why do people in bookstores feel this is acceptable?
Why do people in bookstores feel this is acceptable?
Shitty upbringing. Low class parents.
t. classy and elegant Asian
talk shit post fit
i want her to step on my balls with those high heels
I've only seen children doing that. I live in Germany.
I used to do this back when Borders/B&N were still big. One of the good things about faceless, monopolistic chains is that you can feel okay about disrespecting their spaces and chipping away at their profit margins because the fact that you read Watchmen in the store and never buy it isn't going to make the difference between a red or a black quarter for them
Why is it not?
We should introduce death penalty for such offenses.
i wish she'd knowingly leave that mess there for me, a low class peon, to clean up and give me a smug look as she walks away
Based and Ständegesellschaft pilled.
because they're not reddit
Trashy kpop weeb confirmed
I've literally never met a classy asian in my life. The girls are all whores and the men are all beta fags who's only desire is to make lots of money.
I'm talking about Asians living in Canada by the way.
god I wish that were me
>sorry ma'am, there's no reading allowed on the floor unless you take your shoes off and let me smell
rich foreign kids are all the same whether they're from England, Russia, China, Nigeria, the gulf states, anywhere
That's because classy Asians are out of your society circle and reach. There is no way for you to ever know or get close to them.
that's why bookstores should have a small sitting area
I live in the U.S. and I've never seen this. Most bookstores have tables and sofas. Wherever it is, it was considered remarkable enough to take a photo.
there are no "classy" people. People with means and taste are just as dumb and venal as anyone else, you just have to talk to them for more than 3 minutes to discover it
>t. thinks his third generation millionaire parents are "upper class"
Is she having a cry in the vegan cookbook section?
Is this what it looks like when Stacy hits rock bottom?
are you still a neet koz
my parents watch fox news and didn't have a garage until their 60s you airhead
>implying a Stacy would ever wear stockings and heels with a fucking knit l o l
Of course you would confuse a Susan/Barbara with a Stacy. I forgot this is Yea Forums.
clean my castle prolefuck
how is a qt pure one named?
you tell me what's worse, posting on Yea Forums when from my windowless 10x4 cell or from your highrise with the puddled blackout curtains pulled shut
doesn't matter to you, insect
your genes
You should read about the British aristocracy, they held themselves to very high standards both in their public and personal lives. You tend see that criticized, subverted and derided but I can't help but admire their dignity.
that's a man
I'm not criticizing their manners or composure for a second, but the difference between the wealthy and the common in terms of ethics or education is purely aesthetic at this point
this happens in every bookshop in england
imagine watching talkies
you ever imagine accidentally walking in on one of those public masturbation vids they shoot in libraries
shopping for books at second-hand bookinist booths, i always feel like a retard when screening the lowest shelves.
what am i supposed to do? bend in half with my ass up, making the spine ache in no time? slav-squat (i'm in moscow so that's relatively acceptable)? kneel on one knee?
what's your opinion? considering the lowest shelf is big and contains a lot of books to skim though.
you know what to do gopnik
this is just your average american. entitled as shit and refuses to accept any responsibility for anything. anyone object? play, gender/homo/race/handicap card; local news will be there in a jiffy listening to how offended you were for not being allowed to act like a obstinate child.
I must disagree, at this point the wealthy have been completely inverted. They adhere to an ideology of licentiousness, use their means to spread degeneracy, call no nation their home and have nothing but contempt for the common man. The middle class is vastly preferable in morals and sentiments. But in the past they saw themselves as wardens of civilization. They practiced the arts, beautified their surroundings, avoided decandency, saw religiosity as a duty, and felt responsible for the well being of the whole +It was clear that in conflict they were supposed to lead on the battlefield.
I feel like there needs to be a complete reevaluation of the class system, we clearly lost a mechanism which bound society together.
What? Are you such a colossal faggot you're afraid that people will laugh at you if you don't follow the proper used bookstore browsing etiquette? Or are you just so out of shape you're worried you can't get back up if you go down?
I don't see a problem as long as she puts those books back when she's done.
Then again, she probably won't.
Imagine being this much of a delusional, revisionist romantic
>it isn't going to make the difference between a red or a black quarter for them
Until it does and they're not big anymore.
