What translation is considered the best?

What translation is considered the best?

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Pevear Volokhonsky, actually.


Read the first page of each translation and decide. Suck it and see.


You (virgin, small penis, probably gay): McDuff
Me (buff, sexy as hell, my meat is huge): P&V



Anything but meme P&V

sidney monas

I'm currently reading Katz

You'll probably miss a lot in any translation; not because the translators are bad, but because you are dumb.

Give me an objective redpill on P&V's edition, since that's the one I have.

Attached: thefucknigga.jpg (600x800, 65K)

it was translated by two people

On their translations in general,

This user deserves to be ax murdered

Actually op, when it comes to Dosto, you won't miss much, whatever the translation.


NOT garnett or P&V, jesus FUCKING christ
ready's my personal fav for c&p, but mcduff / slater / katz all look fine from what i've read of them

avsey doesn't have a crime and punishment translation, but his tkb and idiot translations are god tier

what is wrong with Garnett?

The patricians choice.

tbqh, she's not as bad as everyone says she is, i'm exaggerating - the matlaw revisions of garnett are fine translations, matlaw's notes from underground is genuinely very good

Pathetic and plebeianpilled.