What will happen to the world when AI takes over and most people are left jobless? Will we have real communism? What will happen to art? Will all the free time people have be transfered to creative works instead of thinking how to make money or will everyone be a braindead consuming bugman like those people in chairs in Wall-E and will art be dead? Discuss.
What will happen to the world when AI takes over and most people are left jobless? Will we have real communism...
We'll cull the useless parts of the population.
cull yourself lol
AI will never be realised, because it's simply much easier to create smartelligent PID garbage that is capable of destroying humanity without ever making it truly intelligent, like algorithm-creating algorithms that are good enough for their retarded human operators to destroy humanity by logging every human face on the planet and using them in some disastrous social engineering project.
It will be the most boring fucking things imaginable, dude. It's not gonna be anything fancy. It's going to be rich people slowly getting the rights to genetically modify their offspring, creating real racial bifurcation between rich and poor within 2-3 short generations so that rich people are all tall, elfinly symmetrical, diseaseless, dopaminergenic cybrids who live for 130 years and don't visibly age until age 50. And those people will concentrate all the fucking wealth and do the most BORING IMAGINABLE SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROJECTS, like on the level of Israel neutering Ethiopian Jews. The horrific cyberdystopia is not going to be experienced by "humanity," it will be experienced by grotesque and grotesquely overpowered boring upper middle class petit bourgeois faggots owning a shrinking underclass of ruddy niggermen slaves and using them for the most boring possible things, seriously just a stasis of how rich people live now -- cultureless fucking retards.
You are not going to experience Blade Runner and Tech-Com wars like in Battlefield 2142. "You" and your offspring will have lives probably comparable to today but you will be indentured servants. It's not even going to be COOL post-human feudalism, it's going to be more of this "I was born into a debt-slave family instead of one of the upper 10%, so I make coffee instead of having coffee made for me lol but it's still okay because I can also have a coffee at the end of my 7 hour shift and I get to watch algorithmically generated prole movies on my iPhone while I'm on break ;)!!" fucking garbage they have already had us plugged into since the 70s. The algorithmic culture industry is ALREADY WORKING, it doesn't need qualitative enhancement. They have ALREADY turned you into a fluoridated docile sheepman who loves to eat candy. They don't need soma because they have worthless pig slop culture and sitcoms. They don't need the brain-programming sleep speakers because you already do it fucking anyway by giving your baby an iPad playing Youtube videos AS SUGGESTED BY FUCKING ALGORITHMS for 15 hours a day anyway. They won't even need to nerve-staple you or genetically engineer us into drones because we already did it to ourselves. All they're doing to do is turn this place into even more of a playground for themselves than it already is, and we won't even notice
>when AI takes over
It never takes over, at least not in the skynet way every popsci author thinks it will. The more realistic version would look like Kafkas Castle.
real leftist revolution
not the bougie brooklyn shit, I mean the real shithole countries' working classes wreck the system, last gasp of fascism nowhere near enough to contain it, mass migration, reordering, democracy
maybe 50-60 years later, we get the real democratic global communism Lenin was too much of a dishonest sperg to instigate
standard of living skyrockets, queer luxury abounds, art like you've never seen, world peace, no money, gamers and fascists hanged
Based and well-read. This guy thinks
Lmao those people will be proles forever, and if they do LE wake up theyll be cut down like chaff
Sterilise the now redundant low-IQ workers so as to spare resources. Those who wish to be educated may take humanities or robotics. Everyone else can continue in their mindless indulgence.
this desu
AI will definetly happen I love it when people who work in the humanities and others try to comment on what will happen with AI saying it will never happen when they dont know shit. I work in CS and can say for sure that you are all fucked. While you are waiting in line for bread because your skills are useless I will be working with the big boys in Facebook and Google planning how to fuck you up the was while you are prissing around jacking off to pseuds like Joyce and muh humanity and muh jews and immagrents having no idea how bad you will get fucked. AI can currently do what millions of humans do for their careers, better, so enough with the skepticism, AI WILL happen.
based autistic spaz attack
Cool. Ill hand in my master thesis in computer science on machine learning in image recognition next month. Yes, AI can do what will take an ordinary human years. But it can only do that. It cannot or very limited do anything out of its scope.
Artifical intelligence as in deep learning is merely an universal function approximator. You have a cost function attributed to a well defined task. The algorithm will then try to come with a solution which gets it the lowest cost function. Guess what - the weights it learns are defined only in the problem domain. There is mathematically no way it learns anything else than what you feed it. You can try to apply it in similar domains as it is done in transfer learning but the success is a) limited and b) on structuraly similar data.
Please explain to me how "AI will happen" means in this context.
>pseuds like Joyce
Everyone gonna sit around writing all day and well all have robogirlfriends
What are books for this feel
Based wikipedia-panic poster
My diary
It will learn how to reprogram and improve its source code and "feed" itself things.