Is this worth reading? I have a decent understanding of some eastern philosophical thought by going through Buddhist and Taoist texts, but I've never really touched anything from the Hindu world. Not sure if it's worth reading on its own or just understanding the core concepts.
The Upanishads
It's definitely worth it, but I'd probably start with the Bhagavad Gita first.
Do they hold different subject matter? What's the reason for reading the Gita first?
Think it this way; did the Upanishads save the Hindus themselves?
India is a total shithole today, you may have some sort of different view of that society because some people on this board who shill Guénon and Shankara make you almost think that India is some sort of cradle of civilization while your average Hindoo probably is the worst specimen of human beings that has ever existed.
Pic related sums up how one feels about India, especially if one has shaken off all the false ideas of some great, mythological past and high civilization; which existed only for a fleeting moment in time brought my the white aryan tribes who ruled the subcontinent briefly before succumbing to the darkness of the disgusting, abhorrent negroid castes that have much more in common with the aborigines than proper human beings.
>Think it this way; did the Upanishads save the Hindus themselves?
Were they supposed to save them or save their souls(or whatever the Hindus believe in I have no idea)
When was the last time you set foot in a building older than 200 years?
It's the sum of the Upanishadic teachings, and it's also the most widely read scriptural text in Hinduism.
bad post. feel ashamed.
Only those who have properly understood the Vedas and could discuss them philosophically are the Saddhus
But do you want to be some homeless idiot?
This is where the white man differs from these "naked philosophers", he does not roam the forests sitting on tiger skins and meditating on some metaphysical concepts while restraining his breathing: he teaches manners to these jungle monkeys, he gives them matches, proper clothing and proper food that is not soiled with bacteria; he has even given the technology of toilets to these Indians but because there is much more jungle monkey in this race than there is any sort of decency; they prefer to openly defecate on the streets, on the ocean.
Most Hindus, would be better off wiping their ass with the pages of Upanishads or Bhagavad Gita after they have defecated, but most of them do not even bother to clean themselves considering to what sort of animal-like state they have succumbed into.
Answer my question
>200 years
That would be built in 1819. I am sorry, did I give out impression that I am some sort of American perhaps? Here in Europe, in my city, most of the infrastructure dates back to the 1400s.
How many? Must be numerous just this week, but unlike in India, buildings must go here in Europe through regulative measures that prevents for example old temples or places of worship collapsing on the visitors, unlike in India, where certain shrines have been considered so "holy" that no restoration has been allowed.
Then again, such fact probably is a positive element in the religion of this most degenerated antiquity; some of the devotees used back in the day throw themselves under the wheel upon the Car of Jagganath, whose devotees attain perfection at the moment that it crushes
them. Reminds me of the certain pagan axioms of Europeans where the practicioners and worshippers of certain Gods/Goddesses, upon death, achieve Unity with the deity they worshipped in their life.
Understood, thanks!
Are there any issues regrading translations? I found a hardback copy authored by Swami Prabhavananda, is that a good edition? (Much prefer hard vs soft when it comes to books)
You claim to speak of enlightenment, yet spend your time denigrating your fellow homo sapiens? For what purpose?
I am just telling to people stop wasting their time with these books, products of failed civilizations, failed caste systems; of failed projects.
One who worships the money god will be amply rewarded. One who worships the Hindu God will be stripped naked and left in the streets begging for his food and defecating under the night sky.
Ayn Rand, is that you?
That's fine. Just avoid everything written by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) aka "Hare Krishnas," such as the "As It Is" version of the Gita.
The Hindu does not think like the European man does. But all their theory of mysticism and meditation being a reverbatory, so that their "communing with God", is but a "communing with the Self", and all their artifice directed to development of the powers in their own bodies and minds, as opposed to the Western idea of extending those powers to bear sway over others. Thus they develop siddhis (but even those are considered byproduct of the practice) we find naturally that just as they seek to restrain the breath altogether, or to avoid its violent extrusion from the nostrils, lest the Prana thereof be lost to them, and as they even practice to suck up water into the rectum, so that in defecation they may be able to retain the Apana, or particular virtue thereof, and replace it in the Svadistthana-cakkra, so also much more do they extravagantly labour to retain the prime Prana of life, the Bindu.
