
Is there anyone this board that was familiar with Peterson's work before he became a, supposedly, alt-right meme?

Attached: J.K. Rowling.jpg (400x400, 26K)

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But that's how he got attention in the first place.

Someone post the cape-quote from 2009

The media memed as an alt-right meme, but /pol/ and other alt-right havens hate him.

found it:

>the cape quote
Memes aside, it appears that nobody knew him before the memeing.

Media? He did act like an alt-right meme at his work, that's how it began.

But nobody knew him before, nor even this pseud board.

How did he do that? He just refused to be bullied by some tranny mental patient

pol was actually divided on him up until the 'I can't do it' incident. And NRx people like Nick land and Spandrell praised him quite a bit until it became clear that he was in the end just another cuckservative, for lack of a better term.

The earliest discussion of Peterson on Yea Forums was in like 2009. Once again, Yea Forums was ahead of the curve.

What did Yea Forums discuss about him?
>inb4 lobsters

Iirc some guy said he had him as a professor and he was weird.

Literally gossip.

his lecture videos on peter pan and harry potter are pretty dope though

He posted his full uni lectures on his youtube channel in playlists and people would post them as introductions to some Jungian things etc.

I did. I Googled someone talking about doestoevsky, nietzche, and existentialism and watched a couple of his videos. This was in 2013-2014

Same. I found him through researching Dostoevsky and watched some of his lectures when he was still teaching at U of T

Attached: watt.jpg (801x992, 272K)

He was doing jungian interpretations of Disney movies at his university. The fact that he blew up did nothing but reveal how little he really has to offer intellectually. For fucks sake he only wrote 1 book before cashing in on self help.

Is this legit? It seems to confirm some of the things I've heard from his former academic colleagues that he is pretty much a mentally sick weirdo.

Yeah I read his Maps of Meaning before he blew up; comparative mythology in the vein of Eliade and Jung with a modern psychophysiological twist. Shame he turned into a hack, he could have been so much more.

the alt-right denounces him as a shabbos goy lel

They even call him "Juden Peterstein" heh.