This is the closest we're getting to an Infinite Jest movie, lads.
This is the closest we're getting to an Infinite Jest movie, lads
Infinite Jest would work way better as a mini series anyways.
I think it would work in animation. It's cartoonish in tone imo. I think It's Such a Beautiful Day sort of gave me an IJ vibe.
You know the guy play's Dwight's weird cousin in The Office? That guy owns the film rights for Infinite Jest. I'm not kidding.
the guy who plays* ffs
>Schur [name of the actor/producer] collaborated with The Decemberists on their music video for "Calamity Song" from the album The King Is Dead. This video is based upon Eschaton, a mock-nuclear war game played on tennis courts that David Foster Wallace created in his 1996 novel Infinite Jest. Schur wrote his undergraduate senior thesis on the novel, and he also owns the film rights to it.
You now realize the office is a new sincerity wet dream
>The head office guy's name is David Wallace
Come on now, you can make it more subtle than that.
only someone who doesn't know how to appreciate literature would ever even want an IJ movie
the Office (American) is completely insincere and totally loses all of the sincerity of the British office
this is why I hate Yea Forums. most of you tards don't actually like reading. you want your movie so you don't need to think, or process. that completely defeates the point of reading, and everything DFW was against. if you understand DFW, you would never want to watch the movie version
I'm sorry this topic upset you. I hope you have a good week.
>"The movie rights were sold soon after the book's publication, but don't count on anyone actually filming it. "I'm in the odd position of having taken the money and hoping that it doesn't get made," he said in a 1997 Boston Globe profile. "And I'm feeling confident it won't, since the chances for eighteen-hour movies are small, unless they wanted to dispense catheters upon entering the theater."
>owns the film rights for Infinite Jest
>made a sitcom secretly devote to Infinite Jest instead, mega-hit gamechanger
>still can't even start the movie
all along the infinite jest film adaptation was the friendship he made.
thank you. I'm not upset. It's something I'm passionate about. when you read your brain is going though a theta waves processing. it's completely different than your normal thought processes. visuals, (movies) can never cause your brain to have theta waves. there is something very "magical" (trite, I know, but how else to put it?) about reading. this cannot be overstated. if you really don't feel this, I suggest you keep trying. It is difficult, but the payoffs are better than you would expect. this was everything DFW was about and was expressing with his work. to put it into a movie it pointless. it makes no sense. I wish there were more people above the age of 20 on this board who actually understood these thing. unfortunately, your generation got fucked with no attention spans
Is that biopic flick (or whatever it's supposed to be) worth watching? Before or after reading his work?
retard lol
Shit movie
>Nicholas Cage plays the screenwriter for this movie trying to write the screeplay for this movie
>he also plays his fictional twin brother who is the Chad to the actual screenwriter's Virgin and also a screenwriter
>the movie ends in a hollywood carchase after a deus ex machina convinces the screenwriter to make the script more exciting without using a deus ex machina
what's the literature equivalent of this?
something really really bad, that is probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my whole life, everything it represents as a piece of art is disgusting, it is a bad movie that just points out to the audience "hey, we know it's bad!" and everyone feels clever and self-aware and contemplative about how this movie knows that its a movie, it's to drama what deadpool is to comedy meow
its sooo completely masturbatory to the point where the director literally masturbates in the film to deflect that critique just by going "hey, I know it's masturbatory!" This is the worst movie, oh my god meow
In that it sucks, yes. Kaufman even said he has no rebuttal to accusations of onanism, he just said he stops reading critiques because they make him feel bad. Fucking faggot.
You mean the DFW who was intimately into film? Lower your elitism, film can have the same amount of depth that literature (or any other art for that matter) has.
in what way is it a bad movie? the direction is great, the dialogue is hilarious and the meta script fuckery is quite engaging, not to mention the themes of writing and self-hatred are explored quite well
"muh masturbatory" is not a real criticism
The direction isn't the problem, it's the writing. The screenplay consists of Kaufman writing himself into the movie as a character going "oh my god I'm so pathetic I wrote myself into the movie how pathetic do you have to be?" and me, see through this facade of self-awareness which is completely meaningless goes "yeah, that's pretty pathetic." Kaufman wants to impress the audience by being as self-aware as possible and is self-aware of that self-awareness in the screenplay, with monologues of him thinking about how people are going to think he's a genius. The screenplay deflects all necessary criticism simply by being 'aware' of itself, like how Deadpool's humor is only funny because it is aware of itself. The film will engage in boring tropes and uninteresting sequences but it's aware that they're tropes, remember its Kaufman's fictional brother that wrote that part, and this part, and even when there are gray areas of writing like when Charlie "smartly" corrects his brother by saying something about Ouroboros, it's unclear as to whether Charlie wrote that thinking it was smart, or his fictional brother wrote it thinking it was smart, either way though, the film deflects any criticism through it's self awareness or through Charlie's fictional brother.
tl;dr Self-awareness is the laziest writing tool ever.
kafuman is the biggest pseud filmmaker besides lars von trier they're either 14 year old reading camus tier (synecdoche new york) or 16 year old autistic introvert with a voyeur fetish stuff like adaptation