This is a good theory, when it comes to mysticism, but the sex magicians (of especially the Oriental Templars) speculated thatt he blood (or excrements) from anal intercourse attract the spirits/demons while the sperm keeps them alive.
Perhaps the success can be explained by the very customs of White Man; namely that of Toilet Paper.
Every time we use (even the softest and most bleached tissue) microscopical tears are formed on the skin of the anus; perhaps the most adept of European Magi could simply write down their aims of the operation on a piece of toilet paper, wipe it, flush it and go on with his day accomplishing great things.
Thanks again. I actually ran into a Hare Krishna wandering homeless "disciple" back when I was at college who "donated" me a copy of the Gita for $20. Think I only read a chapter or two before it disappeared leaving me to never finish it.
Bro you just encountered the avatar of Tiber Septim
Holy fuck you are cringe, do you think you are saying something profound?
This post reeks of historical illiteracy and thinly veiled bigotry - the kind possessed by a NEET who has never left his house, let alone conversed with someone of a different cultural background. I'm almost convinced I'm taking the bait here, but whatever.
For all that could be said about the dire state of India; the sordid sanitation, the sectarian violence, caste-based autism, is the West any better? For all of this material wealth and mastery of nature we've reaped two apocalyptic wars, the threat of nuclear extinction, a burgeoning mental health crisis the likes of which have never been seen in human history, and a cultural climate in which people are increasingly bisected between extreme poles of suicidal tolerance, inclusion, and self-degradation and jingoistic intolerance and inclinations toward fascism. There is absolutely no cohesion amidst people aside from unbridled consumerism and televised schizophrenia.
For a society that has placed so much emphasis on the "individual" - which in reality has amounted to little more than egotistical gratification; as if markers of status, material wealth, presence as a public persona count as metrics of an accomplished individual (by such metrics a Kardashian is a flawless person), it makes sense that westerners are drawn towards a philosophical and religious tradition which centers on uncovering what we really are on an individual level.
>is the West any better?
as evidences by literally nobody leaving the West for India, but Indians coming here in droves
>completely missing the point
based and hindupilled
good post
>thinly veiled bigotry
Do you just spout 'thinly veiled' like a trained monkey who thinks it sounds good? He said 'abhorrent negroid castes'
Sprinkling in scientific language and categorization onto racism is the most widespread and common veil put onto bigotry there is.
Let me guess you have zero reasons for being antiracist, not a shred of evidence, but consider racists 'ignorant' or something. your entire mind is nothing but posturing shitheaps of aesthetic
>you have zero reasons for being antiracist
I don't need to have a reason not to needlessly carry around ignorance and foolishness like baggage around, user. But, since you seem keen on keeping up with the psuedoscience put forth by social darwinists, I'd recommend you actually read Darwin's Descent of Man.
you mean the book where he talks about the less favored races of humans being genocided by the superior ones? That book?
What's your position on there being not a single sub-saharan population on earth with an IQ, per capita gdp, crime rate, etc. comparable to the Japanese? Why do you suppose these ethnicities display the exact same dysfunction literally everywhere on earth they exist without even one counter-example?
I agree with fpbd that you should start with the Bhagavad Gita first. But the Upanishads are definitely worth it. It's sort of like a collection of essays.
The (worthwhile) Hindu texts were written by Aryans. That alone is proof of their value.
>you mean the book where he talks about the less favored races of humans being genocided by the superior ones? That book?
Where the fuck does he say that? It's the book where he discusses how perceived racial differences between men are mere gradations which can be passed through. The book where he recounts his experiences with Fuegian native Americans who lived in some of the most squalid and sordid conditions on the planet and within a few years of living with him in England were completely changed.
