck

It is.
>"Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself."


Cringe, but unironically.

>they wrote, while posting on Yea Forums. The internet capital of SPLEEN

Cause it's a dumb online test that's about as rigorous and scientific as "Which Game of Thrones character are you?" based off nebulous categorisation of people that's prone to evolve and change not only through life, but day to day.

Me? I'm The Great Khal
My traits? Savage, Fearsome, Unforgiving


Attached: quijote.jpg (323x499, 29K)

I thought you'd be Jaime Lannister because you fuck your sister But ok

Gödel Escher Bach


ebin meme

Orlando Furioso

Attached: Ruggiero Delivering Angelica.jpg (2395x1811, 1.7M)

Beyond good and evil ist literally pleb tier.


Mein Kempfy Couch

You have good taste and I take it you cried at the end.

>t. INFP


It's hard to pin down one favourite book but I'd say Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury and Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger are both right up there

Attached: Something Wicked This Way Comes.jpg (327x499, 34K)


Sex For Dummies

>Difference and Repetition

The Odessey by whom???
Moby Dick by whom???
Lolita by whom???
Who the fuck do you think?

How to stop being an INFP pleb?

Latro in the Mist


>big nose man

Attached: 51hpvxtvT4L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 30K)

East of Eden


I used to be INTP. Now I'm ENFP. My favorite book is The Idiot.

triple gemini / infj
marcus aurelius meditations

Yea Forums disproportionately attracts the INTJ, INFP, and INFJ types because we're a bunch of disillusioned idealists and spergs who would rather shitpost here than put up with the people around us knowing anything about our internal lives

>the stranger

I would rather talk to people about the ideas books contains than actually read it

are you actually a triple gemini? is that based on sidereal or tropical positions?

The Brothers Karamazov

Yea Forums

>Cats Cradle

i just read

ooh, wow 1/16 people share these traits with me. so glad i found myself

imagine having an f in your type LMFAO.

Yea Forums is for XNTX's
the rest of you FUCK OFF

Lmao they aren't evenly distributed.

ngl it looks like you were choosing answers to get this result

I love that bit in American Psycho where Patrick runs into 'Tom Cruise' in an elevator and his nose starts to bleed and he gets really embarrassed lmfao

Oh I love the 'i dont believe in types, but i am the best one' tactic

pic related

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What was he?

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I don't like this image; why would an INFP be a big fan of celebrities???

divine comedy

Do you think that INFPs make the best authors?

that/s literally the best one, you tool


Moby Dick.

* INFJ-A I meant.



Intj, notes from underground

Great gatsby
Why am i such a fag

Attached: 5d801c9ae5db570b72dab8866b11ad4f.jpg (320x475, 42K)

One of the few ENFPs here

Fiction: Moby Dick
Poetry: Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens

Not really sure, probably either Plato's Symposium or The Name of the Rose

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fits very well I think
oh nooo I have the same personality type as this autist TRVE RVMAN larper

it's about being a naive, overly emotional moron
you know, like you're being right now?


Attached: 378px-MontaigneEssays1711.jpg (378x600, 102K)

get on my level plebs

favorite book: peer gynt

Attached: typelets can't compete.png (519x402, 93K)

>based on your results you are literally wojak, congratulations

Attached: 1506828579183.png (633x758, 34K)

Either Nadja or Lolita



Orlando Furioso

challenge card: hang out with some INTJs tomorrow (they'll be the kids in the nearby engineering college that everyone actively tries to avoid) and let us know whether you still think they're the 'best' type

gas all INTJs

The Holy Bible, King James Version


Why anyone else isn't istp?

literally impossible to be more cringe

wtf I forgot my book


Spice and Wolf

Attached: 9780759531062.jpg (266x400, 20K)

>ctrl f intp
>31 results
moby dick

intjs are sentient brain tumors

Heights of Despair

Attached: download.jpg (181x278, 10K)

God's work user. Make another one.

im infp too and i loled

either No Longer Human or The Red and The Black

>challenge card: hang out with some INTJs tomorrow
Stop trying to bully the intjs by b&e'ing their homes


The Tempest

>INTJ, retarded by default
>favorite book is the Bible, even more retarded
>prefers the KJV, illiterate at this point
it's pretty self evident

The Double

The Big Book of Breasts

>The Fall

Attached: la chute.jpg (1553x2396, 133K)

Hundred Years of Solitude

Based c*nnybro

im an enfp too. Enfp types are not usaly on Yea Forums tho

War and Peace

Read Jung's actual work and misinterpret it for yourselves, instead of the work of people that misinterpreted what they read from him. I'm sure you retards will come up with something similar to this MBTI bullshit.

