"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences must be accelerated for human prosperity and ecology."
Tedfags BTFO
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It's nice that Ted is being taken as a serious threat by the ambassadors of modernity now. It means it's he's no longer so outside the overton window they can't really comprehend it.
if hr's so smart why he not cut stupig hair?
Can we get a shoop of Pinker wearing a rainbow wig and a clown nose?
Science retards still trying to cope with the fact that STEM doomed us
lel, that time Pinker said that cosmopolitanism maximizes human empathy had me crying in a fit of laughter. The guy is the ambassador of clown world.
I always liked teds autistic vitriol against "techies" he's not nearly as passionate about hating academics, or larping feel-good hippie environmentalists or whatever.
More impressive computers and data analysis techniques definitely does make ecological work easier. Genome sequencing is really useful for understanding how different eco-zones are set up, how different animals are related, how this could potentially cause things to play out in the future. But at the same time very basic things like roads can cause ecological disasters. For example, Black-capped Vireos are being decimated by Brown-headed Cowbird populations. Brown-headed Cowbirds are brood parasites (like Cuckoo birds). Before humans, Black-capped Vireos has relative protection in the form of deep forest habitat as Cowbirds do best in edge habitats. However forest roads cut scars into deep forest habitats and allow brood parasites to proliferate an a never before seen rate. The solution to this is Wildlife Biologists setting up cages and snapping the necks of female cowbirds. This is very effective and has helped Black-capped Vireos rebound.
>tl;dr: Yes technology is helpful for ecology, but the fact that we're in these areas is what's causing all the problems to begin with
Unfortunately you can't close Pandora's Box, and I'm not even going to touch the issues power brings to the environment.
Also who is this pinker cuck?
We want to save the whales
We'll go watch them feed,
Buzz around them in boats
'Til they won't breed
Just here for the ride
Then we hop with the jet set tonight
Check out them Indians' ancestral art
Some of that would look cute up on our walls
Yeah, suit it just fine
When you hop with the jet set tonight
We'll hire out some poachers to go steel their dolls
Who cares if they're sacred-they look awful cute
National Geographic found a stone age tribe
Let's feed them their first hot dogs on film
Won't that be a prize
To show the jet set tonight
Pinker is a billionaire brap fetishist.
>talking about climate change
>cites the Thames and London fog
Jesus Christ
t. oversocialized rebel
I'm not sure what you mean, did you interpret "i've always loved..." as not sincere? That his lack of the same vitriol for other groups he refutes a criticism of his character or arguments against techies?
>watch more porn goy it makes your brain evolve
It’s just a joke, mon
As we used to call him back in the day steven pink eye
Is this a joke or not?
did the assman read nick land?
The more the earth decays the more important he becomes. Ted and land will be two of the most important philosophers of the 21st century. They just arent recognized now because one is a terrorist and the other is an amphetamine addict schizo.
In this post cold war, multicultural world, were there is no longer a linear history and the only thing to expect in the future is more capitalism, It seems there is no longer anything that binds us.
But there is one thing that binds everyone, technology. For better or worse. And land and ted realized that
You mean Kramer?