Moreover I'm not going to derail this thread on the Upanishads to entertain a pointless conversation on race. In any case I'd contend that as dumb as sub-Saharan Africans are, it must have meant that white people were even dumber to have brought them over into America and set up conditions where they now need to coexist. Enjoy your BLACKED porn.
>as dumb as sub-Saharan Africans are,
You are racist then, just to clear that up, good talk
based retard
At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla (p. 521, emp. added).
and here's Huxley his buddy:
It may be quite true that some negroes are better than some white men; but no rational man, cognisant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white man. And, if this be true, it is simply incredible that, when all his disabilities are removed, and our prognathus relative has a fair field and no favour, as well as no oppressor, he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites. The highest places in the hierarchy of civilisation will assuredly not be within the reach of our dusky cousins, though it is by no means necessary that they should be restricted to the lowest (emp. added).
fucking retard
>misquoting Darwin
>misunderstanding Darwin
This link puts that quote into a larger context. >
user, Darwin came from a family distinguished for their involvement and support for the unconditional abolition of Negro slavery. His personal journals go into specific detail how he felt slavery was abhorrent and how disgusted he was by what he saw in Brazil.
Oh fuck off
There is, however, no doubt that the various races, when carefully compared and measured, differ much from each other,—as in the texture of the hair, the relative proportions of all parts of the body, the capacity of the lungs, the form and capacity of the skull, and even in the convolutions of the brain. But it would be an endless task to specify the numerous points of structural difference. The races differ also in constitution, in acclimatisation, and in liability to certain diseases. Their mental characteristics are likewise very distinct; chiefly as it would appear in their emotional, but partly in their intellectual, faculties
lying sack of shit
You're just cherrypicking quotes from the internet like a brainlet. It's obvious you haven't read the actual book. It's clear to all that mental characteristics between races are distinct, but Darwin makes a point (as mentioned before) to suggest that such differences are not fixed.
It's obvious you're unwilling to accept Darwin was racist and that all evidence ever collected supports racism, and that you have no fucking argument whatsoever
well the traditions are alive isn't that considered saved? or only a certain level societal extravagance is considered saved? what are you talking about saving anyway?
I actually dug out my copy of the book. You've ignored what other posters here have pointed out - that the man abhorred slavery, was a distinguished abolitionist, and befriended "savages".
>"Those naturalists, on the other hand, who admit the principle of evolution, and this is now admitted by the greater number of rising men, will feel no doubt that all the races of man are descended from a single stock." (DoM, 275).
>(On his Fuegian friend, Jemmy) "It seems yet wonderful to me, when I think over all his many good qualities, that he should have been of the same race, and doubtless partaken of the same character--" (Journal of Researches, 18).
>"I was continuously struck ... by the Fuegians ... who had lived some years in England and could talk a little English, resembled us in disposition and in our mental faculties" (DoM, 236).
>"I was incessantly struck, whilst living with the Fuegians... with the many little traits of character, shewing how similar their minds were to ours" (DoM, 277).
>"Differences of this kind between the highest men of the highest races and the lowest savages, are connected by the finest gradations. Therefore it is possible that they might pass and be developed into each other." (DoM, 236).
Nice talking with you.
None of those quotes contradicts racism you fucking brainlet
>Going from Darwin advocates for genocide of the lesser racists to Darwin is simply a racist
This goal shift is unprecedented
>you mean the book where he talks about the less favored races of humans being genocided by the superior ones
notice how the word advocate doesnt appear there you slimy piece of shit
I can't tell if I'm arguing with Socrates or someone with a brain amoeba
Going to put both the Upanishads and the Gita on order tonight. Much thanks.