>The Idiot


Wow never thought of it that way. Out of curiosity, which translation would you recommend?

>your MBTI
>your fav book
the recognitions

>Thinking Fast & Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Highly disappointed that so many INTPs are picking fictional works. Fucking basement-dwelling chimps wasting away and squandering your potential. If only you could fix that "I" that makes you so weak.

The Antichrist

the Meyers Briggs test doesn't measure intelligence.

Harold and the Purple Crayon orrrr The Phantom Tollbooth.

Both are excellent reads.


Don Quixote

Attached: don quixote.jpg (497x640, 55K)

Do I get a prize for taking the dogshit test? Can't wait to take it again and get a completely different result in a month.

Attached: k.jpg (1000x720, 105K)

>peer gynt

Is that from an aversion to reading or because you feel you can understand an idea better through discourse than solitary reflection?


The Recognitions

Is INTP related to autism?

>The gay science, Nietzsche

>Confessions of a Mask

>On the road

Personality tests and horoscopes are trash tho

INTP is related to high IQ which is related to all kinds of mental disorders.

How come there are no S on here?

Many more conclusions can be made from discourse than from one iteration of one book. Catcher is an ok book, but I can talk to 50 people about the singular concepts within that book and come to 50 vastly differing conclusions (whether he was right in attempting to be the catcher, whether he can even help his desire to be, what sort of comments can be made on society that people are limited in the ways they can try to help a person like him, the drug and attempts at sex use to cope with rejection from society, whether he deserves society's rejection for non-conformity to such an extreme degree, etc.) Books give the topics to think about and discuss. I'll read a book once and talk to people a million different ways. I can mull it over in my head, but if the idea remains internalized, it's nearly useless.

>murder every Jew tomorrow and nothing will fucking change.
That’s where you’re wrong goy!
Also INTP and my favorite book is either The Brothers Karamazov or Demons. Unabashed Dostoyevsky fanboy.

A gook

Fear and Trembling

Greg Egan - Diaspora, Thomas Ligotti - Teatro Grottesco, David Benatar - The Human Predicament

The Lord of The Rings

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Space Odyssey / Solaris

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and I don't think any other book comes close.

I've shifted closer to E than the last time I took this, probably because I've found that people can be extremely interesting and so many of the I/E questions are about parties (and what loser doesn't like parties).

Don't know why people are surprised when there's a concentration of the autist MBTI types on an anime literature forum.


Moby Dick


Sex and Character

It's more than a book

INTP diagnosed autismo and unironical 140 IQ

Schild’s Ladder by Greg Egan

>all of these INFPs with good taste
Not really surprised desu

The Ego and Its Own

Attached: 1552477085656-1.png (487x384, 203K)

On the Genealogy of Morality,
Friedrich Nietzsche

Thus Spoke Zarathustra


Hard To Be A God

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The Faerie Queene

The only thing that might change would be your tactics category
You seem pretty deep into one side on the others

Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand

Introverted Thinking is the smartest function, followed by Extroverted Thinking.

What does that even make me? Some sort of autist?

I don't have a single favourite book anyhow, I doubt most of you anons do, but I guess picking one of them is good enough; Moby Dick.



INFP, I think (always get INTP in tests, though)
No Longer Human
Favourite poem is The Hound of Heaven
I'm not very well read desu

No Longer Human

>Bronze Age Mindset


>all those Introverted virgins
Yea Forums is trully a homeworld of incels.

Introverted types are actually the bigger chads because they make decisions based on their own thoughts/values more naturally. Extroverts compromise more easily and bend more to groupthink.

