post good woman authors
Incel repellent
dumb incel thread
>good woman authors
>good frogposters
jane bowles who called herself krippy the kike dyke.
women can’t write good prose, only poetry
Roastie roastie
Got the toasty
Makes a poastie
Seething mostly
Djuna Barnes, Elizabeth Hardwick, Virginia Woolf, Barbara Guest, and Anne Carson. There, that’s all of them.
Why DO you hate incels, OP?
They are a group of tragically ugly/autistic men who, despite their lot in life, choose honesty over self-deception.
I don't hate incels as a group, i just hate incels who get triggered
Not OP, but I think it’s pretty easy to hate incels. They spend all their time moaning about not having female attention, rather than moving on with their lives. I understand many of their frustrations and I think they provide lots of valid criticisms against how young women are attracted to men. BUT the constant moaning and groaning is very frustrating.
If you’re actually forever alone, accept it and try to find shit that you want and can get. Humans can be incredibly cruel, etc but you have to find something that you can do and love rather than sulk all day.
I wouldn't rely on Shelley too much, it's getting sketchier and sketchier how much Percey helped her. My favorite is Flannery O' Connor though.
I hate most writers who are from the 19th century, or are British sooooo that’s a veto from me.
Willa Cather
I know she took poetry her husband made and incorporated it into the book, so I'm not that surprised
Don't worry, the incel uprising is coming and it's going to be an epidemic. We can already see a few breaking, running over normies with cars and shooting them haphazardly. They won't "move on" but they will eventually move forward and stop whining.
Even if they got laid, they would quickly realize that there is no escape form their existential hell
I’m sympathetic to their frustrations, and technically qualify as an incel myself. I just get very very tired of them going on and on about “foids” when hey, maybe you could start trying to do something you enjoy. I know, I know. Crazy.
nice story of yourself
Yeah, agreed there. I definitely thing incels need to go with the "Man in the Mirror" philosophy over getting bitter every time. What trips me out is how normalfags seem to egg them on. Like that Joker trailer had all the creeps on Twitter saying "Oh boy, another white fragility film. Bet THIS will cause a shooting" It's creepy as fuck.
O’ Conner is based.
Also Ursula K. LeGuin you troglodytes.
She looks devastated
>marginalized social groups tend to complain
Stop the fucking presses. Should anyone who's dissatisfied with their position in life just shut the fuck up and "do something they enjoy". It's hard to enjoy something when the entire social system is built to fuck you over even if without open oppression, just ask blacks during Jim Crow
krippy the kike dyke
if you post any of the Brontë's, you are objectively incorrect
b-b-butterfly! I loved you!! how could you say such a thing?!?
Maturity is commonly defined in modernity as "calm acceptance to contemporary conditions" it's a profitable butchering of being stoic and also the reason there is so much positivity propaganda in the mainstream. In some areas certain negative feelings are even crimilized as hate, and these laws will progress from individuals to groups to concepts.
Do I have to read The First Sex before getting this?
You are the first sex. Does your own sex confuse you?
Maybe there's room for a prequel
the prequel is Genesis 2:7-20, if you're curious
Read de Beauvoir
stupid tripfag. when will you learn
Did you bother to crack the code?
You gonna make anonymous squeal some more with your trolling?
>using a 'secure' trip
gtfo you stupid tripfag
How about you just get over it
Go find a thread you like
get over what lol? that made no sense in the context. at least you ain't using a tripcode anymore. I'm content with one less faggot
based thread
In what way is not getting sex being marginalised? It’s such a petty thing to complain about, and certainly to kill people over.
>Jim Crow
Not the best analogy considering that a large number of material opportunities where robbed from blacks via legislation. This sense of entitlement over sex is very much a product of living comfortably in a first world nation.
It’s also a product of toxic masculinity, but good luck getting self-identified incels to admit that.
Sex as it is seen and done is basically like sleeping drinking and eating for most. Its easy to say sex doesnt matter when you are already having it or coping extremely hard.
How about plath?
Yet people can live without sex and have done for centuries. Like I say, you concern yourself with sex because all your other material needs are met and society has taught you that you’re entitled to sex.
>it's such a petty thing to complain about being deprived one of the most desirable things ever and shamed for that LMAO just over it dude
Youre right but there's a bit more to it. Not so long ago it was common for people to discover sex with prostitutes (sometimes provided by their fathers) and if you hadn't sex you could be condidered pure or virtuous or channel your frustration into art or scholarship.
Nowadays seeing prostitute is unthibkable for most of the middleclass, not having sex means you're a chump, scholarship is increasingly marginalised outside of specific venues where it's buried under its own weight anyway, monasteties aren't neaely as revered as they used to be and the rules of courtship are getting more confusing by the year. On top of that financial independance is ever harder to appear.
I'm no reactionary but it's easy to see how those circumstances add up to monumebtal frudmstration.
I'm drunk sorry
Jim Crow was not oppressive towards blacks. Access to white capital, land, and society is not a human right.
>choose honesty over self-deception
>Jim Crow robbed material opportunities from blacks via legislation
Okay, I'll shoot. How is the welfare system not a form of legislation designed to transfer net wealth from men to women.
If you unironically use the word incel I automatically assume you haven't touched a woman in so long you decided to become one.