This book was good

This book was good.

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very good, even

>protagonist is a cuck

> pretending anyone reads his Russian period works

Anyway, it's one of the best books to nurture disdain for transitory hubbub.

>protagonist is a cuck

What was good about it? I thought it was flat, all chapters doing the same thing, again and again.
And all for a contrived alegory of some metaphysical concept.

>A Novel by the author of Lolita
This is so gay and insulting to put on the cover of an established great. Fucking philistine capitalist retards, shut the fuck up.

Author still lurking here?

It's the first book of Nabokov's that I've read. Honestly, I wrote him off because of Lolita but this makes me want to read more of his stuff.

It's a metaphor for how we all get cucked by death eventually dweebshit.


I had the feeling that Nabokov did Kafka but better in this one. But I hate Kafka so I might be a bad judge;

>Trying to imitate Dostoevskys insights of false execution
Nabokov is such a pathetic worm

I did the same thing. Wrote the nab off, never read any of his books.
Then one day, I found the nab meme format. I still never read his books but I enjoy the meme and the fake character I envision Nabokov to be in my mind. I've started reading his strong opinions though.

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Vladimir, Nabokov

A flustered troubadour who nobody listened to. His baroque style invokes he futility of l’art pour art. Lolita: liked it, cagey, cunning. Invitation to a Beheading: dollar store Kafka imitation. Best burnt while roasting marshmallows.

Has he written anything that wasn't good?
Everything I've read so far as been great.


Great prose, fun to read as a sort of romp in a dream with a very frustrated and sad dreamer. It was pretty repetitive looking back but it's still short enough to read in a couple days so that didn't bother me much.
When I was curious about whether "gnostical turpitude" was nonsense or a riddle, I read a theory that it means "knowledge of good and evil," i.e. Cincinnatus was being executed for original sin. I like that interpretation.

im waiting for +1 To A Behaeading

>tfw nobody invited you to the beheading

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You seem to believe it's mere fantasy, don't you?

Why is he so meme worthy?

Dawg it's probably a first edition, or a first English edition right after he blew up but before it's was generally acknowledged as an all-timer