INFP, Siddhartha

apparently not smart enough to realize an astrology tier survey you fill in with however you view yourself, is not even near any sort of an indicator of intelligence, social and general life success

I don't do favourites, but:

Herodotus - The Histories

Attached: the-beheading-of-cyrus-iii-jean-simon-berthelemy.jpg (688x900, 116K)

Mein Kampf

bet you're fun to talk to

Storm of Steel

>American psychopath

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>half this fucking thread is INTJ
>less than 2 percent of the world's population

What the fuck is going on?

Count of monte cristo


> Greg Egan
Nice, I know another INTP who’s into Permutation City.

Starship Troopers

wtf does this shit mean, fucking white bois jelly of this BBC GANG GANG

apparently ISTJ is also very common, and there's like 2 ITT

Those two often get mixed up.

Either Yea Forums draws in a certain part of the world populace.
Or maybe these internet personality tests are a load of bullshit.

They probably are bull shit but Yea Forums does collect the backwash of society

mistyped snowflakes

The problem is that a lot of people answer the questions based on how they see themselves or what they aspire to be rather than how they actually are. This is why the function tests are more accurate.

What function tests? Got a link?



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The Stranger


The Brothers Karamazov

like that one


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do non novels count? if so; Modern man in search of a soul or walden. If not; The Gnole or the idiot

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The magus and 100 years of solitude

Im just about to start modern man in search of a soul, would you recommend it to a pantheist?

The Book of Disquiet

redoing it cause i have no life(and i got two (you)'s :). Also had to over lap some sorry.

This took me way too long....def missed a ton too
>(If anyone cares i'm INFP fav is Intro. to Hindu Doctrines)

yeah, it doesn't matter what you believe in. Tbh you shouldn't be afraid of reading anything that might present a different world view to yours, i]m agnostic but i love reading religious lit


INFP The Crisis of the Modern World

No other ESTPs?

Pic related for me

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you're right they need to add the 16 faggot personalities that shows how retardo some people are. not every personality has pros to it and the cons far outway most people

>Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

wHAT the fukc are you doing my man

Attached: about_to.png (360x360, 140K)

just organizing my dude :)

I'm surprised how none of you know about self-selection bias.
You're on a literature board on Yea Forums. This will attract INXX types right out of the gate. It's like how you're likely to meet a lot of people who believe in UFOs at a UFO convention.
We congregate with people similar to us who tend to behave the way we find acceptable so it isn't surprising that the population is skewed.

MBTI is a piece of shit test. Most INTJs in MBTI correspond to none other than ESTp in Socionics.

Attached: MBTI-Socionics1.jpg (800x469, 94K)

does observant not mean observing according to this test?


plato complete works

as though ctrl+f isnt a function

The Virgin ENTP vs the INTP Chad

I've been a intj for years but after losing so much money in crypto i shifted to intp the last test i took gave me intp, i guess an intp is just a depressed intj
I dont have a favourite book everything is shit

the little prince

cute autism you got there

I'm INFP and I really like Tolkien and Lovecraft.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

extremely late reply but i am an actual triple gemini, sun moon and ascendant sign, plus a few other gemini scattered through the chart. i found out because my friends were doing a "get a color sampler blot based on your astrological sign!" online quiz and mine was a uniform blue blob.


Dune and BotNS

Attached: clitpinkstink.jpg (939x542, 127K)

No longer human

>A tie between Doktor Faustus and Runaway Horses

Not literature

but why are there so few ISTJs?


>ctrl+f's for each MBTI
>all scores are encapsulated in one post for you
cmon my guy

The Cremator

Attached: 15308-spalovac-mrtvol-950x650.jpg (876x650, 40K)

To The Lighthouse

>To The Lighthouse
Mostly for the meaning in my life; emotional attachment
It was the book that got me into Literature for real.
I also want to clearfy that MBTI is the same as Astrology and IQ, all pseudoscience bullshit. Anyway, i like taking pointless quizzes.

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that's a cucked normie function
Why are you using irrelevant pseudoscientific bullshit?

>reeeee categories are wrong!!!!!

>Storm of steel

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The Divine Comedy