New to books...

New to books, someone give me a hard rule for deciding whether I want to continue or drop a book after X amount of chapters.

Surely you can manage that? You better not say "it depends".

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Awful fucking thread. Retard.

here u go

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>New to life, someone give me a hard rule for deciding whether I want to continue or kill myself after X amount of birthdays.
You should have done it 4 birthdays ago.

Kys retarded nigger

I don't know why you guys are being so mean, with anime there's a 3 episode rule. Do books really not even have this concept? lmao

Read the first word. If you like it, read the subsequent word. Repeat as necessary.

what the fuck lmao

>with anime there's a 3 episode rule

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fuck this gay shit book desu

Take your age. Subtract that number from 100. If you aren’t liking the book by that number of pages then ditch it.

I'm 109 years old, when should I ditch a book?

In that case, decide after you read the last nine pages

based ancient e/lit/ist

It's becase Yea Forums doesn't read books for fun. Literature isn't entertainment like anime, it's supposed to be an art form, something to expand your horizons. There's value even in unpleasant books, which is what a lot of people consider most masterpieces.

By asking your question you reveal not only that you cannot discern which books are worth reading, but you can't even appreciate a book beyond momentary pleasure. Therefore you should kill yourself, at least on the eyes of Yea Forums.

I mean, I'd rather die than be a pleb like you.

keep going

>Literature isn't entertainment
>it's supposed to be an art form
these aren't mutually exclusive, you fuckin pseud

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It does depend. With anime it may be three episodes, with trash lit it may be fifty fucking pages, but with more quality lit, you may do a good third if not half the book before deciding.

Don’t worry. There is something wrong with morality. Even though I have faith in God I can recognize that.

If no one takes you seriously that is their fault, not yours or mine. If you felt it was right to do that earlier, that’s because it was right, and just. You are a very intelligent woman.

I feel I almost don’t need to add that I’m :3


Just finish the books you start. It doesn't take that long. You might find that you get something even out of a book you hate. The only legitimate reason to drop a book is hitting the library return deadline.

the three episode rule is misleading. it works for most anime, but the amount that you miss out on for following this rule (see, for instance, Steins;Gate picking up six episodes in) leads me to believe that the actual rule should be 25% of the show or 12 episodes, whichever is smaller

hey, it's me again, just realized that this rule still forces one to drop Eva far before it gets even remotely good, so never mind, do whatever you want, there's no consistent rule

>YA trilogy
Don't start.
>fiction or historical account
Read the whole book.
Drop it after you killed the author.
After the last page.

I drop most things I read literally on the first fucking sentence, or if not then on the first page.

Anything that can get me past that I usually finish, even if it's shit.

Hard rule: if you are meh by chapter 3 or first major plot action, dump it.

Reason: this is the oldest part of the book, should have gotten the most hone and polish if the m/s is not ghostwritten. Most books go downhill from there; the ones that have upswings tend also to have kino opening chapts.

It depends.

never dump a book
finish everything you start