What books can I read to better understand the "trannification" of the youth?
I'm under the impression that it's also part of the crisis we're going through, but I only hear people talking like it is a strategy to wipe out the white race, or a ploy to make people obsess over sexual freedom to make way for a communist dictatorship.
I'd like to hear a more serious author take on it. And please, keep /pol/ posting to a minimum, thank you.
What books can I read to better understand the "trannification" of the youth?
Essential article from 2000:
Same reason why being schizo was hip in the 00's.
butterfly's diary desu
Surely transification would be a better term
also what's the deal with starting "What are books on this topic /pol/ made into a meme" threads but adding "please don't /pol/ post". You're not fooling anybody
t. seething discord tranny
The term was offensive, I'll give you that. The question is genuine, though, and considering we're on Yea Forums I'd just like to bypass the usual jew thing.
It is very contagious and spreads through safe spaces. I believe anime was the original catalyst, lonely men wanted to be like the happy go lucky friends in the cartoons
There are no books on it afaik but there should be. Market demand will only increase the phenomenon.
The sissification of western civilization
Discord has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.
The residue of animal twang in your nerves transmits imminent quake catastrophe. Zero is coming in, and you're on the run.
There is not a 'trannification' happening to the youth. What you are seeing has always existed, a small minority of mentally ill people, that has always occurred among the population (crossdressers in the 30's, trannies of the 70's. etc)
You just think it's something common and new because this is the first time it's socially acceptable to be obnoxiously vocal about it.
it's the same as all the sturm und drang conservatives drummed up over gay marriage
You don't need any books to understand the way communication technologies have spread the presence and vocality of those who were previously quarantined geographically to sub-sections of urban hubs, but there should be (but may not be) a good book on how the introduction of gender theory into widespread public discourse through these channels has actively produced dysphoria. It's absurd to suggest not a single person has been introduced to the concept and not thought "woah, maybe, that just might explain my personal failures" where they would have otherwise lived a normal life.
What you should read is stuff like The Second Self (Turkle) and whatever you can find on computer-based roleplaying. Possibly Hayles' How We Became Posthuman for thinking of embodiment. This material will not be agreeing with you on its face, but should help you understand how such mindsets and behaviors can emerge from computer use.
Whipping girl by Julia Serano
very interesting read
I wasn't implying it was offensive, just that it didn't sound as nice as my alternative
I would read it
Also to answer OPs question it is the result of lonely,horny and porn addicted young men with low self esteem and a lacking sex life coming head to head with anime shit and degenerate online echochambers run by Israeli funded radical feminists
>written in 1979
Crossdressing hentai manga
hahahaha this is tragic
Porn and anime can induce autogynephilia in alienated men.
Transgender History by Susan Stryker
Can confirm. Once I got into anime I started wishing I was a cute girl and I'm saying this without a shred of irony, I'd press the button. I've also started jerking off to being dicked by big strong men when I had no such feelings before
are you still that degenerate or do you have some self respect now?
anime doesn't cause such things
it just inspired you to stop repressing preexisting desires
wow, thank you for this. truly a clown world
Trannies are literally the emo/scene kids of our time. Just this time they cranked it to 11 and are fucking up their lives even harder.
Forbidden Scrollery
Wild and Horned Hermit
Hyperbolic though you are, you're probably not all wrong in the assumption that the sexual liberation of women has lead female to female empowerment and an ability to pick their partners themselves which, in turn, has left *a lot* of young men as incels. They're nonviable and unattractive with no inherited wealth, power or influence to make up for it, and as a result they will get rejected by all women they encounter, as abject failure is the single most unattractive trait to any female when selecting a mate. After all, who'd want to rear children with a partner that cannot take care of any of their basic needs? Females of virtually all species where males are dominant will put up with a lot of shit from their partner if they provide them with a sense of security, let alone food and a decent nest.
So, what are all these young male rejects to do? Well, they can either lash out in rage, isolate themselves and live a life of constant escapism through media that triggers positive reactions, or they can try to become female, expecting the same kind of empowerment when, in reality, few will ever achieve that.
What they fail to realize is that when they attempt to transition, they're stepping into an already overcrowded arena of women, attractive and unattractive, all fighting over attractive males. In short, they've left an effectively neutered existence as a male behind only to enter the female free-for-all (and women are born viciously competitive - they have to be if they wish to retain a particularly attractive male in an environment where they're constantly challenged) at the bottom of the hierarchy. Less attractive women will defend them because if you make it morally unacceptable to reject unattractive female partners they've improved their own odds, and some attractive females will defend them in a bid to make themselves look more attractive by feigning compassion - a desirable trait that, as we've seen with the rise of the grievance-industry and its female activist figureheads, can increase your status and reach, thus making your appear more attractive.
Other women - probably the majority - will reject them, the say way they reject gay or bisexual males, because they're a threat. They're are a minority within the hierarchical structure that might appeal to a niche audience of prospective male partners that become effectively unreachable for the female in question. If you've ever wondered why a lot of feminists are hostile towards the gay, bi or trans community, it's because they see them as even more competition for attractive partners in an already overcrowded space.
Sex and Character desu
FtM trenders are fucked, testosterone isn't a pussy ass hormone like estrogen, it will fuck you up proper.
you don't even know me hahah shut up you dogmatic fuck
The Minimal Self by Cristopher Lasch
Roided up psychologically unbalanced women. Surely that's going to end well.
This is a nice story, and it makes logical sense if you accept all the assumptions about human nature, but I think were governed by drives than maximising our utility in some kind of free market of sex.
According to Darwin, animals evolve to maximise the propagation of their species, but not every male necessarily has to reproduce to aid that goal. The world youre describing is some kind of Marxism where the ruling class is replaced with sex-havers.
You REALLY wanna know who's fault this is? You're not gonna like the answer.
Not him but please share your insights user/anonette
More like landificatian ha am I right
Transgenderism is backdoor transhumanism.
>you will never look like this
Yea Forums. Yea Forums is the place that the word trap came from and eventually entered the (sort of) mainstream conciousness. Yea Forums is the place where trap porn got popularized and where many trap pornstars made their fanbase.
(Actually now that I've read the thread it sort of fits in withand ).