She didn't. OP stole this pic from reddit
This is basically a 6 or over educated 7 who maintains this childish veneer to attract beta orbiters.
No, I have no illusions and I'm not romanticizing man in general but I've actually read a lot about the aristocracy. Their moral expectations are very clear, that they might individually fall short of them is also clear. But you do not compare with the saints, you compare with what we have today. I mean the aesthetics alone tell the whole story of what we lost.
projecting much?
the OP pic itself is about uncultured behavior at bookstores
whatever makes you feel better :)!
>6 or 7 lmao
you are revealing yourself too much by that high ass estimation. sad. . . . . . .
im friends with xi jinping
I'd love to "orbit" her, if you know what I mean
history is written by the victors you gull. of course the only reliably literate class wrote glowingly of themselves
I'm fine with them going out of business, unlike with a small boutique
i have seen this same thing in many bookshops in asia
>implying you have been to every place in Asia other than what you found on mainstream trip advisor or yelp
>and that you've met every asian that speaks for every other asian
stfu weenie ass . you wouldn't even know where to begin.
Yea Forums is for smart people. please leave
But they didn't. They were highly critical of themselves. You'll hardly find any literature glorifying the class system. Especially since most literature comes from people who were not in the upper ranks. What I'm talking about is their moral system which you can perceive through social novels. The expectation society had of them, what allowed them pride what commanded shame. this you compare to today. The framework, not the individuals. Also look at how many aristocrats sacrificed their lives in the world wars. How many upper class kids died in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan? The essential difference is that the aristocrat was woven into society, there were obligations he had to fulfill or he became a pariah, a black cloud would hang on their entire house. This does not exist for the rich today, they can do whatever they want.
let me guess. you read nietzsche lmao ;) XD!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
>Yea Forums is for smart people
could have fooled me.
any social action that isn't directly relating to purchasing anything feels dirty to me
I had a fucking fat fuck with purple hair walk in with a Siberian husky and it kept barking and trying to chase me whilst in the Camus section
Faggot, leave
squat, leglet
god i want her to spit on me
i imagine a leglet, on the contrary, could just comfortably bend down to the lower shelf. if you have long legs, it's harder
im talking about leg strength. only a leglet would question whether or not to squat. the answer is always squat
then it's based and legpilled
sitting for a long time is tiring on your lower half, but i can squat for hours without rest. it's truly a patrician reading position.
leg strength has zero to do with how comfortable you are at the bottom of squat
Imagine her riding your dick behind a section no one visits and she’s Whispering into your ear ASMR TRIGGERED, about how good Crime and Punishment is
And then she takes her panties off let’s you taste them and then moves towards speaking about Tolstoy, gets up, spits on your dick and starts talking to you about Tolstoy whilst slurping like a hoe
anonkun youre gonna make me nut, no homo
i worked in a bookstore for 6 months ama
why do people in bookstores feel this is acceptable?
what is the shittest thing you've ever witnessed? i'd imagine people do some retarded things
The dream aint it fellas
on second thought there's not a thing of interest to say about it. the customers made a mess of the shelving, my coworkers could only talk about video games, comic books, "adult cartoons", and podcasts, and the work was so easy as to be spiritually and mentally draining in a way i had never experienced before.
i'm landscaping now and I feel much healthier and less chronically tired.
don't work at a chain bookstore
Noblesse oblige might be the word you're looking for.
who is that skank?
you doin a pull list up ‘ere OP? maybe some zone maintenance?
I’m so glad i’m about to leave this shitty fucking job
this is fucking autism right here
good read and good luck on the road ahead, brother.
If i see someone sitting like that, ill call my homies and we'll jump her/him100%
are you a fucking retard, imagine seeing a man in a bathrobe in 705 with a bunch of scrolls around him reading. fucking baby just step over her
I haven’t seen this happen in England once. If it did they would be met with dirty looks and tuts.
Unless you are including London as part of England, then I’m sure this might happen.
I'm so lonely bros I wish I had a bookstore gf
i would generally count london as part of england, yes. though i live in oxford and i see it happening all the time with no controversy
you have us
N-no homo
No the original context was someone who worked at a library or bookstore spotted her posing for instagram photos or some shit with those books, not reading them, and she later left without cleaning up anything.