With regards to Aryans and general culture of India, weren't these text written somewhere in the BC era? It seems odd to claim that these books are worthless because Indian culture now is looked down upon, that's like saying why bother reading anything from any nation who was once strong and has now degraded. Greece, Rome, Byzantium, France, Germany, United States... they've all had great thinkers and moments of power, but they all eventually decay.
As far as I know the Aryans didn’t really contribute much to the themes of meditation, Self-insight, and metaphysics laid down in the Vedas (primarily the ten principal Upanishads as decided by Shankara). What they did introduce were the ceremonies, rituals, castes, religious structure which fill most of the Vedas
Also, I recommend picking up Easwaran’s editions of the Gita and the Upanishads, as well as his edition of the Dhammapada if you’re interesting in Buddhism. He’s a good writer and offers a lengthy introductory segment which spells out historical context and an overview of what you’ll be reading.
Fuck Easwaran, he's a New Age hack!
you are a very smart boy
Radnakrishnan has the best translatipn of the Upanishads by far, make sure to get his 'The Principal Upanishads' which has unabridged translations of all the major ones and the most minor ones
Good,we don't want brainlets like you to appropriate our culture anyways
Whenever I see a /pol/tard mention kalyug I cringe
Also the fact that southern India which is the most "dravidian" has the best HDI,sanitation and has produced some of thr most talented Indians in STEM disproves your aryan supremacist faggotry
Tamil brahmins(they are far more dark skinned than their northern counterparts) have the highest iq
>What they did introduce were the ceremonies, rituals, castes, religious structure which fill most of the Vedas
You also forgot to mention ritual hygienism; most of these Gymnosophists who developed meditation, contemplation and metaphysics did not even wear clothes and it was the caucasoids who gave them proper attire to cover their genital area.
The cuisine of the Hindu offers similar analogy to their lengthy meditative texts ranging from Bhavagad Gita to the Upanishads, various tantras etc. The naive Europeans today might think it is a sign of high civilization and something "exotic" to cover the food in 20 different spices, cook it for hours and add layer upon layer of different curry powders; the truth is that so many spices were used (and are still used today) is to cover the taste of rotten and expired main ingredients.
Reminds me of a Reverend, who upon one of his students inquiring him about eastern philosophies replied quite frankly: "Buddhism may be interesting, but will only lead one to Hell"
Same could be said of Advaita Vedanta. I rather take my meal with plain potatoes and lightly salted and peppered beef, medium-rare (as I know it is safe to eat it like that, unline in subtropical conditions where no hygienic protocols are imposed by the state ).
Afterwards I might enjoy chapter or two from the Holy Bible.
>books are manuals
One of the more recent or modern heralds of Vedanta and Vedantic thought was probably Ramana Maharshi (who even was praised by European writers such as René Guénon) and he was largely considered a Jivanmukta (has gained and assimilated infinite and divine knowledge and power and gained complete self-knowledge and self-realisation )
Reminds me of an interesting story of Ramana's early life;
>The young renunciate sought out places inside the temple where he could sit in spiritual absorption. His peace was disturbed by “urchins” who took pleasure in pelting stones at him. He withdrew into a dark pit in an underground cave. Here his body was ravaged by vermin and poisonous insects viciously feeding on his blood. His body was besmeared with unwashed dirt, his hair became a clotted mass, and his fingernails grew so long and curly that his hands were not useful for any purpose. He sat for some weeks on a floor which was always infested by ants and, despite their constant crawling and biting, he sat for hours with eyes closed, leaning against the wall in samadhi (contemplation), which receieved the imprint of his back. The visitors could not endure for even a few minutes the ants which he endured for hours, days and weeks, losing his body consciousness. Further details about his life can be found in several excellent biography on his life.
What does it tell of a man, being so absorbed in meditation, that he disregards his bodily health, bodily needs and does not even bother to uncover his skin from the multiple insects crawling on it; just to be absorbed into the Vedantic idea of the Absolute only to be fed like a little baby by the temple priests when he would collapse from the lack of nourishment and water; only to continue his meditative practices.
Then the Western devotees of these "Holy Men" would argue something along the lines;"
>“My guru is in a state of pure perception! He does not recognize anything, he does not experience anything because he is beyond the experiencing-structure!”
This is what, according to Vedantic texts, dhyana practically is.
This is the Vedantic idea of one of the highest human ideal States. Beyond recognition, beyond experience, beyond good & evil, beyond knowledge of the Self!
Of course, the westerner knows better; for he would lock up these people in some sort of sanitarium and treat these states as one treats diseases much like Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia. The highest point of Vedantic meditative practices are spontaneously
achieved by dementia patients on a daily basis.
Of course, here in the civilized world, we do not treat them as some sort of "holy diseases" (like Epilepsy is/was considered some sort of divine madness in one of the more backwards understanding of human condition), we simply try to reverse their degenerative neurological pathologies with medicine and proper treatment.
I am talking about common decency, ethical and moral code of honor and hygienic standards:
Food, clothing and shelter. These are the three core concepts where the people of the Indian subcontinent would have never marveled without intervention of caucasoid enlightenment.
>who even was praised by European writers such as René Guénon
not much of a feat 2bh
>The highest point of Vedantic meditative practices are spontaneously
achieved by dementia patients on a daily basis.
you mean the aryans who are native to india
it took a caucasiod enlightenment for food, clothing and shelter?
India is a shithole partly thanks to Europeans fucking it up, though.
All of the posts made by me in this thread are historically accurate; politically they might be incorrect, but statistically precise. You have right to disagree, though.
India was legit better under the british raj than modern day india
>the world according to the west
no thank you friend
Enjoy Hell, unironically.
You will not find Salvation in Vedanta or these Eastern doctrines, at best, you can only run away from Christ until we all meet our maker and final judgement echoes throughout the world.
>taking salvation in a jew and a religion literally only a couple thousand years old
follow what you want but don't say retarded shit
Could you explain why many Christian mystics, and even ex-Buddhists who have converted to Christianity, have seen visions of Buddha burning in Hell among other Hindu religious figures? You think Hell is not real?
are these the arguments you use during your evangelism missions? they are very childish
>Thinks the claims and "visions" of self-proclaimed Christian mystics matter
The absolute state of Christfags
Hell is real, muh Christian mystic said he had a vision, it must be true!
High quality larping.
It's just retards being retards. They can't think in cyclical terms. Leftism and Christianity has virtually eradicated that kind of thinking from the West.
I don't know where you got this from.
Aryans come from around the Caucasus. They moved into India.
Kek what a take. Best of luck traveler - you'll need it
He is right though, statistically speaking people who worship the Hindu gods are 100x more likely to be homeless than those who worship Mammon
Who is happier though
It's mostly bullshit similar to the writings of a blubbering pothead
Think of it this way; did starting with the Greeks save the Greeks themselves?
Greece is a total shithole today, you may have some sort of different view of that society because some people on this board who shill Sophocles and Socrates make you almost think that Greece is some sort of cradle of civilization while your average Greek probably is the worst specimen of human beings that has ever existed.
Pic related sums up how one feels about Greece, especially if one has shaken off all the false ideas of some great, mythological past and high civilization; which existed only for a fleeting moment in time brought by the swarthy med tribes who ruled Hellas briefly before succumbing to the whiteness of the disgusting, abhorrent whiteoid castes that have much more in common with the Neanderthals than proper human beings.
based lmao
It's literally the mainstream scientific consensus. Only leftists and Indian Nationalists try to deny it.
greeks are pretty much watered down hindus
they were called children's philosophers at that time around middle east
You were supposed to use a colon in your first paragraph, not a semi-colon. If you're going to LARP as a sophisticated English-speaker, here to pontificate on the unsophistication of lesser tribes of the world, please at least speak your language properly while doing so. It will make the LARP more convincing, for the future.